In Medias Res, I Dream in Technicolour

In Medias Res, I Dream in Technicolour

Jungkook has always had strange dreams, but the first time he remembers dreaming about the future was on a cold morning when he was seven years old. 

That morning he had woken himself up crying due to a nightmare. He doesn’t understand why he would dream about the nice neighbour’s cat being flattened by a van, but it makes him upset. He calms down after his mum comes to collect him for breakfast, his hair and talking to him about how they are going to the park today to play with his cousin, and he soon forgets about the bad dream.

It is only in the late afternoon, as Jungkook and his mother are preparing to leave the house to go to the park, that he learns what the dream means. His mother gasps in horror as he stands on the front porch steps, trying to peek past the hand that covers his eyes. He doesn’t really understand what it means to die, not really, but the crumpled ball of white fluff across the road is terrifying nonetheless. He realises then that he is living the scene from his dream that morning.


Since then Jungkook has always paid careful attention to his dreams during the night, and even to the occasional daydream, although those are few and far between.

What he sees in his dreams range from meaningful life events (he has dreamt of Jimin passing all his units for the semester), mundane but mildly interesting happenings (Seokjin will spend longer on dinner tonight because he will burn the rice the first time), and completely irrelevant (he doesn’t really need to know that Yoongi will sit at his desk tonight and study, and also scratch his balls - although maybe that is significant and Jungkook isn’t smart enough, or rather, doesn’t care at all, to figure out what that means).

His visions occur randomly and the specifics of each dream seem to follow an arbitrary set of rules, but they are always highly detailed. His dreams are also almost always about his friends, and his premonitions usually come true within the next week. 

Jungkook has only dreamt about himself twice in his 19 years of life. The first time was during high school, when he once predicted that he would get a paper cut on his thumb whilst studying (cramming, honestly) for his economics test. The second time is equally underwhelming; Jungkook dreamt that he would tear the sleeve of his third favourite hoodie, catching it in the door of a taxi as he rushes to arrive only 10 minutes late to first year orientation.

For a period of time, Jungkook maintained a dream journal where he recorded what his dreams each day and organised them in lists according to whether they happened naturally as expected, whether he intervened and they occurred anyway, and whether he was able to prevent them from unfolding at all.

Near the beginning of his first semester at university, Jungkook once dreamt that Hoseok would trip over the row of shoes left near the door of the dance practice room, injuring himself badly enough that he would have to sit out of their latest routine. So Jungkook cleared the area around the door, taking care to remove any tripping hazards and yet two days later Hoseok still tripped over nothing anyway, spraining his ankle and causing him to lose his solo in the dance.

Another time, he foresaw that there would be a riot at a concert Jimin was going to and he had warned Jimin not to go using a combination of creative excuses and convoluted lying. Jimin made him swear on his signed G-Dragon album that he was "not playing a prank on his kind and benevolent ChimChim hyung who is cool and not short at all". Regardless of all the trouble, the next day Jimin still got swept up in a protest happening downtown and lost his wallet as a result.

At the end of the six months Jungkook belatedly realises that there is only one section of the book that remains carefully blank and there are no entries under the heading 'SUCCESSFULLY PREVENTED’.

There are a lot of unknowns regarding his ‘gift’ or ‘curse’ but there are three things Jungkook knows are true.

  1. If he sees it in a dream, it will happen in some way or form in the near future
  2. Jungkook cannot control what he dreams about
  3. Jungkook cannot dream about what happens to himself

This has led him to become a rather closed-off individual. He does not often reach out to new people and tries to avoid personal interaction in general. Although rare, sometimes his visions will appear in the form of hyper-realistic daydreams that cause him to space out for a minute so Jungkook also tries not to talk too much in case he gets caught in the middle of a sentence.

Lately he has taken to wearing headphones all the time to prevent new people from approaching him.

The only ‘social’ activity he allows himself is dance club, and this is how he met Jimin and Hoseok. Those two had attached themselves to him immediately in his first week and they are so exuberant that Jungkook hardly has to involve himself in the conversation, instead he finds himself listening along and nodding at the right moments.

He had known Yoongi distantly from high school and became closer to him when they realised they shared the same music composition class. From there, Jungkook learned that Yoongi and Hoseok apparently roomed together in the same apartment block as their friends Namjoon and Seokjin, and that is how Jungkook somehow ended up in a ragtag friendship group of six.

The thing about friends though, is that it can be difficult sometimes, knowing things in advance like Jungkook does. He knows that today the dance instructor is going to lecture Jimin on his technique and single him out in front of the class. He also knows that Yoongi’s computer is going to crash at midnight and the older boy is going to lose all the new tracks he has been working on, and there isn’t anything Jungkook can do about it.

It can also be difficult sometimes to keep his gift a secret when he never appears genuinely surprised when unexpected things happen. (Also when you have friends as perceptive as Kim Namjoon.) Seokjin once tripped and fell down a flight of stairs in the apartment hallway. Whilst everyone else panicked, rushing down to help him and yelling for help, Jungkook watched expressionlessly as he waited for Seokjin to recover from the shock on his own, standing up unharmed in after 5 minutes.

He’s considered telling at least one person about his secret, but it never really seems worth it in the end. Jungkook knows he can get them to believe him if he tries hard enough; it should be easy to predict something and then prove it to his friends when it actually occurs (he also has a decent amount of dirt on each of his friends due to his dreams; he has once seen the type of that Namjoon gets off to but he really doesn’t want to ever talk about that if it is not a life or death situation).

No, the problem is what even is the point? If his friends know about his dreams, what difference does it make? The things that he dreams about happen anyway, and it feels like Jungkook would just be spreading more stress and anxiety to his friends with no positive outcome. He has already made his decision. Jungkook will keep this secret to himself, even if it makes him feel a little weird or a little desperate, like he will bend and break under the weight of an unchangeable future.

Jungkook accepts that this is just his way of life and he doesn’t dream of anything changing in the near future.

Evidently, Jungkook was wrong.

Unexpectedly, while Jungkook wasn’t looking - or more accurately, wasn’t dreaming - his friends have welcomed a new addition to their group in the form of a cheerful boy with a boxy smile named Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung is a little different from what Jungkook is used to. He giggles at everything, wears ‘artfully’ ripped t-shirts, and watches TV commercials with the intensity of a man stranded in the desert staring at an oasis. But there is something else about Taehyung that is different.

When he introduces Jungkook to the orange-haired boy, Jimin gestures wildly about how he met Taehyung about a month into the new semester when the two of them were the only poor, unfortunate students to show up to the 9am Theories of Contemporary Art class before realising that the lecturer had sent a mass email that morning informing everyone that he was sick and class was cancelled. The two had hit it off after deciding to grab coffee together, bonding over a mutual disregard for student emails (because 'who has time for university issued email accounts anyway') and discussing increasingly outlandish scenarios for the lecturer’s sudden absence (Taehyung had looked deep into Jimin’s eyes and solemnly stated that he had 'already lost three professors to explosive diarrhoea this month').

Funnily enough, biology PhD student Namjoon also knows Taehyung because the boy tends to show up at the bookstore every week to buy new highlighters when Namjoon is working his shift and has taken to following Namjoon around as he shelves the new arrivals, chattering about what he thinks of each book. Taehyung also likes to say hello to each of the stuffed animals that are dispersed around the bookstore along the way. Namjoon thinks the boy is cute.

Seokjin adds that he has also literally bumped into Taehyung twice this semester alone, as they wait for their daily caffeine intake outside the coffee shop where all the sleep-deprived university students conglomerate.

Whilst this is an interesting coincidence and all, it is downright strange that with so many interactions with Jungkook’s friends, why has Jungkook not dreamt of this boy before? He recognizes the faces of many people in his dreams that he has never actually met in person. He has seen friends of his friends show up multiple times before, enough that he has even dreamt about Jimin’s friend Sungjae cracking a watermelon open with his forehead (although he’s not entirely sure if that actually occurred since Jungkook has no way of checking, nevertheless it seems like something a friend of Park Jimin's would do).

The fact that there is a Taehyung-sized hole in Jungkook’s visions bothers him for the next week.

It is only when he is walking towards the university square to meet Taehyung to exchange textbooks (they are sort of mutual acquaintances now, he supposes) and watches Taehyung crash into like six political science students holding flyers that Jungkook realises that he doesn’t dream about Taehyung in the same way that Jungkook doesn’t dream about himself.

Since the incident all those years ago with the neighbour’s pet cat Hamster (who the names their pet after a different animal? actually, Taehyung probably would), this is the first time in a very long time that Jungkook has truly watched something completely unexpected happen right in front of him.

Kim Taehyung is decidedly different.

Kim Taehyung is refreshing as .

After that, Jungkook begins spending a lot more of his free time with Taehyung.

It’s nice because everything that Taehyung does is new to Jungkook, he doesn’t have to worry about faking his reactions or watching his words. For once, Jungkook feels like a normal college student doing stupid things with his friend just to see what happens. Even when they all hang out as a group, Taehyung’s presence alone somehow blocks out any premonitions about any of his friends.

Jungkook feels lighter and happier than he has in years.

“You’re different these days Jungkookie,” Seokjin says to him warmly as they wait for take out, “Taehyung is a good influence on you. I’m glad.”

8:30am lectures in the winter are a terrible idea created by university coordinators with terrible time management skills, Jungkook thinks as he gazes unseeingly at the flowery lyrics his professor is writing on the screen. From his vantage point in the back of the lecture theatre, Jungkook can see that today there is an attendance rate of around 60%, which is honestly not horrible for a class as early as this. The only reason why Jungkook is even here is because the class is a core component unit and he makes it a point to attend at least half of his lectures, since he is paying for them.

Around half an hour into the class, Jungkook hears the back entrance door open and someone approaches the row that Jungkook is in. As he turns to look at the late arrival, the boy in the grey hoodie looks up and Jungkook is surprised to see that it is Taehyung.

Taehyung flashes a quick smile and shuffles down to sit next to Jungkook.

“Hey Jungkook! What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were in my class?” Taehyung whispers as he starts unloading his things onto the table.

“More like what are you doing in my class, Tae? I don’t think you signed up for Modern Music and Linguistics." Jungkook replies as he moves his bag to the other side to give Taehyung a bit more legroom.

Taehyung blinks slowly as his mouth drops open a bit. “You mean this isn’t Photography, 9am?” he asks, eyes flickering between the professor and the projection screen.

“Nope,” Jungkook says, popping the ‘p’ sound at the end of the word.

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows “But I’m sure this is the right theatre, I remember because I went to the wrong one last week. Don’t tell me I missed another email,” he whines as he pulls out his phone to check if he missed any notices. “Nothing, it’s the same schedule as usual, Photography 2, Wednesday, 9am.”

Taehyung tilts the screen of his phone for the younger to verify his timetable. Jungkook notes that the Rilakkuma case around the art student’s phone is missing an ear. Cute, he thinks.

Trying to keep the amusement out of his voice, although he is probably failing, Jungkook informs “Uh, Tae, it’s Tuesday today.”

“Oh. That would explain it.” The older boy states, fluffing his hair with his hand.

“It appears that you woke up early for nothing.” Jungkook says, thinking that he hasn’t been paying attention to what the lecturer has been droning on about for the past 10 minutes at least.

“That’s okay, I guess. It’s not for nothing. I can just keep you company instead!” Taehyung chirps, entirely too chipper for someone that woke up before 9am for no reason.

Jungkook watches as the boy busies himself with his tablet, occasionally reading lecture notes, but mostly he appears to be doodling cute pictures of elephants and rabbits that live on the moon.

During the break, Jungkook asks Taehyung why he likes elephants so much.

“It’s not just elephants, I like all sorts of animals.” Taehyung squeaks as he accidentally moves the elephant’s eyes to the end of its trunk. He continues as he hits the undo button, “But I’m drawing elephants because my body has an elephant too. Want me to show you?”

Jungkook looks up from the other’s tablet to stare at him blankly. It’s probably not what you think, Jungkook thinks as he flicks his gaze downwards briefly, Taehyung is too pure for that.

Jungkook is mildly alarmed when Taehyung starts shrugging out of his hoodie.

“See? I have two moles here and when I pinch the skin, ta-da! Instant elephant!” Taehyung cheerfully exclaims, wiggling the elephant’s ‘trunk’ around.

The lecture resumes shortly after and Taehyung has moved on to sketching a family of vegetables who are moving house from a saucepan into a larger pot.

The younger boy can’t quite keep the smile off his face. He notices the girl who had tried to talk to him at the start of semester staring at him in shock from across the aisle. This is probably the most social he’s been in this class all semester, he thinks.

Jungkook and Taehyung both have a break from 1 to 5 pm on Thursdays, which is how they find themselves meeting up in the food court for lunch every week.

Today, Jungkook has opted for a spicy chicken roll but is beginning to regret his decision. Should have gotten the pulled pork, he thinks bitterly. His companion looks up from his own soft shell taco and chews loudly before swallowing. Jungkook thinks it looks sort of wet and lacking substance but he seems to be enjoying it.

“There’s a sale on snapbacks on at the moment,” Taehyung mentions between mouthfuls, “You wanna go? I’ve been kinda interested in one for a while.”

“Yeah, sure.” Jungkook replies automatically. You can never have enough snapbacks, he thinks as he imagines the pile of hats that he forgot to take with him from home. He’ll have to wait until semester break before he has a chance to go back and retrieve them.

“Great!” Taehyung smiles in reply, all teeth, “It’s right next to a pet shop as well. I heard that they just got in new bugs that roll into a ball when you poke them.”

An hour later, the two find themselves surrounded by shelves and shelves of hats.

“I’m pretty sure they have the one I want. It was here last week, I hope it’s not gone already!” Taehyung says to Jungkook before promptly disappearing behind a shelf of hats that have wings sprouting out of either side of the head.

It has been about 20 minutes and Jungkook still cannot decide between the black OBEY cap with white lettering or the red one with black lettering. Maybe I should just get both, he thinks as he considers his last paycheck. He’s broken out of his musings by a loud “A-ha!” sounding from around the corner.

Taehyung pops his head out soon after, “Jungkookie! Look, I found it!” He’s holding up a red hat with what appears to be a chicken on the front. “Also, look what I found for you!” Taehyung puts the chicken hat on his head and holds up a black oversized tee with the words ‘YOU CAN’T CONTROL MY S#!T’ emblazoned on the front.

“Neat, huh? I think it suits you.”

Jungkook supposes that it is his style, although he’s not sure if Taehyung just complimented or insulted him. “Yeah, it’s pretty nice. I’ll get it. Thanks Tae.” Jungkook says, reaching for the shirt.

Taehyung laughs and jerks his hand back, “Nope, I’m going to buy it for you!”

“What? No, it’s fine. You don’t have to do that,” Jungkook exclaims as he flails awkwardly and tries to grab at the other’s arm.

“I chose it, and it’s a present!” Taehyung shouts as he skips away, “Friendship present! Yay!”

“You know what, fine.” Jungkook knows when he’s beat, “But we’re not leaving before I pick something out for you too.”

He ends up settling on an orange and pink knitted scarf for Taehyung, decorated with tiny Calico cats, after the older boy had cooed at the kittens in the pet shop until they had all gone to sleep.

It is surprisingly not a surprise when Jungkook realises that he has started to like Taehyung unknowingly.

The realisation happens as Jungkook and Taehyung are sat next to each other on the floor of Namjoon and Seokjin’s apartment as the group watches The Dark Knight for the third time upon Jimin’s request. Taehyung is mouthing along to the lines in terrible English as his watches like always, when he turns and faces Jungkook, saying that ‘why so serious’ line in his stupidly deep voice.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung with that ridiculous expression on his normally handsome face, typical boxy smile threatening to come through the edges of his mouth, and is hit with an absolute wave of fondness and longing.

, he thinks.

Confessing to Taehyung is actually terrifying because he has no idea how Taehyung will react. Jungkook isn’t used to making decisions with no idea what will happen, his dreams (that he hasn’t even been having lately) cannot predict how Taehyung will respond. 

Does Taehyung like someone else? Does Taehyung even like Jungkook? 

Plus Kim Taehyung is a very unpredictable human at best, his sporadic actions tend to give Seokjin mini heart attacks on a regular basis. Although he is a kind person, so Jungkook supposes he probably won’t be too harsh if (when?) he rejects Jungkook.

But also this is Taehyung, the one person that Jungkook can be himself around, and the thought of losing the easy camaraderie they have is terrifying in and of itself.

Perhaps confessing is a bad idea. Do people even confess these days?

Jungkook stares at his phone, finger hovering over the send button. it, he thinks.

Me: hey Tae, do you wanna come over and watch a movie on sat?

, is that too forward? Jungkook panics as he watches the sending progress bar complete itself.

The ramyeon he cooked for lunch is sitting in front of him, little puffs of steam rising up. He feels nervous and twitchy, waiting for Taehyung’s response. It’s a new feeling, similar to the nerves he gets before performing a dance stage, but filled with about ten times more dread.

He feels too nervous to eat properly, picking at his noodles despondently. It’s about 20 minutes later, noodles soggy and cold, that he gets startled into dropping his fork by his new message alert.

Taehyungie: yes!!! that sounds gd! ill bring popcorn~~~ (*≧▽≦)/

Me: great, it’s a date then

When Jungkook opens his door on Saturday, Taehyung is standing at his doorstep bundled up in the Calico cat scarf that Jungkook bought for him, arms laden with three bags of popcorn.

“I couldn’t decide which was nicer?” He says, in way of greeting Jungkook. “I have salted caramel, cheese and garlic,” his face scrunches up cutely as he continues, “and plain old butter just in case it tastes weird.”

“That’s fine, I’ll eat anything.” Jungkook says, moving aside to let Taehyung in, “Especially since you brought it for me.”

The two of them are sitting side by side on his couch and Jungkook can feel Taehyung’s warmth seeping into his side through his t-shirt. It feels pleasant and comforting.

“So I picked up this horror movie,” Jungkook begins as he reaches for the remote. The TV flickers to life, showing the menu screen of the DVD. “It’s about this creepy doll, I think? It’s supposed to be pretty scary,” he continues, looking at Taehyung to gauge his response.

“What?” the older boy says, eyes wide with trepidation, “I’m not really good with horror movies.”

Jungkook smirks in response, “Oh? Well, this is supposed to be really scary. Even Namjoon hyung thought so.”

“Wait wait wait!” Taehyung shouts as he makes to grab at the remote but Jungkook is faster, snatching it up and holding it away. He grabs one of Taehyung’s hands in his free hand, and the other boy paws ineffectually at his shoulder.

“Jungkooook” he whines, drawing out the second half of his name.

“But isn’t it thrilling when to watch horror movies in the dark, right before bed?” Jungkook teases, stretching the remote even further away.

Taehyung splutters in disbelief, as he bats at Jungkook’s free hand with his own, “Who thinks so? I bet even Namjoonie hyung doesn’t do that!"

Jungkook indulges himself in the play-fighting for a little longer before he relents. 

“I’m just joking Tae, I know you don’t like horror movies.” Jungkook smiles as he pushes a button on the remote, switching the screen to Iron Man 3 that he had pre-loaded earlier, “We’re actually watching this.”

When the ending credits start rolling, Jungkook stands up and retrieves a paper bag from his room.

As he sits back down opposite Taehyung, Jungkook says “I bought you something.”

“Really? Like another friendship present?” Taehyung replies excitedly.

“Not quite,” Jungkook responds as he takes the present out of the bag. It’s a small lamp in the shape of a Tetris block. “It changes colour when you plug it in,” he points out.

“Ohh! That’s really cool!” Taehyung exclaims as he takes the box from Jungkook.

It’s kind of an odd present to give someone, but the bright and colourful lamp reminds Jungkook of Taehyung’s personality and he wanted to give the art student something pretty but that he could also actually use.

Fidgeting with his hands, Jungkook looks down at the lamp as he begins, “I didn’t really mean it as a friendship present, you know?” 

God, this is awkward.

Jungkook continues, “I mean, I like you a lot. As a friend, but also. I like you as more than a friend too, Taehyung.”

Confessing is overrated, Jungkook thinks to himself, why the did he think this would be a good idea?

“Oh.” Taehyung whispers.

Jungkook nods but doesn’t raise his gaze from the box in Taehyung’s hands.

Neither of them move for a few moments, before the box suddenly moves to the left. Jungkook’s eyes follow its movement uncomprehendingly and he finds himself with a lapful of Taehyung.

“I’m really, really happy that you like me too, Jungkook.” Taehyung says gently, gazing down at him with a fond expression on his face.

Taehyung’s mouth is less than two inches away from his, and Jungkook has to stop himself from smiling as he leans in to close the distance.

Jungkook’s dorm isn’t exactly neat or messy. It’s functional.

There are piles of sheet music and textbooks strewn around various surfaces of the room, and jackets, small electronics, and comic books litter the floor (which is visible, unlike Namjoon’s room, and clean, unlike Hoseok’s room) in a vaguely organized clutter.

In comparison, Taehyung’s room is filled with a lot of impractical things that take up space but are nice to look at. It is also very colourful compared to Jungkook’s dorm where everything he owns is mostly grayscale punctuated by the odd red item. Since Taehyung shares with two other dorm mates, most of his personal items end up in his room. He has a bookshelf filled with comic books and a couple of textbooks, a few posters of animal memes (although there is also a G-Dragon one, nice) and at least two stuffed animals per item of furniture. The Tetris lamp sits on his desk next to a photo of Taehyung’s dog, Soonshim.

(“This is Chuli,” Taehyung says as he holds up the stuffed white rabbit, "and this is Miae.” Taehyung pushes the orange toy kitten into Jungkook’s hands, concluding the introduction of the plushies that live on his bed.)

There is also a canvas set up that is angled towards the window. There are seven highlighters that are pinned to the top of the canvas with metal clips and Jungkook can see that Taehyung is letting the ink from each highlighter bleed down the paper.

“I’m experimenting to find a way to use highlighter ink with a brush. I’m not sure how that’s going, but it’s nice to look at isn’t it? It’s like watercolour but brighter.” Taehyung explains. 

Jungkook supposes it does look nice although the fluorescent rainbow stain is a bit of an assault to the eyes. It kinda unintentionally matches the lamp.

The art student continues, “Once I get it to work, I’m planning on adding glow-in-the-dark paint too. But it’s difficult since I go through so many highlighters so fast.” Jungkook’s eyebrows raise a bit at the thought of the glow-in-the-dark paint, and he turns to look where Taehyung is pointing. Next to the Tetris block, there is a fishbowl on Taehyung’s desk filled with the empty highlighter pens.

Since they started dating, Jungkook’s grayscale dorm is gradually starting to become more colourful (“And cute!” Jimin exclaims when he visits, “Is this even Jeon Jungkook’s dorm?”) as Taehyung starts leaving a couple of stuffed animals to 'keep Jungkook company at night when I’m not here’. One of the plushies Taehyung leaves is Miae, since Taehyung explains that he should keep Chuli since the kitten and rabbit are a set, and “We are a set too, Jungkookie!”. 

, why is his boyfriend so cute, Jungkook thinks as he takes the stuffed cat.

Some of Taehyung's clothing, that is not black, white or red, has also started spreading to Jungkook’s flat, including the Calico cat scarf from before they started dating. Somehow the black oversized t-shirt that Taehyung bought for Jungkook has migrated over to Taehyung’s dorm instead.

Jungkook thinks he likes how it looks on his boyfriend better anyway.

Jungkook spends most of his days with Taehyung now, and this means that his visions have mostly been relegated to the odd dream once or twice per week. It is a pleasant reprieve to not have the future dangling in the forefront of his mind all the time.

His most recent prophetic dream predicted how Yoongi and Hoseok would get into an argument in their dorm over who washed the whites with a pair of red pants, and how Namjoon would win an award for the progress he has been making on his marine research (no surprises there, really).

Lately though, Jungkook hasn’t been dreaming much at all. Or rather, he can’t remember his dreams. Instead, these days Jungkook wakes up tired, like he hasn’t slept for more than two hours even though his clock tells him that he had been sleeping for a solid eight.

Has he been spending so much time with Taehyung that whatever ‘blocking’ power Taehyung has has spread over to him too? 

This should be a good thing because it means that Jungkook’s ‘gift’ that he never asked for is finally going away and he can be normal again.

But why does he feel so tired all the time?

His alarm hasn’t started wailing yet, but Jungkook’s eyes snap open just before the clock rolls over to 10 am. He reaches a hand out to silence it but doesn’t make a move to get out of bed, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling instead.

He remembers the dream he had last night.

It was about Taehyung.

Jungkook tries to be rational about this. Despite whatever ‘magical powers’ he has, Jeon Jungkook has always been a level-headed individual.

He considers the facts. 

Taehyung has always been impossible for Jungkook to read since the beginning, before they even met, in the same way that Jungkook himself doesn’t appear in his own dreams. Since spending more time with Taehyung, Jungkook also hasn’t been dreaming much of anything about anyone.

Logically, this should mean that Jungkook has lost his powers and this is just a regular dream, Occam’s razor and all that, right? The simplest answer is the truth.

Or the simplest solution is that Jungkook had a vision about Taehyung.

, Jungkook’s never been good at probability.

The visions persist over the following nights with increasing detail.

The most recent one has Jungkook waking up at 5 am in a cold sweat, the details of the dream lingering in vivid clarity each time he closes his eyelids.

This time, Jungkook recognises the street and the cafe that Taehyung is walking towards.

This time, Jungkook can remember Taehyung’s outfit from his denim jacket to his green shoes to how many rings he has on that day.

This time, Jungkook has memorised the number plate on the car before the dream devolves into a bloody mess.

In light of his recent revelation Jungkook has taken to following Taehyung around like a particularly clingy puppy, much to his boyfriend’s amusement.

“Is this about making me wait an hour for you last week?” Taehyung asks as they walk towards the art department, “Because I told you already, it’s fine that you couldn’t leave your practical until you finished that piece. I get that, inspiration strikes when inspiration strikes, Kookie!”

“It’s not that, although I still feel bad about it.” Jungkook mutters, wrapping an arm around Taehyung’s shoulder to steer him away from people.

Taehyung slows down as they near his classroom, “Aww, Jungkookie. Did you finally realise how charming I am? Don’t worry, no one’s going to steal me away from you!”

His boyfriend reaches a finger out to press between Jungkook’s furrowed eyebrows before pecking him on the nose. Taehyung’s eyes are crinkling into little slits as he pulls away and Jungkook’s heart hurts. 

“Thanks for walking me to class! I’ll see you soon!” Taehyung exclaims as he cheerfully waves and skips to his class.

As Jungkook stands there alone, he thinks, at least his shoes were red today, but that doesn’t make him feel any better. Doesn’t stop his heart from feeling like its bleeding onto the ground.

Typically, after he has a dream, the event will occur within a week, usually much less.

It has been exactly one week since the clearest dream about Taehyung that had Jungkook waking up in a panic in the middle of the night.

Is this just a regular nightmare then? Jungkook thinks, tracing the dark circles under his eyes in the mirror. Am I just scared of losing Taehyung?

Jungkook sighs before finishing up his morning routine, firing off a text to Taehyung as he eats breakfast.

Me: good morning tae. see you after class?

Taehyungie: morning kookie!!! ~~~ヾ(^∇^) ofc can’t wait cu at 1~~~! ( ゚▽゚)

Me: i’ll come meet you at your class ok

Taehyungie: ya sure sure~ my clingy puppy bf~ (´・ω・`) kekekeke

After his class finishes, Jungkook makes his way over from the newer music recording rooms to the old arts department. 

As he waits to cross the road, he notices a black Audi parked by the post office. It’s not exactly an uncommon car or colour but he’s making his way over towards the Audi before he realises it.

Please. Don’t you dare. Jungkook prays as he walks closer.

The first two digits of the number plate are visible from here.

Please, please. No, no, no.

Jungkook moves two steps forward but he already knows the rest that follow.

This is the confirmation he wanted. 

This is the confirmation that his dream is not a nightmare but a steadily unfolding reality.

Jungkook is panting by the time he reaches the art building. Taehyung and Jimin are standing and talking in front of the abstract painting of a man screaming at the red and black shapes surrounding him. 

Jungkook’s always hated that painting.

Suddenly Taehyung raises his arms as he gestures to Jimin, who laughs and pretends to kick him. He’s wearing that faded acid-wash jacket and green converse, double-laced like always.

Jungkook must be a masochist because he’s already running over to Taehyung and grabbing his hands in his own. He ignores Taehyung and Jimin’s shocked silence as he interrupts their conversation.

Two on the right hand and one on the left.

One, two, three rings. As expected.

“Hello to you too, Kookie.” Taehyung giggles, swaying their linked hands gently.

“Yah, Jeon Jungkook! What am I? Chopped liver over here?” Jimin exclaims jokingly.

“Sorry, Jimin. It’s nice to see you too.” Jungkook says blankly.

The shorter boy shrugs it off, “It’s fine, enjoy your date. I gotta go hand in something before I head to my next class.”

“Wait! Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? Or we can go with you?” Jungkook says, louder than he intended.

Taehyung and Jimin both look at him in surprise. “Is Tae’s clinginess contagious or something?” Jimin jokes, “But it’s okay, I gotta rush anyways. I was just keeping Tae company until you got here. See you!” Jimin waves and Jungkook watches him as he leaves.

“Hey, are you feeling okay?” Taehyung questions, peering at his face. “Do you want to go home for today?"

 Jungkook twists his hands around in Taehyung’s as he nods, “Let’s stay home for today, Tae?”

“Alright, sure Kookie. You can head home first then, I just need to pick up the cake I ordered for Seokjin hyung’s birthday, and then I’ll meet you at home.” Taehyung says as he the younger boy’s thumb.

“No!” Jungkook shouts again, startling Taehyung. He lowers his voice, “I’ll- I’ll come with you.”

Taehyung looks a bit unsure but nods as they start walking. Jungkook can feel Taehyung's eyes on him, but the other doesn’t push for an explanation.

It isn’t long before they near the store.

“Are you really sure you’re alright, Jungkook?” Taehyung tries, as they wait at the intersection. “You look sad, and tired.”

“Just look both ways before you cross the road, Tae.” Jungkook says, tiredly.

Taehyung turns to face him properly, “Yah, don’t treat me like a kid, Jeon Jungkook.”

Taehyung shrugs out of his hands when Jungkook moves towards him. "Just answer the question,” he says, voice uncharacteristically serious.

“You mean a lot to me, Taehyung.” Jungkook says.

“You mean a lot to me too.” Taehyung replies.

Jungkook sighs like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I’m just tired. I haven’t been sleeping properly. I’ll feel better when we get home.” It probably sounds like a weak excuse to Taehyung, but it’s the closest to the truth.

Taehyung looks at him, before he says “Okay.” and presses his forehead against Jungkook’s.

“Okay?” Jungkook repeats.

“Yeah, let’s get you home sooner then.” Taehyung says, turning to cross the road.

For a second, it feels like the world has slowed down and narrowed in to Taehyung’s back. Jungkook feels like he is underwater and he can’t see properly, can’t move properly.

But it only lasts for a second, and Taehyung has reached the other side of the road. 

Jungkook feels like he’s just broken the surface of the water, can breathe again, move again. He runs over and sees Taehyung is already going inside the cafe, so he waits outside and just.


Taehyung pops back out shortly after, and says that there was a mix-up so it’s not ready yet, but they gave him this cute cupcake instead, 'isn’t it pretty?'

Somehow they make it back to Jungkook’s dorm and it is only then that Jungkook feels like he can relax.

Sitting on his couch cuddled next to Taehyung, he watches Taehyung eat the small purple cupcake with his free hand, their linked hands resting on the space between them.

Jungkook wishes time would freeze.

The next day Jungkook is in musical history class but he can’t concentrate on a single thing. His fingers are itching to call Taehyung just so he can hear his voice, make sure he’s alive. Instead he occupies his fingers with clicking and unclicking his pen, ignoring the guy in front of him when he turns around to glare at Jungkook.

He puts his pen down when his phone vibrates with a new message.

Taehyungie: cafe jus called cake is ready now so im goin to go pick it up!hav fun in class!( ̄へ ̄)

Jungkook’s fingers are flying across the screen but he makes so many errors that takes him twice as long to reply.

Me: class finished early. i’ll come with you

Jungkook wonders if Taehyung thinks he always sounds clingy and possessive nowadays as he stares at his iPhone, waiting for Taehyung to reply.

Taehyungie: k!! teh ugly green music bldg 2day rite?

Me: that’s the one. i’ll wait for you on the ground floor.

When Jungkook sees Taehyung the first thing out of his mouth is, “Why are you wearing the same thing as yesterday?”

Jungkook watches as Taehyung fiddles with his shirt collar self-consciously. “Well, I mean, I didn’t get a chance to do laundry yesterday, and I was just going to go to the cafe on my own so...” Taehyung mumbles in reply.

The last thing Jungkook wants to do is push Taehyung away. “No, sorry. You look fine. You look great, I mean.” Jungkook cringes, “I like you no matter what outfit you’re wearing.”

Taehyung’s face is always an open book and he flushes a pretty shade of pink in response. “Thanks, Jungkook. Let’s go.”

Taehyung takes his hand as they walk. It feels the same as yesterday.

It feels like déjà vu.

Taehyung checks both sides of the street before crossing the road.

It seems clear and he steps down, pulling Jungkook’s hand along behind him.

A black Audi approaches the intersection and makes an abrupt right turn.

The driver can’t see them and Taehyung can’t see the car.

Jungkook sees everything.

When Jungkook wakes up, it feels like he has been sleeping for an entire week.

His head hurts, his back hurts, and everything is white and smells funny.


He knows that voice.

He groans and turns his head, opening his eyes that have closed on their own again.


“Taehyung?” His voice feels scratchy and dry.

Taehyung is sitting next to his bed. His eyes look red and swollen, and he looks tired and sad, but happy also.

“You’re okay” Jungkook whispers.

“Shouldn’t that be my line? I’m not the one that got hit by…” Taehyung sniffs and ignores the tears that drip down his face, “You. Because of me." The tears continue to stream down his face and his voice is becoming more and more choked up, “You did that for me.”

Jungkook looks at the beautiful boy sitting next to him and thinks he would do again. “You mean a lot to me" he says instead.

That gets a smile out of Taehyung, even through his tears. “You mean a lot to me too, Jungkook” he replies.

The moment is broken by five other emotional boys bursting into the room.

“Yah, you punk! How could you do that to your hyung!” Jimin wails but the effect is ruined by his relieved smile.

“You really scared us kid,” Hoseok says, “even made this one cry,” he adds, pointing in Yoongi’s direction.

Yoongi just grumbles but doesn’t dispute the claim.

Jungkook turns towards Namjoon and Seokjin, as Namjoon says “Should’ve known you were tougher than that, right kid?”

“Right,” Jungkook says softly. “I’m not leaving anytime soon.”

Since the accident, Jungkook doesn’t dream anymore.

Another new development since then, Taehyung now lives with Jungkook.

“We’re a set, Jungkookie, so we should be together.” Taehyung explains, as he arranges the stuffed rabbit and kitten next to each other, “Just like Chuli and Miae. They look happiest when they’re cuddled next to each other, don’t you think?”

Jungkook looks at Taehyung in his room, smiling up at him and thinks, you’re the only thing I ever want to see when I wake up. Instead he replies, “Yes.”






  1. Jungkook says “" seven times throughout the fic. I made Taehyung say “damn" once but it felt too angry so I removed it.
  2. It’s never mentioned, but Taehyung’s dorm mates are Hyuk and Jackson, since Jimin shares with Sungjae. Also, the girl in Jungkook’s class that tried to talk to him is Youngji and the guy that glares at him is Hakyeon.
  3. Chuli and Miae are a reference to a line in G-Dragon’s Crayon, which is a reference itself to a 90’s K-pop duo.
  4. The ‘YOU CAN’T CONTROL MY S#!T’ t-shirt is a reference to Cypher pt. 3
  5. Taehyung mentions going to the wrong lecture theatre, going to class on the wrong day, and going to a cancelled class. I was wondering if that made him seem too ditzy, until I remembered that I have done all three more than once.
  6. I have a back story planned for Taehyung that actually explains why Jungkook can’t see him in his dreams, but doesn’t really fit in this story (and is pretty depressing! ;A;).

Thanks for reading!

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Sweet then intense. Thank you for the fluffy ending.
48 streak #2
Chapter 1: Wowoww at the end I was so on the edge just like wow i am speechless. This was really good!
shokubu #3
Chapter 1: Huhu, while I was reading about the accident part where it was the day before it happened, an accident really occured right in front of my eyes. I was like 'that 's freaky... What a coincidence.'
Anyway love the story. Hehe. Thank you.
PS: no one was hurt badly but it was really a shock.
Sar1900 #4
Hello:) I just want to say that I love this story a lot
Chapter 1: THE NO.6 ON YOUR A/N. I WANT IT.

anyways, this story is so beautiful, like so beautiful that i need more haha >:D
princessofanything #6
Chapter 1: Tbvh, I don't like it, I LOVE IT! wow authornim! This is really good. That vision powers of jungkook is daebak! Probably this is one of the most beautiful taekook stories.
Thank you for sharing this^^
And I can't wait for the back story. :)
Chapter 1: Wow, this has got to be one of the best vkook stories I've read in awhile. Thank you so much for writing it. I wouldn't mind hearing the backstory...
Chapter 1: IM LOVING THIS FIC SO MUCH its so cute and i really enjoyed reading this!! thank you so much~ ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
chuppoppo #9
Chapter 1: Author-nim~~ i really REALLY like your story~~ and i'm very curious about tae. Maybe tae also has abilities? Like he's one-day early of everyone else. Like Early Edition *did you know that english series? It's cool* keep writing, author-nim!! ^^
Lallun #10
Chapter 1: Omg I'm so glad there wasn't a sad ending. They're such a cute couple; I'd be so sad if one of them ended up dead or something.

And Taehyung's backstory sounds really cool! I'd love to read it. Throughout the entire story I was really curious about why Jungkook never dreamt of Taehyung.