[R] mayyoung

Ampersand Ads & Reviews [CLOSED]

Black Canvas


This took me a really long time because your story isn't the type I can read while half paying attention to my teacher lecturing, so I had to find time and really read it. With that said, I absolutely love this fic and I'm not really sure what I should write for this review. 

Your writing style and the way you describe things is really great. It's not over-the-top with fancy words, but the way you word things just gets to me. I actually want to just keysmash here, but that wouldn't be a very good review... 

I told myself after Baekhyun that I was done with painful love, with emotions so big and strong they choke the heart and so bright that they flicker out fast as fireflies. When I was 20, all I wanted was a love like the ones in the movies, a love for the ages, the stuff of legends, but now I know the truth about feelings so big they touch you deep inside - they can disappear just as quickly as they come. And when they leave, they leave you raw and they leave you empty, and in their place, a coldness that says, no, no, never, not again. 

This is so ughh. so good omg


Your grammar is good too, but there are some mistakes here and there. I'm pretty sure they're just typos, but you should either find a proofreader or look over your chapters before posting them. Here are some suggestions for edits in the last chapter:

She smiles at me and I know that I should feel elated: in a rush of mad artist energy, I finished the book.

Change the colon to a semi-colon.

not letting my interrupt --> not letting me interrupt


I love how you write Seoyeon's thoughts, but sometimes we (me. idk about the other readers) get too into her emotions and feelings, and we lose track of what's happening in reality. I think it would be better if you also describe the settings more, including the time of day, where she is etc. 

I also think it would help if you add page breaks or more space between paragraphs when there's a scene/event change. For example, in the last chapter, you can separate the scene with Meiying, the phone call with Taeson, the phone call with Baekhyun and the stuff after that. Right now, they kind of blend into each other. To me, it feels like the scene just keeps going too, without stop, and it can get tiring. 

Most importantly, I feel like I don't really know the characters, which is a problem with 1st POV stories, since our view of the others are limited. We honestly don't know much about Baekhyun, other than how he loved Seoyeon, left and came back. It'll be great if you can add more to him and the world, rather than focusing so much on Seoyeon's inner turmoil.

Also, I agree that love shouldn't be the only story we tell, but then again, I'm not very romantic lol.



Anyway, I'm not sure how helpful this review is, but I hope it is to some point. I love love love your writing and I agree that it's very underrated, but I tried to focus more on the parts that I think you can improve on.

Please comment after picking up and credit!



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[AMPERSAND] calling mayyoung


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Chapter 37: I'm so so sorry, but I've just finally got around to checking this review! But thank you for your advice I will definitely see to them ASAP! And of course credit will be given as well, thank you again for the lovely review!
toomuchsootuff #3
when will it open? 'o'
Chapter 34: Oh sorry, i just realize your comment today :\
Picked it :)

Thank you so much anyway :))
requested ^^
requested :)
weeps, i've already submitted the request form after encountering errors. thanks! ^ ^