Seven Seasons releases profiles for Harmony's Miya and Hyejin

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Seven Seasons releases profiles for Harmony's Miya and Hyejin
August 30, 2014 @ 8:58 pm
by moo-lawn1315
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Recently, Starkim Entertainment revealed two girls from their company that will soon be debuting in Harmony, C.HAE and Rose. Now, Seven Seasons has revealed two of their members, Korean member Mia and Korean-Italian member Hyejin.

This now means that members of Harmony are all revealed, in which fans are hyped up for as it means their debut is coming soon.

But just because many fans are hyped doesn't mean that some fans disapprove as many netizens have commented their thoughts on the fanclub website (comments are listed below).

SEE ALSO: Starkim Ent. releases first two member profiles for Harmony's C.HAE and Rose

+4596; -2306 : "Sigh, they remind me of all those wanna be 2NE1 and SISTAR K-pop bands. I mean look a the Moo Moo group. They aren't really sucessful and this is exactly what this wanna be group is going to be, yesterday's left overs.

+5698; -3687 : "Hmm...this company is really getting desperate. Block B left Stardom and LedApple is barely active. These two companies are getting desperate and now, they put togther rejects. The reason why you guys will never be sucessful because."

+7569; -5021 : "Wow, they are so pretty ^^. I can't wait for their debut because I bet you, they are going to be armed with talents. I mean look at Block B, EvoL, LedApple, and etc. Yes, they aren't that well known but it's as a whole group. Some of the members are pretty well known in the seen."

+5236; -2036 : "Crap, I already have to many bands that I like and this isn't helping at all. Like really? I told myself that I would stop but Harmony is alluring me with their looks T.T"

Below are the members profile :

Is Harmony going to be a dud or will the blossom and spread their seeds everywhere?

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frkingkwangsoo · Posted July 07, 2015 @ 08:55 pm
Ohhh~ Me likey <3 Hyejin is frking beautiful T.T While I'm here like, puberty, why have you forsaken me. 
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starlightstarbright · Posted July 07, 2015 @ 08:55 pm
OMG! Another girl group~ Sike. I really am not interested in them. They may have the looks but look at SM, they only have few who are talented and I bet you, these girls aren't talented.
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jessica_tiffany · Posted July 07, 2015 @ 08:55 pm
Can I get a little hope? Because this is the part where they say they don't want to hear your rude and hurtful comments. Like seriously people, if you don't like something why take the time out for it -_-
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pianoman · Posted July 07, 2015 @ 08:55 pm
Sigh, why? This is what I ask myself when girl groups try to copy their sunbaes.....
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Seven Seasons releases profiles for Harmony's Miya and Hyejin


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Kfroggs #1
penenglish31 #2
Request is send ^^
Kfroggs #3
Chapter 7: Haha, thanks again! :D
Kfroggs #4
Kfroggs #5
Chapter 4: Well that was quicker than I thought it would be. Thanks!
-mixing- #6
I'd love to help write some articles!
i can help write some of the all kpop articles ^~^
Kfroggs #8
Kfroggs #9
Hey, I have a question. Can there be more than one picture in the article?
penenglish31 #10
Chapter 3: I was send you a request in first day that you tell about this story. Did I need to resend it?