Chapter 31

Protecting The One

Eunji was silent the entire ride home. Hoya tried to talk to her the entire time but she only gave him short responses and nodding of heads. He sighed and gave up, thinking maybe she needed time to process all the information. In face, she was still thinking about Mrs Lee’s words. Hoya knew it.


*Mwoh?! Oppa in America?! She’s got to be kidding me. But then again, she didn’t look like she was kidding. How come oppa has never mentioned this to me before?*


“Eunji-sshi, Howon-sshi, we’ve reached.” Minhyuk said from behind the wheel. He could feel the tension between the couple as awkward silence held in the air. All he wanted right now was to hurry send them both back and escape from this awkwardness.


“Kamsahamida, Minhyuk oppa.” Eunji stepped out of the car, not waiting for Hoya. Hoya couldn’t just leave her like this, with so many things left unexplained. He needed to clarify it, to explain himself and assure her that he won’t be leaving to America. That would just be ridiculous. “Hyung, I’ll be right back.” And he left the car, chasing after Eunji.


Running forward, he pulled her back before she could enter her house. Eunji gave an annoyed look because right now, she was tired and confused. Despite all that, she couldn’t hide her curiosity. “So, you knew it beforehand? That your step-mom wants you to go to America?”


Hoya swallowed the lump in his throat and gave a small nod.


“And you didn’t think to tell me?!” She raised her voice. “It’s such a huge decision and you didn’t even bother telling me? I thought I was your girlfriend, I thought I deserve to know such a huge decision but no, I happened to find out when your step-mom asked if I wanted to join you. In America!” She stressed the last part. At first, she wasn’t that angry but the more she thought about it, the angrier she got. If Hoya is really going to leave for America, what is she going to do? Worst of all, how could he not tell her about it? When had he known? She felt the anger rising up to a level so high that tears were starting to form and she started crying.


Hoya didn’t want to see her cry like this. No, this wasn’t how the night is supposed to end. He wiped away her tears and apologized. “I… I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how to. Really. I’m not going to go, I promise you that.”


Eunji pushed his hands away from her tear stained face, leaving Hoya in shock. She had never ever rejected his advances before and this was the first time. Which meant that Eunji was really really upset.


Back at the Kim’s place, L was pacing back and forth. He couldn’t concentrate on his studies because Eunji wasn’t here. She was somewhere out there, having dinner with her worst nemesis and he wasn’t there to protect her. He could only trust his hyung to do so but he still feels uneasy that he wasn’t there himself. Furthermore, it was getting late and she still wasn’t back. The lights in her room were still switched off so he was getting a bit worried. He had a bad feeling in his gut and he knew his intuition was always spot on. It was then he heard some noises, as though there were people having an argument downstairs. Looking out of the window, he saw Hoya and Eunji at her front porch. They were arguing. L had never seen them argue before. Not once, not ever. Something was definitely wrong and he ran out of the house as fast as he could to stop the couple.


Hoya tried to wipe off Eunji’s tears again but she pushed him off another time. The second time. Twice, she had rejected his advances. Choking back her tears, she managed out her words. “W-why didn’t you t-tell me? I-I’m your girlfriend! What if, what if your step-mom forces y-you to go? Will you only tell me then? T-the day before you l-leave?”


“I… I didn’t want to hurt you.” Hoya lowered his head in shame. No matter how hard he tried to explain, Eunji had pointed out some truths.


“So this is not hurting me?!” She started crying harder, “you always keep things to yourself, and it’s like you’re not letting me in!”


“Eunji please….” Hoya begged. He wanted to hug her, to comfort her, to stop those tears from falling, but when he extended his hand, she took a step back. The third time.


L came running over to Eunji’s side. He knows he’s not supposed to intervene this couple fight but Eunji was standing there sobbing her eyes out. “What’s going on?” He looked at the two with seriousness in his gaze. Eunji grabbed onto his sleeve and held onto him tightly. “Shhh… stop crying. It’s okay Eunji-ah, shhh…” He then took her in his arms and tried to console her until his eyes flickered over to Hoya as if his gaze were asking him “what’s wrong?” Hoya ignored L’s stares and tried to talk to Eunji again.


“Eunji please, will you just listen to me?” He was getting desperate in trying to explain himself. He was so irritated by himself right now. If only he’d managed to tell her right from the start instead of hiding it from her, things wouldn’t have escalated to this mess.


Looking up with tears still falling down her face, Eunji shook her head. “Oh so now you want to talk to me? After hiding so many things from me, now you want to talk? I-I can’t do this. You’re my boyfriend, I want to know what’s going on in your life but you never bother to tell me anything. How am I supposed to trust you?” She looked at him with those sad eyes. The ones he hated seeing the most. Because it shows that he has failed as her boyfriend. “Myungsoo oppa, I just want to go in and rest now. Could you take me in?”


“Neh? Errrr…” L glanced at Hoya, afraid that he’ll hurt his hyung even more. But seeing Eunji this vulnerable, he didn’t want the both of them to fight even more. “Okay.” The two then went in, leaving Hoya outside Eunji’s front porch, alone, frustrated and upset. Hoya was so angry with himself right then and there that he kicked the grass and his hands ruffled up his nicely styled hair. At this moment, he realized how he had failed at being her boyfriend. And she was right.




L had waited for Eunji to finish washing up and tugged her into bed. He glanced at her soft features and her once pretty eyes were now swollen to the point that it was just red and watery. He just sat next to her at her bedside, watching her beautiful face, but Eunji wasn’t paying the least attention to him. She was thinking about Hoya.


Eunji felt hurt. And that was an understatement. It was as though someone stabbed her heart a thousand times and stood there to watch her bleed. All these while, she had tried to break down his walls but they were built up so high that she couldn’t even reach it. She thought that after the whole thing with his newfound family, he would be more honest with her. Guess she was wrong. Hoya had done it again—hiding away. Tears silently fell but before they could hit her covers, L reached out to wipe them away.


“I don’t know what happened between the two of you, but just to let you know, I’ll always be here for you.” L whispered softly.


More tears started to fall.


“I just wanted to be part of his world. Why wouldn’t he let me in?”


L moved closed to her and took her in his arms. He lay in her bed with her and gently put an arm around her, softly caressing her shoulder. “Shhhh. Don’t cry anymore… shhhh.” He tried to coo her so that she could have some rest.


Eunji sobbed silently in his embrace and stained his shirt with her salty tears. Slowly, she fell asleep in L’s arms and so did L. For the first time in a while, L got to have an intimate moment with her, but not for the right reasons. 




Eunji woke up the next day with no one beside her. Her bed suddenly felt empty and she felt like something was missing. *I’m pretty sure L oppa stayed through the night. Didn’t he?* She was about to get up from the bed when L popped in wearing an apron.


“You’re up already? I made breakfast.” L turned around ready to leave when Eunji called out to him.


“Oppa, gomawo.” L smiled back, oh how he wish he could wake up to this every morning.


During breakfast, L had insisted that Eunji stayed at home and rest since her eyes were still swollen and puffy, but Eunji was a stubborn girl. She didn’t want to stay at home alone where her mind would wander; she would rather go to school even though she had no idea how she is going to face Hoya. Right now, she didn’t want to talk him. Thinking about him just made her upset. L gave up trying to persuade her to rest, he know he was no match for her. Or more like he would just agree with anything she said.


School was pretty boring as usual but it was also because Eunji didn’t bother to pay attention. The whole time she was trying to avoid Hoya. From the hallways, to the lockers, to the classrooms. Every time she sees him nearby, she would take a detour and walk another way. However, the worst is yet to come. It was lunchtime, where everyone would sit together, which means she would have no excuse to avoid Hoya. Oh, and the rest of infinite didn’t know about their big fight either. It was going to be one hell of a lunchtime.


When Eunji bought her lunch, she hurriedly went to sit at one corner of the table. Then came Hoya, who sat right at the other end. He knew better than to sit close to her, she would definitely flare up again. Hoya knew that she’s been avoiding him all morning so he figured it would be better to avoid her during lunch as well. Couples need to give each other some space right? But the space between them was just a tad bit too much.


Sunggyu and Sungjong then came along with their food. Both could sense something was very wrong. The couple never sat far away from each other. Never. Even before they dated, they still sat next to each other all the time.


“Hyung, do you think they’re fighting?” Sungjong whispered to Sunggyu, trying not to let the both of them hear.


“I don’t know but it looks like it.” Sunggyu whispered back. Just then, a third head popped out of nowhere. “Why are you guys whispering?” the voice whispered, scaring Sunggyu and Sungjong out of their seats. Woohyun sat down in between them and smiled happily, not sensing the situation.


L then came over, only to see two empty seats between the couple. After a few seconds of consideration, he decided to take the seat next to Eunji. Sunggyu stared at him with an eyebrow raised and this time, even Woohyun stared at his actions.


The rest then came and they all noticed one thing. That the couple was not sitting next to each other. Eunji was feeling super uncomfortable at the stares that she just picked on her food, not wanting to each. L noticed her picking her food and he took a spoonful of rice and held it up to . She reluctantly took a bite and had some rice stuck to the edge of . Before she could even reach to clean it herself, L immediately used his hand and removed the rice.


Dongwoo stared at L as he watched the entire scene in front of him. He raised his eyebrows but continued eating without a word. Hoya too, had no appetite. He kept stealing glances at Eunji but she was avoiding his eyes and he knew it. After seeing L feeding Eunji and wiping , he felt jealous. That could have been him and he was the rightful boyfriend of hers.


Hoya stood up even before he finished his food, “I’m full. Enjoy your meal.” And he went to return his tray, which still contained more than half of his lunch left.


Without even having to say a word, the entire table knew by then that they had a fight. And a big one too. 







Hey there! So I said last week I might not be able to update this week because of finals but studying is too stressful and writing is obviously much much more fun haha so here we go! It's a pretty intense chapter I guess but the story is moving forward! The next few chapters will be more and more interesting I promise you guys! I sort of have planned out the next few chapters and I must say it's really exciting. I'm so excited just thinking of sharing it here hahaha. Anyways, so yeah the sweet couple had a fight and WHAT IS L DOING OMG L PLEASE. hahaha and Woohyung and Dongwoo seems to find something suspicious??? DUM DUM DUM *DRAMATIC MUSIC CUE* Have a great weekend everybody! Leave me a comment and I will definitely reply to ya! Love you all hehehe <3


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Fxdstar7 #1
I read this story again~^^ I know eunji in this story isn't jung eunji that I knew. But I always imagining her as jung eunji and I really ship her with my hoaegi, because I love hoya's sincere smile when they interact. And its really hard to find another ff about busan couple that as good as your ff :(
babyjongdae #2
Chapter 50: Uwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! It's really really good and touching. And infinite's style of jokes are everywhere lol. Love it so much! You are so talented!
Fxdstar7 #3
Chapter 50: You understand your readers feeling very well! This story ended up without leaving any regret ^^ and its soooo heartwarming >_< special thanks for myungs ending! ^^
Piakkk #4
Chapter 50: The ending is so sweet!!!! I'm so glad I found this story author-nim! Good job and I must say, I really love this story. Thankfully L found someone too or else I would feel so bad for him. And the last part was so true, about treasuring your loved ones and thanking them. It just makes me want to hug my parents and thank them for every single thing they've done for me. Also, thank you for being such a kind and inspiring author who never fails to reply to our comments (at least mine). will continue to support your other story and future stories as well. Author-nim hwaiting!
Piakkk #5
I'm so happy Eunji ended up with Hoya but I'm also sad it's ending soon!!!!! :'(
Chapter 49: YAAAAAS. Hoji all the way! I'm so, so, so happy! I think I'll be sad when the story will end but don't worry, I'll stick around till the end :)
Fxdstar7 #7
Chapter 49: is it true that you'll end this story soon? :( i'll miss hoji moment :(
Piakkk #8
Chapter 48: Omo this is really ending soon :( I will really be super sad when this story ends author-nim!!! I really love this story!!!!
Piakkk #9
Chapter 47: Awwww Hoya is fine and back I am so happy! Thank you author-nim for such a nice story I will miss this story so much when it ends :'(