Final Chapter

Hate Can Signify Love



As promised, here it is:



"I'm sorry, Dara. It's not you. It's me. I don't think I deserve you." Jaejoong, my boyfriend for 2 years, said as he shook and bowed his head.

It was 9 in the evening when he called and told me he was outside my house. You see, today is our 2nd year anniversary. I was waiting for him the whole day, hoping that we would celebrate this special day together. I tried to reach him on phone a thousand times and failed a thousand times too. The supposed to be romantic date I was imagining in my head turns to be just like that, an imagination.


So when evening came and I thought I won't see him at all, he called and that made me ecstatic. My sadness all went down the drain. I immediately went down thinking that he has a surprise for me. If God won't forbid, I was hoping that we will move our relationship to the next level, which was marriage. And what a surprise indeed. He really did want to move on. All by himself that is. He was breaking up with me.


"That's b*ll, Jae! I- I thought you love me?! So why are we having this conversation now?! Is there someone else?" I hysterically asked. He didn't answer and remained his head bowed.

"Goddamn it! Answer me!" I yelled to his face as I repeatedly hit his chest with both of my hands. The tears I was trying to suppress earlier suddenly escaped my eyes.


He held my wrists to stop me from hitting him. "I'm really sorry." he said as he shook his head. Jae then released my wrists and turned his back as he started to walk away. It pained me to see him go. For I knew he won't come back. Ever.


As I saw him vanish little by little, I wanted to call him back and beg him not to leave. But instead, I remained standing on my spot without moving a muscle. I stared blankly at the gate where he exited. With all of me drained, physically and emotionally, I sat on my porch as my tears continuously flowed. I hugged my knees as I let myself sulk for the love I thought was for me, letting the wind blew and touch my skin, hoping that the pain will go together with it.


"What a show!" a male voice boomed as I hear someone clapping. I immediately lifted my head and scanned the area to know who it was. 

"That was worth the fence-climbing act I did." the man continued. I turned my gaze to my left and saw my arch nemesis emerge from the dark. 

Can't this day get any worse? Of all people, why does it have to be my mortal enemy to witness my miserable and pathetic state? I wanna die!


Jiyong and I had known each other ever since I can remember. Before, I THOUGHT he was born to make my existence miserable. Now, I knew better. He really was born to do that.


It all started when I was in grade school. I was always the leading student, class president. Everyone adored me even my teachers for being so smart. That is, until a boy under the name of "Kwon Jiyong" transferred in our school. He became the top achiever. While me? I became second which he overshadowed. He beat me in every aspect where I was number 1 before. Sports, academics, test results, and even in popularity!


I tried everything. I spent my free time reading, reading, and reading some more but the results were always the same. Being the fighter that I was, I didn't gave up even though I know it was a losing battle.

When I graduated and became a high school student, I was so happy for I thought I will be separated from him and be the best again. So imagine my shock when I entered our room on the first day of class and saw him frantically waving his hand, pointing to the chair next to him for me to seat. Another span of years to endure his presence. Just my luck!


When we finish school and started our own careers, I was still a faithful member of NBSB or what you call "No Boyfriend since Birth". It was against my will. Wanna make a guess who's responsible for that? None other than the devil himself, Kwon Jiyong.


He would always make a way for my suitors to be discouraged and backed out. One time, when I was out on a date with some hot guy named Taeyang, he approached me wearing a scary expression and yelled at the top of his lungs: "What are you doing here?! You still need to feed our dozen of children, wash our clothes, and cook our meal! That's what a responsible housewife does!" Major embarrassment, I tell you.


If that was not enough, he bought the house beside mine and since then, we became neighbors. That explains the "fence-climbing act" he was talking about.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked as I sent him a dead glare. 

"That was better than watching dramas on TV." he continued as if he didn't hear my question. He then walk and stop in front of me.


"Not now, Ji." again, I buried my face to my knees and continued crying.

I felt someone sat beside me. Jiyong didn't utter a word but started to hum a song as I continuously cried. For the first time in my life, I was thankful to him for staying with me. Just his mere presence was enough to assure me that I was not alone. Added the fact that his voice soothed my soul.

"Why did you stop?" I asked as I lifted my head and turned my gaze to him.


“Free trial only covers that. If you want more, you have to pay.” He smirked.


Hearing that made me laugh. Just for tonight, I saw Jiyong as a friend. Maybe I can really consider him as one. Although we’re enemies as I like to put it, I’ve known Jiyong longer than anyone else. Even longer than Jae.


As I remember him again, tears started to cloud my eyes. I buried my face to my knees as I hugged it tighter.


“Why does it have to hurt this bad?” I said in a muffled tone.


Seconds passed and I didn’t hear Jiyong respond. So I thought he didn’t understand what I said. I shrugged my shoulders as I’m not really expecting him to reply.


“I don’t know. Maybe it hurts because someday, someone will come and take all the pain away. For you to treasure him more.” He said after a while in a serious tone. Far from the playful one that I’ve gotten myself used to.


I lifted my head and with questioning eyes, I looked at him. I saw him staring at me. His eyes projects an emotion I can't put a finger on. But before I can even utter a word, he grinned and was back to his mischievous self again.


He then leaned backwards with both of his hand “Though I doubt it if he will come.” He shook his head. “But since I’m kind, cool and handsome, I will sacrifice myself and marry you if ever he lost his way coming here.” He said as he give emphasis on the word “sacrifice.”


His hearty laugh filled the silent night as I continuously pinched him everywhere my hands can reach.




It has been months since Jaejoong and I broke up. At first, I thought moving on will be hard. For two years, he became my sun where my life revolves around. Although he wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, just by being with him makes everything else perfect. I really thought I won’t be able to move on. But I did. And that was because of the person I least expect.


Since that night, I saw Jiyong differently. He became my constant companion who will annoy the hell out of me so that I will not have the time to think of Jae. Whenever I feel like crying, he will make some silly faces to make me smile. Fetching me from work also became one of his daily routines.


The day after that night, I decided not to go to work and give myself time to sulk. I lazily lie on my bed, staring blankly on my ceiling as the pain I felt haven’t subsided yet.


Again, tears started to roll down from my eyes as I recount and reminisce the times I spent with Jae. I can already picture him as the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with.


But the trail of memories stopped when I heard a loud noise outside my window. I ignored it for I already have a hunch of who it was. I pulled my blanket up as I hugged my pillow tighter. Can’t he give me time to be alone and sulk?


As if answering my question, a stone wrapped on a piece of paper was thrown on my window. I stood up and read what was written on it. It says:


“If you want to commit suicide, save it for later. The mighty Kwon Jiyong prepared breakfast for himself. And since he’s KIND, he decided to give you some. Be grateful and come down.”


As I read his note, instead of feeling annoyed, a smile started to form on my lips. I immediately came down after I change my clothes and saw him standing on my doorstep, smiling widely as he patted my head and pinched my cheeks forcing me to smile.


His mischievousness that I hate was also became the same reason that puts an end to our rivalry. And the start of our newly found friendship as what I like to put it. I don’t know if I’m crazy but I somewhat felt happy with the result of my relationship with Jaejoong.


Maybe because if that didn’t happen, I won’t have the chance to see the real Jiyong behind the annoying mask that her usually wear.


He may be annoying and persistent at times but that was just his way of taking care of me which made him so sweet. He’s also impulsive and will drag me anywhere he wants. At first, I will complain, yes. But I will just end up enjoying the trip.


Little by little, I forgot Jaejoong and the heartbreak he gave. It’s as if everything did not happen and I was back to my old self again. The days without him which I thought will be dark was filled with joy and laughter. And I have one person to thank for that.


Kwon Jiyong.


My arch nemesis before.


The man I love now.


Yes. You heard it right. I love Jiyong. Maybe even more than I love Jae. That is, if I really love him before. Maybe it was just me living on a fantasy that I love him.


Because how can I not think of that if I never felt this happy with Jaejoong compared with Jiyong? So no one can blame me for falling for him.


Before, even though Jae was already my boyfriend, I felt I have to impress him so that he will not leave me. It’s like I have to please him for him to love me more. Every emotion he will give was like money that needs to be earned. I have to work hard for it. I thought that was fine, that it was how it’s supposed to be.


But I thought wrong. Jiyong made me see that. It was not earned. It was given willingly. And you should also be happy while in the process of loving someone.


So now, I have another problem.


I love him, yes. But does he love me back?


That’s the question I’m always asking myself since I’ve accepted the fact that I love him. He was nice to me and all but was that enough to think that he felt the same towards me? I don’t think so.


Why will he love someone who loves to stay at home over his fan girls who will willingly worship him? I, myself, know for a fact that I’m not ugly. But definitely, I’m also not as pretty as the girls who proudly declare their feelings for him.


If there is one word to describe myself, “boring” would be perfect. I’ve accepted that long before. I have nothing to be proud of aside from my ability to read 3 books all in one go.


I’m not the party type of girl who will be caught drinking on a bar in a middle of the night. I can’t also see myself as the model type who can be displayed and consider as the trophy girlfriend.


So how can Jiyong think of loving me when he have millions of those girls who would do anything just to have a piece of him?


I’m just Sandara Park, the nerdy, introvert, left-by-my-boyfriend rival of his who is madly in love with him.




“Who could this be?” I asked myself grumpily as I made my way towards the door. It was past 11 in the evening when someone “knock” on my door. Or should I say “wanted to knock my door down.”


I was trying to get some sleep as I lack of it these past few days. Ever since I’ve accepted that Jiyong now holds my heart, I tried to avoid him like a plague, scared that I might get hurt again for he has the ability to do that.


When I had my first heart break, Jiyong was beside me so that was not really a big deal. In the process of “healing” myself, I also learned to love him. So if ever I will be hurt again, who will save me?




So in order to save myself, I did the first move and avoided him.


“Wait! I’m coming!” I yelled as the knock became louder.


As I open the door and saw who it was, I immediately closed it but failed. I heard him utter “ouch” as he tried to stop the door with his foot.


“Sorry. It’s not my fault.” I said as I tried to close it again. This time, Jiyong stopped it with his hand. Being stronger than I am, he pushed the door open as I can’t do anything but to step back and cross my arms to my chest.


“It’s already late.” I said as I raised my eyebrow. “Lock the door when you leave.” I then started to walk and leave Jiyong behind.


"What the hell do you want?!" I asked him when I felt that he followed me.


"I love you" he said that made me stop from my speech. I was taken aback that all I can do was to face him and stare as if it’s the first time I've seen him.


"I-it's not funny, Ji." I replied after a while. I gathered myself that was messed up because of what I heard. "YOU.ARE.NOT.FUNNY."


"Who says I'm joking? D, believe it or not, I love you." he uttered as he looked at me. He then took a step forward as he placed his hands on my shoulders after. "I love that after I spend day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. I love the way you creased your forehead when you’re annoyed. I love the feel of your hair in my fingers. I love the sound of your laugh. I love it when you smile like nothing else matters. And it's not because I'm lonely."


He lifted his hand and started to caress my hair down to my face. Jiyong was looking at me as if I was the most beautiful woman that he ever saw. His eyes mirrored the sincerity his voice projects.


"I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." He said as he held my left hand. I bowed my head to hide the tears that is starting to cloud my eyes but failed as he lifted my chin and look at me in the eyes. "Dara-ah, would you let me spend the rest of my life with you?"


I covered my mouth with my free hand to stifle my sobs. Honestly, I wanted to jump out of joy and yell to the world that this handsome man is asking me the question any woman would want to hear. I want to hug him and say yes immediately. But I did none of those. I just stood there while looking at him, unable to utter any word as my throat felt thick.


"I hate you." I uttered unconsciously


Jiyong's eyes widened as if he wasn't expecting to hear that from me. The happiness on his face a while ago was now gone. I saw tears on the corner of his eyes though I wasn't sure for he immediately wiped it with his hand.


Jiyong stared at me for like an eternity and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. He then turned his back and without a word, started to walk away.


"Jiyong!" I called, he stopped. "Where are you going?" I wiped my tears with my arm. I took a deep breath as I continue when I didn't hear him respond, him still not facing me. "I have an endless list of reasons why I hate you."


"I hate the way you talk to me and the way you dye your hair blonde. I hate the way you smirk. I hate it when you stare. I hate your out-of-this-world fashion sense. And the way you read my mind. I hate you so much you make me sick. It even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right and the way you beat me in everything. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around and the fact that you care. But mostly, I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close. Not even a bit. Not even at all."


The sob I was trying to suppress suddenly escaped my throat. I ran to him and immediately hug his back. My eyes stung and my throat felt thick. I tightened my hug, feeling the fast beating of my heart. Or was it his? I'm not really sure. But does it matter? I love Jiyong and he loves me too.


He peeled off my arm and turned around to face me while wearing his smile that I hate. For just the mere sight of it makes me weak. "Silly. You scared me there." he uttered as he lightly pinched my nose. "Remember when I told you that someday, someone will come and take all the pain away? It took me a while to come here. But at least I didn’t lose my way. To be with you." Jiyong smiled. “So what’s the verdict, miss?” he asked while kissing every square inch of my face aside from my lips.


I closed my eyes then. "What verdict?" I innocently asked back. I peeped and saw him creased his eyebrows. I pointed my finger to his forehead. "You're scrunched up here." I said as I chuckle a little. "I know how to fix that." I placed both of my arms around his nape. Our lips millimeters away from each other as our noses were almost touching. I swear I can feel his breath fanning my face.


"I, Sandara Park, am willing to spend not just the rest of my life with you, Kwon Jiyong, but also my life after that." I smiled as I tip toed to reach his lips and share the first kiss of our eternity.




Thanks to those who subscribe even though I haven't posted the story yet. Thank you so much! I hope you're not disappointed with the outcome of this one shot. I made it in a rush. But still, I hope you liked it.


To the new readers, Thanks! And please comment after you subscribe. :)) That won't be too much to ask right? XD


--tonichua :))

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 1: Aaahhh..10 Things I Hate About You
eastseaa #2
Chapter 1: Arghhhhhhhhhh! This drives me crazy and I'm exploding with this hateful couples! Just keep on hating !! [and kissing heehee]
Chapter 1: cute. i know where you got the inspiration. i do that too :)
Chapter 1: it's a WOW.. bravo~
xxakai #5
cuteness overload *0*
i think jiyong liked her alrdy on their HS year o.o
moonwillow #6
really not disappointed love it super
mypurplesummer #7
that is so sweet. love it! :)
koreankendi #8
Gosh this is so sweet. Very good read! :)
congratulations bheshy.. as always even though i am a khuntorian, i LOVE your stories.. ^__^