First Kiss

First Kiss

First Kiss

As he crossed the street, L.Joe began wondering whether it was really a good idea to go to their dance practice room at five in the morning. He knew he lacked at some points of their new choreography, but he surely wouldn’t have admitted it to the other members, and asking for their help was an even less possible thing to do. That’s why he ended up being on his way to the dance studio while the others were still asleep back in the dorm.


After arriving to the main building of TOP Media, he greeted the receptionist girl, handed over card and asked for the key of Teen Top’s practice room. The girl quickly checked the keys in the drawer, then shook her head and answered;

“I’m sorry, but someone carried it away already. Isn’t it still a bit early for morning practice?” The girl asked L.Joe jokingly while giving his card back.

“Maybe it is, but anything for the fans, you know.” Came his answer accompanied with a smile. “Thank you.” L.Joe waved to the girl and headed towards the dance practice room.


Music was audible all along the corridor, and it got louder as he arrived closer to his destination; he soon realized it was Beautiful Girl - the song they were planning to use as an intro during the first week of No More Perfume on You’s promotions. And also the song L.Joe was there because of.

He went to the door and opened it as quietly as possible not to distract that band mate of his who was practicing this early in the morning. The boy, who actually happened to be Ricky, didn’t realize the older’s arrival, so L.Joe just stood still and watched him as he practiced the choreography and counted ‘one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight’ again and again in broken English.


As soon as the song ended and immediately started again, Ricky turned right, most probably to get his bottle; that was when he noticed L.Joe.

“Gosh, you scared me!” He took a step back and placed his palm over his heart, but his usual smile appeared soon after that. “What are you doing here?”

“Most probably the same as you.” L.Joe answered while grabbing Ricky’s water bottle from the floor and handing it over to him. “Want me to teach you the steps you kept on doing wrong?” he offered with a smile.


There came a few seconds of silence between them; Ricky’s cheeks got a light shade of pink showing that it bothered him that the older noticed his mistakes. He decided to drink first and answer with a simple nod afterwards.

L.Joe walked to the middle of the room meanwhile and held out his right hand towards his band mate. “Come here!”

Ricky put his bottle down and went closer while the older started to speak.

“First, you can’t dance while looking down and watching your feet. There are mirrors all around the room for a reason, you know. You have to watch your steps through those so you’ll notice your own mistakes.” L.Joe said while going to the CD player and turning the music off. He then walked back and stood next to Ricky.


“Let’s do it slowly, without the music, okay?” he asked and watched Ricky nod through the mirror. “Keep your right hand in a position as if you were holding a microphone, then lift your left leg and bend your left elbow.” L.Joe showed how to do it and Ricky copied his moves. “Now put your leg down and pull your left arm back, at the same time. After that...”



Not even half an hour later, as the song ended for the third time in a row, Ricky showed his happiest smile possible.

“I did it! I did it right this time, did you see?” His voice was full of happiness, pride and excitement.

“Finally. I thought we’ll stay here trying to do those simple steps all day long.” L.Joe teased the younger, but he actually was happy as well. And of course he saw; he was watching Ricky’s every step as if his life depended on it, but he wouldn’t have admitted it. Never.


The both of them sat down then, leaning against the wall with closed eyes, and spent around two minutes in silence. Silence, except for the sounds they made while drinking and for the melody of First Kiss.

“Hyung!” Ricky said suddenly and waited for the older to show he was listening with a silent ‘Hmm?’. Ricky hesitated for a bit and was happy for the fact that L.Joe kept his eyes closed so he couldn’t see him blushing - again. “Do you know... I mean could you explain...” he sighed loudly and then finished “...what a first kiss feels like?”

L.Joe suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his friend with shock as if he couldn’t believe that the question he heard really came from Ricky’s mouth. But then, after seeing Ricky’s curious look, he started to think about how to answer this question well.


“You know... it’s not easy to explain that with words. If you choose the right person to share it with, it is like having something soft and warm around your heart, and something that makes your stomach spin.” The older suddenly thought it was a pretty weak explanation, so he tried to find a better one. “Do you remember when the six of us were in the amusement park together and went to that super-big roller coaster? Do you remember how happy you were during that?” Ricky nodded a few times, so L.Joe continued. “Multiply that feeling at least a thousand times. That’s how great it makes you feel.” He finished with a smile.


The younger thought about it for a short time, and during that the song also changed; The Back of My Hand Brushes Against became audible.

“I can’t imagine that. Is that even possible to be that happy?” Ricky reacted finally, and L.Joe let out a small, quiet laugh. Then suddenly, out of the blue, he got an idea better than explaining.

“Do you want me to show it to you?” He asked, and even before Ricky could have realized what that question meant, L.Joe moved closer and pressed their lips together.


The kiss was sweet; caring and honest from one side, curious and accepting from the other. None of them could decide whether it lasted for only a second or for a whole hour, but Ricky finally understood everything from the older’s explanation; the warm feeling in his heart, the spinning of his stomach, even that huge amount of happiness he thought was impossible until then.

They decided no to move for a few more moments, just stayed close enough to still be able to feel each other’s warm breath and tried to figure out what the other one felt - and most importantly; what they felt themselves.


In the end Ricky was the one to speak first, but his voice wasn’t more than a whisper; they didn’t need more, anyway.

“I wasn’t the one who chose you, but I think you were the right person to share my first kiss with.”

L.Joe soon realized that Ricky referred to a part of the explanation he gave earlier, and it made him smile.

“But...” Ricky continued slowly, still whispering. “I’m afraid I’m a bit forgetful, so could you sometimes remind me of this great feeling of happiness, please?”

“As often as you want.” Was L.Joe’s only answer before running his fingers through Ricky’s hair and kissing him again.


None of them realized that the CD player was silent for quite a long time already; they most probably found something that was more important to them than music;


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Chapter 1: so cute and adorable ><
kpopfan015 #2
Chapter 1: soooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
i cant..........
i just cant my feels BLAHHH!!!! *dies*
Chapter 1: Nice and cute <3
cute! ♥
plume-de-chine #5
Adorable!! ahhhhh i just don't have word for to describe how great that was!
I really hope you post again. ^^
I would give it a 12345/10 =D So cuuuuuute :3
Bunta_x3 #7
aaaw naughty ricky ...we all know you just love his kisses too much xDDD<br />
the last sentence is so cute :D<br />
love this :3
You cant tell at all that english isnt your native language. Very very cute :3
So. Cute.