Chapter 6

Where Persistence Pays Off


The house was in a neighborhood that didn’t reek of money like his own, but it looked quiet and quaint to Yifan. It was small, but looked charming. It had a small fence bordering the yard, like something Yifan had only seen on TV. The house was a soft yellow that acted as a nice backdrop against all the different and wonderful colors of the flowers guiding the way to the front door that was painted white. It was a modest single story house, and it seemed very comfortable and inviting. Yifan usually felt out of place and uncomfortable when he went over to other people’s houses for the first time, including his own friends; however, this time, he felt like he was right at home. He was more than comfortable and that alone surprised him.

“You have a lovely home, Joonmyun.” Yifan politely stated as they walked through the door. Joonmyun thanked him with a smile. He wasn’t sure whether he missed the nickname or not. But he certainly wanted Yifan to call him Joon again just so he could test his opinion.

“Hold up there, mister!” Joonmyun called as his hand reached out and lightly grabbed Minseok by his small shoulder, making sure not to use too much strength. “That’s not where your backpack goes, nor is it time for cartoons.” Minseok knew the rules, but it seemed that the new guest made the child think he could get away with ignoring them.

“Aw, but Joonie!?” He whined towards his big brother with even wider eyes than should be humanly possible. He was the best at using his cutest feature to his advantage, but Joonmyun had built up a strong tolerance.

“Nope, don’t you give me those eyes. You know the routine – homework, snack, cartoons, dinner.” He smacked Minseok’s playfully a few times and made the younger boy scurry off with his backpack in hand laughing like a maniac.

Yifan silently watched on from the side. Seeing their exchange made him feel a few things. The first was envy. The second was surprise. And the third was admiration.

“What are you thinking about?” Joonmyun curiously asked the taller boy who was just staring down the hall where Minseok had just disappeared down.

“Huh? Oh, um, nothing!” Yifan was envious that Joonmyun had someone to argue with. As soon as he got home, there was usually never someone there with him. It was just him and a huge empty house. He was also envious of Joonmyun having a cute brother. Yifan really was a er for cute things and Minseok definitely fell into that category. Which led him to his second emotion of surprise: how could Joonmyun ignore the cute face the boy was making? Yifan had only been watching him make the face for a few seconds, and already he wanted to give in to the other. And the last emotion was simply admiration. Here was Joonmyun, the same age as him, yet he was responsible for two people’s well being. Yifan could barely take care of himself, how did Joonmyun not only take care of himself, but a child in addition to that? At that moment, Joonmyun looked incredibly mature and responsible (and pretty cool, but Yifan refused to admit that part to himself).

Not wanting to press the matter and come across as really interested (though Joonmyun really was really interested), he ignored the obvious beating around the bush, and changed the subject back to the matter at hand.

“So, let’s get started then?” He asked, but it was more close to a suggestive order than him asking Yifan if he wanted to study any time soon.


The two boys had been studying physics for what felt like days. Sure, Yifan was beginning to understand the material, but there was only so much physics he could take in a day.

“Let me stop you before you before you attempt that for a third time. Use this formula. You keep trying to find the velocity, when it’s already been given to you here.” He said as he pointed to a number that Yifan hadn’t even thought to use. “Put that number there then try to find P by multiplying that with the force.” Yifan nodded his head slowly as he looked at the numbers Joonmyun had just pointed at. He hated solving equations. He hated math. And physics was one science-y math class. Two subjects that hated him wrapped into one. However, when he put the right numbers in the right spots, according to Joonmyun, then solved for P, he got a number that looked right. And when he heard Joonmyun, he knew he was right.

“That’s it! Now try this one!” He said as he pointed to the next equation. “I need to give Minseok his snack, but I’ll be right back.” Yifan watched as Joonmyun made his way to the fridge and pulled out some vegetables and cut and washed them before putting them in a bowl and walked out of the kitchen.

Yup, definitely more responsible than I am. He admitted with pursed lips. Yifan hated eating healthy. Healthy tasted nasty, so he just ate whatever he wanted. Which to be honest, was probably why he lacked so much in endurance. I should probably eat more vegetables. Shaking his head at his own thoughts, he looked at the next problem and quickly solved it as Joonmyun’s helpful voice rang in his head.

Soon enough he had already done three problems by the time Joonmyun had returned to the kitchen table where the two boys had been working.

“Wow, good job. Those are all right.” Startled at the voice, Yifan slightly lifted himself away from Joonmyun with wide eyes. “Sorry!” Joonmyun laughed out an apology that Yifan had a hard time believing was genuine going by the huge smile and joyous laughter.

Yifan narrowed his eyes at the shorter male and relaxed back into his seat. “Of course they’re right. I solved them.” He retorted with a serious face.

Wanting to laugh again, Joonmyun stifled it instead and responded, “It’s because you solved them that it’s surprising how right they are.”

Yifan pulled his lips into a one sided pout and looked pointedly at Joonmyun’s back as the latter started digging through the fridge.

Yifan morphed his expression into one of curiosity as he watched Joonmyun move about the kitchen. He wanted to ask what the other was doing, but decided against it. He shouldn’t be too invested in him anyway. However, he couldn’t move his attention from the other. He watched as he went in and out of the fridge with practiced ease. He watched as he rinsed and chopped vegetables. He watched as he rinsed rice and set it to steam over the stove. He watched Joonmyun – watched as his face scrunched up in concentration to chop and rinse and set all the food in the right ways. He looked at the other for such a long time that he fell into a trance.

Almost forgetting he wasn’t alone, Joonmyun quickly turned his attention to the kitchen table where he had left Yifan. When his eyes landed on the taller male, he found those eyes on him. Yifan quickly tried to avert his attention, but the cause was lost – he had already been caught. Joonmyun turned his attention back to the food and instead asked without looking, “Do you need any help with the problems?”

Yifan didn’t know how he was supposed to admit that he hadn’t done any other problems since the three earlier. He was too busy watching Joonmyun. What the hell is wrong with me today? Quickly shaking his thoughts, he muttered a quick ‘No, I’m fine!’ and continued on with the fourth problem.

Feeling satisfied enough, Joonmyun went on cooking dinner. Half an hour later and Yifan lifted his head as Joonmyun called for Minseok to come to the table. Little feet pounded through the hall and soon their owner made his appearance.

“I’m starving!” Minseok yelled as he jumped into the seat in front of Yifan’s own. He had a huge smile on his mouth and Yifan couldn’t help but return one of his own.

“Wash your little hands, mister.” Joonmyun softly chided. And as quickly as he jumped into his seat, he jumped out and ran over to the sink to do as his big brother asked.

“Put your books away and wash your hands as well.” He ordered Yifan. Am I eating here? Should I leave? Yifan wondered as he began closing his textbook and notebook and placing them into his backpack.

“It’s fine. I’ll just go home.” Yifan said. He was quite hungry to be honest and the food smelled pretty good, but he hadn’t eaten with a family in such a long time. Plus, he didn’t want to impose himself on them.

“Well, you should have said that before I made an extra portion for you. Now you have to eat it. So, go wash your hands.” His straightforward response almost made Yifan’s head spin, but he did as was told. He didn’t want to upset the one person that held his baseball career in his hands. Okay, that was a slight exaggeration, but Yifan really didn’t want to get Joonmyun angry or angrier at him. Is he no longer mad at me?

Sitting down, Yifan felt extremely awkward. He sat there quietly with his hands on his lap and twiddled his thumbs as he tried to distract himself as he watched Minseok happily wait to be served.

Joonmyun walked to the table with two plates in hand. He placed one in front of his little brother and the other in front of Yifan. He then walked back to the counter and grabbed his own plate and sat at the head so that Minseok and Yifan were on each of his sides.

“What are you waiting for? Start eating.” Yifan looked up and was met with an expectant Joonmyun. He muttered a soft ‘thank you’ before grabbing his fork and picking up some rice.

Before he had a chance to try the food on the dish in front of him, Yifan noticed an adorable scene. Minseok was happily humming as he shoveled food into his small mouth. His puffy cheeks were littered with stray grains of rice, and Yifan held back the need to coo at the boy sitting in front of him.

“Slow down!” Joonmyun laughed, “You’ll get indigestion if you don’t chew properly.” Yifan watched as his classmate reached across to gently ruffle Minseok’s hair. Yifan stared at their exchange, and was once again caught in the act when Joonmyun turned his attention to Yifan.

The tallest in the room felt heat rush to his face as their eyes locked, but for some reason, he could not make himself turn away. They stared at each other for what felt like hours, but was only mere seconds. Yifan barely averted his gaze, but only to fall on to once pale cheeks that are now tinting a cute pink. He’s blushing. He’s blushing? Yifan thought as he stared at Joonmyun who also averted his eyes to look at his dinner as he scooped up some rice.

“Eat.” He heard the soft mutter of Joonmyun. And without hesitation, he picked up some rice and a piece of chicken and shoved it into his mouth, and as soon as the food hit his tongue, his eyes widened in surprise. “This is delicious!” He mumbled out as clear as he could with his mouth stuffed with the amazingly tasting food. He hadn’t meant to compliment the dish, but the words naturally slipped from his thin lips.

He saw Joonmyun lift his head and smile innocently at him before he looked  back down at his own food and began munching away with a bit more enthusiasm than before.

Yifan was almost done when he heard Joonmyun clear his throat, so Yifan looked at him to offer the other his full attention.

“You haven’t touched your vegetables.” He heard Joonmyun say with confusion.

Yifan lifted his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it as he spoke, “Uh, yeah. I don’t really like vegetables?” He formed his comment as a question as he added a shrug of his shoulders.

“You should eat them. They’re good for you, and they taste really great.”

Yifan was about to shake his head in disapproval, because How could vegetables taste good? That’s impossible. Vegetables are nasty and bitter. However, before he could voice his distaste for the vegetables, he heard Joonmyun say something else.

“Just try them. I promise they’ll taste great.” There is honesty behind his words, but Yifan still is reluctant; after all, taste is up to the taster. Maybe Joonmyun loves them, but there is no guarantee he will.

“I’d rather not ri-” But before he could finish his refusal to taste the vegetables that is exactly what he finds himself doing. Joonmyun had stuffed his mouth with vegetables. Completely caught off guard, Yifan simply chewed what was stuffed into his mouth by Joonmyun. Not only was food stuffed into his mouth, but it was by Joonmyun’s own fork. That fork that went into Joonmyun’s mouth. That fork that touched those cute, pink lips. That fork- No, stop it right there and just chew the damn food. Hey…this is actually pretty good… Yifan’s eyes grew wide as he realized that Joonmyun was right. Vegetables are pretty good. At least these vegetables are good. He hurried to swallow down the food so he could tell Joonmyun.

“It’s good! They’re good!” He exclaimed with complete surprise.

“See, I told you.” Joonmyun said as he picked up more food onto his fork to put into his waiting mouth. Upon seeing the action, Yifan felt heat gather on his face for the nth time that day. That fork. He quickly lowered his eyes back to his plate and stared down at the remaining food. It mainly consisted of vegetables, but he still had some rice and chicken.

“What are you waiting for? Hurry up and finish your food.” Joonmyun commented with ease.

Yifan hurriedly shoveled the food down and his palette went wild. The green and white and orange vegetables mixed surprisingly well with the soft rice and juicy chicken. Simply put, Joonmyun was a great cook. I just need to find someone who can cook and marry them. The conversation he had days prior with his friends suddenly danced in his head. He did say he was just going to marry someone who could cook since he was incapable, but why would he think of Joonmyun. That didn’t make any sense. He was not attracted to Joonmyun. He didn’t like Joonmyun. He tolerated Joonmyun. Joonmyun wasn’t supposed to be on his list of potential boyfriends or husbands for that matter. Joonmyun was Joonmyun. He’s annoying, cheesy, pasty, odd, stalkerish Joonmyun. Not charming, fun, caring, adoring, chef-like Joonmyun. All these new thoughts made Yifan’s head spin. He never thought he would describe Joonmyun in such a positive light.

What had these two tutoring hours done to his Joonmyun intolerant psyche? 



And this concludes their first session! These kids are a right mess. So much pushing and pulling, and they don't even know it. So frustrating! Whenever will they see the light?!

Thanking time! A special thank you to junmyeonwu, choco-the-best, and IDKWTFIMD for votes 12-14!

Sooooo, a lot of you guys wanted a jealous Yifan. Now, usually I don't change the plot I set or the characters based on the comments. I really don't for a number of reasons (I can't please everyone, I'm lazy, I'm not imaginative, etc.), but so many of you want a jealous Yifan. So, I think (THINK) I have figured out a way to have a jealous Yifan and keep my original plot without adding too much to it. Like I said, I really can't please every one, but I am going to try. Keep in mind that if I don't like the way it turns out, I can and will remove it and stick to what I had originally planned. 

Also, I have a lot going on in life outside of fan fiction, so updates will continue to go at a slow pace because "every speed on 'my' knees is crawling". Sorry, but tis the life I lead and it to be over 18 and considered an adult

Anyway, thanks for reading y'all! And don't forget to comment! 


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Hanikjm #1
Chapter 6: Please update ... I really want to know the ending... Huhuhu
2442 streak #2
looks like I'm not the only one waiting for an update from this fic huh...
UrNumber1 #3
Chapter 6: If I had one wish I would love to see how this ends
jaebooyun #4
Chapter 6: I keep checking on this story once in awhile for updates..
jaebooyun #5
Author -nim plz update....this story is so amazing...n m dying to know what happens plz plz plz update soon
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 6: Looks like you haven't updated one long I hate when this happens to me it's an amazing story! All the tension between them both of them trying to push their feelings away yet there is gravitational pull(Mr baekhyun) that brings them in together hahaha I'm dumb don't listen to me. But I hope you don't give up on this fic you did a great job!
2442 streak #7
Chapter 6: i wanna be persistent like Jun here and beg you for updates... but you might get annoyed with me! HAHAHAHA

hope you update soon! I really really really miss this story!
ggtyv333 #8
Chapter 1: It's pretty rare for me to find a story that has Sekai AND Krisho. So you have a lot of love from me just for that. And please update. <3
mybeautifuleyes #9
Chapter 6: Authornim it's been so long since you updated this amazing fanfic.(TT ︿ TT) I'll just keep waiting patiently for you. And I know how you feel running an account working and going to school is a hassle. Fighting authornim!
falafalafel #10
hello new reader here!! i am loving this story so far especially the characters. although at first i dislike the fact that joonmyeon has to tutor yifan (i agree with joon's best friends), i'm glad that it gives yifan the chance to see joon differently.
although i kinda hope yifan get to suffer a bit more first (hahha i'm evil)
good job!! i'll wait for more