Chapter 1

Where Persistence Pays Off

“Don’t you think it’s about time you give up?” Kyungsoo asks Joonmyun, his best friend, for the nth time that year.

The latter had been pursuing the object of his admiration – not obsession as Kyungsoo so eloquently refers to his interest in Yifan – for the last three years. The start of their senior year seems to be starting no different.

“Giving up isn’t in my nature. You should know this by now.” Joonmyun shoots back at his best friend.

Joonmyun and Kyungsoo had been friends just as long as he’s had a crush on the school’s hunky heartthrob. Wu Yifan is painfully attractive, well liked around school, distant and cold to people outside of his small circle of friends, but more than anything else, he’s unattainable. And Joonmyun is well aware of the fact.

But what Joonmyun had said was true. He was not a quitter, and was very persistent. He goes to the best high school in the area. It is a school where the rich are in abundance, but so are the resources. And the tuition for this school was always something that Joonmyun knew his parents would never be able to afford. So Joonmyun worked his off and earned himself a lovely full four year scholarship by studying day and night and earning 1st place out of 500 other applicants.

No, you see, Joonmyun is a persistent person. Once he sets his sights on something, he works hard to get it. And Yifan is no different. He had already been turned down numerous times, yet he still asks Yifan out and still flirts with him (one-sidedly). His advances are usually flat out ignored now since Yifan stopped acknowledging him after their first year of high school together. The shorter male had asked out Yifan more times than he could keep track of, and every one ended the same way, well not exactly the same way. Yifan liked to spice up his rejections. One time he yelled his objection to a date in a full hallway. Another time he just stared at Joonmyun until the latter got the hint and waved goodbye in retreat. But the best rejection was probably the time Yifan announced his refusal over the school’s intercom system.  However, no matter how many times (or how harsh) he was shot down, he kept getting right back up. He was going to get Yifan to crack and accept him… Eventually. Maybe. Hopefully?


“So, what are you doing this Friday? Got any plans?” Joonmyun asked the tall Chinese hottie. He had a greasy smile on his face that would allow him to deep fry a Twinkie, but Joonmyun couldn't fix his smile. It (he) was just naturally like that.

“Yes.” Terse was the Yifan preferred way of speaking to anyone that wasn't in his tight group of friends. Those boys included the other hot and tall guys at the school: Oh Sehun, Park Chanyeol, and Kim Jongin. Together the four boys were the school princes, the hotties, the rich playboys, the on legs. Really, Joonmyun could go on with his on point descriptions, but that was for another time. Right now he needed to focus on breaking down the handsome devil in front of him.

The two boys shared their physics class together. Neither Joonmyun nor Yifan had a friend in that period, and the heavens (Mr. Byun) sat them side by side. Together. At a table for two. Two stools. One table. If Joonmyun ever felt daring (erted) enough, he could stretch his thigh out and touch Yifan’s own. That's how close they were and that's how thankful the shorter of the two was to the heavens (again, Mr. Byun).

“And do these plans involve a certain fun, pale, and smart guy?” He offered a wiggle of eyebrows and another slathered smile along with his obvious question. He was proud of his self description. He managed to describe himself quite well. He of course left out his unflattering points like how he was poor, short, cheesy (hella greasy), loud, and unpopular. He could go on there too, but he needed to stay on task.

Yifan slowly turned his head in Joonmyun’s direction. He needed to check and see if the other was actually being serious. Fun? Maybe if you squint your eyes…all the way…and pretend. Pale? Yeah, he looks a bit like a ghost, or maybe a bit pasty? He should probably see a doctor about that…or the sun. Smart? Well he is the first ranked student in our year (surprisingly) even after not being able to take a hint and acting all annoying and obnoxious. Yifan always had a lot to say when it concerned this annoyingly persistent guy, but he stopped giving him lengthy (angry, heated, irritated – really just add pent up negative emotions here) responses after the other turned everything Yifan said into something positive and kept trying to get Yifan to date him.

The tall blond looked him over and then allowed his eyes to travel to the other's own. “No. I can't say that they do.” Again with the clipped responses that went straight to the point (and straight for a pale boy’s cœur on a bad day where the cruelty was free and Joonmyun was sensitive).

“Well, it's certainly not too late to change that.” He quickly offered the chance for Yifan to accept his invitation, but as per usual, Yifan was having none of it.

“Actually it is. We have a game. You’d think my number one stalker would know that.” The blond rolled his eyes and turned his head forward again. And Yifan would be right, if he wasn't wrong.

“I'm not your stalker.” Joonmyun simply defended with a denial. Well it's not really denying if you're telling the truth. The comment had Yifan facing him again, and the look Yifan was currently giving him meant that he didn't believe a word the other had just said. Continuing, Joonmyun went on to counter Yifan's skeptical mien. “Really, I'm not. Stalkers are creepy and weird and could potentially be dangerous. Look at me, I’m completely harmless.” He smiled as cutely as he could before topping off his sundae smile with a cherry, “I'm more of your admirer.” The look of skepticism morphed into a look of deflation.

Do you honestly believe that? You're pretty creepy. I mean you follow me around like a lost puppy, but only to spy on me from afar. And what is up you’re your smiles? They look devious. You're weird – well maybe odd is better fitting? – all the time without my help. Tiny oddball. But I guess you're not dangerous. I could probably take you on a good day…I think. Hmm, I should probably start working out or something. These arms are made for baseball not boxing. Back on task, Yifan!

“Whatever you say, Joonmyun.” He returned his attention back to the in-class worksheet. He still had over half to do and talking to his admirer was not going to help him finish any sooner, and time was important since the sheet was due at the end of the period.

Getting the message loud and clear, Joonmyun went back to doing his class work. He only had a couple more problems left then he would be free to either stare at Yifan's handsome face or plot more ways to get into his heart (or pants, he wasn't picky).


“He's cracking. I can practically see the fissure.”

Jongdae tried to stifle the laughter begging to make a sudden appearance. “Are you kidding me? Get real, kid. That ship ain't sailing your waters. That dog ain't barking up your tree. That stick ain't poking your-”

“Dae, we got it!” Kyungsoo stopped his friend before he continued with his ual analogy. He then looked at his expectant friend. “But didn't I already tell you to give up?”

“And didn't I tell you that's not in my nature?! Have some faith in me. Aren't you guys supposed to be my best friends?” And they were. Both Kyungsoo and Jongdae were his best friends. The two were a package deal, so when he first befriended the round eyed boy, the upturned lips came with him. However, as his best friends, it was their job to slap him awake when he began dreaming.

“Hey, it's not you that we lack faith in, it's Yifan's interest in you we lack faith in.” Jongdae cleared up the fog in Joonmyun's head. Well at least he thought he did. Kyungsoo saw the latter staring at Jongdae as if he were about to reach over the lunch table and knock him upside the head with a tray full of food, so he intervened to actually clear up the fog.

“What Jongdae meant to say was that it's not that we don't have faith in you or your chances with him, but more like whether he wants to date you or anyone for that matter. He's been single for the last three years, so maybe he's not interested in dating?”

Jongdae rolled his eyes. He literally just said what he said but with added fluff. And now Joonmyun was staring at Kyungsoo like he wanted to hit him with his tray.

Instead, Joonmyun took a deep breath and pushed his tray away from him. He lost his appetite after this deflating conversation. The two friends just looked on at their friend sitting there quietly. To be honest they were waiting for him to share yet another one of his plans to woo Wu or to watch him stab his ears with his utensils.

However, Joonmyun's head shot up when he heard that familiar laugh. It was low and muffled, but he knew which person it belonged to. His eyes immediately found Yifan's smiling ones. There he was with his three friends walking with their trays to their usual table. It was only a few tables away from Joonmyun's.

“I got it.” He suddenly spoke without looking away from Yifan.

“Oh boy.” Jongdae replied and earned a nudge from Kyungsoo.

“What's your plan now, Joon?” The heart lips inquired.

“Clear up your Friday, we’re going to be busy.” He answered with his signature greasy smile and pulled his tray back and began eating his lunch again.

“Great.” Jongdae sarcastically added. However, the pale boy ignored his friend’s caring comment in favor of staring at Yifan as he chewed.


“He's doing it again. Why is he so weird?” Sehun asked to no one in particular, but Yifan answered anyway.

“You think I know? I've been trying to find out the answer to that question for the last three years. And still I have nothing.” He offered dejectedly. He really wished he could find out the answer. He had no idea why Joonmyun was so interested in him. It was probably the same reasons why others were interested in him: rich, tall, and handsome. That's all anyone saw in him.

“Why don't you just get a boyfriend? Chanyeol here is single.” Jongin offered with a pat on said boy’s shoulder.

“Hey! I may be single, but I'm not interested.” Chanyeol stuffed more rice into his mouth, and answered the other as he sloshed food around with his tongue, “Besides, I already have my eyes set on someone.” He said as he continued adding more food into his near full mouth.

 “Yes, we all know about your interest in Dara. She's way out of your league by the way.” Sehun spoke and earned a glare from the taller boy, but Sehun couldn't take him seriously with food all over his face.

“He's not my type anyway. I'd rather have my little Sehunie instead!” Yifan teased to get a rise from Jongin, Sehun's long time boyfriend.

“Well that for you. He ain't interested.” Jongin quickly defended without lifting his eyes from his food.

“How chivalrous.” Sehun rolled his eyes, “If you treat me better than that log, I'll date you instead.”

At that, Jongin nearly gave himself whiplash as how fast he shot his head up. “Nope! Not gonna happen. You're taken and will be for the rest of your life. No vacancy here, Wu. Just fall for lover boy over there and call it a day.”

Yifan glared at Jongin. He was never really any help, but he’d been his best friend since first grade, so it was too late to exchange him for a better model.

“That's actually not a bad idea. How bad could he be?” Chanyeol said and Sehun nodded his head in agreement.

“Yeah, why not give him a chance?” The palest at the table asked.

“Maybe because he's weird and probably only likes me because of my looks and status? And weren't you guys just calling him weird and creepy and telling me to get a boyfriend so I could avoid him? Now you want me to make him my boyfriend? You guys need to get your acts together.” He was not really a master at yelling at his friends, but in Yifan’s defense, these dim bulbs deserved it.

“No need to get testy. You have two choices in life, find a boyfriend or fall for Joonmyun.” Jongin propositioned with certainty.

“Wrong. I'll continue rejecting him until graduation when I can avoid him for the rest of my life.”

“Yeah, that plan is flawless.” Sehun mumbled without lifting his head from his tray and failing to notice the shade Yifan was providing him.


“Okay, so what are we doing Friday?” Jongdae asked after school. It was Wednesday, which meant it was frozen yogurt day. It was a tradition they started once Joonmyun started working at the shop a year ago. He was allowed free frozen yogurt once a week, so Wednesday won the nonexistent competition.

The three sat with their desserts as they began talking. And it was then that Jongdae decided to find out whatever his best friend was inevitably planning.

“Glad you asked, Dae!” The other cheered. “I've got a plan that can't possibly fail.”

“Did you make it Joonmyun proof?” Kyungsoo joked earning a glare from said boy but a laugh from Jongdae.

“Anyway, Yifan brought it to my attention that he has a game this Friday, so we are going to go and support him with signs. And with those signs I'm going to ask Yifan out. I don't know why I haven't used this method yet. It's cute and perfect!” A wide smile depicting satisfaction and white, straight teeth welcomed Jongdae and Kyungsoo’s horrified faces.

“Joon, I don't think-”

And before Kyungsoo could carefully rip off the bandage, Jongdae opened his mouth and yanked it off without remorse or hesitation,

“Have you gone insane?! There's no way he's gonna love that! It's so cheesy!  Cute if you're some lovesick teenage girl desperate for ‘romance’. And perfect? Don't even start kidding! Joon, this is such a lame plan!” He shouted all in one breath, and by the time he finished he had to swallow down a huge transparent cloud of air so his lungs wouldn't cave in on him.

“But it is cute and perfect!!” Joonmyun simply defended leaving Jongdae to palm his face with both his hands. Sometimes this smarty pants was too dumb for his own good.

“We’ll help you with your plan, Joon. I'm sure he'll at least notice your efforts.” Trying to reassure his friend and take Jongdae out of the fire pits, Kyungsoo tried his best to placate the situation before it got out of control.

“Great! I have some left over poster boards we could use from the last fundraiser. We can do it tomorrow after school or right before the game!” Sometimes being the student government treasurer came in handy. The two boys knew Joonmyun was easily excitable, but it only made him innocent in their eyes (no matter how crazy and obsessed they knew he was deep down). 



I had no idea where to cut it off. I really planned on this to be a oneshot, but I've been sitting on this for months. Might as well start posting what I have. So if the end feels funny, it's because it was meant to be read straight and not broken up. Again, I apologize.

Please let me know what you think! Comments are always welcome! Thanks for sticking around!


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Hanikjm #1
Chapter 6: Please update ... I really want to know the ending... Huhuhu
2441 streak #2
looks like I'm not the only one waiting for an update from this fic huh...
UrNumber1 #3
Chapter 6: If I had one wish I would love to see how this ends
jaebooyun #4
Chapter 6: I keep checking on this story once in awhile for updates..
jaebooyun #5
Author -nim plz update....this story is so amazing...n m dying to know what happens plz plz plz update soon
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 6: Looks like you haven't updated one long I hate when this happens to me it's an amazing story! All the tension between them both of them trying to push their feelings away yet there is gravitational pull(Mr baekhyun) that brings them in together hahaha I'm dumb don't listen to me. But I hope you don't give up on this fic you did a great job!
2441 streak #7
Chapter 6: i wanna be persistent like Jun here and beg you for updates... but you might get annoyed with me! HAHAHAHA

hope you update soon! I really really really miss this story!
ggtyv333 #8
Chapter 1: It's pretty rare for me to find a story that has Sekai AND Krisho. So you have a lot of love from me just for that. And please update. <3
mybeautifuleyes #9
Chapter 6: Authornim it's been so long since you updated this amazing fanfic.(TT ︿ TT) I'll just keep waiting patiently for you. And I know how you feel running an account working and going to school is a hassle. Fighting authornim!
falafalafel #10
hello new reader here!! i am loving this story so far especially the characters. although at first i dislike the fact that joonmyeon has to tutor yifan (i agree with joon's best friends), i'm glad that it gives yifan the chance to see joon differently.
although i kinda hope yifan get to suffer a bit more first (hahha i'm evil)
good job!! i'll wait for more