Chapter 2

Where Persistence Pays Off

The varsity baseball game was scheduled for six Friday evening and the four friends started warming up immediately after their last class ended. They were currently running a few laps around the track after having done some stretches.

“Hey, you guys got any plans for after the game?” Jongin asked Yifan and Chanyeol with steady, even breaths. The former was always jealous of the golden boy’s stamina.

“You two aren't doing anything afterwards?” The tallest asked in between labored breaths and looking between Jongin and Sehun. What he really asked was ‘Aren't you two doing each other afterwards?’ – but both knew without him having to say it directly.

“We're gonna grab a bite to eat thank you very much. Just wanted to know if y’all wanted to join us. Ungrateful .” Sehun quickly answered. His breath was not as steady as his boyfriend, but it was nowhere near as bad as Yifan’s.

“Well count me out. I finally got that date with Dara. She proved to be a difficult fish, but she eventually took the bait.” Chanyeol giggled as a wide grin spread across his face.

“That's actually pretty shocking.” Jongin quipped and turned his attention back to Yifan, “So how about it – you game?”

“Yeah, might as well. I'd just be spending the weekend alone anyway.” His dad was the only parent in his life as his mother left them before he turned two. No amount of money could keep people from walking through death’s door. His workaholic dad left him alone a lot when he went overseas for business. His house was much too big and quiet for his liking.

“Great! I mean not about being all alone, but for dinner!” Jongin cheered and defended all at once. “Want me to spend the night? We could make a slumber party out of it!” He was wiggling his eyebrows and shoulders playfully to entice the other.

Yifan agreed as he struggled to breathe and laugh at the same time. Multitasking proved much too difficult so he settled for a succession of quick nods.

“You guys are so gay! But ooo~ a slumber party! Count me in! I'll drop by after my date~!” Chanyeol sang.

“It's surprising how gay you act but how gay you aren't.” Honesty was Sehun's policy. To be honest, it surprised all three of them how straight Chanyeol was.

“God, could we take a break – only for a few seconds, I promise!” Yifan felt like his legs were going to give out from under him and that his lungs would collapse if he wasn't able to take in some damn air. He rested his hands on his knees as he panted.

“You really need to get fit, Fan. When you finally do, please change your name to Yifit.” Jongin joked as he rested his hands on his lean waist as he jogged in place.

“Oh, my baby is so funny!” The palest cooed at his lame boyfriend.

“. Holes.” Yifit called out between pants causing the three to laugh.


The game’s announcer began introducing the visiting team’s school name, so the three boys stopped their blabbing to watch the teams make their appearance. It was really Joonmyun hushing his overly chatty friends while he squirmed in his seat and strained his neck trying to get a better view. After the announcer introduced them, he started with the home team, Yifan's team, and Joonmyun was nearly out of his seat trying to get a glimpse of his crush in his wonderful uniform that hugged him perfectly.

“You probably won't even see him until he's batting or in the outfield.” Jongdae so helpfully informed Joonmyun.

“There's still a chance he could pop his head out!” He quickly countered.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention to Kyungsoo, “What are we gonna do with him?”

“Support me until he falls for me of course!” Joonmyun answered for Kyungsoo.

The game continued with Joonmyun sneaking peaks into the little box that housed the players. Sneaking peaks until it was their school’s turn to bat which meant Yifan would definitely be making an appearance. Soon enough, Joonmyun was gifted with Yifan in the white and blue school uniform. It looked like his second skin; Yifan was made and meant for baseball. His hat was pulled off and replaced with a blue form fitting helmet and a worn metal bat from years of practice.

“Wow. How does he look that perfect? It's like he's not even human. So charming!” With a greasy smile, Joonmyun continued to ogle and praise Yifan. His friends only rolled their eyes and shook their heads. They were well aware that Yifan was attractive, but Joonmyun never failed to beat it into them.

“Hey, when are we holding up these signs for your boyfriend to see?” Jongdae chirped in Joonmyun's left ear.

“Oh yeah! Um when he gets on base or when he gets to the field? Soo, what do you think?” He looked at the boy in his right for an answer.

“Why not both? He might be distracted if we bother him while he's trying to get home, but we should give him plenty of chances to actually see, right?”

“My little Soo is so smart! Always thinking ahead!” Joonmyun cooed and pouted his lips in kissy faces at the other. It was really the latter that was smarter, but Joonmyun always praised his friends when he could. Especially when they really did point out things he wouldn't think of. He was more book smart than common sense smart.

Kyungsoo playfully rolled his eyes at being babied and praised.

After the three boys had held up the signs, Yifan quickly made a home run. It was clear that he didn't even see them with how fast he was back in the box. They relaxed (much to Jongdae’s happiness since his arms were already tired after the five minutes of extensive use) and Joonmyun decided to wait until he got out in the field to hold them back up. And sooner than later, Yifan and Jongin jogged their way to the outfield.


After being in the outfield for a few minutes and catching a ball or two, Jongin looked out into the bleachers. He saw quite a few people, but three particular caught his attention. Three bright yellow poster boards were dancing around. “Go!” “Yibaby!” “Go!” With red glittery hearts everywhere. Jongin had to hold back a laugh at the Yibaby part.

“Fan! Yifan!” Jongin quickly called out to the guy a few meters away.

Casting his eyes to his right, he looked over at Jongin who was pointing to the bleachers. And instantly his eyes noticed a sea of yellow. He couldn't quite see who was holding the sign, but he had a good idea of who it was. A certain pasty oddball came to mind immediately.

Exhaling loud enough for Jongin to hear, Yifan turned his attention back to the game and made it a point not to look out to the bleachers for the duration of the game.



“Baby Yi!”

“Yi Yi Yi Yi Baby Baby!!”

Sehun, Jongin, and Chanyeol all respectively yelled right after the other. The game ended with them winning by a landslide. They weren't known as one of the best varsity teams in the nation for nothing.

Yifan went from Yifit to Yibaby in such a short time. He really needed better friends and a bodyguard to keep that Joonmyun away.

Removing his helmet, Yifan grumbled at his friends for the teasing as he roughly massaged his scalp and messed with his sweaty hair. “Guys, really? Don't support him, please.”

“Aw, come on, Fan. That was funny and kinda cute! Let us and Joonmyun have our fun you sourpuss!” Jongin shouted as he shoved Yifan into Chanyeol.

Three cheerful boys and one not so cheerful boy made their way out of the field and in the direction of the locker room for quick showers. Gear hanging in their sports bags on tired shoulders, the four finally got inside but not without more teasing for Yibaby. Said boy could only groan in annoyance at his friends’ antics.


“Not only did he not pay attention to us, but he didn't even see our signs! He didn't see me ask him out!” Joonmyun cried out to his friends. “What are we gonna do?” And it was true. Yifan only looked once at the signs and it only lasted for a few seconds at most. He also failed to see the signs go from “Go! Yibaby! Go!” To “Date Me Already!” When the three turned them over. Joonmyun thought it was clever and cute, but Yifan had failed to notice.

“I wanna go home; my hurts. Would it kill this school to give us patted seating. Where does all that tuition money go?” Jongdae complained as he rubbed his sore .

“Dae, I'm having my midlife crisis three decades too early. Quit worrying about your sore cheeks!” The panic was clear and Jongdae had to make sure not to laugh or he’d feel the wrath.

“Why don't you just wait for him outside of the locker room?” Kyungsoo suggested much to Joonmyun's elation. 



A very special thank you to my first upvoter! Thank you ditsidits!

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Hanikjm #1
Chapter 6: Please update ... I really want to know the ending... Huhuhu
2441 streak #2
looks like I'm not the only one waiting for an update from this fic huh...
UrNumber1 #3
Chapter 6: If I had one wish I would love to see how this ends
jaebooyun #4
Chapter 6: I keep checking on this story once in awhile for updates..
jaebooyun #5
Author -nim plz update....this story is so amazing...n m dying to know what happens plz plz plz update soon
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 6: Looks like you haven't updated one long I hate when this happens to me it's an amazing story! All the tension between them both of them trying to push their feelings away yet there is gravitational pull(Mr baekhyun) that brings them in together hahaha I'm dumb don't listen to me. But I hope you don't give up on this fic you did a great job!
2441 streak #7
Chapter 6: i wanna be persistent like Jun here and beg you for updates... but you might get annoyed with me! HAHAHAHA

hope you update soon! I really really really miss this story!
ggtyv333 #8
Chapter 1: It's pretty rare for me to find a story that has Sekai AND Krisho. So you have a lot of love from me just for that. And please update. <3
mybeautifuleyes #9
Chapter 6: Authornim it's been so long since you updated this amazing fanfic.(TT ︿ TT) I'll just keep waiting patiently for you. And I know how you feel running an account working and going to school is a hassle. Fighting authornim!
falafalafel #10
hello new reader here!! i am loving this story so far especially the characters. although at first i dislike the fact that joonmyeon has to tutor yifan (i agree with joon's best friends), i'm glad that it gives yifan the chance to see joon differently.
although i kinda hope yifan get to suffer a bit more first (hahha i'm evil)
good job!! i'll wait for more