Chapter 4

Where Persistence Pays Off

Super short chapter! Like if you blink, you'll miss it. So don't blink! Pretend it's the Silence!!

“What's your problem?” Jongdae asked. Joonmyun felt a sense of déjà vu hit him, but quickly ignored the feeling in favor of confiding his troubles to his friends.

“Guys – I think I messed up.” He exhaled dejectedly after ungraciously dropping into his seat.

Kyungsoo looked at Joonmyun then at Jongdae then back at Joonmyun before asking, “What and how exactly did you mess up?”

“I sort of agreed to help tutor Yifan twice a week after school for two weeks?”

“And why exactly would you do that? I thought you were gonna ignore his existence for the ‘rest of eternity’?” Jongdae used the same line Joonmyun had used a few days ago when he repeated his resolve of halting all Yifan chase downs.

“Yeah about that…” He dragged off.

“Yeah, what about that?” Kyungsoo asked.

“You guys didn't hear him! He sounded really desperate – like he needed me!” Joonmyun was sure that if he would have seen Yifan’s face, he would have seen the desperation just as well as he heard it. Or maybe a cute pout or puppy eyes. Now he was regretting not braving a sneak peak.

“Who cares if he needed you? He's a jerk who doesn't even deserve your help.” What Jongdae had just said was true. Yifan really didn't deserve Joonmyun’s help at all. He treated Joonmyun like a nuisance rather than a friend or a classmate. He hated talking to Joonmyun, but as soon as he needed him for something he came crawling back. And expected him to agree to the help. To be frank, it was selfish and rude. And Jongdae knew he was just taking advantage of Joonmyun's intelligence and probably his feelings.

Joonmyun was quiet for a couple of seconds. To be honest, he agreed with the other, but he also had no way of backing out of it. “Mr. Byun asked me in front of Yifan, it was hard to say no. I actually didn't want to do it - that badly.” He whined.

“Why would he do that?” Kyungsoo asked as he tried to understand.

“Probably so Joon would agree to it as he was put on the spot.” Jongdae noncommittally offered with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Both boys nodded their heads in agreement and understanding. He was probably right. Mr. Byun was sneaky at times.

“Hurry and go grab some lunch before the good food runs or or the line gets too long.” The large eyed boy ordered.

Joonmyun slowly stood up and removed the backpack that still clung to his body. After placing it on the chair, he turned to walk towards the line, but was stopped by something –rather someone

“Sorry!” The all too familiar voice called out. It travelled down to Joonmyun's ears, catching him more off guard than the chest pressed into his nose. The shorter male was trying not to bury his nose deeper into the blissful scent, so he took a step back and was removed from the uniform that still smelled of fresh detergent. He didn't dare look into Yifan's eyes because he knew he would fall into the depths of those brown orbs.

“Excuse me.” He quickly muttered before he practically ran away.

Yifan turned his head and watched those quick small feet and short legs scurry across the cafeteria’s checkered linoleum only to disappear behind the wall that lead to the food.

“Ugh, I guess I'll come back later…?” He said as he turned his attention to the two boys occupying the now Joonmyun-less table.


“Don't care.”

Kyungsoo and Jongdae respectively responded at the same time; neither looked up to meet the face of the guy who broke their best friend's heart. He didn't deserve their attention, let alone their best friend's help.

Yifan nodded to himself before turning on his heel back to his table with his own friends and food.


“What was that about?” Chanyeol asked as he watched a confused Yifan approaching their table.

“I honestly have no idea." He paused as he stepped between his chair and the table, "He's been running away from me all day.” He confessed as he took his seat in front of his lunch.

“Why did you run off saying you needed to ask him something anyway?” The plush lips of a tan face inquired.

Yifan took a deep breath before replying, “Joonmyun is now my tutor because I failed his last exam. And Mr. Byun will only give me a retake if Joonmyun tutors me for two weeks.”

“That's hilarious.” Sehun said without much laughter.

“Not really. Now I'm stuck with him twice a week for the next two weeks.” He said as he began poking his food and playing with it. Trying to will himself to not think about getting tutored by the guy that creeped on him, the same guy he told off just days prior.

“From the looks of it, he feels the same way. Did you see how fast he ran away from you?" Sehun began and ignored Chanyeol's muttering of, "he could probably be in track or something," and instead continued his previous thoughts, "Clearly he doesn't want to be around you either.” The three boys all turned their attention to Yifan and watched as he messed around with the food on his tray, choosing to ignore what Sehun so helpfully offered.


“That was fast!” Jongdae said as Joonmyun fell into his chair again, but this time with food in his hands. “But then again you did beat feet out of here!” A small laugh left his mouth.

Joonmyun sent him a soft glare of disapproval as a response to his friend poking fun at his misfortune.

“Ha ha jerk.” Joonmyun opened up his juice and took a sip from it before Kyungsoo began talking.

“Oh, Yifan said he would come back later since you ran away.”

“Great. What the heck does he want now anyway?” He huffed with pouted lips and furrowed brows.

“To sweep you off your feet and make pretty, tall babies with you!” Jongdae teased in a giddy voice. As a response this time, all he got was a baby carrot tossed at his face.

“Anyway, you're about to find out. He's headed over again.”

“Ugh, I just got here. Can't he give me (and my heart) a break?”

“Nope.” Jongdae answered with a pop of the last half of the syllable.

“Joonmyun?” The voice from earlier softly called.

“What do you need, Yifan?” Joonmyun asked with feigned irritation.

Caught off guard by the shorter male for the third time that day, Yifan took a second to gather his thoughts.

“Um, I was wondering what time you wanted me to meet you…oh, and where?”

“Just meet me at the school's entrance after school. Don't make me wait long or I will leave you.” He said as he turned his attention back to his friends and began a spontaneous conversation on something that happened earlier during his homeroom.

Yifan took the abrupt and clear change of attention as his cue to leave. He began making his way back to his table but he felt weird – different. Why is he being so distant? He wasn't like this before. Did I piss him off? Did he actually take what I said after the game seriously? He shook his head to rid his mind of all the thoughts concerning Joonmyun's change of attitude. 



Another great thank you to titianiastar3 and LittleKyuubi for votes 5 and 6! 

Also, my name really is Nana, so instead of calling me authornim, feel free to use four letters instead of nine and use my name! ^^ Or continue to call me authornim haha whatever floats your boat. I don't mind, just letting you know you can use my name if you wish.

I know this chapter was short, but the next one is twice as long! Yay! Plus, the next chapter includes their first tutoring session!! Double yay! But chapter 5 won't be around for a while. I'm sorry, but I need to write more and post less until I write more. Sorry!

Oh, feel free to drop me a comment! I love reading them! Thanks for reading you lovely people!


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Hanikjm #1
Chapter 6: Please update ... I really want to know the ending... Huhuhu
2440 streak #2
looks like I'm not the only one waiting for an update from this fic huh...
UrNumber1 #3
Chapter 6: If I had one wish I would love to see how this ends
jaebooyun #4
Chapter 6: I keep checking on this story once in awhile for updates..
jaebooyun #5
Author -nim plz update....this story is so amazing...n m dying to know what happens plz plz plz update soon
UrNumber1 #6
Chapter 6: Looks like you haven't updated one long I hate when this happens to me it's an amazing story! All the tension between them both of them trying to push their feelings away yet there is gravitational pull(Mr baekhyun) that brings them in together hahaha I'm dumb don't listen to me. But I hope you don't give up on this fic you did a great job!
2440 streak #7
Chapter 6: i wanna be persistent like Jun here and beg you for updates... but you might get annoyed with me! HAHAHAHA

hope you update soon! I really really really miss this story!
ggtyv333 #8
Chapter 1: It's pretty rare for me to find a story that has Sekai AND Krisho. So you have a lot of love from me just for that. And please update. <3
mybeautifuleyes #9
Chapter 6: Authornim it's been so long since you updated this amazing fanfic.(TT ︿ TT) I'll just keep waiting patiently for you. And I know how you feel running an account working and going to school is a hassle. Fighting authornim!
falafalafel #10
hello new reader here!! i am loving this story so far especially the characters. although at first i dislike the fact that joonmyeon has to tutor yifan (i agree with joon's best friends), i'm glad that it gives yifan the chance to see joon differently.
although i kinda hope yifan get to suffer a bit more first (hahha i'm evil)
good job!! i'll wait for more