: 002

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Taehyung can't clearly remember the last moment he spent with his Mother. He doesn't even remember the last conversation he had with her. It's become a blurry memory for Taehyung, and maybe, just maybe, the reason is because Taehyung doesn't expect that moment to be his last with his Mother, he doesn't feel the need to cherish that moment and to remember it. Because he doesn't expect it to be his last. 

Taehyung do hate his Mother. He still feels his heart ache whenever he heard someone mention the word 'Mom'. Taehyung used to envy every kid that got pick up by their Mother by the end of school day. He wants his Mother to pick him up too. But, he doesn't even have one. Taehyung hates his Mother because she abandon him, Taehyung hates his Mother because she left him with no goodbyes. He once thought that maybe, maybe if his Mother said goodbye to him, he wouldn't hate her this much. 

And Taehyung really hate his decision to let his Mother's son (k.a his step brother) sleep peacefully in his living room. He hates the fact that this boy is the one who his Mother spend her time with until the last breath of her life. He hates the fact that Jeon Jungkook seems to be really careless and doesn't feel sorry at Taehyung at all. He doesn't even apologize to Taehyung. He doesn't apologize, when the fact he stole Taehyung's Mother.

Today is Saturday, and in this Saturday morning, Taehyung usually already sit on his couch, ready to watch any shows available at the tv that time. Saturday is Taehyung's favorite day, without no particular reasons. Taehyung just love Saturday so much. But today, not so much. 

Jungkook still sleep safe and sound on Taehyung's couch, and it seems like the younger wouldn't wake anytime soon. Taehyung has the option to wake Jungkook up, but he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to touch this guy and told him to wake up. No. Taehyung's pride is bigger than his love towards his TV. 

And because of that, Taehyung decide to give in and go to Yoongi's apartment instead. The older live alone, just like Taehyung, but with different reason. Yoongi moved to Seoul 10 years ago because of his Father job, but two years ago, Yoongi's parents decide to go back to Daegu. Yoongi refuse to go with his parents because he said he hates to adapt to new environment again, and because Yoongi is stubborn and no one can change his decision, his parents decide to give in and let Yoongi stay. Yoongi doesn't have any relatives here, so he has to live alone. His parents let him, but with the condition that he has to choose an apartment near one of his bestfriend place, so there is someone who can watch him and help him. And because Yoongi knows about the fact that Taehyung live alone in an apartment, he decide to rent one below Taehyung's. Because of that, beside Namjoon's place, Taehyung really loves to hang out in Yoongi's.

"It's freaking eight in the morning, Kim Taehyung. I need sleep too, you know," Yoongi said as he see Taehyung in front of his door. "What happen?" 

"I want to watch TV," Taehyung said as he make his way inside Yoongi's apartment without wait for Yoongi to let him in. Yoongi doesn't mind it though, they are close enough for Taehyung to do that. "Where is the remote?" 

"As far as I remember, you have your own TV in your apartment too," Yoongi said, but he still give Taehyung the remote anyway.

"I'm bored with my own." Taehyung lightly said as he turn on the TV. 

Yoongi rolled his eyes, but decide not to say anything because he knows that Taehyung doesn't tell the truth. He knows Taehyung long enough to knows the difference between when Taehyung tell the truth and when he lie. 

"Well, I want to go back to sleep. But, promise me you won't burn my apartment?" 

"Of course I wouldn't. I'm 17, not 5." Taehyung said with a hint of annoyance inside his voice. 

Yoongi just laugh at that, and then he go towards his room. But he doesn't want to sleep though, he isn't sleepy anymore since Taehyung knock on his door. Instead, he grab his phone, and then send a message to both Namjoon and Hoseok. 

Yoongi : Anyone know what happen to Taehyung?
Namjoon : No, I don't. Why?
Yoongi : He come to my apartment and said that he just wants to watch TV.
Namjoon : Maybe he is just bored with his own TV?
Hoseok : Namjoon.
Namjoon : I'm sorry.

Yoongi sigh as he realize that his bestfriends is as clueless as he is. Yoongi likes Taehyung because he is actually a good kid, but he hates Taehyung because of his secretive personality. He never told anyone when he has problems, and he always try so hard to hide his own feelings from the world. Taehyung always try to act like he is fine, when it's obvious that he is not. Yoongi used to ask Taehyung what happen to him when he notice that the la

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Chapter 1: I'm confuse a little bit here..okay,Tae's mom left him 12 years ago and married another man.They have Kookie as their son.Then,she died.When Kookie arrived at Tae's house,Tae mention about Kookie should just go to his birth mother.Isn't it Tae's mother is also Kookie's mother?Or maybe he is the son of his father former wife that went overseas??is it author-nim?
UglyBunny #2
Chapter 2: the story is interesting! kyaaaa!
Chapter 2: Taehyung really is one hard to open up his problem here...
Jk, you need to work hard to gain his trust..

Taexx6 #4
Chapter 1: Chapter 2 please
dhaifinafa #5
Chapter 1: YAS COLD!TAE <3 pls update soon authornim!!
AkaReikou #6
Chapter 1: PLS UPDATE SOON <3 cold tae omg and kookieee i know u can do it! u can make tae's heart less colder !
Chapter 1: Thank u...I smell angst here
Amu2478 #8
Chapter 1: Huhu this is good, and yash! Cold!Tae is my favvvv!! Cant wait for the next chappie~