The Survivors

Stranded With BIGBANG And My Best Friend, On A Deserted Island


I woke up, having a headache and feeling something creep up my leg. I shaked my leg, shake of the insect or something else. I opened my eyes and saw sand all around me. I stood up to see a endless sea in front of me.

Have I stranded on a Island?

I suddenly remembered the events of today

So why am I alone?
I figured that searching for Rin is the best option right now. I walked a little bit, checked myself for injuries
And continued to search for my best friend.
I finally saw something that looked like a human beings, so i sprinted towards it.

The closer i get, the more it looks like Rin, but is seems that she isn't alone When i finally got to her, i was in shock as to what i saw next.  She was standing up and heading my direction but i couldn't take my eyes of the others that were with her. I made a run for it.

RIN's POV (Right after jumping)

I felt myself getting lighter, i loved the way it felt. Just free falling in the air. I hit the water with a hard splash and let go of Sarah's hand.
While underwater i saw the remaining pieces and people being engulfed by the flames. 
I came up, and saw a island. The shore wasn't too far. I began swimming freestyle and saw something floating, as i came closer it seemed to be a someone. I swam a little faster and saw a man in his late twenties, struggling to stay afloat. I grabbed him and helped him swim to the shore, halfway to the shore, he lost consciousness

I dragged him to land, hand in hand, and let myself fall down next to him, i was too exhausted.  
I too lost consciousness

RIN's POV (present)

I woke up because someone was shaking me, hard may i add. I opened my eyes and saw 4 guys. Staring at me as if i was an angel.

'geunyeoneun sal-aissda!' She's alive!

Korean people?

'Ne, ojeon' yes, i am

I sat up straight and looked at them, one by one. They seemed really familiar, but i couldn't quite put my finger on it.
I looked at my right and saw the guy i saved still lying still.
My eyes widened at the sight of him

'He's still lying unconscious?' I asked them in Korean

I crawled my way to him, i looked at his chest for any signs of breathing, and put my head in his chest. He's still breathing, thank god.I eyed his facial features and i was totally attracted to him, his face was flawless to me in so many ways, his sharp jawline all the way to his plump, soft looking lips.

I took a look at his face and realized something, something i should've realized before. 
There was a band of five on our plane
I saw five guys jump
Those four guys that woke me up were extremely worried about the guy i saved.

'BIGBANG's on our plane!' 

I vaguely remembered what Sarah said to me.

These guys are BIGBANG, and i freaking saved one of them!

I sat up straight and looked at the 4 guys before me.

'Would you mind to introduce yourselves? I will begin, if ya'll wouldn't mind. My name is Rin and, who are you?'

'Wait? You don't know us. You speak Korean, so you should have at least heard of us' the one with the lip piercing said, cockily.

I looked at the guy with a mouth piercing, and let out a sigh.

'I know you are a famous band, BIGBANG if I remember correctly. But i don't know your names an get a move on if we want to survive this mess together' replied getting a little impatient.

'Well, i shall begin. My name is Seungri and i am the maknae of BIGBANG but now i am not since you are younger than me, nice to meet you Rin' i smiled at the guy with White hair, Seungri. I like him.

'I am Taeyang, nice meeting you' the piercing guy with pink hair said, he sounded a lot more friendly hearing that i at least heard of the band, cocky celebrity.

'I am T.O.P.' I looked at the with mesmerizing eyes, he is really handsome. I wonder why i haven't looked into this band yet since there were some hot members in it. I felt attracted to him somehow, he seemed like a mysterious but really nice guy. I liked that

'Hi i am Daesung, nice meeting you. I hope we can survive this mess and still be friends after' the guy with hair over his eyes says, he sounded  a little bit too excited. He was freaking me out a bit to be honest.

'So its Seungri, Taeyang, T.O.P. And Daesung? Who is this guy then?' 

'I am G-Dragon, it is nice to finally meet my savior' he didn't sound the least grateful, the way he spitefully said savior made me cringe.
 The others all had poker faces at his reply, it seemed that they too weren't fond of his way of speaking to me.

I looked at my right side to find the guy with Fiery Red hair sitting straight and eyeing me from head to toe. I haven't noticed that he woke up because of the introductions
'Well its nice to finally know each others names, but i have to go find my best friend. She has to be somewhere near here' i said even spitefully to one guy in particular  back at G-dragonwhile standing up. 
'Why would you even bother, she is probably dead anyway' g dragon said, but i sure as hell heard it! Inconsiderate bastard. 'Hey! G-Lizard, you ing inconsiderate bastard! Don't go off saying people are probably dead when you could've been too if it weren't for me!' He kinda looked surprised by my answer, but the guy deserved it. My sudden interest in him suddenly dropped, but also increased because pf his bad boy behavior.
I headed to the opposite direction of us sitting and walked a little bit.

'Yah! Rin i am going with you!' I recognized that voice as Seungri. 'Yeah, sure' i replied smiling in my head. 
'He's really grateful y'know?' Seungri said. 'He just doesn't like to show it an-' 'that may be so, but i really don't care anymore. If he keeps acting that way we won't be able to survive this together' i interrupt him a little rudely. I watched as Seungri awkwardly looked the other way and began talking about the view of the ocean. I watched as the sun began setting. I sat on the sand and watched the sunset thinking about what happend. Seungri sat next to me and grabbed my hand

'Its going to be alright, somebody will eventually find us'

I thought back of the screams and horrified faces in the plane. My eyes began to tear at the thought of my family, have they already heard about the crash? Do they think i am dead? 

'Rin! I'm over here!'

I was too busy thinking about the crash that I didn't hear Sarah

'Rin? Look somebody waving and running towards us!' Seungri said, shaking my shoulder to wake me from my thoughts

I turned around seeing somebody running towards us

'Rin! It's me!' Was that my imagination? Or is it really Sarah?

'Sarah? Is that you?' I yelled cautiously, stranger danger, am i right?

'Hell yeah! Who do you think i am? You moron!'

Definitely Sarah... 
I began sprinting towards her and enveloping her in a big, long lasting hug

'Friend, we are kinda doomed..' I said to Sarah, and freed myself from the hug
'And why is that, my friend?' I grabbed her shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes.

'Because my friend.. We have stranded with BIGBANG and you on a deserted island'

Her eyes got wide at mentioning BIGBANG

'Were doomed'

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