The Crash

Stranded With BIGBANG And My Best Friend, On A Deserted Island


'Sarah! We're gonna miss the flight! Fix your make-up in the plane!'

She's always like this! I tell her to wake up early to fix her make-up and eat breakfast properly. But she always does the opposite!

I really don't want to miss the flight, we are finally going back to our family in America! Its been 3 years since i moved to Korea and i am missing them like crazy! 

'Rin! I almost done, call a cab!'

I was about to tell her that i already did, when a flash appeared in the corner of my eye. I eyed the window right of me and waited for a minute or two and heard the thunder following the flash. After that it started pouring rain.

'Rin! I am ready let's go!' I watched as Sarah, my best friend, went out the door with her suitcase and to the cab. I hurriedly went out the door too, not forgetting my suitcase and bag and saw Sarah getting in the cab. I put my suitcase in the back of the cab and said a 'hello' to the driver which he returned with a smile. 

-----/ 1:30 hours later \-----

We got on the plane in time and were seated in our assigned seats, the seats by the right wing. After taking off, i looked at the window beside me and saw that it was still pouring rain.

'Isn't is dangerous flighing in this weather?'

I thought to myself

'Hello! welcome to Korea Air, I hope you'll enjoy the flight with us, we will now explain the....' 

'Hey Sarah?' She looked at me, curious as to what i will say, it isn't that exciting to be honest


'Im going to get a little shut eye, wake me if something is up'

'What do you mean by that Rin?'

'I'm feeling a bit iffy about the weather and the flight, to be completely honest with you..'

'Oh, it's been bugging me too actually. The weather really isn't nice to fly in'

So she's feeling it too..

'Well whatever feeling we have, i'm gonna get some shut eye.'

After 10 minutes of tossing and turning in my seat i finally fell in sleep. But that didn't last long because of Sarah...

'Rin!...pssstt! RIN!!'

'What is it?'

'BIGBANG's seungri is on this plane!


'BIGBANG's seungri and probably the other members are on this plane, when we arrived at the airport. Wasn't it crowded with teenage people, mostly girls? Well this is why!'

'Awesome! Not.. I just wanna sleep right now'

'Humph! Alright go back to sleep'

And that's what i did!



I woke up because of the turbulence of the plane, it wasn't light but severe. I looked out the window, to see that it was still raining, hard. Just as i was planning to go to sleep, i felt the plane leaning towards the left, it scared the hell out of me looked around me and saw people grabbing their seats, baby's started crying and many people began praying..

It wasn't a pretty sight to see, almost as if it was right before a plane crash in a movie.

Then the most unimaginable thing happened

Lightning struck the left wing, and it blew off right away. I was glued on my seat and couldn't move, i saw people flying into air and being engulfed by the fire. I looked at Sarah and found her too motionless on her seat, watching the horrifying scene. I looked out the window and saw that we were closing in on the sea. I unbuckled Sarah's seatbelt first and then my seatbelt. 

There was one way to survive this, and that was to jump out of the plane and into the water. Luckily we weren't the only ones thinking this, we saw a couple men also having the same idea. 

I saw the cockpit being thrown out into air, so i started panicking a bit. A lot of people were still seated, and i told them to stand up, but they already agreed on their fate. 

Sarah and I, and those couple of men, were not.

As soon as the plane was about 20 meters away off the water

'Rin, we have to jump now'

I grabbed her hand 

'Best friends forever right?'


And then we jumped.

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