Pedo Bear

My Two-faced Step Brother

The sound of my heels clicked as I walked down the street with different Cafés, bars, restaurants and pubs and finally came to a turn into Golden Kim Chi. I strutted into the fancy, Korean restaurant and looked around for my mum. I searched on my far right to find a familiar face. The eyes on the face turned and made contact with mine then the person stood up and waved at me to come over. I smiled and nodded, as the owner of the face was my mum. As I walked closer, I came to realise a man around my mum’s age sitting beside my mum. He had a familiar smile, which made me feel weird. I gave the man a warm smile and I began to think why he was here.

 “Hello,” I greeted my mum and the man. The man stood up and held his hand towards me. I kindly accepted it and lightly shook it along with him.

 “You must be Eun Ah. I’ve heard much about you,” he stated and smiled. I could have sworn I’ve seen this face before.

 “Yeah, I’m Eun Ah,” I responded. We both took our seats and mum began to speak.

 “Honey, this is Dae Jung,” she introduced the man.

 “My dear, I would like to remarry,” mum expressed. I sat and smiled. I didn’t know how to react. Of course mum needs her happiness but I’ve never met the man before.

 “You’re not up to it are you?” asked mum in a worried tone. Well not really. But he makes her smile. She hasn’t had her genuine smile since dad left.

 “No, if you’re happy, then I’m happy,” I answered happily. Mum thanked me and gave me one of her warm hugs.

 “Eun Ah do you want to stay with mum or,” Dae Jung, or now my dad, asked.

 “I’ll find a new home for myself,” I answered him.

 “My house is vacant at the moment, would you like to move into there? It’s near the KBS building too,” “dad” suggested. What a kind offer? I can’t just accept it like that.

 “That’s a kind offer but aren’t you and mum going to move in there?” I asked him.

 “I’ve found another home away from the city and your mum loves it. We’ll be moving there,” he announced.

 “I’d also like us to become closer. You are going to be my daughter after all,” Dae Jung insisted.

 “I guess I can’t really say no now can I?” I asked and he nodded happily.

 “Honey, you’re also going to become a younger sister,” mum informed. Wait actually? Being an only child is a bit boring. Yay! I’m becoming a younger sister!

 “I had a son with my late wife. He should be coming soon. Your mum has already met him,” he mentioned. Just as my new dad finished speaking, a guy in an expensive looking tux appeared by our table. I looked up to see a guy with an angelic smile. Then it hit me. I knew who this guy was.

 “Oh! Hello Eun Ah! Fancy seeing you here,” the guy greeted me.

 “Oh, Baekhyun my boy you’re here! And I guess you already know who your sister is now hmm?’ he smiled at Dae Jung as he spoke. Oh. My. Gawd. Byun Baekhyun is my new brother?! My mum spoke up,

 “How do you two know each other?”  

 “We work in the same building. Just for different shows,” Baekhyun answered my mum. Well, his mum now but she’s still my mum.

 “What a coincidence,” mum commented.

 “Small world this is,” I muttered under my breath.

We finally ordered our food and chatted together as family. I sat quietly thinking about Baekhyun being my brother and how he acted today. He seems like a two-faced ! The way he acted all kind to the girl and kindly accepted her cookies. Then next minute he dumps them in the bin! I was in deep thought when suddenly; I felt warm weight on my leg. I looked down to see a feminine looking hand. I looked up to see the owner of the hand was actually Baekhyun.

 “You seem to be in deep thought little sis. What are you thinking about?” Baekhyun asked worried. Excuse me? You should know very well what I’m thinking about. Also, you’re considering me as your sister already?

 “Just what I’m going to do tomorrow,” I lied. Baekhyun has been acting all innocent in front of mum and dad this whole time! How does he contain it like this?


Today I moved to my new home. Today is my day off so I have all the time I need.

 “Oh? Eun Ah?” a voice said. I turn to my side to see I human.

 “Holy a human! What are you doing in my house?’ I yelled. It was Baekhyun.

 “No, honey, I’m a dog,” he said sarcastically

 “I guess my dad didn’t fill you in on the details. I live here,” Baekhyun stated. I thought about living somewhere else.

 “I think I could move to a friend’s house for a while before I can get a house of my own,” I told Baekhyun.

 “No, you can stay here. Who would put up with you for that long anyway?” he stated. He had a point.

 “There’s a sun room too,” he mentioned.

 “OMG! I love sunrooms!” I squeaked.

 “I’ll give you a house tour,” Baekhyun insisted. I nodded in agreement happily. Baekhyun suddenly pinned me up against the wall giving me a shock. I can feel my heart rate go up and I couldn’t help but blush, as his face was a few inches away from mine. I felt his breath on my face. A few seconds later, he released me.

 “You trust people too easily and you are too vulnerable,” Baekhyun declared while laughing.

 “We are adults living under the same roof you realise? You don’t know what’ll happen,” Baekhyun said. My face was blank. Did he really just say that?

 “I’m only teasing Eun Ah. You’re so cute when you take things seriously.”

 “If you really want to move out, you can move with your boyfriend,’ he suggestively said.

 “I don’t have one,” I added. Baekhyun put a smirk on his face.

 “I’ll try not to let my inner wolf come out and pounce on you,” he said, still smirking.


 While Baekhyun gives me a room tour, I realise everything is so clean. Clean freak. He’s even cleaner than I am!

 As we end the tour, Baekhyun shows me to my room while carrying one of my big boxes. I’ve been overthinking about him since I saw him in the house. He acts so differently from time to time. Baekhyun left my room to get a drink. As I turn, I trip over the heavy box waiting for the shot of pain that never seemed to happen. I look up to see Baekhyun holding me.

 “You should be more careful you know,” he warned.

 “I was about to tell you to watch out but I was a tad late,” he told me. He tried to save me?

 “You tried to help?” I asked and he nodded with a smile. I felt my heart jump as he pushed my upright again.

“What if I’m being kind to you to lower your guard so I can pounce on you in the dead of night?’ Baekhyun said with a smirk on his face.

 “Can I pounce on you?” he asked and shifted towards me. I tried to hold down the blood that was rising up towards my face. Geez it’s already hot in this room!

 “Uh?” was all I managed to spit out of my mouth.

 “Oh Eun Ah. You take everything so seriously, you’re just begging to be teased,” he stated while chuckling. I blush once more, really embarrassed. I walked over to one of my boxes in front of the blue painted cupboard and picked out one of the dresses in the box and grab a bunch of hangers to hang them up. Baekhyun sat on my bed reading some of my old books and then organising them on my bookshelf. After he had finished, he sprawled across my bed and heaved a long sigh.

 “Are you tired? You can go rest if you want,” I said to him.

 “Nah, I’ll stay,” he replied.

I turn over to look at him and see him roll his body off the bed then crawl over to one of my boxes. I smiled then got back to hanging my clothes. Wait. Oh. My. God. NO. That box contains my BRAS AND UNDERWEAR! NO!

 “No! You don’t have to do that!” I voice squeaked.

 “Don’t worry I’m fine,” he smiled then turned back to the box. I panicked and ran over but, too late. He ripped the box open and revealed a rainbow choice of bras and knickers. We both stop in silence as we looked at the contents in the box.

 “Oh, uh, sorry. Looks like I opened I box that I was not meant to open doesn’t it. Sorry,’ he apologized and scratched the back of his neck.


Baekhyun sat on my bed and reached into the box beside him that contained pictures and photo albums from my childhood and grabbed a scrapbook I made for my dad when I was six. The cover of the scrapbook was messily decorated with glitter glue, feathers and drawn stick figures of my dad and I.

 “Is this your dad?’ Baekhyun asked. I looked over at him and nodded.

 “Yeah, he was such a kind dad,” I replied and smiled as I reminisced my childhood while unpacking my things.   

 “It must’ve been tough for you,” Baekhyun said while looking through my old pictures.

 “My dad was so kind. He left us enough money to send me to a good high school,” I said.

Baekhyun continued to look through the photos of my family and I. 

 “Is this one from your birthday? Hah, you’re a cutie in this one too,” he said while giggling at the photo.

 “Oh, this looks like a Christmas photo! Seems like you had a great childhood,” Baekhyun assumed. I nodded in response.

 I was organising my jewellery when I heard a chuckle beside me.

 “These are some good shots of you,” Baekhyun said a held up the picture towards me. I was in utter shock.  Warm blood was rushing to my face.

 “What’s wrong?” he asked innocently. What was wrong was I was completely in the photo!

 “You don’t have to be shy,” he suggested.

 “You’re not embarrassed are you?” he asked with an innocent tone. Oh no, not at all. You know, you’re just looking at a picture where I’M COMPLETELY ! No, I’m not embarrassed. I attempted to reach for the photo but in a flash, he moves it away from my reach.

 “What’s the problem?” like, are you a pedo or something? That’s a picture of me, !

 “The problem is that I’m in it,” I squeaked.

 “It’s okay, I’m not really that erted. Also, its only a baby photo, it’s okay,” he told me. I looked at him in disbelief.

 “That’s not the point I’m trying to make right now. Baby or adult, it’s still a picture of me, and I’ve got no clothes on!” I tried to prove my point.

 “Oh come on…” he sighed. He grins at me then looks back at the picture. God this is so embarrassing. Seeing him enjoy himself so much makes me turn a deeper shade of red. I leaned towards him and finally got a grasp of the photo. I hide the photo under my hand and he grins at me again.

 “Looks like I got in a bit of trouble today hah. First your under garments and now your photo. Sorry,” he shyly said and smiled. I shook my head in reply to him. He really likes to get a reaction out of me.


I finally finish unpacking the mountain of things I own just as the sky began to become orange and as the sun started to dip below the horizon. Baekhyun went to buy some dinner, as both of us were too lazy to cook anything because we both had a long day.

I heard the front door open and the sound of footsteps followed.

 “Welcome home Baekhyun,” I yelled out.

He walked into the living room and looked at me weirdly.

 “What?” I questioned.

 “Nothing, I’m just not used to someone greeting me when I come home,” he explained smiling.


In the middle of the night, I woke up needing to pee. I walked around the house confused and half asleep looking for the bathroom.

 “Wait. It’s down stairs next to the living room right?” I asked myself.

 “Oh, nope, no bathroom here,” I mumbled to myself.

After a bit more confusion, I finally found the bathroom and could finally relax my lower body and go back to my room. When I got into my bed I couldn’t help but feel that it was warmer than it should be under the blanket. My sleepy self couldn’t process what was going on but after a few minutes of thought, I’m wide-awake. I looked over my right and finally processed what happened. My heart was in my mouth and I slowly pulled the covers back. Baekhyun. Was. Lying. In. the. Bed. Looking. At. Me. Confused. Suddenly, the words he said earlier flooded back “What if I’m being kind to you to lower your guard so I can pounce on you in the dead of night?” I was now fully awake from the shock. My breathing hitched. I drew in a deep breath, and was going to let out the loudest scream I had ever let out.


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Frisur #1
Chapter 2: Update soon.i love this
Chapter 2: This is funny :D
update soon
xiuhanisreall #3
cant wait for update^^
btslover21 #4
update soon^^