Long Day

My Two-faced Step Brother

I woke up late today. Well I always do anyway. I rushed out of my house and for most of the way to work I was speed walking; I probably got my slim body this way. I made my way to the news network. I’m a producer there. Pretty hard job if you ask me but, it has its perks. I’ve met many celebrities with this job. Quite fun. As I walked down the main street, I got a text from my mum.


Mum: Hey Honey, I want to meet with you today. Come see me at Golden Kim chi after work?    9:47am


Me: Sure Mum. I’ll see you at 7:30pm <3    9:48am


 I shoved my phone back in my dark-blue blazer and continued speed walking down. I thought about why mum texted me out of the blue. She usually doesn’t unless something’s up.

 My mum became a widow when I was 9. She became pretty sad after my father past away. He left us so suddenly. You’re probably wondering how he died. He had a sudden heart attack, which shocked us hard because he was such a healthy man. He wasn’t a smoker, he worked out to keep fit, he told mum and I to be healthy himself. It really did hit us.

 As I reached the KBS building, I looked into my wallet to find my ID card. Ohmehgawd. Its not there?! I continued to search in my wallet and my handbag and I ended up not finding it.

 “Hurry up you old hag!” Someone growled behind me. I turned to see Kris towering over me with a cold glare. His dirty-blonde hair was in a y mess and he was in a tux. He is one of my co-workers. He has girls swooning over him. All of them.

 “Sorry, Kris,” I apologized to the giant and moved out of his way.

 “You shouldn’t forget your ID card you know,” a voice in front of me said. I looked up to see a young man with deer eyes. He was one of Kris’ friends, Luhan. He held my hand, got his card and put it through the card swipe and pulled me through along with him.

 “Thanks Lu,” I thanked him and smiled.

 “Its okay, don’t forget that card of yours. It can bother some scary people,” Luhan said and giggled.

 ‘Will do!” I giggled. He looked at me and said he had an errand to run so we sent each other goodbyes and walked in opposite directions.


 I walked around the corner of the hallway with my eyes on my phone and almost bumped into someone’s chest. I looked up to say sorry but he had beaten me to it.

 "I’m sorry," the man apologized. I looked up slightly and saw Baekhyun.

 “No, it’s okay,” I replied.

 “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you around,” he said and continued down the hallway. I continued walking when I suddenly heard Baekhyun’s voice again. Strange? I thought he had already left. I slowly backed from my path and peered around the corner to see Baekhyun with another girl.

 “Thanks for the other night Baekie. I made you some cookies to thank you,” she younger girl said smiling.

 “Oh really? Thanks! I love cookies!” he said cheerfully and kindly accepted the cookies.

 “That’s good. I’ll see you around okay, Baeki?” she said and left the guy. Baekhyun walked down the hallway and walked towards the bin on the other side. He dumped the cookies into the trash. I watched dumbfounded.

 “Oh, hey Eun Ah,” he called out to me. , he caught me. He chuckled and walks towards me. He grinned at me then stopped in front of me, lifted his hand and slammed it against the wall pinning me against the cold wall. He leaned his head towards mine and breathed in my ear. Ohmehgawd!

 “It’s rude to spy on people you know,” his husky voice ran through my ear.

 “Uh..,” I didn’t know what to say. He backed away and laughed at me.

 “Priceless,” he said while giggling at himself.

 “Sorry, Baekhyun but I really have to go. I’m already really late,” I alerted him and bowed.

 “Bye Eun Ah!” he chuckled and walked off in the other direction.


 I walked into the producer’s office and saw my best friend, Minyoung.

 “Hey baby! Late again,” pointing out the obvious.

 “No , Sherlock,” I said to her and she laughed. I had a small chat with Minyoung and I suddenly felt a hard impact on my head. I turned to see Tao, head producer glaring at me.

 “You need to get an alarm!” the tower scolded me.

 “Sorry Tao,” I said with my head low.

 “Your birthday is coming up; the perfect present for you will be an alarm clock. What do you think?” he suggested. I nodded gently as a reply. He smiled and gave me a few folders to sort.


 I walk into the editing office to edit a new news report when suddenly some tall guy walked out and bumped into me. I then realise my blouse was warm and wet. I looked down to see my white blouse slowly turn brown. Coffee.

 “Oi, Dopey, watch where you’re going,” he scolded. It was Kris. He looked at me as if he was about to tell me to get his clothes cleaned for him as he too, got coffee on him.

 “Sorry, Kris,” I apologized and bowed multiple times.

 “Aish, take it off,” he ordered. Wait what?

 “I’m sorry, what?” I asked back.

 “Ugh, take your shirt off,” he ordered once again. I stood there not knowing what to do.

 “Look either you strip or strip you for you,” he said suggestively. Ohmehgawd what is wrong with today? My face must’ve looked like a tomato! The silence then became laughter.

 “I’m just kidding Eun Ah, here,” he handed me his handkerchief.

 “This is yours though,” I reminded him.

 “Its okay, you got more coffee on you anyway. I have to go. I’ll see you later,” he said and warmly smiled then walked away. It's going to be a long day..



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Frisur #1
Chapter 2: Update soon.i love this
Chapter 2: This is funny :D
update soon
xiuhanisreall #3
cant wait for update^^
btslover21 #4
update soon^^