Chapter 18- Dirty thoughts of Kai.

Married To Ms. Employee.

*Urghhh.... my back hurts!*

Jisoo groaned as she touched her back.

Last night Jisoo had been sleeping on the couch at level two, she didn't want to see Kai during her sleep or whatever. She shared an awkward situation with him and she was kind of scare to see Kai again. She was afraid that her legs might turned jelly in that instant the moment she looked at Kai again.

The way and the feeling that Jisoo looked into Kai's eyes were unforgettable. Jisoo couldn't stop thinking and stop smiling to herself the moment she started thinking about it. 

* Stupid Kim Jongin,  you should stop looking at me like that. We almost kiss!*

Jisoo sat up from her position as she rubbed her sore back.

*I wonder how he lips will feel..... OH MY GOD, HA JISOO. WHAT THE ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?!*

Jisoo literally slapped her face for those wild thoughts.

She got up from the couch and folded the blanket neatly before going back to the bedroom with her pillow to keep it. She saw a half- sleeping figure of Kai and yet another wild thoughts came into her mind. She couldn't help it but gluped her thick salivia at the sight of Kai.

It was like as if she was getting just by looking at Kai. Her heart was racing fast just like last night on how her heart felt like bursting into beautiful fireworks right at the moment when their eyes met.

Jisoo scolded herself mentally in her head before she quickly grabbed her uniform and all those neccesary items she needed. She immediately walked as fast as she could to the second level to bathe just in case the water from her shower might wake Kai up from his sleep.

After Jisoo finished bathing and wore her uniform, she looked into the mirror as she stared at her red cheeks. It have been burning again and again for her countless wild thoughts about Kai and his lips. Not forget to mention, she even dreamt of Kai's abs she had seen during that first night in this house!

Remember Kai slept with her shirtless on their first night? Yeah, that's the one that Jisoo had been dreaming of xD. She wondered how would Kai's abs feel if she touched the well-defined texture on his stomach, it must be golden!

She slapped her face for the nth time again before shaking her head to snap out her crazy thoughts about Kai.

"Ha Jisoo, I'm telling you to stop it."

Jisoo scolded herself as she pointed at her own reflection with a scolding manner.

"If you're going to continue with your wild thoughts about Kim Jongin, you're so gonna be dead. I'll rid off your stupid head and place it as a decoration in the house."

She continued.

"You need to stop, okay? Or else you can't face him later, you hear me? Ha Jisoo? Oh my god.... I must be mad, Jisoo!!! What the hell are you doing right now?! Talking to yourself?? Crazy !"

Jisoo raked her hair messily just after she had neatly brushed.

She didn't know what to do anymore with just all those thoughts coming into her mind. They were just about to kiss only and yet she already acted like that, so what's going to happen if they really kissed each other? I bet Jisoo wouldn't even be able to sleep through at least a week.

She sighed in frastruation before brushing her bangs with her fingers and got out from the bathroom. 

The house was totally silent except for the sound of glass clinking together, curiousity built up in Jisoo as she tipped her toes when she walked down the stairs to see who was it. The last time she checked, Kai was still asleep and there was no sign of him going to wake up any time soooner.

"You're wake up already?"

Jisoo startled by Kai's voice as turned to the back to see Kai standing right behind her when she reached the ground level.

"E-erm.... yeah."

Jisoo awkwardly nodded her head and rubbed her arms.

"I got some cereals for the both of us. Let's eat."

Kai nodded towards the dining room as he started walking.

"Thanks but I need to head on to the company to get some reports. I'll leave first."

Jisoo lied again to Kai before running with her life depends on, to the door and put on her sneaker as fast as could.

The truth was, Jisoo still couldn't face Kai even after she scolded herself at the bathroom. She felt like she wasn't confidence enough to trust herself that she would be able to control her feeling towards Kai, and therefore she had decided to leave before anything happened.

She wouldn't want to get tease by Kai or him mentioning about last night incident, it's going to be a hell of awkwardness if he does judging from the Kai's dumbness, he might.

"Is she that busy with the company lately?"

Kai asked himself as he went to the kitchen fridge.

He opened the fridge and smiled in content when he found there were lettuce, mayonnise as well as some eggs.

*Great, I can make sandwich for her.*

Kai smiled before getting all those ingredients he needed for his sandwich to Jisoo.

*Stupid pig, look at yourself. You only had ice cream last night for dinenr and now you're skipping breakfast. Since when did you became so smart?!*

Jisoo scolded herself as her stomach growled endlessly the moment she stepped into the empty class.

She scolded herself for not being confident about controlling her hormones and lead her to empty stomach. It was all her fault and she couldn't stop herself from cursing mentally, she even hit herself with her knuckles for being such a stupid pig.

For that very moment, she wished the cafeteria would just open for her to get her breakfast but unfortunately the cafeteria was dead empty like as if 2 dinosaurs from the jurassic world would come out and eat her alive.

"You're here already?"

Jisoo looked up upon hearing the familiar voice.

It was Kai, the last person she wanted to see on earth for making her life so miserable.


Jisoo nodded her head awkwardly and her cheeks started to heat up.


Kai walked towards her and placed a paperbag along with a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Jisoo looked at Kai dumbfounded.

"I see you going out with an empty stomach just because of the company, so I made you sandwiches. Hope it's edible."

Kai shrugged and explained.

At that very moment, Jisoo swore that she could melt like a pool of chocolates in front of Kai. He was being so caring towards her for that one time. She always thought that Kai was a spoiled brat but today was different. She didn't know that Kai had such caring side of him and Jisoo was damn surprised by it.

Moreover Jisoo was dead hungry and Kai was like a lifesaver to her, he came in the class with food specially made for her. Not forgetting to mention that he even brought orange juice that personally squeezed by him.


It's hard to find a guy squeezing orange juice and made sandwiches for you early in the morning just because he cared that you had yet to eat your breakfast.

Maybe couple does but not for Kai and Jisoo.

Jisoo opened the bag and her eyes budged out when she saw egg mayo sandwiches with lettuce hanging on the outside of the bread. Yes, it might be the most simple sandwich for breakfast but the preparation of egg mayo was sure hard especially for Kai since he was rich and always served by the maids.

He had to wait for the eggs to become hard-boiled before mashing it and mixed it with the mayonnise to make it creamy and the lettuce he had to chop it into smaller pieces.

Jisoo didn't even know if he entered the kitchen once before or not.

"D-did you made those?"

Jisoo asked and eyed at the meal in front of her.


Kai shyly admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck, that was probably the first food he ever made in his whole entire life.

He just didn't know why but he wanted to make breakfast for Jisoo when he noticed that she left the house without taking any breakfast.

If it was Krystal, that would be a different story. She would say she wanted to be on diet and etc just to look good for Kai and he was so sick of hearing Krystal saying she wanted to go on diet. She even made Kai not able to eat his favourite fried chicken wings just because she was on diet and he had to consume those yucky vegetables juice with her which Kai didn't like it at all.

"Thanks, that's very nice of you."

Jisoo sincerely smiled.

Kai nodded and returned to his seat grinning from ear to ear.

*Did she just smile to me like deeply from her heart? It wasn't fake at all and.... and it was nice..... she look beautiful when she smile.*

Kai clenched on his fast beating heart again.


Meanwhile, Ha Jisoo had those wild thoughts again as she muched on her sandwich.

The thoughts of Kai wearing the chef uniform while making her food was beyond hot for her, she couldn't help it again but smile to herself as she ate the sandwich. Her cheeks and ears were burning and she could feel it.

*No wait.... would it be good if he made the sandwiches shirtless? OMG, HA JISOO. YOU NEED TO STOP!!!*

Jisoo literally screamed in her mind for such wild thoughts, it was crazy when they weren't even married yet.






I do kpop covers, so do follow me and give me a 'like' on my video :) THANK YOU VERY MUCH^^

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193 streak #1
Chapter 44: A aaw it's over already... This was awesome, I really enjoyed this!
Chapter 40: KRYSTAL!!!! I hope there's camera in that area!
Chapter 38: Even I got the goosebumps!! So FLUFFYYYYY
Chapter 33: Is was B-Bomb who did it right???!!!
Chapter 28: Why do I get the feeling Krystal is going to take advantage of B-Bomb.. Like she can use him and hurt Jisoo or somethings like that..
Chapter 27: Wow, B-Bomb got it bad for Krystal.. After everything that happened to them, he's still so in love with her.. Kinda pathetic.. I hope he won't hurt Jisoo..
Chapter 25: I don't think that's the last time we'll see Krystal...
Chapter 23: When will he man up?! Wait and see in Monday you say... Well, we'll see about that!
Chapter 16: You better keep this up, Jisoo! Hit back when she's causing you trouble! And Kai, man up!!