Chapter 15- Friends.

Married To Ms. Employee.

"And guys.... let me introduce you to my friend, Danielle Ha!"

Jin introduced Jisoo to his friends which Jisoo met earlier on.

Jisoo awkwardly smiled and bowed her head towards those boys.

"Aniya, call me Jisoo okay? Danielle is just a name my god-grandparents gave in Paris."

Jisoo told them and they nodded their head.

"Araso, Jisoo sound nicer too."

The red guy shrugged.

"I'm Park Jimin."

He raised his hands and Jisoo nodded her head and acknowledged.

"And this is Suga, Rap Monster, Jungkook, J-hope and V."

Jin further introduced.

"Those names aren't your real name, right?"

Jisoo asked as it sound a little funny to her if those were real name, especially Rap Monster.

"Yeah... but they preferred to be called that just like me, I like people to call me Jin instead of Seokjin too."

Jin explained.

"Whatever, I am still going to call you Kim Seokjin no matter what."

Jisoo teased and moreover she thought that his real name sound better on him.

Jisoo couldn't deny that she had a wonderful lunch with those guys. Their dorkiness were on fleek and she literally laughed throughout the entire lunch break. She swore she never laughed that much before in her whole entire life, having them being her friends would be probably a good thing.

"Jisoo noona, what are you major in?"

Jungkook asked as he ate his cheese salmon baked rice.

"Erm.... Jazz? And maybe I am going to the vocal too."

Jisoo replied.

"Oh? That will be same as us! The juniors and seniors take vocal lessons together!"

Jungkook said excitedly.

"Ah... really? So does Rap Monster go to vocal class? I mean he is call Rap Monster for a reason, right?"

Jisoo laughed a bit.

"Ani. Hyung goes to the Rap Club but he is the producing music along with Suga hyung and J-Hope hyung."

V replied and ended off with a cute smile.

Jisoo nodded her head in understanding.

Right when Jisoo almost finished her fresh milk since she wasn't on any appetite to eat because of the lunch boxes thingy, a plate of pasta with tomato sauce flew across and landed right on Jisoo's chest with a huge impact causing her to flinch hardly.

"Oh my god!"

Jisoo took the pasta off her clothed chest with her bare hands and stared.

She didn't know what to do and her mind went blank immediately after she got shocked from the flying pasta. Her face was stained with a little of the pasta sauce here and there and not to mention her uniform was stained everywhere.

"Oh my god, who the hell did this?!"

Suga frowned at the scene and stood up from the seat just like the other boys.

They scanned around the cafeteria for any suspicious character and there they saw Krystal and her bunch of friends giggling at the side. If other girls weren't giggling about all those then why were they? So what if Krystal was Kai's girlfriend, that doesn't mean that she had the right to laugh at Jisoo when Jisoo has practically no harm to them.

Jin cursed to himself and mumbled some words before he charged to Krystal and her friends with a pissed off look all written over his face.

"You did that, isn't it?"

Jin coldly asked.

"D-did what?"

Krystal stuttered because Jin had never talk to her even though they were in the same class for the past years.

"The pasta."

Jin nodded to Jisoo's direction.

"Ani, my food is still with me. Look at it."

Krystal pointed to her bowl of mashed potatoes in front of her.

Jin scoffed because he obviously knew she was lying, he yanked her wrist up and brought it close up to her face without failed on yelling at her for having the guts to lie after doing such evil deed.

"What's this then? Don't tell me you eat mash potatoes with ketchup. I can check the footage if I want to."

Jin threatened and Krystal was taken aback, she gluped her thick salivia before facing Jin bravely.

"Nope, you don't have rights to check the footage. You don't own this school and my boyfriend can stop you from doing that."

Krystal smirked, totally forgetting that she was messing with Kai's fiancee.

"Oh, is it? Then what about Jisoo? I'm sure she has the rights to find out who did that to her right?" 

Jin smirked back and caused Krystal to wipe that smirk out of her face.

"Moreover, do you think Kai would be pleased about you causing a commotion in school? Even if Kai is okay with that, I'm sure his parents that owned this school aren't."

Jin added and raised his eyebrow at Krystal.

Krsytal scoffed at Jin, obviously knew that she was losing to Jin and there wasn't a way for her to fight back. She knew how Kai hated if someone finds troubles first and that was exactly what Krystal was doing now. Kai would be furious to know if Krystal was the one who started everything and that add on to a reason that Kai could break up with her anytime.

Krystal rolled her eyes at Jin and pulled her wrist away from him before biting her lips at Jin angrily.

"Ask her to watch her back."

Krystal gritted softly at Jin before turning away from the scene.

Even though Jin might had confronted Krystal in front of everybody, he still didn't like how Krystal tried to humiliate Jisoo and he kind of felt sorry for her since she was forced into being with Kai and yet gaining all those unwanted harrassment from people like Krystal.


Jin called as he walked over to Jisoo to check if she was alright.


Jisoo mumbled as she was surprised at how Jin stood up for her, it was nice.

"No worries. Do you have extra clothes or pe uniform?"

Jin asked.

Jisoo shook her head because it was her first day in school, of course she wouldn't bring her pe uniform since she didn't know what's her schedule would be like.

"Araso, I got pe uniform with me. You can wear that first."

Jin sincerely smiled.

"Aniya, I lend my to Jisoo noona. Jin hyung's pe uniform will be too big for you."

V offered 


Jisoo gladly accepted it.

She was than thankful and grateful for having such nice friends around her, it was a good experience after all since all those didn't happened to her when she was in her previous school. They literally just mind their own businesses which Jisoo felt kind of good since it gave her peace and all, anyway the interaction she had with those guys just make her felt warmth and she like it very much.





Hello! First of all I want to thanks all of you for reading my story although it wasn't well-written :)

Anyway I want to make things cleared regarding about the similarity between high society and my fanfiction. You can say that I was highly-inspired by High Society but the truth was, I never even watched High Society until I was told that my story was similar, it was just purely coincidence! So please anticipate more from this fic because I swore there's nothing like high society except for the front part since my chapters were all written but yet to post it, therefore stay tune~

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188 streak #1
Chapter 44: A aaw it's over already... This was awesome, I really enjoyed this!
Chapter 40: KRYSTAL!!!! I hope there's camera in that area!
Chapter 38: Even I got the goosebumps!! So FLUFFYYYYY
Chapter 33: Is was B-Bomb who did it right???!!!
Chapter 28: Why do I get the feeling Krystal is going to take advantage of B-Bomb.. Like she can use him and hurt Jisoo or somethings like that..
Chapter 27: Wow, B-Bomb got it bad for Krystal.. After everything that happened to them, he's still so in love with her.. Kinda pathetic.. I hope he won't hurt Jisoo..
Chapter 25: I don't think that's the last time we'll see Krystal...
Chapter 23: When will he man up?! Wait and see in Monday you say... Well, we'll see about that!
Chapter 16: You better keep this up, Jisoo! Hit back when she's causing you trouble! And Kai, man up!!