
Cover it up

Taehyung is not a very social person. He barely talks or interacts with his classmates. When they had recess he usually sat alone in the classroom, drawing with thick markers on the blank paper and shut his surroundings out. His class never really talks to him either. Since he dyed his hair orange got the insults worse and people started dumped their soft drinks over his head. Taehyung didn’t even know why they did that, but he was always the weakest out of everyone. In kindergarten ripped the other children his drawings apart or stole his toys, so it's not like he isn't used to it.

They did that probably because he looked like a maniac with his mostly uncombed dyed hair and the messily buttoned uniform. Or because his classmates saw him with another boy in the park and told everyone he’s gay. Well, it’s not a lie that he’s gay, but they never asked him about it, they just assumed it and Taehyung wasn’t really ready for his come out at that time. He didn’t even told his parents about it and let’s say that it wasn’t the most comfortable evening for Taehyung after his classmates drew homophobic words over his forehead.

He’s now a 20 year old college student with messy orange hair, bruises on his collarbones and cheekbones, dark bags under his eyes because his roommate liked to his girlfriend at 2am, and with no friends. But he didn’t mind.

At least that’s what he thought until he got an invitation to the 21. Birthday party of one of his classmates. Taehyung was happy but decided eventually against it, but through a coincidence saw his roommate the invitation and forced him to go with him to the party.

Saturday came and Taehyung stood in front of a mirror, looking down at his ripped skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. He stood there for more than 10 minutes, trying to figure out if he could go like that or not before his roommate pushed him out of the room.

It was past 9pm when he approached the house, already filled with dancing bodies and heavy beats. Half girls and boys grinding against each other, the first empty bottles already shattered on the floor.

Taehyung didn’t know if he liked it, but he didn’t really thought about it as one of his classmates came to him; already slightly tipsy.

“Taehyung! Come, get a drink” and suddenly had Taehyung a red plastic cup in his hands with a really weird smelling liquid in it, “Come on, drink it!” the boy hiccupped before he pushed the cup against Taehyungs mouth.

It took 15 minutes for Taehyung to get tipsy, 30 minutes to start dancing with a girl who couldn’t stop roaming her hands over his body.  A small moan escaped his throat as she placed her hand over his already growing bulge for the second time. Smiling placed the girl a new cup with alcohol in his hand and without questioning it gulped he everything down at once.

After that go everythin blurry. The music was too loud, his sight was unfocused and his legs started to give up. He doesn’t remember if he slept with the girl or not, but he woke up the next morning with a terrible headache and totally in a foreign bed. Groaning rubbed he over is face when he noticed something on his arm. He sat slowly up and reached for the lamp beside the bed for more light.

The second, the light , started Taehyung to panic. The bed and his left arm were covered in blood, but Taehyungs sight got still a little bit blurry from the tears that started streaming down his face. His head started to buzz and he felt slightly dizzy as he searched for his clothes and run straight out of the house.

It took him half an hour to finally change in other clothes and to take a shower. He washed slowly the blood away, trying to use as less pressure as possible. His arm hurt like hell.

He stepped out of the shower, didn’t spare his reflection in the mirror one glance as he dried himself and when he looked at his arm he wished he wouldn’t have done it. In a messy handwriting were two words on the middle of his under arm written. Confused leaned Taehyung closer; letting his fingers run over it.

The tears started to fall again as he read the words for a second time, and for a third time, and fourth time.

He sunk slowly to the ground, pressing his hands onto the words until the burning was too much.

For the rest of the day tried Taehyung to convince himself that this wasn’t a tattoo and just a really bad joke. He rubbed on the words until it felt like he rubbed his skin off. It took him five hours to realise that his classmates tricked him, wanted to mark him and forced him to think about them for the rest of his life.

He lied on his bed, eyes still red and puffy, legs dangling from the bed as a starred at the ceiling, saying those words over and over again

“I’m not an alien. I’m not a


When he entered the building on Wednesday, were all eyes on him. His eyes were still a little bit puffy and the begs under his eyes a little bit darker than usual. He tried to ignore the whispering of the other students, tried to get this day behind him without much eye contact and talking.

But his plans were practically ripped in front of his eyes as two classmates made their way to him

“Hey, Taehyung; was a really wild party, huh?” one of them grinned, patting his upper arm slightly.

Taehyung winced, trying to take a few step away, but the other guy already grabbed him harshly, fingers digging into the tattoo.

“Not so fast,” the other boy grinned and pushed his fingers harder into the already burning flesh, “Everything okay with your?”

Taehyung shook his head, just to get pushed against the wall, “you’re so naïve, as if someone would ever like you, you ” and then the boys walked with a final kick against his shin away.

He sat quietly on the floor, waiting until his skin stopped burning while everyone starred holes into him. He could practically hear their judging stares.


It took three weeks until everything died a little bit down. The others still bullied him and made fun of him when they saw the two words on his under arm. They still pushed him against walls and dumped their soft drinks over him and called him names, but Taehyung stopped reacting.

He walked soullessly down the corridor, continued walking after they pushed him for the third time this day against some lockers.

His parents already knew about the tattoo after he called them one week after the incident and right after that suggested his father to get an appointment to remove it. He practically screamed at him, told him to get it away before the rest of the family heard about it, about the reason why he moved as far away as possible. And Taehyung really thought about it, he really wanted to erase it, but something stopped him.


He sat in a bar, a beer bottle in his hands and some finger food in front of him. The barkeeper passed him a new bottle after Taehyung emptied the first one and leaned a little bit closer, “pretty harsh words” he said, pointing at the tattoo.

Taehyung stared down at it, “didn’t really had a choice”

“Lost a bet?” the barkeeper laughed. His chest was covered with one large tattoo, on his collarbones gleamed two small silver balls.

“Something like that” Taehyung took a large sip of his beer, eyeing the tattoos of the barkeeper a little bit longer.

“You know, I know this place like ten minutes from here. You can get a cover up for this”

“A cover up?” sceptically raised Taehyung one of his eyebrows.

“Yeah, covering this with a new tattoo. Interested?”

Taehyung stared at him for a few seconds before the man opened his mouth again, “know what? Think about it and call me when you want to. I’m Hoseok by the way” the guy let a small paper slide over the wooden surface and turned to a girl who had definitely too many shots for this night.

Hesitated grabbed Taehyung the little paper and let it slide into his jeans pocket.


It wasn’t long until he dialled the number of the barkeeper. Two day to be exact. His classmates’ literally splashed holy water in his face and screamed that it would curse him from his homouality before they ran laughing away. Taehyung felt like he was in high school instead of college.

“Hello?” a deep voice answered.

“Um… Here is Taehyung-“

“Taehyung? I don’t know a Taehyung”

“I’m the orange haired guy from the bar with that tattoo”

There was a short pause before he heard bedsheets rustling and a small whine which definitely sounded like a boy. Taehyung stared wide eyed at the wall across from him. It was 4pm and the guy was still in bed?

“You woke me up, you know”

“Sorry, I-“

“It’s okay, but I think you just got my boyfriend really pissed” the guy laughed, “So, Taehyung, thought about my offer?”

“When can I come over?” he pressed his eyes together, not believing what he’s just doing.

“Friday at 6pm, don’t be late” and with that hung Hoseok up.

Taehyung stared at his wall for some more minutes, mobile phone still on his ear. Does he really want to cover his tattoo up with an even bigger tattoo?

He shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts. He already agreed; he won’t back out.


Taehyung waited ten minutes in front of the bar before two boys came out. One of them was definitely Hoseok, his black hair hidden underneath a snapback.

“Taehyung!” he smiled, “this is Yoongi, and he works at the studio down the street”

“Nice to finally meet you” the white haired boy stretched his arm out for Taehyung. He had some words and weird symbols all around his arm and fingers, a simple circle on the back of his hand; his lips were stretched into a small smile, above his cheekbones glints a little anti-eyebrow. He looked actually really cute.

They made their way down the street with Hoseok sharing embarrassing stories about the studio and the employees. Four boys worked in the small studio: Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi himself who was the founder of this whole thing. He learned that Namjoon worked only on weekends and that Jungkook was the youngest out of them, still nineteen years old, but one of the best tattooists Yoongi ever had.

The small studio didn’t look really professional or serious in the dark alley with way too many drunken people outside, but Hoseok assured him that it was the best tattoo studio in whole Seoul.

Inside smelled it like disinfectant and the faint buzzing of needles and some unknown beat was to hear. The room he was in had two headlights which shined faintly down at him, two dark leather couches and a small counter. On the opposite wall was a window which showed another room were a boy leaned over the arm of some lilac haired girl with a way too tight top. The boy looked up for a short moment and flashed Taehyung a bright smile.

“Jungkook, move your down here!” nervous stared Taehyung back to Yoongi who stood on the first stair of the staircase next to the counter.

A few seconds later came a tired looking black haired boy down. His hair was parted in the middle (but in a somehow really cool looking way) and looked like they weren’t combed in the last 24 hours; he wore black leather pants and a loose white wife beater, on his ears gleamed several piercings and a septum was to see. To Taehyungs surprise had the boy barely any tattoos.

“Taehyung, that’s Jungkook, he’s going to do your cover up” Yoongi smiled at him.

“Hi, I’m Jungkook. How about you just follow me?” Jungkook pointed up the stairs and waited until Taehyung gave him a small nod.

“Good luck!” screamed Hoseok from downstairs as they entered the first floor.

“They’re idiots, just ignore them” mumbled Jungkook as a loud hit was to hear and an angry Yoongi screaming.

The room in which Jungkook worked was small; red walls except the wall opposite from the door which was painted in black. On the black wall were some shelves and a table with the needed utensils, a big America flag covered half of the right wall, two windows on the left wall.

Taehyung gulped when he saw Jungkook with a sketch-pad and a pen on the metallic stool. He swirled the pen through his fingers as he gestured for Taehyung to sit down on the chair in the middle of the room.

“Where is it?”

“Under arm” whispered Taehyung as he pushed his sleeves up.

Jungkook stared at the two words for a while before he stared back at Taehyungs eyes, “what motive did you thought of?”

“Do whatever you want, just get this off my body”

Jungkook stared at him for some more time, lips caught between his teeth “alright, let’s see what I can do. Wanna tell me how you got that?”

“Passed out at a party”

“I’m not an expert, but don’t you do like this with markers?” Jungkook looked up from his sketch‑pad.

“It’s somehow complicated”

“I have time” mumbled Jungkook, head over his sketch‑pad again.

“I was never really a social guy and my school really dislikes me and then I got an invitation for a party and I was really happy about it. It’s just… how could I know they would plan something like that?” slowly wiped Taehyung some tears with his sleeves away “I woke up with that on my arm, some girl got me drunk and probably knocked me out, too”

It was quiet except for the sound of how a tissue packaging got ripped open. Jungkook offered him without any words a tissue before he looked back at his sketch-pad.

The clock showed past 9pm when Jungkook finished it. During those three hours came Hoseok in and said goodbye to the two boys with Yoongi just behind him who mumbled something about 'Jungkook, please lock up the studio when you leave' and 'please don’t set it under water again'. Taehyung didn’t really listen to them; he was more focused on the muscles on Jungkooks arms which seem to tense every time the boy just breathed and on his neck where a broad line disappeared in the collar of his wife beater and in the roots of his hair.

“Alright, the good thing is that the tattoo is really small and the ink is not too black, so it’s not a very big or complicated cover up” Jungkook smiled at him before he showed him his suggestion for Taehyungs tattoo.

He stared silently at the big ‘x’. It looked like a simple tattoo; in between the thin outline of the ‘x’ were dark inked patterns, one big circles in the middle, some dots and normal lines in different breadths, which should covered the two words perfectly.

“Could you please say something?”

“I love it” said Taehyung who still watched at it amazed.

“Then let’s get started” and before Taehyung could realize it was Jungkook by his side with a small smile while he collected the ink and his machine, “you ready?” he asked as he disinfected the skin and pressed the blueprint over the two words.

Taehyung nodded.


He sat at 2am on his bed, staring down at the tattoo. The skin around the perfectly even lines was still red. In his other hand was a small note with some numbers on it. Jungkook gave it to him with a barely there blush on his cheeks and a shy ‘call me when you have a question’. Taehyung replied with an even shyer smile and a small nod.


After that started Taehyung to visit the bar Hoseok worked in every Friday and the studio every Saturday since the black haired boy invited him every time over. They talked about a lot of weird topics that Yoongi practically flee out of the room.

He met Namjoon three weeks later. A tall blond man who looked like a serial killer until his boyfriend called him and screamed at him so loud that Taehyung heard every word of the conversation. Namjoon left the bar pouting after one hour because his boyfriend didn’t stopped screaming at him that they run out of milk while Yoongi laughed about how whipped he is.

Taehyung didn’t know how it happened, but he got really close with everyone so that Hoseok and Yoongi invited him over to celebrate the 21 birthday of one of the employees.

Hoseok and Yoongi brought him to a small apartment five minutes from the studio. It was in a really dark alley, the white colour of the house already faded to an ugly grey. They pushed the door in the fourth floor open and got greeted by two boys. Namjoon and a boy with fire red hair, from the kitchen popped a head of a dark brown haired boy up. He flashed the three boys a big smile before he walked to them.

“That’s Seokjin, but you can call him Jin. He’s Namjoons boyfriend and if I were you, I would listen to him. He’s really scary sometimes” explained Hoseok as Taehyung shook Jins hand.

Jin was a really tall boy without piercings and tattoos and a motherly vibe. He had a warm smile and a really soft voice. He cooked for the group from time to time, because no one of them could cook even one proper meal. Taehyung wondered how he even met Namjoon.

The boy with the red hair stood up and held his hand out for Taehyung too “Hi, we met a few weeks ago in the studio. I’m Jimin” smiled the boy.

Jimin was a really bubbly person with a small helix in his right ear, with a cute baby face and muscles every other boy would envy. His arms and chest were covered in colourful tattoos.

“I’m Taehyung-“

“Oh, we know! We heard a lot about you. Didn’t know someone could talk so much about a boy” laughed Jin, “Jungkook didn’t shut up about you-“

“Hyung!” shouted a new voice from behind Hoseok and Yoongi.

The two of them started to laugh as they made their way to the table were Namjoon still sat.

“Just finish the meal before you embarrass our little Jungkookie even more, Jin” laughed Hoseok.

Taehyung watched how a red faced Jungkook made his way over to the table and let himself flop next to Jimin on the ground.

Jin finished the meal ten minutes later. He flashed a bright smile to Taehyung as he took his chopsticks in one hand, “So Taehyung, mind to tell us something about you?”

“I don’t know, it’s Jimins birthday and-“

“Oh, I don’t mind! I really want to know more about you! Jungkook only talked about how cute you are” yelled Jimin, still with some noodles in his mouth. He got a death glare from Jungkook who stuffed angry some noodles into his own mouth.

“Well… I’m Taehyung, I’m 20 years old and from Daegu” he paused, “and that’s it”

The six boys eyed him curiously before they bombed him with questions. It took them one hour and the arriving of some bottles of alcohol to finally drop the topic.

The meal was already finished and the clock showed 11pm when they placed again some bottles on the table. Taehyung was hesitated before Hoseok practically poured him the burning liquid straight down his throat. Jungkook sat next to them, worried expression on his face as he nipped on his beer.

It took around two hours for Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin to get more than tipsy and to start dancing to the beat that played quietly in the background. Namjoon and Yoongi lay laughing at the floor, holding their stomachs while Jin hided his eyes out of embarrassment.

Laughing slung Jimin his legs around Taehyungs waist, clinging on him like a koala, as Taehyung lost his balance and fell on the ground, ripping Hoseok with them. The room filled with loud laugher as Jungkook finally spoke up “I think that’s enough”.

“But… Jungkookie” pouted Jimin, crawling slowly onto the youngers lap.

“He’s right, Jimin. I think that was enough for today” smiled Yoongi, starring at the clock which showed 1am, “We have to work tomorrow”

The laugher turned into loud groaning. Jin and Namjoon were the first ones to go, followed by Yoongi who dragged Hoseok with him. Jungkook and Taehyung stayed for the night, because Jungkook was worried that something would happen to them and because Jin asked him to do it. And really, you should listen to someone who got Namjoon so whipped.

He stayed up for a few more hours, waited for the two hysterically giggling boys to fall asleep in Jimins bedroom. It was probably not the best idea to drink so much when they had to work in the morning.


He woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Jimin stood in the kitchen, his hair stuck up in all directions and his sweats hung way too low around his hips.

“Morning” yawned Jungkook and peeked over Jimins shoulder to look into the pan.

“Morning, do you mind waking Taehyung up? He’s still asleep” with a skilled hand cracked Jimin another egg into the pan.

“Sure” he mumbled, already walking to Jimins bedroom.

He was greeted with a sleeping Taehyung whose limps lay in really uncomfortable and weird looking directions. His head was covered with a pillow; the blanked covered barely one of his legs. He slept in boxers, his T-shirt next to the bed. It was definitely a drool-worthy sight and Jungkook had to swallow several times before he was ready to wake the older boy up.

The orange haired boy blinked at him sleepily and muffled a yawn before he smiled up to him, “morning”

“Stand up, Jimin made breakfast” he said, throwing the pillow into Taehyungs face again.

Taehyung nodded and followed a blushing Jungkook into the kitchen. They had a ten minute meal before Jimin had to go to work and left them alone in the apartment. They washed up and agreed to go and grab some coffee on the way to Taehyungs dorm.

The air was cleaner in the morning and Taehyung sipped happily on his coffee while Jungkook tapped his fingers against the cup and hummed an unknown song. It was a comfortable silence between them and Taehyung felt great, nearly perfect, until someone run into him.

It happened really fast, Taehyungs coffee spilled over the person’s shirt, there was a loud scream and then came Taehyung face to face with that person. He recognized the mean grin and the pierced eyebrow and tried to walk away, but his classmate already grabbed his arm.

“Where are you going, princess? Not gonna greet your friends?” the boy smiled.

“Let go, it hurts”

“Don’t be so sensitive, you . It’s not like you can’t handle a little bit pain when you a get such a big cover up. Didn’t you like our small tattoo?” the boys grab got harder until he noticed Jungkooks angry glare and a deathly grasp around his coffee cup, “your boyfriend? Didn’t know someone could love a like you!”

In rage dumped Jungkook his coffee into the next trash bin and yanked the boys arm from Taehyung, “Shut up!” he yelled, slamming the boy against the brick wall next to them. The boys eyes widened as he looked into Jungkooks dark ones “touch Taehyung one more time and I’m going to beat the living out of you! I’m going to make you cry for your mummy, I’m going to make you scream in agony if you touch him ever again, you ! off!” he yanked the boy away from the wall and kicked him in the direction they came from. The boy stumbled for a few seconds, before he steadied himself and run away.

With wide eyes looked Taehyung at Jungkook. The younger boy pushed his hair out of his face and continued to walk, “you’re coming?”

Taehyung nodded hectically and run to his side, “that was really not necessary-“

“He was an and called you . It was definitely necessary” explained he.

“I can handle it, really”

“Stop blabbering bull. You looked like a little scared bunny”

“I did not” pouted Taehyung and watched in the corner of his eye how Jungkooks lips stretched into a small smile.


He sat with Hoseok and Jimin in a small café with three sliced strawberry cake and two coffees on the table. Hoseok had for once a long-sleeved shirt on, tattoos completely covered. He starred amused at Taehyung while he stirred his coffee, “So, I heard about this little incident with one your classmates”

A small blush appeared on Taehyungs cheeks, “It was really nothing, Hyung. I already explained everything to Jimin”

“I think Jungkook really likes you” smiling took Hoseok a sip from his coffee, “I never heard that he was so angry”

“Don’t be stupid”

“No, he’s right. I never heard about that either. He always tries to avoid incidents like that” tossed Jimin in.

“He was just being friendly. Everyone would have done that”

“Yoongi would even leave you dying in the corner of some dark alley” whispered Hoseok with a big piece of cake in his mouth.

“It’s still a mystery to me that you two are still together. I thought you’re just one of his boys”

“Wow, thank you Jimin. Those were such nice words” said Hoseok and rolled his eyes.

“How did you even meet each other?”

“Yoongi came regularly into the bar, every day with a new tattoo, I asked every time about the meaning of them and we talked for hours. One day I asked him where he got those and he said that he’s the owner of a studio. He invited me over after some time, offered me to make me a tattoo and I agreed. He made my first tattoo and after that we just kept in contact. It’s nothing special, really” smiled Hoseok, his eyes big and dreamy as he thought about it.

Taehyung smiled at him. It was a totally unromantic and weird love story, but he was happy that their relationship worked out so well. He had seen his first tattoo; it was big feather on his right side which was amazingly detailed. The first time Taehyung saw it, he wanted Yoongi to give him one too, but the older boy said no and told him to go and ask Jungkook, he never did though.

“Back to you and Jungkook. I’m actually pretty curious” smiled Jimin while he played with his newly pierced snake bites.

“There is nothing, really. We are just friends-“

“But you want more, right?” smiled Hoseok, cup again against his lips.

“I didn’t say that-“

“We can see it in your eyes” winked Jimin, his lips stretched into an evil smile.

“Yah, shut up” Taehyung buried his face in his hands, tried to hide from the two older boys.


It was a week later when they met again in the bar Hoseok worked in. They celebrated the anniversary of the tattoo studio and laughed over some beer bottles and a big plate of fries about some old stories.

Namjoon had his arm around Jins shoulder as he tried to hide his face in embarrassment about the story Jimin just told them. Yoongis face was already red from all the laughing and the definitely too much beer; Taehyung was sure that his loud laughing would shatter the windows any time.

Jungkook played smiling with his bottle as Jimin ruffled his hair and told them how Jungkooks first tattoo was literally the most stressful day they ever had, “Jungkook, you really have to show Taehyung your tattoo onetime. It was one of the most difficult things Yoongi and I ever worked on”

“Yeah, onetime” smiled Jungkook and took another sip of his beer.

It was a nice night, really, but somehow the few bottles of beer turned into vodka and rum and the slightly light and tipsy feeling turned into a totally wasted Taehyung, Jin and Yoongi (and by that time knew everyone that Taehyung didn't handle alcohol pretty well). It reached the point where Yoongi started to attack Hoseoks neck while the others started to groan and threw some fries at them. Hoseok only laughed and stood up; “I think it’s time for us” he smiled and carried Yoongi out of the bar.

The others stayed a little bit longer until Jimin threw up over Jins jeans and Namjoon had to drive both of them home, because Jin started to laugh and that was really terrifying because that was his favourite jeans and not even his own mother was allowed to touch them.

Taehyung and Jungkook stayed in the bar for one more hour. Jungkook listened to Taehyungs blabbering over space and bunnies. It was weird, but Jungkook enjoyed the company of the drunken boy.

An hour later walked the two of them down the street. Jungkook just followed the orange haired boy since he still didn’t know where he lived. It was ten minutes into walking when Jungkook gave him a piggyback ride and carried the loudly singing boy instead of letting him walk by himself since he got nearly hit by a car twice.

“Who could’ve known that you’re so stressful when you’re drunk?” laughed Jungkook, “where do you even live?”

“I live in South Korea” smiled Taehyung, cheeks pressed against Jungkooks head.

“More precisely?”

“Seoul” smiled the older boy.

Jungkook let out a sigh and carried Taehyung to his own apartment. He let him fall on his own bed and decided to sleep on the couch for this one night.

“You’re really cute, Jungkookie” smiled Taehyung as Jungkook was about to leave the room. His hands squished the younges cheeks together.


“You’re really cute, I think I really like you” mumbled Taehyung and tried to lean up to press his lips against Jungkooks.

Jungkook starred shocked at the drunken boy. It was probably just the alcohol talking, he doesn’t really like him. As if, Jungkook was a drop out, he got kicked out of his own home, he couldn’t like him. Slowly pressed Jungkook him back down and pushed his fading orange hair out of his face

“You should really sleep” he whispered and closed the door.

It took him two hours to finally fall asleep, because Taehyung sung practically a whole musical in his bedroom before he threw up and passed out. Taehyungs words still terrified him as he closed his eyes.


“Could you please repeat it, Taehyung? You’re talking way too fast” mumbled Hoseok. It was 7am and Taehyung just woke up in a foreign bed in a completely unknown apartment. His first instinct was to run away, but he called Hoseok instead. He sat still in Jungkooks bed which smelled like his cologne, probably was the scent the reason why he didn’t dashed out of the apartment in panic. His room was one messy mountain of clothes, books, art supplies and still unfinished drawings, the blinds let barely any light in and somehow it totally suited Jungkook.

Taehyung took a deep breath, “I got so drunk last night that Jungkook took me with him to his apartment and I think I just confessed to him and tried to kiss him before I passed out. I just woke up and I think he’s out working or something, please help me”

“You tried to kiss him?!” yelled Hoseok in disbelief.

“Yes, and now he’s not here anymore and I think I got him angry or I scared him away” whined Taehyung while he tried to get into his pants. He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, mobile phone in between his cheeks and shoulder as he struggled with his skinny jeans.

“Ok, don’t panic. Jungkook is surely not scared or angry, I think he really likes you and probably didn’t kissed you because of your status” Hoseok let out a sigh, “listen, he’s definitely not angry at you. He really likes you, I can tell. Everyone can tell… Taehyung do you listen to me?”

“I ed up, Hyung” whined Taehyung again and laid himself onto the floor, jeans not even half up his legs.


They didn’t meet each other for two more weeks. Taehyung visited them every day, but Jungkook was always busy or had lunch break. He decided to spent his free time with Hoseok and Jimin and sometimes even with the other three boys.

It was when Hoseok called him over at 9pm what they met again. When he entered the studio was everything dark, the only light came from the neon sight from outside and the street lamps. He waited for a few minutes before he noticed the faint buzzing of a tattoo machine from upstairs.

He followed the sound until he stood in front of Jungkooks room. It would be a lie, if Taehyung said that he wasn’t afraid. They didn’t saw each other for two weeks and didn’t really talk about it. He took a deep breath before he pushed the door slightly open.

Jungkook sat on the table with a banana under his fingers. The black haired boy had headphones in his ears, his head nodded slightly to the beat. Smiling watched Taehyung how he finished the outlines of a skull before he tapped on his shoulder. Jungkook winced, ripped his headphones out of his ears and stared at Taehyung in shock.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Hoseok asked me to come over, but he’s not here, is he?”

“No, he probably told you the wrong meeting point. He does that all the time” slowly placed Jungkook the machine down.

“Don’t think so” Jungkook only hummed in response, “What are you doing?”

“Just practicing”

“With a banana?” Taehyung laughed.

“Yeah, that’s how we do it. Wanna try?”

Taehyung hesitated for a second, before he nodded and took Jungkooks place on the stool. Jungkook placed the machine in his hands and laid a new banana in front of him.

“What should I do?” Taehyung looked up to Jungkook.

“How about you start with circles or a line?”

Nodding switched Taehyung the machine on and tried to do an even line.

“No, you have to hold it more like this” whispered Jungkook, his hand already covering Taehyungs, his chest pressed against Taehyungs back as he guided his hand. His breath fanned over Taehyungs neck. He doesn’t focus on the banana anymore, just let Jungkook guide his hand over the peel.

“You have to watch, you idiot” breathed Jungkook, his eyes still on the banana.

“Sorry“ Taehyung looked back at their intertwined hands when an something popped into his mind, “can I ask you a question?”

“Sure” Jungkook whispered with a slightly cracking voice.

“Are you angry?”

“What? Why should I?”

“You were avoiding me for two weeks. Did I do something wrong? Was it the night I was drunk and-“

“Woah, Taehyung, I’m not angry at you. You did nothing wrong, I was just busy for the last two weeks. I’m sorry that I worried you”

“Then is everything okay between us?” slowly stood Taehyung up as he saw Jungkook nodding, “You know, you told me that you’re going to show me your tattoo onetime”

“My tattoo?” Taehyung nodded and watched how the black haired boy raised one eyebrow in question.

It took some seconds before Jungkook lifted the hem of his T-shirt to push it over his head and turned around to grab the ends of the table. Taehyung took a step closer, reaching out for the black upside down tree. The stem disappeared in the roots of Jungkooks hair; the branches covered more than half of his back.

He with his fingers over the thin lines until his finger left the ink and reached the waistband of the youngers pants. A small moan escaped Jungkooks throat as he felt soft lips on his spine. The fatherly kisses travelled higher until they were on his neck.

“You shouldn't do that. I did so many bad things, I don't deserve-” another moan escaped Jungkooks mouth.

“I don’t care about your past” whispered Taehyung against his skin.

Jungkook turned his head slightly, eyeing how Taehyung softly kissed his shoulder. Damn, when did this boy learned to be so hot?

“I really don’t care” breathed Taehyung, lips again on his neck. He was about to say more but Jungkook already turned around and pressed his lips so hard on the olders that they stumbled against a wall. Taehyung grabbed a handful of Jungkooks shirt, pressed him harder against himself.

“I think I really like you, too” whispered Jungkook against Taehyungs lips before he started to kiss him again. The younger easily his way into Taehyungs mouth, running his tongue over the roof of it.

Taehyung let out a throaty moan as he felt how a hand fiddled with the zipper of his jeans. His shirt had joined Jungkooks on the floor just a few seconds ago.

They didn’t hear the front door of the studio open or that someone came upstairs. And when they heard that someone opened the door and switched the light fully on was it already too late.

“Oh my god!” screamed a high voice.

“Jimin?!” screeched Taehyung in shock.

“What are you guys doing?!”

“It’s not what you’re thinking!” in panic tried Taehyung to close his zipper again.

“What are you guys doing here?” screamed Yoongi from behind a laughing Hoseok and Namjoon, “Not in my ing studio!”

“Hyung! That’s totally not your business!” said Jungkook as he hectically tried to put his T-shirt back on.

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Oh my, way to end a story. I was enthralled.
Brehia101 #2
Chapter 1: I need a sequel. Pleaseeee. It was so good
HyeraSung #3
Chapter 1: A nice story author-nim!!! Sequel pleaseeee
1111111111 #4
This is good!!! You should really make a sequel~ it would be
Lichtstrahl_ #5
Chapter 1: Omg this is so beautiful.. i love the flow <3
Though i want to know what happened when tae's away from the boys.. did he still get bullied or not but oh well i just love this!
Chapter 1: I LOVED this! I love it when authors make a character a tattoo artist because it's just so GOOD for some reason. This was really good. I really liked it.
eyesmilegyu #7
Chapter 1: Hehe that was so nicely-written!
SeventeenCarrot #8
Chapter 1: This was so funny and cute! Especially the ending lol xD I liked this oneshot very much! I smiled the whole time
So cute!!!! The last part was hilarious!!! Oh my glob!!!! I love this! >w<