
Capturing the Ice-princess' Heart


Why did I agree to this? Sometimes, I just wish I could get rid of my cocky attitude. 

I stare at the beauty, she glared at the teacher.

I understand that math is a pain, but does she really need to glare like that? I look over at the victim of the ice-princess's stare, his hand shakes and his voice wavers. He looks at the class for help, wondering if he had done anything wrong. No, you've done nothing wrong.

The real problem is Jessica Jung.

I look back at her. She seems to have lost interest, as she was now sleeping peacefully at her desk. However, the uneasiness didn't leave the teacher. He stayed a nervous wreck the entire period.

"Yo~ Yuri!" a woman's voice rings like bells through the halls.

I turn around and meet the gaze of a woman with a similar appearance to mine. 

"Yoona~" I smile "What's up?"

She hits my arm playfully "Oh come on Yul~" she smiled "I heard about the bet. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?" Yoona futilely tried her best not to scream. 

"i dunno." I shrug "A Kwon never backs down from a challenge!"  There was no way i was going to tell her. There was no way i was going to tell her the real reason.

"This isn't a challenge," she corrects me ," This is mission impossible."

"Oh come on~" i laugh ," Ya know i got it~" i wink at her. She hits my arm again.

"Yuri.." her voice softens "Just don't do anything you'll regret okay?"

"I won't!" i reassured her, then skipped off.

 "You see the key to getting close to someone, is setting up scenarios." a boy from my class nonchalantly states as he stealthily sneaks glances at his dream. Yah! Get your eyes of her , she's mine....

"And how do i do that? She's got her crazy fan club making sure no one comes close." another boy speaks up. The truth burns in my heart.

The boys were speechless, it seems their plan to try and get their dream girl, was at a deadlock. I sighed at their pathetic-ness.

"Guys, just sitting won't get you a girl." I jeered. 

They turn around, surprised by my sudden comment, one of them speaks.

"Like you could do any better!" he smirks proudly,as if he had just won something. Why do i feel like he's challenging me?

I shake my head at his foolishness. " I bet i could." I grin more widely than he.


I hear the gasps of eavesdroppers around me. The boy smiles.

"Then, I hereby, dare Yuri of the Kwon  family, to capture Jessica Jung's heart within 2 months."

My face morphs into 3 perfect O's. Not because I'm surprised by this, not because I'm in shock, but because I'm excited. I quickly regain my posture and respond.

I shake his outstretched hand. "I'll do it in 1." My hearts jumps up.

I feel like a creep. I mean, I've been staring at Jessica from a distance for along time - but this?

Jessica's head turns slightly. I duck in bushes and stay still, through the leaves i see her turn back, and continue walking. I casually walk out of the bushes, not that I'm sure anyone can be casual when walking OUT OF BUSHES, but i try. I Approach her casually, although i know that I'm being anything BUT casual. My legs are shaking, I'm sweating like it were the middle of summer. But, then again, who could remain casual when approaching an angel?

She stops and so does my heart. She faces me, glaring. I gulp.

"H-hey.." my voice shakes, I sound like a guilty 5 year old, I swallow my nervousness and force myself to continue ,"Jessica? I-Is it okay if I walk with you?"

"No, walk alone." Jessica doesn't waste any words, she stomps away. 

W-Was I just rejected? My heart sinks, and i think i can finally start to understand what it feels like to be heart broken. 

"ohh~ Yuri you're bad at this~" a voice mocks me, a hand hits my shoulder. I glare at the source.

Sooyoung stood like a statue, munching on a piece of bread. 

"Just shut up." i reply coldly, turning my back to her.

"Geez- Jessica's personality is rubbing off on you~ that's what happened if you stare at her for too long." she croaked

My heart sank again. Did she know?

"I mean, how long were you in those bushes? There's leaves on you." 

Ah, who am I kidding? There's no way this idiot would know. She gently begins to remove the leaves off my clothing.

"Maybe that's why Jessica said 'no' ?", I laughed.

"Come on let's go home." Sooyoung smiled sweetly, i was thankful i had a friend like her.

"Yo~ Sun! We're home!" Sooyoung bellowed like a drunk man across the room.

"Yah! How's my soon-to-be player?" Sunny ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"Not good." i answered honestly, "At this rate, nothing will change between me and Jessica in 1 month."

"Come," Sunny cooed  "I've got some pointers for you."

 *                                                                                                                                                       *                                                                                                               *


"Welcome All, to Lee Sunkyu's Courtship lesson!" Sunny beams. Sooyoung claps and cheers mimicking a real audience. I sit confused.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Sorry to cut this short  *dodges tomatoes*

Anyways expect the next update to be soon~












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update soon... maybe


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Chapter 3: Please don't abandon this! It's so funny! With sunny breaking the 4th wall! Hahaha! I hope this really becomes SooSun ;)
AneomL #2
Chapter 3: You should update this~. It's cute and I wanna see yulsic get together. SooSun will look cute too if they see coupled as well lolol
Don't give up this story!! Author-ssi hwaiting!!! :DD
Chocolatemushrooms #3
Hahaha :)) Can't wait for the next chapters!
Waffles #4
Haha I love how Sunny broke the 4th wall
fxcrazy #5
please make a kryber version :3 pleeeeeeaaseeeee
Luckily Yuri has Sunny as a friend~ Easier to get to Jessica
LOL at sunny's advice
nice story.
Update soon
Waffles #8
Can't wait for the next chapter I really like this story
hahahalol cant wait 4 Sunny 'trick' then lolol~<br />
update soon^^
since in the description that yoona like yuri but helps yuri anyways <br />
can you atleast put in seohyun for yoona<br />
so she wont be lonely?<br />
please update!