The End? (Part I)

The Birds & The Bees


September (26 weeks) 

Jonghyun has always been a lover of the dark maybe it's because he's always fought nd comfort when staring at the blank space of time midnight blue with nothing but the moon illuminating it showing flecks of shimmer. Maybe that's the reason why he fell in love with his job to be begin with; feeling like he was the ruler of the sky soaring within the clouds. Not only that he likes the peace of mind it gives him especially the quite soothing atmosphere. Kibum on the other hand was more of day time lover although he appreciates the serenity of the night, everything seems to be more alive during the day. Jonghyun would always argue that it's probably because of how much of a heavy sleeper he was who enjoyed slumbering the rest of the night away. Now that Kibum is pregnant Jonghyun begins to not mind as much because he likes having the freedom to talk to their daughter and caress her a much as he wants to when Kibum is fast asleep. 

It's well over past mind night and Jonghyun is still awake and relaxing; eyes focused on the young celebrities taking on challenges in this new television program and he must admit it's better than watching shopping channels at the dead of the night. The volume is loud enough for Jonghyun to hear (not that Kibum would take any notice of its volume anyway) and if the brunette was asked to take a guess, loud enough for their baby pea to hear too. Haneul must have taken this night owl like behaviour from him by the looks of it. 

Kibum had always been hot blooded and even now that it's the autumn season, Kibum loves the feeling of weightlessness without having to take his clothes off and because of that has been living in thin loose t-shirts big enough to cover everything down to the mid of his thighs. The almost see through material allows Jonghyun to make out the small bumps caused by Hanuel's feet and elbows. 

Jonghyun runs a loving hand over the bumps on his husband's pregnant belly. 

"What are you doing still up baby pea?" Jonghyun asks in a whisper and in all honesty if it wasn't for it being a natural instinct to whisper when someone's asleep he really wouldn't have to, with the way Kibum is. If the younger can still sleep through all the ruckus their daughter is causing inside of him then Jonghyun really wouldn't be surprised if the younger can sleep through a storm. 

"It's good that your daddy-mummy is too much of a heavy sleeper to even mind," the brown eyed male laughs patting the same spot only to be kicked in response again. 

Kibum was sat slump in between Jonghyun's legs his body cradled by the elder, the blonde's head comfortably tucked in the crook of Jonghyun's neck and shoulder. The lover's position caused by Kibum's need (demand) to be massaged before bed; the elder very much delighted to comply. The younger male fell asleep with Jonghyun's left hand underneath his own placed on top of his protruding belly opposite his right hand. Their posture quickly becoming the norm to their nightly routine and quite frankly Jonghyun really doesn't mind because the warmth that radiates from Kibum is enough to keep him well heated. 

Jonghyun can't deny how much he likes the way Kibum's body fall so perfectly into his, how Kibum's head fits snugly in the crook of his neck and especially how fresh Kibum always smelt; the sweet fragrance of strawberry and pomegranate clouding Jonghyun's every sense. The elder cranes his head, nose soon inhaling Kibum's unique aroma; his nose have always been sensitive to smells and he finds that only Kibum can take him into a whirlwind adventure with his scent. 

Carefully Jonghyun slips his free hand inside the younger's shirt, Jonghyun's wide smile is hidden by the darkened room, his palms immediately feeling the welcoming kick from his daughter. Jonghyun had learnt from Kibum how much of a daddy's girl Haneul had become, he feels overwhelmed by the fact that Hanuel can already differentiate between her two fathers but in a sense he feels guilty knowing that Hanuel would stop showing activity for days and weeks when he's not there with them. That's probably the reason why Jonghyun's like this, taking every chance he can get to caress and make sure that Hanuel knows that's he's always there for her. 

"Come on baby pea let's go to sleep," Jonghyun says in a whisper, drawing circles with the palms of his hand and soon he feels their little girl calming down beneath his hands. Jonghyun positions himself away from the younger so that he could place Kibum back into his side of the bed to sleep more comfortably. After tucking Kibum into bed Jonghyun lets the lid of his eyes fall as he joins Kibum into dreamland.


October (30 weeks)

Jonghyun couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his frantic yet strikingly beautiful husband quickly (slowly) waddling his way around their dining table, with a hand secured around the bottom of his belly and the other hand placing down the final bowl of side dish completing the set.  

"Babe, you know you can calm down. This doesn't need to be perfect so stop stressing," Jonghyun ties to reassure his still panicking husband. 

Kibum could only throw his lover a skin burning glare, "I can't calm down when nothing is going right."

Jonghyun could no longer take the silliness of the younger and so he walks over taking the bowl from Kibum's hands before catching the younger's waist with the other. 

"Bum, seriously please let me do everything else and you my lovely husband," Jonghyun pleads catching the younger's tired eyes, "get your bubbly upstairs and get yourself ready," The elder then adds giving his husband a reassuring smile. 

Kibum could only stare back at his lover before a relieved look blossoms on his face, "thank you," he whispers before patting his husband on the chest as he takes his leave. 

Jonghyun gets back to work arranging all the cutlery into place even executing some last minute hoovering leaving the whole house gleaming and spotless. Jonghyun knew that even though they're family had specifically said that it was nothing but a small simply family get together Kibum would always make sure that they're house is as clean and clean can can get. Jonghyun then runs upstairs to see if Kibum was okay and to give himself a quick wash just to freshen up before their  guests arrive. 

Tearing his sweaty shirt of his body Jonghyun was already busy wiping the rest of the sweat off his neck and chest. 

"Hey Bum, you oka-" 

Jonghyun wasn't verbally interpreted by the other but instead he was physically gob smacked by how ethereal Kibum looked at the moment. Jonghyun has gotten used to (well he'd like to think) Kibum all dressed up and nicely put together but sometimes (actually quite often) will he just be completely blown away and taken a back just by how surreal Kibum is to him and by the looks of it today is one of those days.

Kibum looks absolutely stunning, blonde hair parted in the middle smooth and silky, his lean frame clad by a white and navy stripped jumper ensemble and Jonghyun just smiles at seeing the younger's long legs covered in black leggings, Jonghyun had gotten used to the other going around the house in his leggings deeming it comfortable, in all honesty Jonghyun was in no place to complain because the stretchy fabric would accentuate all of Kibum's curves but still allowing him the flexibility to walk around the house without his tummy being restricted. The latter looks so adorable and fresh that Jonghyun couldn't help but just... stare. 

"How do you do that?" Jonghyun asks in an almost whisper and he's still holding on to the door knob with a damp shirt slung around his neck and he really should be moving because both their parents will be here soon but with Kibum just standing there so casually slipping on his slippers like that he just can't help it. 

"What?" Kibum retorts in question, face confused still fixing his jumper into place displease with the way the jumper makes him bigger than he actually is, but in Jonghyun's eyes he's beautiful just the way he is. 

Jonghyun doesn't notice how far towards him Kibum has gotten with how preoccupied he is with everything that is Kibum. Which doesn't even make sense but right now in Jonghyun's head there's apparently not a lot going on when all his attention is on the younger.

"Jjong, you were saying something?" Kibum urges his husband for an answer.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Jonghyun's already love struck smile widens when he sees the younger's cheeks and ears turn pink in colour. Kibum shakes his head before pushing the elder male towards their bathroom. 

"Can you stop being cheesy and just go take a shower, you stink." Kibum scrunches his nose before going back to fixing his clothes when Jonghyun is locked and ready in the bathroom. 

"You married a cheesy guy, you should be used to it by now," the elder shouts over the loud noise of the running water and Kibum could only shake his head. 


"Bummie darling how are you?" Eunji exclaims as she latches on to the pregnant male and if not for Jonghyun's support from Kibum's back then it would of been enough to completely topple him over.

"Ma, seriously you need to be more careful with Kibum," Jonghyun whined as he holds Kibum into place with Kibum getting bigger it was noticeable how his legs had gotten weaker. 

Kibum hugs back as hard as he could manage after shushing Jonghyun to let the woman be, "I'm fine Jjong. Ma, how have you been I missed you so much," Kibum squeals in delight. 

"I missed you too pumpkin! Oh honey look at how big he's gotten," Eunji excitedly pats her husband's forearm and the elder man is patting her shoulders in return nodding in agreement. 

"How long is the wait until I get to be called 'gramps'?" Hyunjoong asks voice deep much like that of his son's.

"2 months, dad you excited?" Jonghyun replies holding his index and middle finger up in unison and with Eunji already dragging Kibum back inside, Jonghyun was able to have a much needed father and son talk with his own father. 

"More like, are you excited," Hyunjoong jokes with a hearty laugh. 

"I am but I'm nervous and scared at the same time," Jonghyun retorts, serious yet a smile was evident on his face. 

"Son, you have Kibum with you. The both of you will do just fine, plus you have us, as well as Haeri and Dongwa to guide the pair of you." The elder man squeezes his son's shoulder in reassurance. 

"You'll be just fine." 

"Thanks, pa," 

With Jonghyun's parents prompt and present Kibum gives his parents a quick text message and he was quickly noted that they'd arrive in a few minutes. It wasn't long until Kibum was opening the doors for his parents with Jonghyun right behind him. 

"Mum~ I missed you," Kibum hugs his mother tightly the woman had been on many business trip and the last time the younger male had physically seen and touched her was during his baby show 4 months ago and it was the same for his father who he tightly hugged next. Jonghyun had done the same after wards before leading the couple into the dining room to join his own parents who welcome them happily. 

With everybody ready and sat down Jonghyun insisted to serve the meal preventing the younger to do anymore work than necessary, the blonde's cheeks turning redder by the minute as the two older couples cooed and awed at the sweet gesture. 

"Look at you Bum, so spoiled," Haeri points out and Kibum could only give his mother a pleading look. 

After a few minutes of serving Jonghyun soon joins the table, with four sets of expectant eyes looking straight at him and the blonde beside him. 

"The reason why we gather you here today, was to finally tell you the gender of the baby. We've known for quite some time but we wanted to tell you properly with every single one of you together." Jonghyun says looking at the delighted faces in front of him. 

"And the gender of the baby is..." Jonghyun drumrolls into the side of the dining table as Kibum stood and slowly rolled his jumper up to reveal a white shirt and in that white shirt the words- 'It's a girl!' Was written in pink. 

"Kim Haneul." Kibum adds with a delighted smile as he rolls his jumper back to normal before sitting back down. 

What the young lovers were expecting was questions after questions from the two sets of grandparents, what they weren't expecting though is what was happening in front of them albeit all four of them are still extremely happy. 

"Pay up," Haeri and Eunji says in unison as they both turn to their husbands with their palms out. 

"Did you guys bet on the baby's gender?" Jonghyun asked still in disbelief but if he was to be honest it's so like them to do that. Kibum could only laugh as the two elder man payed up by placing cash on to their wive's hands. 

"They think they know better than two women who were pregnant," Haeri exclaims with Eunji nodding right beside her. 

"It's pretty obvious how it's a girl, you're literally glowing Kibum plus it's women intuition," Eunji explains.


With the parents gone and the kitchen and dining room cleaned Kibum and Jonghyun was left relaxing in the comfort of their sofa with Kibum's head propped comfortably on Jonghyun's shoulder and his hands happily playing with the elder's fingers. 

"Do you think we'll be like them?" Kibum asks in hushed whisper. 

"I don't think I'd mind. As long as we're together," Jonghyun answered with confidence.


Yes loves finally a chapter update, sorry that I took so long as well as the chapter being broken down into two, its just I found it too long and yeah. Plus I've yet to finish everything ahahahah but I'll probably update again tomorrow since it's nearly finished. I hope you like the chapter and sorry for grammer mistakes and any mistake in general.

I've been feeling unwell the past 2 days like omg I never knew England ould get this hot, legit nearly had a heat .

Anyway enough 'bout me tell me what you think abou the chapter, fav moments or maybe fav quotes jut comment them below. I hope you guys have good day today.

Thak you somuch for all the subbies thhat have already commented and for the awesome people that have subscribe too. <3 <3 <3

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Ordinary32 #1
Chapter 4: I just reread this again... and when will you update?? ㅠㅠㅠ i'm ready to be captivated by kim haneul ㅠ.ㅠ
sopheaV #2
Chapter 4: this is so cute...
will you update soon author nim?
Chapter 4: Ooh so Cutie! Where's the baby? Can't wait!
Rellamellow #4
Chapter 4: Oh my god, loved this chapter so much. Can't wait for their baby. *^*<3
daddy-jjong #5
Chapter 4: jjong is such a romantic lil cutie, i love him.
Jongkeyra #6
Chapter 3: Omg I love the part where jjong is mesmerized by kibum's beauty.. He's really a love struck puppy <3
Update soon~ hope you're doing well
BMG123 #7
Chapter 3: Great chapter. I know the heat wave was terrible. Can't wait for the new chapter.
daddy-jjong #8
Chapter 3: this chap was great, but im worried abt u cos of the heat wave in england.. make sure to drink a lot of cold water nd stay inside OTL
Rellamellow #9
Chapter 3: Oh my, this was adorable. About the bet lol I'd totally do that, I'm that kind of person whoops.
And I know exactly what you're talking about, yesterday there were 35 degrees Celsius where I live. 35.