You Want To Do What?

Trip To BeiJing

Waking up, my eyes all puffy, red and in pain from the crying, I check my phone to find 51 notifcations, all from the same person asking and saying the same thing. As I read through the messages, I find one that isn't from YiFan. It was from my friend, Yun (You know, the one that was with me at the mall).

Yun: Hey, whatchu doing today? I'm bored. Let's go shopping and watch a movie!

Wanting to do something to take my mind off of YiFan, I messaged back saying that I was up for it. We decided to meet at the shopping center, watch a movie first, then go shopping (Yeah, here in China, there is theaters in malls, everywhere... like no joke).

When we met up, he saw that my eyes were still a little puffy. "What happened, MeiFang? Why are your eyes so swollen?" He asked me as he walked up to me.

I immediately try to cover my face, but know it is useless. "Uhm... No reason. Guess I just slept on my face wrong.. Hey, let's go to watch the movie before we are late!" Changing the subject, I grab his arm and pull him towards the theater. He didn't pester me more about my face and let it go. After the movie, we went shopping, well more of just us walking around, going in and out of stores and getting stalked  followed by the salespeople. One of the things that I dislike about shopping here, is the really persistent and pushy sales people. They really try to get you to buy stuff.

As we walked around, we talked a bit. I told him about how MeiHua was doing, where she was at right now and about how we were about to leave back to the States.

"So... What happened to that guy... Kris? I know he was your translator and I know you know who he was. You even pointed him out to me, before the incident, while we were at the bookstores. You pointed him out on the Vogue magazines and said how he was mentioned in Forbes, with that other guy... Luhan. So I would guess that you would want to keep in contact with him..." He stopped for a second to contemplate. "Actually, nevermind. You probably wouldn't keep in contact with him, knowing you introverted personalilty. Probably just got the adoption thing done and said your goodbyes to him."

"Uh..." I averted my eyes. "About that... We have talked and hung out every other day... If not every day... Since the incident... Yeah..." I glance at Yun, actually stopped in his tracks to give me a quizzical look. "But," I quickly added, "I don't think anything is gonna happen anymore... We are kinda done... I guess..." As I said this, my heart sank. I didn't really want to believe what I said, but I knew that there was some truth to how I felt. At this point, we had stopped walking and just stood there. Yun grabs my shoulders, making me look at him.

"... You like him... What happened?" He asked with concern. He leads us to a bench to sit down. I feel tears falling, as I think of the incidents that happened.

"I don't know... I thought things were going well... But I guess it was just in my imagination. I didn't even realize what was going on until he started to distance himself from me." I paused to try and control my tears, that were now coming down in a faster pace. "We were talking every day, he helped me take care of MeiHua... MeiHua is actually really fond of him... She even asked me if he would be her new daddy." I said that last part with a sort of scoff. "I thought something would be reciprocated, but in the split second that I thought this, he just pushed me away." At this point, I started bawling my eyes out. The tears wouldn't stop, I could no longer talk properly.Yun patted my back and gave me one of those awkward, don't-attack-me-but-feel-better, hugs.

 By the time I started to calm down, it was starting to get dark. I got myself together and apolgized/thanked Yun for comforting me. We parted ways and I headed towards the subway to get home. I could feel the stares that I was getting, while I was walking through and riding the train. I must look terrible, right now.

Once I reach my stop, I get off the train and walk to the surface. I smell the scent of rain and hoped that it was about to come, but not already there. I got to the surface and with my luck, it was pouring... My day can't get any worse... I don't even have my umbrella on me... This is what I get for not ever looking at the weather forecast... I start my long tread to my apartment.


I check my phone, thinking it was from Yun.

YiFan: Hey, will you talk to me now?

I put my phone away, not bothering to reply.


YiFan: I know you saw this message. Turn around.

I felt a lump start to form in my throat. I didn't want to turn around... Not ready for what... WHO I would be facing... But at the same time, I really wanted to see his face, hear his voice and be back in his secure arms. I stopped in my tracks, contemplating on if I should turn around or just keep walking. My heart got the best of me and I glanced back, and just as I expected, there was the awkward giant that I had fallen in love with... Wait, not love. Stop. I mentall scold myself. He was standing there, with the most hopeful face that I would actually acknowledge him. Tears waiting to form, I turn my face and try to walk away.

"MEIFANG. PLEASE DON'T GO. Can you tell me what is wrong? Did I do something?" He yelled over the pouring rain. Omg, what am I doing... I'm acting like such a girl. I've always hated guessing what was on people's minds and now here I am, doing the exact same thing to someone else. I thought.

I keep trying to walk away. But then he runs up and grabs my wrist. "Hey, if you aren't gonna tell me what is wrong, at least let me drive you back home. You're gonna get drenched and sick. Come on."

I pull my arm away. "No, thank you..." Just as I was about to keep walking, I feel my feet leave the ground. I look up in shock, "PUT ME DOWN. YIFAN. WHAT'RE YOU DOING!?"

"Since you won't listen to me, I just need to do it myself." He said, carrying me towards his car. He opens the door and drops me in, locking the door (including child's lock) and getting into the driver's side. He starts to drive. We sit there in silence... MeiFang... Why aren't you gonna say anything? Cut it off. You are gonna be leaving in less than a week, you might as well keep this simple and cut this cleanly. Get the answer you don't want and get it over with... I thought to myself. I kept quiet, avoiding eye contact, sitting closest to the door as possible. We arrive at my place, he gets out to open the door. Okay, when he opens it, just run past him and run into the building. Good plan... Nope. Once he opens the door, he blocks my way. He picks me up again and starts walking towards the building. "Did you think you coud run away?" He said in a low voice. I stay silent. When we get to my door, he has to put me down so that I can open the door. Okay... No. We get to the door and he holds up his hand, "Keys." I look at him, appalled. "Don't think I'll put you down, just so you can unlock the door and then close it on me." IS HE READING MY MIND? "No, I'm not reading your mind. I just know you. Now gimme." I reluctanly hand him the keys.

We get inside and he sets me down. "Go change before you have a cold, then come back and let's talk about this. I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on." WHY IS HE BEING SO PERSISTENT?! IT ISN'T LIKE HE LIKES ME. HE HAS THAT BEAUTIFUL LADY TO GO TO. I follow his intructions...

Once I finished changing, I go out to the living room and sit the farthest from him as I can. "So... Tell me what's going on. Why are you acting so cold towards me? Why are you ignoring me? What's wrong? What happened?" He asked question after question, eyes glued onto me. Why is he interrogating me?!

Frustrated at the questions, I snapped. "YOU TELL ME. ONE DAY, WE ARE SO CLOSE AND THE NEXT YOU'RE PUSHING ME AWAY." He tried to interrupt, "NO. STOP. I'M NOT FINISHED." He closes his mouth. "YOU MADE ME FALL FOR YOU, MAKING ME FEEL SOMETHING THAT I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD FEEL EVER AGAIN." Tears started to form. Quieter I continued, "You made me think that something could happen, but then you push me away, tell me you can't hang out and then I see you kissing some beautiful woman!" YiFan is taken aback by my outburst. He got up and walked towards me. "DON'T." I yelled. He stopped in his tracks, but then started to come towards me again. He opened his mouth to explain, but I shot him down. "No, I don't want to hear..." Tears now flowing quicker.

"No, let me talk." He firmly stated. "Let me explain. The reason why I pushed you away and left that night... I had so much going on. As we were... saying goodbye, I felt a vibration from my phone in my pocket. I knew who it was. It was a message that I've been waiting all day for. And yes, it was from the woman you saw with me. And no, she isn't beautiful, at least not as beautiful as you." I started to open my mouth to protest. ”No, it is my turn to finish. She is not who you think she is. She is just a friend. She is actually the person who is helping me with my moving agenda. I kissed her cheek, cause that's what we do to thank each other. It's a culture thing. You of all people should understand culture."

”Moving agenda? You're moving?" I looked up towards him.

"Yes. I wanted to tell you this the day after, but you never answered my messages or calls."

I stayed quiet for a while. "... Where are you moving to...?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. "Before you say anything, no, I'm not proposing to you. Well... Sorta... I want to be with you... I was planning on moving with you to the States." He walks up to me and takes my hand, putting on the ring. I look closer to it and it was beautiful. White gold, with an elegant star and moon design, laced with star and cresent diamonds along the side. He holds up is hand, to show another ring with a similar design. "This is more of a promise, that I'll always be there for you, that I care for you. A promise to be there and a promise to get engaged."

I was speechless, not only at the beauty of the ring, but at beauty of his words. I started to shake my head, "Is this real? You're not joking... Are you?...." I looked up to him. "Wait, better yet. You're not moving. You shouldn't. What're you gonna do in the States? I live in the SOUTH. TEXAS. There would be nothing for you to do there... Media industry there is nonexistent..."

Before I could continue, he says, "I already thought about that. I'll live there, and be with you and MeiHua, but fly back and forth for business. And I can think of ideas of what to do... Open a fashion company or something. I'll be successful, don't worry about me."

"But flying back and forth..." Before I could say anything else, he covered my mouth, actually my face, with his hands.

"Sh, don't. I know what I'm doing and what I'm sacrificing. So just don't..." He brought me into his embrace, holding me tightly, but gently. The feeling of security flowed back into me. I hugged him back tightly, not wanting to let go. At that moment, I wished time would have just stopped, not wanting this to end. I feel his warm breath at the top of my head.

He kisses the top of my head. I look up towards him. He kisses my forehead and we stare into each other's eyes. He brings one hand to cup my face and the other around my waist. Our faces start to come closer, I close my eyes and I feel his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, tiptoeing to attempt, but miserably fail at, to reach his height. It was such a gentle and caring kiss, making me melt and mold into him. Our lips part and our faces move away from each other. We look at each other, both of our hearts beating loudly, we both smile and just stayed in each other's embrace. I smiled into his chest and he smiled into my hair, giving small kisses to the top of my head. Soon, I fell asleep in his arms. I felt myself being lifted and placed into my bed. About to protest and wake up, I feel his warm presence right away, as he got into bed with me. I smile, snuggling up to him and fall back asleep...


Omg, you guys don't understand how much I had to stop while I wrote this. I kept having to bury my face into my hands, slamming my head on the desk, etc. My coworkers would've thought me crazy. But I just couldn't help it! I just kept thinking about how it would feel to find a guy that I liked and having him do this to me. GUH. Okay, spazzing done.

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Chapter 6: Omg! There are so many moons in the galaxy and she is one! It's never too cheesy! I love cheesy endings! It makes me have tears of joy! :') I hope you write more stories like this!
mincupin07 #2
Chapter 6: Last Chapter: Imagines myself being there and crying of happiness. Probably jumping up and down with MeiHua.
And oh, don't worry. I love cheese ^_^
Chapter 5: Lol! Finally they will get married! Update soon!
mincupin07 #4
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: woooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww authornim, this was fast, and beautifully fast~ like wow~ like yes! like I'm just holding myself from not squealing because I'm the middle of our living room, and I can't possibly admit that the reason I'm acting giddy is because of a fanfiction ^////////////^ is this the end chapter? thank you!
mincupin07 #5
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Ugh, that angst. Again, very well-written!! Can't wait for the update!!!
Chapter 4: It's probably just Kris's sister right? I mean what about earlier? T_T Update soon!
Chapter 3: I'm curious to know what's going on. Can't wait for the update.
mincupin07 #8
Chapter 3: I ship them already~
Chapter 2: How did she meet Kris? How old is Kris? Haha sorry for all the questions! Update soon! ^_^
Chapter 1: WHAT?! I don't get it.. Are they related? Update soon! ^_^