Broken Everything

Broken Hope

It has always been like this. 


You, waiting for your boyfriend, who seems to forgot he has you as his girlfriend. But what can you do? He's a singer-composer in one of the top music company in Korea. You let out a bored sigh. The mood depressing you. Couples, dim lights, silent murmurings and most of all, the heart decorations hanging on the wall. Great. Just great.

But you convinced yourself you're not going to change your mind.

Apparently, you invited him on a date yesterday.  Just like you always do. But this time, you promised yourself you're going to end it. Everything. 

Just thinking of what you're about to do makes you replay everything that has happened to the both of you in your 1 year relationship. Your relationship that is going to end later.

You suddenly remembered the call you made to ask him on a date just a few hours ago.


"Sure." you heard him answer your not-so-new-invitation to him. 

"E-eh?" you were a bit shocked because he agreed. Finally.

"What?" he questioned your stuttering. "You don't want to?"


"See you later then. At the usual place." he told you before he hangs up. Not even telling you the words that makes a woman feel giddy inside.


It's been an hour since you arrived but you still haven't caught a sight of a his hair. Blonde.

More memories started to come back.

You remembered the way he asked you to be his girlfriend. Your first 3 months as an intern in YG.


You were arranging some of  the props needed in the coming photoshoot.


You turned around to see the man who's been courting you almost since you started as an intern.

"Hi"  you shyly replied. You then turned around again to continue what you were doing. You can feel him looking at you.

"Can I ask you?" 

"Oh, what is it?" you turned around, curious of what he was about to ask.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" 

"No." you simply replied. 

"Then why aren't you accepting my feelings for you?" he asked again. You were hesitant to anwer but chose to.

"I just don't want to. I don't think I'm ready yet." he obviously didn't expect your answer to be like that because he let out a sigh.

"Look...." he started. "if you give me a chance....a chance to be show you how much I like you....just one chance....I will do everything for you to be happy." he finished off with a promising look.

Why not? You've been alone all your life. "One chance?" he nodded. "O-okay." he smiled to your reply and then pulled you into a hug, you can feel him grinning.

"I love you."  but you didn't reply.

You didn't know what has gotten into you to agree to him. Maybe it was the feeling of having someone beside you. Or something else. But one thing's for sure, you like him too.


Of course, you two kept it a secret. 

You spend the first 5 months of your relationship with him being sweet and all. You two were happy. Going on daily dates, which is consist of eating at the company cafeteria, sending goodnight and goodmorning messages. 

The like you felt for him started to turn into love. But as you were about to return your changed feelings to him, he started to change.

It started when he stopped sending you those messages that you find corny but somehow sweet. He will always reject your offerings for a date. He completely changed. He was not the loveable and sickenly sweet Jiyong you fell in love with anymore. He was now the snob and cold Kwon Jiyong. 

You didn't know the reason though. 


"Are you mad at me?" he was heading to the recording room but stopped walking and looked at you.

"I said no. I'm just busy." he coldly stated and started to walk again. 

"But you said w- " 

"I'm busy, okay?!" You flinched. He never shouted at you like that. "Do you even understand a thing I say?!" he shouted again. You can feel your tears threatening to fall, but you can't let them, it might make his mood worser.

He walked away. Leaving you and your emotions alone. 

Hearing the door shut, you finally let go of everything you felt while silently wishing for the old Jiyong to come back.


Recalling that moment, you felt your eyes stinging. But because you're in a public place, you quickly stopped them by looking up. You wouldn't want to be mistaken as a retarded woman right now.

You rested your chin in your hands. Watching the cold chilly night outside the huge glass window in front of you. You sat there silently until you heard the chair being moved. There he was. In a suit.

"Sorry, I'm late." he bluntly said. You kept quiet, waiting for him to spill the excuse but nothing came so I decided to just order since you're really hungry. You raised your hand to call the waiter. He approached the both of you to ask your orders.

As soon as the waiter left, you looked at him. You took a deep breath, gaining every composure you have.

"Let's end this." you whispered, holding your tears.


This time you faced him, "I said let's end this."

"End what?" he asked. Getting what you meant but still chose to question you.

"Us" you can feel tears slowly making their way down to your cheeks, "Everything."

"Why?" he asked you, obviously not believing that the words he heard came from your mouth. "Did I do something wrong?"

Hearing this, you can't help but feel mad. "You're seriously asking that?" he was taken aback because the words you just said contains so much hurt and sadness.

"Everything feels wrong, Jiyong." you can't hold your feelings anymore. "I can feel you slowly backing away from me. Not minding if everything you do hurts me so much. Everytime I see you, I can't help but ask myself if you really love me just like what you told me." You wiped your tears with the back of your hand. 

He just stayed seated on his seat. He can't even look at you. Seeing this made you feel a lot worser. 

People around you started to look at the both of you. But you don't feel embarrased, all you can feel right now is the hurt this relationship is giving you.

"You know what? you continued bitterly. "sometimes I hope you didn't change..... because I miss the Jiyong who finds time to annoy me just to say "I love you" after it. The messages you're sending every hour that I find annoying before, I miss it. I miss everything." you whispered. "I were still the sweet and caring Jiyong I fell in love with. But all those hopes shattered when you changed. You started lying to me, saying you have a rehearsal with the other members only to found out you were drinking the whole night. It hurts so much. All those lies."  

Hearing this, he looks at you. Finding your strength, you looked at him only to see his eyes, filled with sadness. It made you confused. You ignored it. Thinking maybe it's his way to make you change your mind but no, you won't. You chose this and it's final.

"You should have told me the reason why you became like this" you told him, referring to is sudden change. "If it's because of some problems, I could have helped you, but you chose to keep it inside of you. And that hurts me because it made me feel that you don't trust me enough."

"I have always been understanding just so this relationship can work Jiyong, but I can't take it anymore. I can't take your ignorings, your broken promises and those fake words you always tell me. It's always been me who puts all my effort so we can work.....It's has always been like this....." he didn't respond. He didn't take his gaze off of you either. He just stared at you with a blank face but his eyes surely tells you he doesn't want to end this. You stood up, ready to leave.

"and I'm sick and tired of it."

With your last words he looked at you retreating back. A tear escaped his eyes but he quickly wiped it off. He smile bitterly as he took the red velvet box from his pocket. 

"Too much for buying you, huh?" he said to the diamond ring that's suppose to be in your finger right now. And also the main reason why he was two hours late. 





Sorry for dissapointing you guys once again. I'm not really good at making dramatic stories, you know? I just wanted to try it:)

Comment, neh? If you like it or not. (Which I'm sure the like comments are going to be beaten by the negative ones)

I'm sorry again! But please continue on supporting me neh? I'll try my best to improve my writings. 


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shinki #1
you just broke my heart. </3. I am so sad now. ; A ;
mauisj1kyu #4
I like it! Can't wait for the sequel^_^
my tears just fell uncontrollable aigoo ><.
blazingstar321 #6
Please make a sequel!!!<br />
It's so sad :(
WHYYYY!??!!!!! add another chap pleaseeee!!! just make him chase her back and propose!! DX
bunny_24 #9
Sequel !!! Pls ? ^^
Oh my gosh, I usually never tear up when reading sad fics (I'm not cold-hearted or anything! LOL) But when I read that last line, it felt like my heart ripped and I teared up. T___T Bravo -claps- :'D