Chapter 3

Caught in Between

"You seem excited to hang with mom and dad, any reason why?" An annoying voice rang out.

"I just miss my parents," I turned around to face him. "Hello my amazing older brother, whom I respect so much , how are you?" I lies obviously annoyed that he was here. Lee-Joon, my brother of 17 years old.

"Good I guess, starting a month from now I'll come to this school due to an actual student exchange program," he smiled devilishly.

"That's nice, define how long is the month,"

"The month of february," his smile grew wider. He loves to make my life hell, doesn't he? 28 days till he really goes to school here.

"Along with who?" I smiled the same way.

"Oh y'know some friends of mine, G.O, Mir, Chundoong," Lee Joon accentuated.

I hate you Lee Joon, seriously why bring him up when mom and dad are right behind us? He wants me dead, thats why.

Chundoong was my old crush that lasted for about… how long? I don’t know but it was somewhere around 1-2 years, yeah I think so. Other than that he’s the same age as my brother, 17, so he came over a lot to hang with brother, that or my brother invited him over to see my reactions around him. I think he didn’t notice but then again everyone thinks that.

I swear, once Mom and Dad go back to America and leave him behind I’ll make sure his life is hell.

“Oh thats great! Can’t wait to see them again,” I said, but in a silent form I mouthed, “I hate you,” towards him and he replied with a smug smirk, “I know,”  The whispers of content. Damn.

“Mae, so how’s your life? you asked us about ours, so I- I mean- we would like to hear about yours, starting with those 2 boys who were taking care of you for a bit back there,” Lee Joon in it for me again.

“Yes, we told you, specifically, no boys should be around you. Is one of them your boyfriend? because we already discussed that if you had a boyfriend before you finished college that-” My mom started, but wasn’t allowed to finish.

“No- of course not, why would I? I’m not looking for one either so you can relax,” I blurted out, intensity filled my voice.

I guess… they’re always on my back about things and they don’t even ask for my opinions. Pushing me to become someone I’m not. Not checking with me for something I never wanted to do. Controlling me, when I’m supposed to be the one doing that. I hate it.

“Is this what happened when you moved to Korea? You start yelling at us?” My dad backed my, obviously hurt, mom.

“Sorry, I just couldn’t believe you didn’t trust me. I guess I just expressed my hurt in a violent way,” I wormed my way out of trouble, displeasing my, oddly sadistic, sibling. Even though I “wormed my out” A voice said in the back of my mind.

Tell them, tell them everything, about not wanting to be lawyer, about how you don’t know why you came to Korea, Jin and Jungkook…

and yet there is a second voice.

Don’t they’ll be mad at you, for lying, deceiving, you already came as far as even getting T.O.P to get you to a whole different continent just to run away from where you were. A depressed state of not knowing where you’ll end up. A completely dark, empty and soulless void of pure despair. You want to take a risk that could get your own family to hate you?

There it goes again.

That wouldn’t happen! I know for a fact that-

Help me…

Why don’t you shut up! you don’t know what goes through other peoples minds!

Jeez, rather than depressing its annoying. I think I might have schizophrenia, I’m insane.

“We didn’t teach you this way, we would like if you would treat us like you always do or did,”  Yea, okay mom, treat you cold and distant like I always did, I’ll do that from now on.

“ Mae Jin! something important! there are new seniors and we as juniors are forced to welcome them, but only us 3, lets go!" Jin called me from afar, as my parents sighed I ran off not wanting anything else to happen, I was sick of everything.


"Exchange students who are coming to this school legally next month, we have too show them around and stuff, this is a boarding school remember? Even though we don't stay in the dorms doesn't mean nobody does," Jin explained while we were walking, ugh, so this is our project.

"Can't they just wander around by themselves? They're big boys and girls," I rolled my eyes at this unfortunate, time consuming task.

"No, M.j just follow quietly, I'll take care of it," he put his hands on my shoulders smiling at me innocently I feel terrible for kind of avoiding him now. He's so caring and thats all he wants to do for me. I guess I understand him a bit more.

"Thanks," I smiled lightly to the ground, but not enough to tell if I was smiling from his point of view.

"S-sure as long as us talking doesn't put me in the friend zone, I'm cool," he laughed, cough laughed.

We walked into the gym at that moment, I scanned the room for anyone from different classes. Younger, older, same age, all into different groups, but only the people with amazing english grades were here. Kevin, Eli, A.j, from class 3-A english. L.joe, Peniel, Amber, 2-A english. Me, Jin, Jungkook, 1-A english, and many more, believe me, tons.

"Lets go before mrs. Martina thinks we skipped out," we started running to where we saw Jungkook. We bursted out laughing when we got there because... I don't even know. We just did.

"It's only wednesday and you guys can't get a hold of yourselves, stop before we make a fool of ourselves in front of the people who we have to assist," Jungkook kept a straight face for about 30 seconds but he couldn't resist. We were just acting like idiots.

"You three are assigned to group #4, get over there," somebody directed us after we finished laughing.

"Why did we start laughing?" Jin asked shifting around due to his sides hurting.

"I don't know, we just did," I smiled, walking ahead of them a bit.

"This is impossible, compared to everyone I'm so small including you guys, I'm 5'6" and both of you are like 5'11" - 5'12" How do I get halfway across the damn gym,"  I yelled, being shoved by everyone around me.

"Haha for you," Jungkook laughed at me.

"Screw you, I'm still growing," I whimpered.

"Just push your way through," he said grabbing my arm and Jin pushed me from the back. As we went in to the crowd I tried to push Jin back to stay where we were but that didn't work. Let's find the reason I can't go into crowds because I'm terrified of them, I'm also claustrophobic.

"I felt so suffocated," I whined as we exited from the depths of hell.

"Mouth to mouth?" Jin asked confidently before Jungkook told him to off and took me away from him.

"Don't stand near him, I'm about 80% sure he would molest you," Jungkook hid me away from Jin.

"Other 20%?"

"." My mouth dropped at how confidently he was able to be while saying that.

"I would not! I am thoroughly offended by your accusation," he fought back.

“Lets just go,” he pulled me, more like dragged. Jin following behind us quickly trying to explain that “he would never” or “Thats totally unreasonable for you to think that” and a few of “What if you’re trying to?”

“There they are,” I pointed to the three with group #4 name tags, I ran towards them while Jungkook and Jin did the same, but because of their long legs they got there before me.

“Sorry, little one here can’t keep up with the big boys sometimes. Nice to meet you, I’m Jin and he's Jungkook we’re the first years who will be helping you tour the school,” Jin explained, pulling me by his side.

“Screw you,” I said in Korean, panting but still glaring. I heard a slight laugh coming from Jungkook and Jin both which made me want to punch them where the sun don’t shine, and I would’ve if those other people were there. One good reason being short is advantage.

“You aren’t threatening,” Jungkook did a terrible job of hiding his laughter, to the point where I think he was doing it on purpose.

“Whatever… Hey you 3, are you coming?” They seemed to be in a dazed state where they just stared at me like I was from outer space.

“I already asked. We can’t just stay here all day, so want it or not we’ll- I’m mean- they’ll drag you around,” I said figuring out mid sentence that I do not possess the strength to drag them around.

“What’s your names?” Jungkook asked, remembering proper etiquette.

“This G.O, Mir, and I’m Chundoong ,” … “We already know you’re Jungkook, and you’re Jin, but who is that?” he said matching up their names and faces, but not be able to pinpoint mine.    

“Oh, sorry, that’s M.j,” Oh thank gawd, I just realized, people in america call me Mae.

"Totally unrelated but... Do you also go by Mae?" The one named G.O  asked.

"Oh guys! So you're her group, it's my little sister, Mae!" Lee Joon ran towards us and stopped before me, the fake smile he wore earlier still there.

“ Ohhhh called it! 20 bucks, give,” G.O partied holding out one of his hands, with sighs of regret Mir and Cheondoong reached into their pockets and fished out access money to pay their debt.

“Don’t make bets off me!” I acted like a brat.

“Aww M.j don’t be so bitter, bets are just a way of life for guys,” Jin shrugged, and Jungkook nodded in agreement.

“Haha didn’t recognize you at all, puberty went well for you didn’t it?” Mir smiled.

“Yeah last time we saw you, you wore glasses, braces and always carried a book, you were a total nerd.  Now look at you, short skirt, no more braces, and… is that eyeliner?” G.O noticed while scanning me. What the ? how does he notice such small things?

“No, and come on, I’m not that different,” I rolled my eyes at the erted friends my brother has.

“I remember when you first came here, haha,” Jin and Jungkook bursted out laughing, I couldn’t speak any korean but I could read and write it so when. Though when I tried to speak korean I ended up saying bad words sometimes. Landing me a trip to the office.

I walked away from the conversation, leaving them behind. They tried to follow but I started  sprinting and I couldn’t stop, I don’t even know why. After moving to Korea, my athletic ability became stronger and quicker but I don’t want to show that to my teacher or he’ll expect to actually do stuff. Another thing that has happened is that I became someone who did what they want when they wanted to do it. I blame Jin and Jungkook for that happening.

Where did I run to?  Oh well . I’m lost in my own school nice!  I thought wandering around the school grounds, why haven’t I been here before? It’s my own school isn’t it?

“Wha- How-er when did she become so fast?!” I heard Lee Joon yell out of both fury and amazement.

“Over here!” I yelled walking towards them, “I actually haven’t been to this part of the school before, lets check it out,” I pointed once I knew they could see me.

“No, it’s dangerous, and thats the abandoned school building. It was an elementary school that used to be a part of ours, It was open up until you came” Jin explained. Good, no little kids running around.

“Oh yeah, I remember it. I used to go there. I’m gonna go take a trip down memory lane, seems interesting, let’s go M.j.” Jungkook pushed me forward a bit.

“Fine you guys can go, but I’m not. If you guys get hurt don’t come running to me,” He pushed G.O, Mir, Chundoong along with him. Suddenly a smirk appeared upon Jungkook’s face.

“Alright M.j, guess we’ll have to go ALONE, TOGETHER,” We both looked back only to see Jin stop in his tracks, as if we pressed the pause button he was motionless. He started back tracking his steps, continuing to be mindful of where to step in order to not fall. Once we could both feel him behind us he pushed apart, grabbing both of our wrists before we fell and tugged us back to the group.

“Come on idiots,” He said quietly, but it was more threatening than you could ever imagine. Our little prank ended up terribly

“Lee Joon, as her brother, hold her hand so she won’t get lost,” He threw me towards him mercilessly, yet with a smile. This is my punishment.

“ I’m not gonna tell mom and dad since I knew you were joking,” Lee Joon grabbed my hand and started dragging me ahead of the group.

*sigh* What do you want?” I said grabbing my wallet from my jacket pocket.

“Why do always expect I do something for a merit? can’t I just do something nice?” His answer caught me off guard, so I just stared at him.

“......OKAY, jeez. I wanna know about… them,” He pointed to Jungkook and Jin who were still arguing about the prank, “I won’t tell anyone, I swear,” He promised me, I didn’t know if I could trust him but… he is my brother.

"Okay, they're my friends…” I stopped mid-way, contemplating if this was a good idea after all. Then I remembered all of the stupid things I did and got out of because of him, everything we had hid away from our parents, every single secret we kept just between each other. Despite his cool attitude around me and to be irritated or hateful towards me, I swear we couldn’t be any different if its just us. We’re each others’ other half.

“Finish the sentence please,” He lost a bit of patience.

“That said they had a crush on me since they met me; It sounds conceited, I know, but it only sounds that way,” I explained fast paced and rather awkwardly. I apparently blushed, according to Lee Joon, but I just replayed their confessions in my mind.

“Thats~rather complicated,” He laughed not knowing how else to react, “You should really answer them though, you can’t hide your feelings forever,” He immediately turned serious.

“Thanks for telling me… something I’ve heard an infinite amount of times. Honestly I would’ve given one of them if not both an answer by now if I actually knew how I felt!”  I yelled not being able to control or conceal my irritation, nor my frustration, anymore. I caught him by surprise, yet he smiled kindly only seconds afterwards.

“Y’know, no matter how confused you are because of them I’m grateful towards them,” he started walking once again.

“Why?” I asked not wanting to know the answer, but it could be helpful information.

“Because. How do I say this? you’ve changed because of them. You never showed your emotions to anyone but the people you thought you could trust, which there wasn’t many of even dismissing our parents. Now you freely express your sadness, happiness, frustration. You’re a human being now!” He opened his arms asking for a hug. I was torn between whether or not to punch him. I hate hugs but I walked in to him with my middle finger up.

“You guys went so far! why’d you leave me with this asshat anyway?!” Jungkook pointed

“You’re both asshats,” I said blankly, challenging them with my eyes.

“You’re so rude to us now, what happened to our innocent little girl?” Jin said wiping away a non-existent tear.

“I see why you find them so bothersome now, if I met 2 girls like them and they kept following me around I would definitely get annoyed at them,” Lee Joon finally understood my condition.

“Thankyou!” I yelled happily.

“You’re family just hates us naturally,” Jungkookie whined in a hurt tone.

“No… my parents don’t hate you they just…” after a long while of silence, “Yeah, actually, I’m pretty sure they hate you two,” I can tell they felt like they were were being stabbed in the heart. How sad. Both of them landed on their palms and knees.

“Now Mae, don’t you think thats a bit… too much?” Cheondoong grabbed my shoulder, surprising me a bit. I heard snickers coming from behind, and Cheondoong refused to face us, hinting that he was probably the one laughing.

“M.j tell them to stop laughing,” Jin ordered the youngest one here (i.e me). He’s older, shouldn’t he do it?

“Trust me, I would if I could,” I hinted by looking at the 4 who were cracking up.

“By the way, Mae, who is this M.j person?” Mir brought up my nickname. He wasn’t one to talk, the Mir I met before was a small, chubby kid from the countryside.

“Looked different, might as well right? plus it was their idea,” I pointed to the ones who were clearly proud of the name they gave me.

“It suits you better,” Cheondoong blurted out loud. Irritating Jin and Jungkook.

“We gave her that name, so all compliments about it goes to us,” Jin and Jungkook stepped in front of me. Due to their tall height I couldn’t really see past them, but Cheondoong could clearly see me. They’re all about the same height.

“Lets just go,” I walked around the 3 of them, not paying them any attention.

“You’re so hateful towards us,” Jin yelled.

“Look at the time. 6:00 o’clock they should be at their dorms. I’ll wait outside take them inside,” I pushed them in the direction of the boys dorms.

“Okay, but stay there,” Jungkook ordered, moving on without us, leaving me with Jin. “Actually no I’ll stay, Jin go,” he suggested/ordered while pushing him nearer.

"Make a move, I dare you, but I will kill you," Jin threatened.

"It'll be worth it," he said in his "manly" busan accent that became a bit thicker since he wasn't trying to hide it. "So Mj, what now?"


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