Chapter 2

Caught in Between

I hung up with T.O.P and started calling Jungkook. He put his name in my phone as Kookie.

              "Yeah, I checked he said it was fine , remember just say you're visiting your cousin GD, so they aren't suspicious," an obvious lie.

               "I know, I'm not stupid, I'm actually in front of the building, I've been walking ever since You  called," he replied " Be there in like 5 minutes,"

Knock knock

                "That was more like 5 seconds but okay," I muttered.

                "Hey, Jungkook, what's up?... what are you?..." he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me until I fell on top of the couch, I ended up hitting my head so I closed my eyes and just laid there in pain like he wasn't there, I could care less.

             Once I opened my eyes, he was towering over me and his eyes looked dilated, not a good sign, he grabbed my wrists with both his hands and...started laughing?

            "Did I scare you?" He smiled innocently, he really is gonna be the death of me one day.

           "Yea, your eyes are..." I left it unfinished while pointing

         "Mmmhmm contacts," he took them out, thank gawd. .

       "So M&M, what do we do?" He asked like he's never been here before.

   Ring Ring

         He leaned over my shoulder as I took out my phone to check who was calling, oh Jade, I sighed as is tried to put my phone back is my pocket, but Jungkook stopped me by grabbing my wrist then answering it himself. I didn't really bother much to stop him, but they refused to help me.

         "Jungkook, where's M.j? I need to ask a serious question," Jade asked, not minding that Jungkook answered rather than me. Something is definitely up, and I'm kinda scared to find out.

         "Jungkook, give it,"   I ordered, making sure he heard the seriousness in my voice, he gave me the phone obediently without hesitation.

         "How do you deal with a confession, sort of,"  she asked.

A confession? WHAT!?

    "Holy freaking crap bro, somebody asked you out?! Who the hell is it?!?" I asked back, happily. No way my best friend, or one of them at least, is getting asked out by somebody I don't know, I just refuse to let that happen.

       "This new guy at school, you don't know him, in fact, none of you guys know him, his name is changjo, and I kind of like him,"  She's whispered into the phone,  

              "M.j I'm going insane, I really like him and I think he basically said that he likes me too, but on the other hand he's already super popular, exact opposite of what we are. The girls might disapprove of him like they are parents and *sigh*  being like this isn't me, I lost my cool attitude over a boy, just like I promised I'd never do,"  she finally said it, I knew stuff like this would happen while I was gone.

        "Why me? Why'd you ask me and not a more experienced person, like your sister?" I asked out of the blue.

         "I guess I took slight comfort calling you, because you aren't here, you haven't seen him, and it over had this crush for awhile, imagine explaining that to them, hehe," she laughed it off thinking its not a big deal, but it is, it is, it is. I felt I was basically stabbed,

                slight comfort since I haven't seen him? I repeated through my mind

          it's not my fault I haven't seen him! I'm all the way in Korea! Anger boiled inside me

           So if I was there you wouldn't have told me either?! Plus she doesn't trust our other friends enough?! What exactly happened while I was gone?!

         "Anyway what about everyone else's love situations?" I asked curious after this conversation.

       "The 3 are hung up about your friends, but I think Piper got ahold of J-hope's number so they're talking.," Jade explained. "Namjoon and Sophie exchanged numbers last time we came, and Jimin and Alondra are already dating."

        What?! I'm gonna kill that bastard Jimin

        "I saw Jimin this morning..." I was heartbroken, I had to hear from somebody other than them to find out they were dating someone.

          "They didn't tell you? It's been a year for them, plus I think J-hope really likes Piper,"

         stop talking, I don't want to know anymore,  if I heard anymore I think I would start crying.

         "Serious? Wow, I'm missing out then, holy crap! Sorry to leave so soon, but its like 11:00 pm here and I didn't start my homework, later!" I lied faking excitement, I hung up after receiving a text that said bye from Jade.

         And I have some things to say to Jimin

                 "M&M? Are you okay? You look kind of pale and-oh-are you crying?" Jungkook peaked into the living room, once he noticed my slow tears and muffled crying he rushed over to my side and hugged me tightly. I felt so safe in his arms to the point where I didn't try to hide my tears.

          "What happened? After that small call you ended up in tears. Did she say something?" He asked pushing me away, but still holding on to my shoulders, to able to understand.

          "N-no, I just think that me and my English friends are...not as close as I thought," I answered looking at the ground, "I thought when I went back everything would would be the same, but that isn't the case now is it. I'm a naive idiot to ever think that way."

         "It's  only, what? 5 o'clock, we should go somewhere!" he tugged my sleeve telling me to get up. Jungkook has always been right when it comes to emotions, might as well listen to him.      

                When we opened the door out there who was just about knock was taeyang, and he looked pretty surprised at the sight, considering the fact that I've never dated and he knows that.

          "Mae, this Jungkook right? The friend from school who's staying over? He's a boy, is he safe for you to spend the night with?" Ugh again with the questions.

             "Yeah, he's safe, he would never try to hurt me, I know it," I asserted, if he really liked me would would he want to cause me pain?

            "Where are you going?" He asked.

            "For ice cream and a walk, I hereby swear to bring her home before 8:00 pm, sir," he put one hand over his heart and the other in the air.

            "Good man, I appreciate it," taeyang replied back, I couldn't help but at least smile at them, it was pretty adorable considering the situation right now.

           "I like you, no wonder top let's you hang around her, bye," he left...alright.

          "Come on, T.O.P approves, I've met GD, and now Taeyang, can't we start dating?" Jungkook begged, I almost forgot that Jin and Jungkook are in this position of trying to win me over, I was a bit flustered by the question, how do I react? Am i really interested in any of them?

          "No, I think I - actually, nevermind, Jungkook, I'm sorry, but being the hormonal teenager that I am, I'm kind of confused, especially when there are technically 2 of you," I spoke comfortably. That's when I saw some people, that I didn't really want to see at the moment.

        "Mj, hi," Jade smiled. The other 3 next to her, along with Jimin, J-Hope, and Namjoon.

        "So, no date?" Jungkook whispered in my ear.

         "It was never a date to begin with, but no we are not going somewhere today," I replied standing on the tips of my feet, because Jungkook is hella tall.

        "Why are you here?" I asked bluntly acting like I was shocked by the sudden appearance of my best friends, I was but I wondered what they thought of me.

        “We feel bad about not telling you, but we all thought it would be better if we told you in person, all together,”  Alondra tried to explain fast, hugging Jimin.

            “We saved up money ourselves, each for a ticket.” Piper smiled brightly, showing that she was proud of herself

           “Everyone knows each other so screw it!”  Jade yelled. It tried keeping her down because reporters are always near.

             "Come inside," I left out the there Jungkook quickly followed.

              "You 3 are the biggest es that I ever met..." I lectured them to make them feel terrible, "But that's why you guys are my best friends," I ended, I really can't stay mad at them. "And you 3, I will not hesitate to hurt you if you hurt my friends," I said.

Knock knock.

           OH MY GAWD, people leave me alone! It can't be top he's coming back next month, I didn't invite anyone, and taeyang just checked up on me, so who in the flying frig is it!?

         "hello?" Suddenly someone popped up in front of my face and it scared the hell outta me.

         "Hey M.j!" Jin yelled with with a bouquet of lavender and red colored roses and handing them to me, I really want him to leave, but I can't say it.


                《FLASHBACK《 2 year ago


         "And these flowers mean..."

        "Red roses for love and passion, lavender ones are love at first sight. Jin, why are you asking me these things?" Young naive M.j asked the boy who kept asking her about flowers in a book.

          "Because,  I really like a girl, and one day I'll express my feelings towards her with flowers, it seems like she really likes them,"  

          " Why not tell her now?" She asked once again,

         "She probably doesn't know, and I don't have enough courage right now, don't worry I'll tell her soon," he answered calmly, promising to himself that he would.

          'If only she knew it was her.' He thought to himself, but would it make a difference?

Flashback  over


        "Hey, M.j who is it?" Jungkook stood behind me and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me out of my shock.

        "Oh, uh, hey Jungkook, guess you beat me to her," Jin smiled pathetically, to the point where it was kind of pitiful

         "M.j can I talk to you, please," he ordered rather than asked.

         "Oh, yeah," I closed the door behind me, telling Jungkook I was fine with my eyes. "What's up?"

     "*sigh*  again, Jungkook, he's always with you," he said clenching his fists, looking down trying to sound calm but wasn't working.

       "M.j..." he came closer towards me, hair covering his eyes he came closer and closer to my lips, but quickly stopped himself with his arms, before he got any closer, and ended up hugging me.

     "I'm going insane, can't you see," he buried his arm in my shoulder, making me drop the flowers. "I'm sorry," he pouted

     "First of all, don't say sorry anymore, second, if you wanna do something then-" my words were cut off by the sudden kiss he gave me, so many thoughts were racing through my mind at the moment, was I interested in him?

        "Oh my gawd! I am so sorry, I-I don't know what came over me, I gotta go bye!" He ran off but before he could a wall decided that it would get in his way.

         "Screw you wall," I heard him say before leaving, jeez, cool attitude lost. I smiled at him, adorable.

     I walked back inside and faked a smile like nothing like that just happened though everyone else believed me, my acting wasn't enough to get through to Jade and Jungkook. Because of it they just kept staring at me like I was crazy. Also, I guess I was just staring off I was to space because they kept trying to get my attention.

          "I'm listening," I told them, "what if I just don't feel like looking at the speaker?"

        "It's common respect, look at me! I want attention," Jungkook pleaded with puppy dog eyes

              "There I'm giving you attention," I said looking at him, he was still pouting though, "What? Do you need me to call you cute?" I asked jokingly, but I think he really wanted me to call him cute

         "That would make me happy," Oh gawd.

          "Worlds cutest couple," Jade laughed, screw her, apparently I haven't explained to her enough that I am in a very awkward position for her to be saying that.

          "Another person agrees again! Come on let's start dating!" Jungkook pushed onto me.

           "Uhhh, no, I still don't know how to answer that, I don't even know if I like you yet," I answered shyly.  "It's only been like a week and like half a day dude, give me some time," I pushed away, one of them is moving too fast physically and the other emotionally, the hell?  

        Jade, Alondra, and Piper, and Sophie soon left after talking for an hour. I offered them to stay here, but they're staying at their boyfriend's houses. Except Jade, she's just staying at V's. In the end they left me and Jungkook to clean up. .

     "What happened with Jin?" He asked hiding his intentions, trying to at least.

    "Nothing, another confession from him," I said hiding a bit of the truth from him. I guess it would be be better if he didn't know. I started cleaning the table with a washcloth, until he suddenly back hugged me and whispered in my ear making me feel weird.

       "That's a lie and you know it," he said in a husky, breathy tone that kinda frightened me, knowing that he usually acts cute.

   "Not completely, but if I were to actually tell you, you would get mad at me and him," I said sounding even more suspicious than I already was.

    "What was it," he said hugging me tighter since I tried to escape.

    “He kissed me,” I said slowly and shyly, plus, it was my first one ever.

    “I don’t mind, we aren’t really dating yet, but did you try to stop him, or were you the one to make the move?” he asked, seeing if I was actually in to Jin.

    “No way, in my position I would never! he kissed me like mid-sentence so…” I panicked.

         I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to do anymore. I don't even know what I want anymore.

    “Okay good,” He let go of me

       "I'm tired, night, it was a very emotional day for me," I confessed.

      "Kay night," he replied. He seemed like he wanted to get closer, but he stopped himself.

      "Jungkook, we'll go somewhere tomorrow, promise" I told him since he sounded so serious. I walked in to my quiet, dark room, abandoning him in the living room.




       I walked in to my room tired of what just happened.

       Jin kissed me?  I repeated through my mind over and over, how am I supposed to talk to him without making things awkward?

At some point it will, should I just avoid him?/No that wouldn’t work, he would just get suspicious of Jungkook.

Act like it never happened?/ Knowing him he would bring it up.

Then what the should I do/ How in the flying should I know?!

Haha, I’m going insane aren’t I?/ Yes you are, piece of

knock knock.

        “What do you want Jungkook?!” I yelled,

         “Nothing! I didn’t say anything?!” he yelled back

         “Then who the hell was it?”

         “I don’t know you’re going insane!”  Then who the actual hell was it.

knock knock

          I got up to open the door to see if it was Jungkook pranking me, but when I got up I realized that somebody was at my window. It was really dark and we lived on the 12th floor of the building so I was kind of panicked, panicked enough to almost call Jungkook. Then I found out who it was.                 

    " Jin, you ! what it you fell down!? you'd be dead!"

"I didn't fall though," I could feel his ego shining, and after what happened, I don't want to. He looked at me confused.

       "Why didn't you come inside?"

       "M.j, you would've kicked me out, or at least threw a pillow at me by now," he said walking in to my room from the balcony.

     "I didn't want my pillow to fall out and I meant the balcony, at least. You need to go," I pointed out the way he came since I couldn't let him use the front door, and I feel sorry for that, but Jungkook is out there and his reaction would not be good to suddenly see a guy that just kissed me leave my room late at night.

        "Smartass move," Jin said as he nodded his head, "I'll see you tomorrow, you can't escape me at school too," he laughed as he slid down the rope he used to get up here, before he could take it, I pulled it in so he couldn't be a stalker again. Even from up here, I was able to see him frown. Perfect timing, as he got on the street and looked like an ordinary, Jungkook came in and looked if I was still awake.

             "Why are you out there? Not planning to jump are you?" He said pulling me away from the railing of the balcony and forcing me to fall in to his arms. What a freaking cliche move, "It's dangerous," I really felt like saying something sarcastic like 'No sherlock' but I refrained knowing it could have hurt his feelings.

       "Kay," I said simply jumping out of his grasp and headed towards my bed, or one of them, I don't even know why I have 2 of them.

To prove that I'm a spoiled brat that lives with her world wide famous cousin T.O.P of Big Bang in a penthouse?/ No, because I share a room with his girlfriend the one who dated him for about 3 years but is still too sissy to actually sleep with him.

That's rude. Maybe she's just not ready./ I don't care, it's true.

      Something's seriously wrong with me, haha I really am going insane cause of these 2.

           "M.j?" Jungkook asked


           "I-I can't sleep," it sounded like he was aiming to say something else but couldn't, even though, I didn't let it bother me as much, I have a ton of things that are more important.  

          "Sleep on Ju-hyun's bed... as long as you don't try to me," He was totally lying, but we have school tomorrow and I was tired so I didn't care.


      "M&M wake up~ I already took a shower now you go” I was being shaken awake by JungKook,

        "Okay, school is so troublesome," I mumbled bitterly, grabbing my clothes and my towel, taking them in to the bathroom with me. Once I finished I changed quickly, dried my hair, and tried to save time by skipping breakfast. Though Jungkook was making toast for us in the toaster oven, why? cause he's just like that. And I'm the idiot that grabbed it in a hurry so they burnt themselves, whatever. Lets start walking.

       "Aish why does the morning hate me so much?" I whined still eating my toast, I don't care if I'm hurt, I'm gonna eat this hella good toast. "Thanks Jungkook."

       "I don't know, ask it," Jungkook laughed at me making me seem like the idiot.

          "That was rhetorical, meanie," I glared playfully.

    "Mmhmm yeah it was and not you pitying yourself," he nodded faking agreement.

       "Mmhmm and you're not a total ," I mimicked him slightly. I saw him frown at me and I just lifted my head in arrogance, the real is me and we both know it.

          "School is boring, I hate it," Jungkook said out of the blue.

       "What isn't boring in a teenagers life? Friends? People are too intimidated by us and we're just smart so thats out of the question. Electronics? we already use those enough, other than those 2 we (teenagers) have no life," I was being completely honest, nobody talks to me, I feel like they either hate me or...they hate me.  

             Don't get me wrong, I try to act polite to people I talk to, and I'm not sure if anyone actually hates me, but I'm pretty quiet at school so I just assume people think I'm arrogant.

     "A lot of people think you seem nice, but don't know how to approach you since they don't know your personality well, plus you're hard to read," Jungkook explained,  "I was the same way at first," he added,

           "That makes sense, I guess," I said as we walked into the school. I don't know why but we're always the first into the classroom, to be honest its a habit now. Wake up, go to school, go to after class classes (wtf?) Do homework at the park, go home, wash up, go to sleep. The summary of my usual day in Korea. I know, you're probably thinking: damn what a loser, and to those who think that, you can go f yourself. I don't really have time for people, or I grew up thinking that, this is why Jungkook and Jin are good to have around, they constantly try to get my attention and make me a bit less lonely, same thing with my american friends.

               "Ahh I see you 2 are  as early as ever," Mrs. Martina noticed, she is my favorite teacher so I like to help her with setting up the classroom, thing is she's the english teacher, aka teacher of the class I'm allowed to skip.

      "Yea so, need help?" Jungkook offered, even though she said no he stepped forward and helped her with a stack of papers that obviously needed somebody's attention. They were all the graded papers from the last english test, he was just browsing around for his test, mumbling for the letter "J" since his last name is Jeon. He finally found it along with mine while he was searching for through the "E's".

     "100% for both of us again, same with Jin but I didn't take it out of the pile," he gave me the paper and I stuffed in to my bag. Then the phone rang and mrs. Martina answered it, many "hmm's" and "okay's" were used in the midst of this conversation making me very curious as to what is was about.

        "Jungkook you taught Mae korean correct?" Mae is what people, other than the people close to me, call me.

     "I did why? And to be honest I didn't want to but I was forced to," he mentioned.

       "Aww thanks,"  I used every bit sarcasm I could. She laughed amused by our little fight and started talking.

    "Alright, because a new student is coming to our class today and Mae you said that you were from the US, along with Jin I would like you to teach her," Mrs. Martina explained. I'm not complaining but...I can understand if it were only 1 or 2 of us to teach her but why is their 3? Is this girl really that stupid? I mean seriously.

"So mae, this means you are not allowed to skip class," Ah , stupid girl makes me lose my life.

   "If this girl needs 3 freaking tutors she must a serious idiot," Jungkook tooks the words out of my mouth.

  "Originally, it was only supposed to be you, but then I realized that Mae doesn't socialize, and she speaks english. Then Jin told me class was becoming too easy so this is just a project for him," she started organizing papers.

      "Still it seems like she's an idiot," I argued, "hey wait-I socialize," I muttered.

        "Name someone other than Jungkook or Jin,"

        "This will be good for me," I smiled.

       "Haven't met them yet and they already hate me, this is going to be a perfect school year, whoop di doo," an unfamiliar voice said in english.

     "Hi I'm Ju-hyun, and if you don't wanna teach me you don't have to," she said.

      "Okay, bye!" I walked out, but I was pulled back in the class and pushed on to the seat.

     "Alright, okay, yeah, you can go... and yourself," she smiled, damn this girl really wants to get beat up.

       "I really dont like you, but I'll stay, for jungkook because i would feel bad if such a kind person like him, would have to deal with someone as y as you," I fought back.

       "Excuse you, I came to korea because of my annoying cousin forced me to go to school here because his friend's cousin goes here to send me back to Oregon please! I dont even know why the i'm here anymore!" She lost it, she must've really been shipped here without her consent, huh?   for her.  

                "Sorry i'm late, i had to come straight from the airport," Somebody said panting, I recognized the voice, but I just refused to believe it.

           "You bastard! You never told me that you had a cousin my age and is a complete !  Tell me before you send someone, who can't speak korean, my way because I usually have to teach them something korean!" I turned around and fumbled my words, a lot. Even though I was a fool with words, I was still hella mad.  


          "G-dragon, nice to see you, this must be your cousin, correct?" Miss martina asked the one who ran in.

         "Yes, she is my cousin," he answered calmly, you never would've thought that he just came in running a second ago.  

       "Yea so smooth Jiyong, how do you even know him?" Ju-hyun turned towards me,  at the same time she did, at the corner of my eye I saw Jin walk in and start talking to mrs martina

"Perfect!" Said no one in this situation ever.

    "Yeah that guy T.O.P, the one that went on tour with your cousin, yeah he's mine," I told her.

       "What he your boyfriend? Cause he mine, cuz he fine as hell,"

     "You are a dimwit/idiot/ chick," me, Jin and jungkook all said at the same time and in korean. Even though they were at the other side of the classroom. Despite GD being really smart and logical, she is the exact opposite.

   "No idiot, he's my cousin," I emphasized, not the brightest light but she's here  and we can't stop it now.

    "Yeah I'm her boyfriend!" Jin ran towards me, and I clearly rejected him, but despite my efforts i had to use a verbal attack.

“Nope.” one word to get him pouting in a corner. Isn't that nice?

“ You aren’t because I am,” Jungkook smiled at Jin who just gave him an obviously bitter glare.

    “You aren’t either, so stop and shut up, both of you,” I pointed to the farthest away corner, and amazingly, they actually went.

    “You are a terrible person to be around and yet they crave to be your boyfriend, what is this sorcery?” T.O.P walked in, eavesdropping the entire time. Everyone that I know is so weird, I don’t know why.

    “ I knew it. You’re earlier than I expected, come to check up on me? I’m fine, see? I’m not dead, YAY” I ran around energetically. Sadly he knew I just wanted to him to leave me alone.

“Okay but not what I came for, Miss. Martina how is she doing in all her classes,” He turned away from me, paying attention to the information giver.

“Exceeding still, except in P.E and Art, for those she’s just at a… meeting level,” She informed him, I don’t do my best because those are freaking useless to me.

“That’s fine, she was never physical anyways, reason why I’m checking is because your parents are visiting next week, I don’t care if you say you don’t have any friends, leave Jin and Jungkook out of the equation right now.” he lectured me.

     “Oh , they can’t know about you two. Why so suddenly?! I don’t get why they didn’t tell us in advance, what’s gonna happen? I live with you and your girlfriend, plus I’m pretty sure they don’t know about your girlfriend. My parents hate boys even around me. If they found out one of them liked me I would be dead, no, but there’s two. *Scream* what they’re gonna do to me is probably worse than hell!!! I’m screwed!” I had a mental breakdown.

“Hahahaha wow, you and T.O.P had the same reaction, except he was in a car,” Ju-hyun made fun of me. At this time a could give less than a about her and more about those guys who were just staring at me.

“How do I approach the topic of Jin and Jungkook to my parents?”/ “Good question, you don’t. You and I both know that if we even try to we’re screwed.”

“Yeah... but we have to tell them sometime, sooner is better than later,”/ “You're a naive idiot sometimes, we are 15. Two boys constantly pin us against walls, scaring us into thinking that they will us. How the do you think we explain that to them?”

“Jeez fine, you’re too tense in these situations, you aren’t the cool one, it’s me because while I say what we could do in a calm way you say everything that could cause a backfire because you’re scared of what could happen”/   “ I suppose you’re right, whatever.”

“M.j, are you okay?” Jin asked

“Yeah- Actually- No I'm not, I have 2 huge problems to deal with, called mom and dad," I sighed hitting my head against the desk.

"Excuse me, is this the class that Mae-Jin Espinosa is supposed to be in?" Oh no, no.

"Auntie, Uncle, I thought you were coming next week," T.O.P emphasized

"Yeah but we wanted to surprise, Mae and you so we lied," my mom said joyfully.

"Sorry, bit too late for that," I got their attention on me, once I did I gave an awkward and innocent smile.  They came towards me pushing away both Jin and jungkook, who were sitting on my desk and sitting next to me, away to hug me.

"Hi mommy, daddy, how have you been?" I asked not being able to escape their grasp. I beg you please do not let them ask about Jin and Jungkook.

"Fine, but we're more interested in you...who are these 2?" My dad asked through his smile I knew it meant, "If you say they are your friends you are coming back to America with us,"  and it scared me.

"I'm sorry, these 3 exceed in all their classes especially english class, so instead of letting them skip it, I'm giving the a special project which is letting them teach korean to that girl who is also transferring from America," Miss. Martina explained.

"Thankyou you're a lifesaver, you are the best teacher in the entire world," I said in Korean since I knew that my parents probably can't understand.

"Stop whining, you have to work with them," she pretend scolded at me, while Jin and Jungkook stood there confused since they knew i said something completely different.

"Oh well that's a relief, I almost thought that one of them was her boyfriend and we absolutely forbid them, or at least till she's done with college to become a lawyer," my mom smiled at me, I gave her a small smile back to say, "Yeah I'll become a lawyer for you," but honestly, I hate the idea of becoming one. A person who has to fight with word? I can't be serious enough and I can't speak in stressful situations, but I can't tell them that... I don't know, after I came to Korea, I just, I don't know anymore.

"Mae are you okay? you look kind of pale," Jin asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm okay, where's Ju-Hyun? We should get started with our studies," I changed the subject.

"Don't brush us off about this come here," he tried to reach for my forehead despite my parents by my side. I tried to avoid it as best as I could but he ended up asking Jungkook for help. In the end he took my temperature, I lost damn.

"I knew it. Mrs and Mr. Espinosa she has a bit of a cold. Sorry it seemed like we had to be violent with her she's just really stubborn about her health. Constantly insisting that she's fine even though everyone can tell otherwise," it seemed like he could go on forever, but I am very surprised how fluent his English has gotten.

"Oh, thank you if you don't mind taking care of her even more. We would like to look around the school, maybe check out her grades," my dad asked for a favor, he smiled brightly agreeing politely.

"Here, it's medicine and vitamins take it," he handed me bottles of vitamin D, C, B, A and any more there were.

"Why do you have so many?" I asked staring at all of them that were laid before me.

"C'mon, just take it," he handed me an unopened bottle of water.

"Wow Jungkook, you're prepared for everything," Jin smiled in amusement.

"Well..." He didn’t seem like he wanted to finish that sentence anytime soon.

“ I feel fine now, thanks, Ju-hyun you up for studying?” I asked faking energy, I still felt like crap. Ugh why’d they have to come unannounced?

“Nah, actually I have a few other friends here, sorry I didn’t tell you guys, Mae you seem pretty cool. Let’s not try to kill each next time we meet, later,” she ran out, does this mean we don’t have to teach her? G-dragon seemed pretty surprised too, wonder what’s up with that, not my problem though.

“Alright, I guess this means your guys’ project is ruined, you guys need to do something,” Miss. Martina stared at us… what do we do?

“Can we go back to skipping this class?” Jin asked throwing his shoulder over me and Jungkook, putting unnecessary weight on my shoulders, how annoying. I looked at him signaling who were behind us with my eyes. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if they weren’t here, but either way he could have phrased that better.

“No lets show Mae’s parents around the school,” Jungkook smiled at them, and they smiled back but anyone could tell that my parents were uncomfortable.

"You don't have to do that, please, could we have some time to catch up with our daughter for the time being?" My dad asked, pleads heard even through his calm voice.

"Oh, uh sure sorry if I seem to straightforward I just thought it would be nice," Jungkook blushed awkwardly.

"Let's go mom, dad," I smiled, but alone time with them is like my hell, no, I don't hate them, I love them they're the best. They let me come to Korea and study by myself. It's just that it seems like Jungkook and Jin have been overly caring towards me, even in my point of view. I don't want them to ask about them or my relationship with them. I'm not that scared about their reaction or something, it's just too complicated for me to explain.

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