
Caught in Between

"I'll miss you people, but I gotta go," I said in a sad tone, as my loving friends clung on to me, "I'm gonna miss my flight if you don't quit it." I laughed bitterly, not wanting to leave

      "You CAN'T leave us! Who else would be able to deal with us?!" Jade asked trying to pull me back using her weight, I only stepped back and she fell.
      " I know right, you guys will be so pitiful without me," I looked right at her, with my big eyes that were made even larger by my over sized, real glasses.

       I really wanted to see what her reaction would be... and all she did was give a slight, smile. A smile, but she wasn't amused.

      "You little..."  She mumbled the rest knowing that swearing profanities at me would only have us leave off badly, I will be gone for 5 years after all.
      "You know she's kidding! So please don't leave, and don't hate her," Piper whimpered
for my sake. "What if she forgets us!?" She whispered, not so quietly.

      "I'll FaceTime you guys, and like hell I would forget you guys. How could I forget my best friends?" I hugged all of them, even though Jade hates hugs she dealt with it for me. This is true friendship.

    "I'm not gonna try and stop you, you just have to come back without a scratch." Sophie lectured me before I left out the door.
     "Can't you just talk to your parents? They're shipping you away to love with your cousin in Korea, ," I smiled sheepishly, knowing the way she said it was rude, but more accurate than saying 'I'm going to gain experiences.'     

           "We're gonna miss you," Piper pouted, I smiled a bit at them and went to the taxi.
      "Well, see you later," I said closing the door, I turned back as we drove away with them fading away. "Love you guys!" I yelled out of the taxi window one last time before I left for good.

♤ 2 years later
        " Yah Jeon Jungkook! I need that book to pass history class!" I yelled at my best guy friend.

            Guy friend and boyfriend are very different. One of them you're dating, and the other you don't. Easy said.

    "Why? Your top student," He smirked devilishly, "Just do the test by memory," He teased me by sticking out his tongue, and hiding behind our friend Kim Seok Jin, but Jin for short.
      "If you guys are gonna play chase don't circle around me," Jin complained, trying to walk faster to get away from the 2 of us.

    "Then help me!" I shouted to get his attention.       "But this is more interesting," he whined,

       Why am I friends with jerks?  Suddenly I felt something hit my stomach. As I looked down I realized it was my books, and they fell to the ground.

             Jin got them back for me   I smiled and I realized he was already 6-7 feet ahead of me.
     "Thanks Jin, you're  life saver," I smiled happily, then pointed at Jungkook, " Jungkook, you're going to be the death of me one day," I fake glared at him and all he did smile then pouted.
      "You can't die!" He acted like he was worried, "Who am I gonna annoy?" I hit his arm hard, he deserved it.
     "Hey, hitting isn't nice," He acted as if he was in a position where scolding people is okay.     "Screw off," I rolled my eyes, but smiled running away, heading to school without them.
At school♧
     "Where's Jin and Jungkook? Don't the usually cling on to you?," Jimin asked with V by his side doing something on his phone, probably playing a game.
            I opened my mouth to deny his statement but I was shortly cut off by V       

           "What're you talking about they're right there, dude," V pointed to the doorway only to reveal two,  heavily panting, boys who both had their hair matted to tier forehead due to sweat.                                             

          Like always, innocence is not you would expect from Jimin "You guys run? Or..." Jimin looked down to me, contemplating whether or not he should finish. .
            "No you dirty bastard, what did you do to M.j? Did you corrupt her mind with words?" Jin glared at him. And maybe a little bit at V, who wasn't doing anything but showing me his new high score. .
  "Hmmmm, not yet," Jimin turned to me, trying to put his hand on mine, but I quickly pulled away.
      " Like I would let you touch me," I scoffed as I  defensively scooted away in my chair. It may have been offensive, but I saved him from going to jail for molestation.

             "Sorry hyung, but I can't let that happen either," Jungkook pulled me up and out of my chair, holding me close to his chest. I blushed a bit before before pushing him away. Weakly, but enough for him to know he should let go.

            "Get off me, the hell is wrong with you guys?" I shouted pushing them away from me and each other.

           "I-uh," Jin stuttered helplessly, "You're what's wrong  Wait- No! I mean I really like you, and... Well..."

               "A-are you okay?" I hovered the back of my palm against his cheek, "Not sick, are you?"

“Mj, we aren't kidding. You need to know that we're completely serious about this," Jungkook pulled me away from Jin so I could look him straight  in the eyes.

“I-umm-well..." I couldn't seem to finish when he stared at me like that. It was like he was the one in control of my emotions, and my speech.

“You know, Jungkook, you should really give up now. I mean- look at me, what's not to love?,” Jin said trying to shoo Jungkook off. Then again, Jin's confidence never fails to amuse me.

“Hyung," Jungkook patted him on the shoulder, "Even so, if she had to choose it would be me. I'm the total package,” Jungkook smirked back. I can't even deny his statement. He's popular with the older girls at our school, but everyone falls for his charm all the same (I think even some of the guys too)



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