C H A P T E R 7

Dating 101 [Discontinued]
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Mrs. Yoon found it more than just peculiar to see her twenty-one year old daughter laying her head against the kitchen table with her a prodding forefinger from each hand rubbing at her temples. The elderly woman wasn't one to wedge her way into her daughter's problems but the sight in front of her was more than enough to push her into asking what was wrong.

"Aira, is everything all right?" Mrs. Yoon gingerly asked, walking over to the table and pulling a chair out to sit beside the younger girl. The scratching noise that the chair created made Aira flinch and groan. 

"I think I'm in the middle of a hangover," Aira admitted, voice dripping with regret. This answer seemed to have shocked her mother because Mrs. Yoon tensed with widened eyes.

"For how long have you been drinking?" The concerned mother asked. She had no idea that her quiet, timid child was into drinking. It was certainly a surprise to hear such a thing come out of .

"My first and last time was last night at that party I mentioned before. Never again am I touching a beer," Aira whimpered while her mother let out a relieved sigh. Aira wanted to hide from the world right not because every little noise sent another series of jackhammers throughout her head. She should have said no to going to that party. She'd be perfectly fine if she hadn't gone and she most definitely wouldn't feel like flinging herself off a cliff whenever she thought of what happened between her and Luhan. "I'm so killing Jongdae when I see him."

"Jongdae?" Her mother repeated, eyebrows raising in question. It wouldn't hurt to prod just a little into her daughter's life,"Who's this?"

"Just a friend, mom." Aira quickly responded in an attempt to shut down any more questions her mother could have. But her attempt was in vain since Mrs. Yoon's interest had piqued at the mention of her so-called friend.

"A friend? Was he at this party you went to?" A small nod answered the elder. "Did he invite you to go with him?" Another nod. "Is he actually a boyfriend?"

Aira was about to nod again when she registered what her mom said and instead, vigorously shook her head,"No, no, mom. Just friends." 

Mrs. Yoon suppressed an amused grin that was threatening to appear,"If you say so." With those final words, the mother patted Aira's hand and raised herself from her chair. She walked out of the kitchen to leave Aira alone with her thoughts.

Aira raised a hand to her cheek, pressing her palm gently into her warm cheek. She didn't understand why her cheeks felt warm or why her heart stuttered when her mom mentioned the word 'boyfriend'. She bit back a sigh and rose from the chair, cringing when it made its usually screech. She needed to sleep away this headache of hers before deciding what she was going to do with Jongdae's jacket later.


"That's the fourth time you've checked your phone and it's only one in the afternoon," Baekhyun noted, lazily staring at Jongdae from his spot on Chanyeol's bed. "Are you waiting for Aira to text you or something?"

"No, just checking the time," Jongdae mumbled, haphazardly placing his phone on the bed's matching nightstand. 

"Four times?" Chanyeol sneered from behind his Coke can, leaning further back on his swiveling computer chair. 

"I'm forgetful, what can I say?" A nonchalant shrug was sent towards the two as Jongdae looked out the bedroom window.

The only reason why Jongdae was here in the first place was because Chanyeol had called Baekhyun and asked if the pair of roommates wanted to hang out with him for a few hours before he had to go to his part-time job at the grocery store. In truth, Jongdae was planning on asking Aira if she would have liked to come by his shared dorm and do another lesson. Maybe teach her how to not let what happened last night become a blockade between her and Luhan.

After seeing Aira off and making sure she was safely in her house before taking his leave, Jongdae had been thinking nonstop about how nice it was to have her head resting upon his shoulder. The thought had kept him up almost half of last night and he wasn't sure why. Why was he getting so flustered whenever he thought of such a mere action? Could it be that he-

"I say you're just wanting her attention and don't have the guts to invite her over," Baekhyun proclaimed in a rather mocking tone. "Should I go knock on her door right now?"

"No! Don't do that," Jongdae waved his hands to push away the suggestion. "She may still be sleeping and I don't want to wake her. She had it pretty rough last night."

"Hey, Chanyeol, do you hear that?" Baekhyun suddenly asked, cupping a hand over his ear.

"Why, Baekhyun, I think I do!" Chanyeol joined in, cupping both of his ears with his hands.

"It sounds like a bunch of bull to me. How about you, Jongdae, do you hear it, too?" Baekhyun finished their bantering with a series of giggling and was soon joined by Chanyeol who was laughing loudly. 

"You guys are seriously the definition of ''," The victim of their joke rolled his eyes,"and I'm not bluffing. It was her first time drinking last night and she may have a hangover."

"All the more reason to invite her over," Chanyeol nodded,"we can help her overcome her fir

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Chapter 13: Andddd .. I just realized that this story haven't completed yet (T----T )
Do I still have some hope, author-nim? (T w T ? )
Chapter 2: He likes her, doesn't he ?! ♥ (' w ' )
Justinediamonds #3
I love this story so much!!! I hope everything works out for Chen! :)
Chapter 10: Gah! It's so cute! You got this Jondaeee<3
oceanscapes #5
Chapter 13: I love this fic! its so cute aghhh Chen needs this love yasss i hope Aira doesn't reject him T-T
Chapter 13: TT this is so cute istg ChenChen needs more recognition and kawaii fics like this!
Can't wait for the next update :D
honestly kyra next time I see you i'm gonna fight you because you're always telling me you're gonna update this but never do and I just want the good part
Chapter 12: Omfg, a guy telling a girl of his feelings through a video/film would be so sweeet!!!!! But the pressure from the people who also watched it would be too much of a burden to the girl..
Chapter 13: Finally got around to reading the update and I have no regrets! This is one of my favorites, honestly. Love Chen. I mean, he represents many struggles of crushes, but he is brave for at least talking to her! Rooting for Chen!
Chapter 13: Hi. New reader here. I've been suscribed to your story for a while but was busy with real life to read aff. Bahahahaha.

And now that I have, i regret not starting sooner. Hahaha. I love absolutely everything in this story. The prologue was beautiful,btdubs. Hahaha. And the chapters that followed had all the ingredients i loved when reading a story.

This is a cute role reversal to realizing ones feelings. Usually, most of the time, it's the girls realizing their feelings first but Aira is in denial so Jongdae beat her to the finish line by a mile. Hahaha.

I love how supportive Baek and Chan are to Dae having a budding relationship. Chanyeol is a genius!!! I hope he follows through and actually do that on their next lesson.

Another thing that's been bothering me is how nice Luhan is. Hahahaha. Aira vomitted on his shoes, which is like commiting suicide. So to read that Luhan waved it off was a bit weird for me to read. Is he really thag friendly or is all his anger brewing below the surface? Hahahaha.

Yixing, Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Yixing are all lovely characters. Most of them helped when asked but Yixing went above and beyond and i can see him doing that IRL. I miss the unicorn, do you?

Well. That's it for now. Lovely chapter. Amazing story :) Cannot wait for the next chapter

WELCOME TO COLLEGE. Don't drink too much energy drinks and coffee. Eat lots of greens(trust me, i'm in my last year. Hahaha)

Till next time!!