C H A P T E R 9

Dating 101 [Discontinued]
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Aira sensed something was off when she entered Tuesday’s morning lecture. Sitting down in her usual in the back corner, she glanced around while taking her supplies out. She figured out what was wrong after locking eyes with a classmate. She had people who were blatantly staring at her. Aira could feel their eyes boring holes into her soul and she shrunk back into her seat uncomfortably.


“So much for thinking no one would remember,” she sighed, flipping her notebook to a blank page to begin doodling in one of the corners.


Some minutes passed before she watched someone in the corner of her eye sit beside her. How surprising. Aira didn’t feel the need to look up to see the person so she didn’t. She waited for the professor to finish setting up as she continued her drawing.


It was supposed to be a sunflower but even she couldn’t fool herself into thinking it looked remotely close to one.


“Ah, Aria, is it?” He asked. This caused her to finally lift her head up.


“Aira,” she corrected with a polite smile.


“Shoot, sorry,” he chuckled, causing his dimples to appear. Cute, Aira thought. She couldn’t help but wish she had his dimples. He stuck his hand out towards her, “I’m Yixing, a friend of Jongdae’s.”


“Oh, hi,” Aira’s smile warmed at the mention of Jongdae and accepted his hand, giving him a light handshake. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Yixing’s dimple seemed to deepen as his smile grew wider. “Same to you.”


Aira silently pondered what caused him to sit next to her and introduce himself. This type of thing doesn’t usually happen unless the guy’s interested in the girl and Aira would be labelled foolish if she believed that to be the reason for even a second. Then again, he could be looking for a new friend or someone to copy homework off of since most of the kids in this lecture block don’t know what’s going on half the time.


“So, I know you probably don’t want to be reminded of this,” he started off and Aira immediately knew why he came to bother her. “But I just wanted to say I’m sorry for my friends’ actions at the party.”


“What?” she was caught off guard. Instead of commenting on how gross she was and making fun of her for it, he was apologizing?

“I want to apologize on behalf of my friends for the way they laughed at you.” Yixing clarified, smile never once faltering with his words. “What they did wasn’t very mature of them. Especially with posting the video-”

“They what?” Aira nearly screeched. Video… There was a video. Luhan could see that video. With all her luck, he’s probably seen it already. Rewinded and laughed at it nonstop, probably.


Yixing’s eyes widened at her outburst and he grew flustered, cheeks reddening in embarrassment. “I, um…” he was unable to find the words but after swallowing, he tried to give a wholehearted explanation. “There was a video that was shared among the Fraternity and then someone decided to post it under a discussion board for the Frat house.”


Aira’s heart was beating erratically and she feared she was going into a panic attack because of the news. Her hands balled into fists and she clenched her eyes shut, willing herself not to cry right there in class. Yixing threw himself into a caring mode and hesitated to put a hand on her shoulder. After a moment, he did and rubbed her shoulder in soothing circles. Aira thought to shrug off his hand but decided against it. He was kind enough to approach her and inform her of all this so the least she could do was be grateful in return.


“I’m fine now, thank you.” She whispered after taking deep breaths and calming herself down. “Thank you for telling me.”


Yixing was unsure whether or not to say ‘you’re welcome’ so he opted to stay quiet instead. He looked over at the Professor to find him opening up a slideshow on the SmartBoard. He glanced back at Aira who was putting her school supplies back into her schoolbag.


“Is that video still up?” she questioned, only giving him a quick glance while zipping up her bag.


“Ah, no.” Yixing shook his head and he heard her relieved sigh. “I managed to talk to Yifan into taking down the post and he did.”

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Chapter 13: Andddd .. I just realized that this story haven't completed yet (T----T )
Do I still have some hope, author-nim? (T w T ? )
Chapter 2: He likes her, doesn't he ?! ♥ (' w ' )
Justinediamonds #3
I love this story so much!!! I hope everything works out for Chen! :)
Chapter 10: Gah! It's so cute! You got this Jondaeee<3
oceanscapes #5
Chapter 13: I love this fic! its so cute aghhh Chen needs this love yasss i hope Aira doesn't reject him T-T
Chapter 13: TT this is so cute istg ChenChen needs more recognition and kawaii fics like this!
Can't wait for the next update :D
honestly kyra next time I see you i'm gonna fight you because you're always telling me you're gonna update this but never do and I just want the good part
Chapter 12: Omfg, a guy telling a girl of his feelings through a video/film would be so sweeet!!!!! But the pressure from the people who also watched it would be too much of a burden to the girl..
Chapter 13: Finally got around to reading the update and I have no regrets! This is one of my favorites, honestly. Love Chen. I mean, he represents many struggles of crushes, but he is brave for at least talking to her! Rooting for Chen!
Chapter 13: Hi. New reader here. I've been suscribed to your story for a while but was busy with real life to read aff. Bahahahaha.

And now that I have, i regret not starting sooner. Hahaha. I love absolutely everything in this story. The prologue was beautiful,btdubs. Hahaha. And the chapters that followed had all the ingredients i loved when reading a story.

This is a cute role reversal to realizing ones feelings. Usually, most of the time, it's the girls realizing their feelings first but Aira is in denial so Jongdae beat her to the finish line by a mile. Hahaha.

I love how supportive Baek and Chan are to Dae having a budding relationship. Chanyeol is a genius!!! I hope he follows through and actually do that on their next lesson.

Another thing that's been bothering me is how nice Luhan is. Hahahaha. Aira vomitted on his shoes, which is like commiting suicide. So to read that Luhan waved it off was a bit weird for me to read. Is he really thag friendly or is all his anger brewing below the surface? Hahahaha.

Yixing, Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Yixing are all lovely characters. Most of them helped when asked but Yixing went above and beyond and i can see him doing that IRL. I miss the unicorn, do you?

Well. That's it for now. Lovely chapter. Amazing story :) Cannot wait for the next chapter

WELCOME TO COLLEGE. Don't drink too much energy drinks and coffee. Eat lots of greens(trust me, i'm in my last year. Hahaha)

Till next time!!