Unexpected pt. I

Peaches and Suga
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Unexpected pt I .25.



Suga stared with a combination of irritation and slight embarrassment at his best friend who had the sheet he’d snatched up from him between his fingers. The blonde had on an incredibly amused expression despite seemingly trying to hide his laughter, and scanning further down the page with his eyes, whatever composure he managed flew out the window.

‘What the hell, man!’ Suga snapped, snatching the page back from the younger boy who had a hand over the large smile that spread from cheek to cheek.

‘S… sorry, dude,’ he chuckled, breathing fast to recover from his fit of laughter. ‘But that is the cheesiest thing I have ever seen you churn out in all the years I know you.’

Suga grumbled contentiously before returning to the poem ahead of him; the last few lines having taken him longer to produce than he imagined. He hadn’t intended consulting the piece of literature with Namjoon, but the latter’s surprise visit gave him no choice but to share his newest work. Considering the poem was entirely exposed on the counter top when the boy entered, he drifted towards it with the frightening likeness of a magnet… and Suga knew better than to expect any other reaction from him when it came to scattered pens and paper.

‘Yoongi-yah…?’ Namjoon mimicked the most prominent line out of the passage with as high-pitched a voice he could muster, only to have the older boy throw a barrage of discarded crumples of paper at him.

‘Namjoon, I swear…!’

‘OK, OK…!’ He collapsed on the living room sofa with his arms up in surrender; an impish smile still lingering on his face. ‘In all seriousness though, why the sudden change? I thought you were all for revenge and manly feelings of being trampled on by deceit—I quote—but the theme now is something else entirely.’


He never quite imagined the things the girl worked on in secret while living his life, but when Suga had discovered the awful poem on revenge she seemingly intended performing with, he was appalled… appalled and yet somehow intrigued. Her writing was awfully basic save for the language he could only assume she adopted from the 1600’s Japanese war times, and as vehemently as he would have opposed the writing on any other occasion, he found it endearing because it was a fragment of her that remained behind.

In fact, ever since he found a copy of the poem he made it a point to refer to it daily. It became a routine for him in the mornings to start his day with the opening lines and smile absently at how absurdly she executed the theme; it was a reminder of Momoe.

‘Let’s just say I…,’ he paused thoughtfully; his eyes lingering on the last foreign word he’d written. ‘Needed a change of scenery.’

Namjoon threw the older boy an inconspicuous look from the lounge, and even though his skeptical expression suggested he had a lot to say, he kept silent. He took a moment to observe Suga instead: the boy clearly radiating something… different since the past week. The younger one couldn’t be sure what exactly it was about him that seemed to have changed, but he could only assume it had something to do with the Christmas Eve party. Ever since he’d gotten in touch with him again since then, he seemed relatively different. He wondered if perhaps it had anything to do with Yunji considering their circumstances at the time, but decided against voicing his concern.

All that mattered was that Suga looked better than he ever had. He was up a lot more often, writing more than usual, conversing with them on a daily basis… he was back to being the Yoongi they knew. And that was enough to ease his thoughts.

‘Hmm…’ he mused at the answer he received, glancing about the room absently.

However what he intended to be mindless surveying of the room turned into curious scrutiny. He was certain the last time he’d visited the older boy was some time before he’d fallen into his addiction with sleep and shutting them out, so the messy – almost untouched – living room came to him as a surprise.

‘Hey, Suga…’ Namjoon paused, frowning at the scattered articles of colourful clothing draping to the floor from the other end of the couch.

‘Since when did you extend out of your bedroom?’

Suga looked up slowly from his notepad; the living room greeting him in the state it had remained in even when Momoe had still been occupying the space. Despite being renowned by his closest friends for his overall laziness, Suga was surprisingly strict when it came to organizing and keeping his spaces clean… yet the only exception was the girl’s lingering presence. He often stared at the blanket she used to sleep with on the sofa, the crumpled cushions, the scattered clothes, and the feeling of irritation he otherwise felt whenever faced with such untidiness never came.

He found it odd at first for not wanting to touch the disoriented belongings. Embarrassed even by how sentimental he felt looking at them… but how great the need was to preserve the fact that she was ever there always prevailed.

‘A few weeks ago, I guess.’ he shrugged; a ghost of a smile on his lips.

‘O… K, then…’ Namjoon frowned at him exasperatedly. ‘I am officially not even going to bother asking you anything anymore, captain vague.’


Suga’s smile widened a little at successfully managing to shut the talkative member up, and just at that moment, the bathroom door creaked open further down the hallway. Taehyung appeared; one hand stuck in the back of his hair, and the other pinching a small square, wrapped object between his fingers.

‘Hyung, what is this?’ he asked, staring at the package in deep thought. ‘I didn’t meant to pry, but I don’t think I’ve ever…’

‘Oh,’ Suga cut him off; a blank look on his face as he pointed at the object with the back of his pencil from across the room. ‘It’s a pad.’

Taehyung shrieked almost instantly at the realization and threw his hands in the air; the wrapped square landing on Namjoon’s face who brushed it off quickly like some dangerous insect. Suga watched the two incredibly bemused as they treated the object like a rare species of poisonous toad, quickly scurrying to the kitchen as if it were ready to attack.

‘Dude!’ Namjoon cried in horror and disbelief; the younger member clinging to him from behind. ‘What the heck are you doing with a…’

He stopped however the moment his eyes landed on the older boy who seemingly struggled to stifle his laughter. He sighed, remembering how mischievous Suga had been with answering his questions earlier and swatting away Taehyung’s hands, proceeded into the kitchen.

‘On second thought, I don’t even want to know,’ the blonde rolled his eyes at the large impish grin on the latter’s face accompanied with quiet laughter.

‘I have a feeling the alien is rubbing off on you. Stop hanging out with Taehyung so much.’

‘Ooh, do I sense jelly in this hyung?’ Taehyung quickly recovered; his face accommodating a pair of wiggling eyebrows as he said this.

Suga continued to watch in amusement as the two broke out into a general argument surrounding Namjoon’s alleged ‘jealousy’, and the only thought that came to his mind was how similarly the latter really was to the girl’s friend, Sehun. I’m sure those two fools would get along, he mused, so deep in thought that he barely noticed Taehyung appear at his side again.

‘So what’s the next colour, hyung?’ he his lips excitedly at the question.

Namjoon had ultimately fallen into his rambles about space and another newfound conspiracy about round objects (from which Suga could recall hearing at some point in the background), which led the younger joining him seated at the counter.

Suga’s eyebrows rose curiously at the younger boy. ‘Colour…?’

‘Yep,’ Taehyung pointed into his hair with one hand; his eyes directed at the older boy’s salmon mane. ‘Your pink is growing out. Any idea what you’re gonna do next?’

Taehyung had a knack for picking out odd hair colours and for a moment, Suga eyed him skeptically. He knew the boy had brought up the particular topic because he most likely had a handful of ridiculous hair colour suggestions in mind he was bursting at the seams with, but the older one pinched a tuft between his fingers and pursed his lips thoughtfully.

He stared at the pale pink strands carefully, surprised to note he in fact hadn’t even considered the state of his hair ever since returning to his original body. He’d been so engrossed in writing and the girl’s absence, that he didn’t spare a thought for his appearance.

‘I’m thinking a dark colour… you?’



If ever I thought living the life of a rookie lawyer was something posh and classy, consisting of late nights and amicable workers that absolutely adored me, then I was in for a God awful surprise.

Perhaps the combination of my gullible nature and watching far too many TV shows over the course of the past week was to blame, but I’d seen something incredibly insightful that I imagined could ease my terrible insomnia and help me concentrate on things other than that damned you-know-who. After witnessing a greenhorn lawyer on a haunted house show I discovered – courtesy of Sehun’s weird roommate who left the show on on retreating to his room before I could even catch a glance at the odd bloke – I had discovered the bliss of coffee in the morning, and sleeping pills at night.

It became a ritual for me after the first day of experimenting with the combo, and finding it did bloody wonders to my energy levels after the initial few doses, I indulged in these things as fiercely as peaches and sugar. I was surprised to find that the caffeine and sleeping pill doses even somehow managed to numb me entirely from the word… or perhaps it just helped me not think about it at all. I couldn’t be sure.

But whatever it was, as long as it kept me from falling off the brink of sanity thanks to a certain sugary somebody, I was over the moon.

‘Hello? Darling…? Darling, are you still there…?’

But to every thrilling pro the combination offered, there were the dreaded cons I couldn’t overlook. One of the most prominent of all being how fast the effects of the doses were taking a toll on me physically.

‘Yes, yeah, I’m here appa,’ I quickly recovered from the momentary daze, massaging my temples with one hand stretched over my forehead.

‘Sorry, I’ve just been really swamped with work lately. My mind’s all over the place.’

‘Oh, my little peac

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Chapter 27: Super cute ! Binge read this story now that we're on lock down... Anyway, loved the story!
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Okay, this was written in what, 2015?, i hate myself for only finding it now, this is a gem omg this was a ride again its like 3:30am so im not gonna make it longer than necessary (again), but 1) thanks for writing this fic, it was creative, the character development was amazing and yeah yoongs is my bias wrecker so this was a good meal lmao 2) im glad you didnt stop writing haha and seriously you have a talent, i could be mistaken but did you say this was your first fanfic?? How can it be this good??? Thats not fair. Okay whatever im rambling, this story is 10/10, see you at another story soon (i hate the fact that they are so addictive, i read both this and the jimin story in almost one go and i feel like death afterwards hahahaha) ALSO LETS NOT ING FORGET TAE BEING AND UNDERWEAR MODEL?? And the rest of bts and sehun ?? The characters are amazing and lovable (ya did do ma mans jiho dirty lmfao)
Chapter 27: I'm not crying! They're are some ninjas cutting onions, I swear!

This was so so so lovely that I feel in love with all the characters. Specially TaeTae xDThanks for writing this beautiful fanfic! I love you and hope to see more of your work.
Chapter 20: Wait,.........WHAT
Chapter 10: How can a story be this captivating?? I can't stop.
Chapter 5: This story is so interesting! I'm hooked!
Chapter 27: I've been subscribing to this story since forever but I was a bit hesitant since swapping body wasn't one of my favorite themes. But I've read The Clumsy Spy so I trusted your writing!
There were a lot of times when I wished I was reading this on wattpad instead of here because there were so many sentences that I wanted to give a side comment!
I couldn't get over the fact that Kim Taehyung was an underwear model lmao, as much as he had the iness required for an underwear model I couldn't imagine him posing with only an unnderwear and all hahahaha
As usual you write a really good character's development! :)
Though tbh reading this was a bit confusing since they swapped bodies and you had to use he and she to differentiate them when the body you mentioned didn't contain the right gender lol
But it was really fun imagining the image of Yoongi and Momoe in each other's body esp when Yoongi played the rich highschool snoob ㅋㅋ
And I really loved it when Momo was being head over heels over Yoongi, because then I could relate with her hehehehe
And when Min Yoongi being sweet asddfghhkjbsbjsshah
I enjoyed reading this story! Thank you for sharing it with us <3
Chapter 27: This story is literally what I've been trying to find for the past few weeks!! I love it so much. No regrets putting off stuff to do by reading this. I'm actually craving some peaches now :3
Chapter 27: FRIGGIN' LOVED IT.
YOU'RE AWESOME damnationSUruck ^^
maiQiu #10
Chapter 27: It was a mistake to check out this story. I've been binge reading it for 5 hours. I want my life back but thanks to you I've fallen into the void of fluffy fanfiction. Bless you.