
Peaches and Suga
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Wish .22.



‘If you’re not coming with me, I’m just going to get whatever I want. And I’m going to steal your surprise present.’

‘Sure. Go ahead.’

‘Wow, Yoongi. Don’t you like surprises? Or more importantly, don’t you trust me? Get up!’

‘Let’s see—uh—nope.’

‘OK then. All 7 Ninja Warriors movies it is.’

It was honestly amazing how this kind of thing managed to get Suga out of bed faster than you can say Bob’s your uncle. He quickly hopped to his feet, slid on a jumpsuit over his awful, oversized makeshift pajamas, and proceeded to grabbing a large dark green parka, but instead went stumbling over a few scattered shoes on the floor.

Well, serves you right for leaving your junk all over the place, I snorted, watching in amusement as he eventually began kicking away the shoes like Godzilla trudging through New York City. I thought he was a tidy person up until now, but last night he seemed to have stayed up working on filling up his tiny notepad.

Well, considering the few days that passed, I was somehow grateful he was… well… still this full of life. Dealing with the first period was somewhat a traumatic experience for most women seeing it took place during the ripe first years as a teen, but I was surprised to find that Suga seemed rather hardy.

On the night of the event of my apparent ‘labor’ – after dealing with Suga’s accident and explaining to him like a madman that he wasn’t in fact having a baby – we had discovered while watching the news later on that the snowfall had turned into a country-wide blizzard. And upon reviving my broken phone prior Suga’s departure from the apartment in search of me, we discovered my parents weren’t coming over after all thanks to the awful weather that plagued almost all of South Korea.

‘Oh, it’s truly regrettable dear!’ my mother cried over the phone when I forced Suga to get in contact with them again on Christmas.

‘We were so looking forward to meeting your sweetheart,’ she cooed with a tinge of sadness, thereafter having the call taken over my dad who explained to me the details of their flight cancellations (and thereafter for some reason praising my supposed boyfriend excessively).


It probably was an awful thing to feel, but the fact that they weren’t going to make it for Christmas had filled me with an incredible sense of relief. I felt terrible for feeling this way, although I’d been relatively worried about their arrival and the complicated, awkward, and downright hefty amount of lies I’d have to tell them to conceal our body swap secret yet sound convincing enough of our supposed roommates predicament… but most importantly I suppose, it was more out of concern for Suga.

Over the past few days, I’d noticed an apparent change in him. I couldn’t quite pinpoint the shift in his demeanor, but something about him had become a lot more casual from what I was initially used to. This ranged from incredibly trivial things, like the two of us falling asleep together in the living room, or Suga’s unusual, newly-developed habit of touching my arm whenever he was around, or staring at me whenever I wasn’t looking—

You know what? I could actually have been losing my mind picking up these ridiculous little things. Perhaps it really was a sign of me going insane being in his body for this long, and I quickly brushed off the observations as fast as I picked them up, because it could also have been some sick prank my mind played on me. Yeah, as if he’d feel those God-awful ba-bumps like you do, my mind mocked.

‘Are you done…?’ I asked, dozing off slightly on the living room sofa as I waited for him to get out of the bedroom.

It was beyond me how long Suga sometimes took to put on clothes. He was just as bad as a woman, and I wondered often if perhaps he was like this prior our meeting and the whole we switched bodies thing that happened. Either he was still dressing up, or he passed out again; I couldn’t be sure, but the sofa was suddenly a great place to be on at the time. It was the last day of December, and the snow outside had reached a startling 3 feet during the past few days since Christmas with nonstop falling.

And considering the thick, heavy blankets of ice that still fell in buckets overhead since Taehyung’s Christmas party with nonstop ferocity, Suga and I took to simply chilling out together. The terrible weather took its toll on business all around Gangnam, so he in turn had a good few days off because the roads and shop fronts were completely snow-blocked. Even Christmas – with the absence of my parents and a ludicrous amount of food in the refrigerator we’d prepared for the occasion – went by with the two of us stranded in the apartment together… which actually didn’t turn out to be a bad thing, because both our monstrous appetites combined made for a crumb-free feast of the decadent food we had prepared otherwise.

I sighed deeply, kicking up some imaginary dirt with my feet as I tried to keep myself from falling asleep again on the couch waiting for the chap to make an appearance. And realizing his phone had been buzzing all through last night as we talked each other to sleep over that horrendous coffee he seemingly enjoyed, pulled out the mobile and decided to see what the fuss was in the group:

Golden maknae: Eep. V-hyung’s got some crazy weather for a birthday present.

Jimin: ikr? This snow is mad.

Alien V: huehuheue like the butter.

Jimin: wut

Hoseok: guize I just had the weirdest dream ohmygat

Jimin: dude

Jimin: if this has anything to do with Yoongi-hyung again I swear

Alien V: LOL, the baby alien thing??

Hoseok: I’m not even kidding this dream is so REAL???? UGHH and I keep having it

Hoseok: guys r u sure this really didn’t happen

Hoseok: this is freaking me out

Hoseok: Suga r u messing with my mind and I DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT

Alien V: wait wud some1 actually tell u if they’re messing with your mind

Namjoon: Hm? Hoseok, what are you talking about?

Jimin: oh no here we go again

Hoseok: dude I swear I keep having this dream that Suga tells me he’s a dad, and he tells me IT’S NOT WHAT U THINK and stuff like IT’S COMING OUT

Namjoon: DUDE.


Alien V: he said he saw tentacles the other day hyung why r u leaving out this detail HMMM

Jimin: oh my God jungkook cover your eyes

Alien V: hope-hyung watches 3 many melodramas

Hoseok: no guys I swear this happened irl

Hoseok: tae it was AT UR PARTY??? LIKE THE ENTIRE DREAM?????

Alien V: isn’t it normal for ppl to get pregnant at partays

Jimin: v nO


Alien V: oh m y

Namjoon: This reminds me of a metaphor I’d worked on not long ago about an idea that develops like a fetus, and matures as it gains content until it’s time to push out the final product which is a detailed, trialed, and tested piece of information.

Namjoon: Which is somewhat similar to what I’ve observed lately with Taehyung’s snow present. This is albedo in its purest form. The sun’s reflectivity on the earth’s surface with all this ice caked with snow has an incredibly high albedo, and the amount of refraction I’ve observed is contentious to Venus rotating backwards, thus making it an ‘abnormal’ member of the solar system, and the slowing of time in deeper gravitational wells that we believed were simply the cause of time zones.

Jin: What what?

Jin: Someone’s having a baby?? A baby alien?

Jin: … a baby Taehyung?


OK. Wow. On second thought, the last thing I needed was for my brain to turn into a steaming bowl of scrambled eggs at midday thanks to Namjoon’s crazy conspiracy theories, and I quickly shoved the phone back into my pocket. Now that I think about it, none of the boys so as mentioned Yunji ever since the night of that party. Did any of them even eventually see her? I could feel a slight headache worm its way into my skull at the combination of Yunji-centric speculations and Namjoon’s crazy conspiracy theories… well, at least the guy’s complex train of thoughts kept me awake if anything.

‘Are you sure you want to go out? Into that?’

I glanced at Suga’s form under the bedroom doorway as he pointed disbelievingly out the window. An icy crusting of frost made a border around the square glass block, and on the other side, a light sheet of snow fell. The weather today was actually a lot more improved since the blizzards began, although the worst part about it was the caked, muddy snow on the roads and sidewalks…

And judging by Suga’s slightly dreadful expression, I could tell this was what bothered him the most and gave him more reason to simply stay indoors and sleep.

‘Yep!’ I said as enthusiastically as possible. ‘You’re going to just love the thing I have in store. Let’s go.’

I hopped to the door with as much liveliness as possible to convince him to join me, yet Suga lingered on the spot for a moment even after I opened the front door. I looked back at him questionably, but he had on a pout so ridiculously cute I had no idea I was even capable of making such aegyo-y expressions.

‘On second thought, I don’t care about the surprise or the movies. I’m going back to bed.’

I rolled my eyes at the finicky rich kid look he had on as he said that – folding his arms and all defiantly – and grabbed him the shoulder, practically dragging him out the door with me despite how unwilling he was to comply.

‘But Yoo~ngi…!’ I said in the most pleading voice possible regardless of the incredulous look he threw me.

‘We didn’t even do anything for Christmas. Aren’t you sick of just lazing around? Let’s go do something fun. Besides, this…’

This might be the last time we ever do something together.

I stopped myself from blurting the rest out in time, and felt something prickly pulse in accord with my heart. It was an incredibly unpleasant sensation that made me frown, but I repressed the sadness that fought its way on my face with a broad, closed-lipped smile. There was no way I was going to let him see that kind of weakness, considering I’d already made too much of a fool of myself being sentimental over a handful of things in the past.

He was probably used to how easily touchy subjects got the waterworks in me started, but the pain I felt this time was different. It was almost anguish. Nothing like Jiho’s unrequited love, or the heart-wrenching angst I felt when the peach princess fell into a coma upon Genji’s valor as he swept her away to his broken castle.

It was a pure sense of longing. Because deep down, I knew that when Suga and I would return to the theatre, do whatever mumbo jumbo we needed to to get our bodies back and return to normal, and ultimately, we’d go our own separate paths… and this thought was painful. It was unbelievable how attached my heart was to him, that even the possibility of simply mumbling a goodbye to him after all the trials we’ve been through together as soon as we’d be back to normal threatened hot tears at the back of my eyes.


And the awful dreams of changing back weren’t helping the chaotic state of my heart in the least. They’d been increasingly common – the scene of me waking up back in my body, with the emcee’s voice and all blaring in the background – although I’d wake up in a cold sweat, still stuck in Suga’s skin. I had no idea what they were about, and despite them being frighteningly real, I had a feeling they were telling me something…

But just what message they were struggling to convey was beyond me.

‘Ooh, look at all this snow…!’ I cried in surprise, staring at the sheer amount of frost that accumulated on the sidewalk.

The road was slick with wet ice, however it was a lot better than a few days ago where almost everything was practically buried under snow. And considering Suga and I were holed up in the apartment staying warm and snug through the blizzards, it was the first time I’d seen just how severe the snowfall was.

I turned around on realizing how awfully quiet Suga was, and spotted him standing behind me looking like a grumpy, flat-nosed cat. It was amazing what cold weather did to the chap’s entire shift in sleep schedules. In fact, he became somewhat similar to a bear in hibernation over the past few days which was undeniably something that suited him.

I grimaced. ‘Yah, what’s with that look?’

He grumbled incoherently and shrugged, burying his nose into the large scarf he most likely pulled out from the dark recesses of his wardrobe. ‘Dragging me out like this, ah… I want to go back to sleep.’

I rolled my eyes at his stubborn lingering by the building front and my heel, nudging him along with my progression down the sidewalk. However Suga didn’t even look remotely interested in joining me. I continued walking despite his lack of cooperation, and just as I looked back to check if he was finally following me when I passed the second streetlight, something incredibly wet and s

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Chapter 27: Super cute ! Binge read this story now that we're on lock down... Anyway, loved the story!
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Okay, this was written in what, 2015?, i hate myself for only finding it now, this is a gem omg this was a ride again its like 3:30am so im not gonna make it longer than necessary (again), but 1) thanks for writing this fic, it was creative, the character development was amazing and yeah yoongs is my bias wrecker so this was a good meal lmao 2) im glad you didnt stop writing haha and seriously you have a talent, i could be mistaken but did you say this was your first fanfic?? How can it be this good??? Thats not fair. Okay whatever im rambling, this story is 10/10, see you at another story soon (i hate the fact that they are so addictive, i read both this and the jimin story in almost one go and i feel like death afterwards hahahaha) ALSO LETS NOT ING FORGET TAE BEING AND UNDERWEAR MODEL?? And the rest of bts and sehun ?? The characters are amazing and lovable (ya did do ma mans jiho dirty lmfao)
Chapter 27: I'm not crying! They're are some ninjas cutting onions, I swear!

This was so so so lovely that I feel in love with all the characters. Specially TaeTae xDThanks for writing this beautiful fanfic! I love you and hope to see more of your work.
Chapter 20: Wait,.........WHAT
Chapter 10: How can a story be this captivating?? I can't stop.
Chapter 5: This story is so interesting! I'm hooked!
Chapter 27: I've been subscribing to this story since forever but I was a bit hesitant since swapping body wasn't one of my favorite themes. But I've read The Clumsy Spy so I trusted your writing!
There were a lot of times when I wished I was reading this on wattpad instead of here because there were so many sentences that I wanted to give a side comment!
I couldn't get over the fact that Kim Taehyung was an underwear model lmao, as much as he had the iness required for an underwear model I couldn't imagine him posing with only an unnderwear and all hahahaha
As usual you write a really good character's development! :)
Though tbh reading this was a bit confusing since they swapped bodies and you had to use he and she to differentiate them when the body you mentioned didn't contain the right gender lol
But it was really fun imagining the image of Yoongi and Momoe in each other's body esp when Yoongi played the rich highschool snoob ㅋㅋ
And I really loved it when Momo was being head over heels over Yoongi, because then I could relate with her hehehehe
And when Min Yoongi being sweet asddfghhkjbsbjsshah
I enjoyed reading this story! Thank you for sharing it with us <3
Chapter 27: This story is literally what I've been trying to find for the past few weeks!! I love it so much. No regrets putting off stuff to do by reading this. I'm actually craving some peaches now :3
Chapter 27: FRIGGIN' LOVED IT.
YOU'RE AWESOME damnationSUruck ^^
maiQiu #10
Chapter 27: It was a mistake to check out this story. I've been binge reading it for 5 hours. I want my life back but thanks to you I've fallen into the void of fluffy fanfiction. Bless you.