50 Infinite FanFiction Challenge!

10. Fog [Pairings: Myungjong]

Author: Words in italic are dreams.

A vast blanket of white hung heavy over the hills. It suffocated every building and every tree at their base, swallowing every distant object and vanishing around every corner. It swooped in and skirted around the buildings and the tress, like a giant erase moving in discriminately to eradicate what was once there into something that’s not. He stood in a pocket of it, but it only seemed like a pocket to his. He knew that he too was swallowed, erased, eradicated by this enveloping whiteness. He stood in the still silence within the fog, his only comfort being that of the cold white blanket that hugged his shoulders and grabbed at his trouser legs.


With his arms about Sungjong’s neck and a leg over his belly, Myungsoo breathed softly in the younger’s face. Sungjong knew he should find the handsome face fight in front of his face adorable but the younger prefer private space so he gently peel the older off and pushed him to the other end of the bed. Sungjong was really not much of a hugger, he never seen liked teddy bears as a kid though he enjoyed punching it. (XD)

The person who was in his dream put his hand back on Sungjong’s small waist not even one minute after he was rejected. Sungjong sighed in defeat, and took a good look of the person.

He was a man of any girl’s dream. He had smooth flawless skin, which was like a sheet of well done cloth. And his lips, pink and thin were very attractive and captivating. But what attracted Sungjong were his eyes. His eyes, which was under his brown fringe, was closed in a peaceful and serene aura, like an angel. Looking at his long and black eyelashes, Sungjong got the urge to run his fingers over those lashed. He could bet they were as soft as silk, light as a feather. The moonlight that crept through the window fell over eyes and made those lashes glisten so that from the correct angle they looked almost silver. He wanted to kiss each one of the slept eyelids and fell those lovely lashes tickly his lips.

Sungjong looked at the face again and again, and felt calm rising in his heart.


It hurt his eyes, the fog was so white. Staring at it made him feel like he was staring at himself staring at nothing. His mind fought hard to drum up a thousand different descriptions to plaster across it. Plain white, blank, empty. But there was nothing that could truly describe nothing. And the feeling of nothing was heavy, suffocating. It covered everything in its path, there was no room for light, no room for emotions. He felt nothing, he felt the weight of it, it bit into his skin painfully but left no marks. It ate away his flesh, tore him apart, left you empty. The feeling of nothing scared him. He felt he couldn’t breathe, it felt as if someone was choking him. His heart was racing. He curled himself up into a ball tightly and waited for someone to hug me, comfort him. But no one would, no one was there. A choked cry for help forced itself up his throat.


Sungjong looked at Myungsoo, it seemed there was something bothering in his dream. His eyebrow furrowed and his hand which was on the younger’s waist held tighter.

The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. Under the moonlight, the city was glimmering in a mysterious light. Wind break through the window, the curtain dance in rhythm, the breeze brushed against the cold surface of Sungjong’s skin. He could hear Myungsoo’s breath in the silence.


The city was swaddled in a veil of poltergeist-white mist. The surrounding was eerily silent. The deathly vapor didn’t the cold floor as the wind was known to do. Its tongue-less form wouldn’t allow it to. Instead, it warped the buildings that unusually looked ghastly by using its spineless tentacles to trail around everything. It drifted and ghosted, glided and dangles.

The city looked familiar and new to him, he looked around, in attempt to find the right road. IT was overwhelming, everywhere was the same under the fog, the tall buildings, the street-lamps, the roads all landmarks were hidden behind the white that swirled so densely. With every step he took forward, he seemed to have moved nowhere. He ran, he walked, he stopped, he started, but he saw nothing that was different, it was still the freezing fog wrapped around him like a blanket. He felt a sinking feeling of despair as he realized something he had been denying for the past moments: he was lost.

He felt he was once again the 18-year-old him, wasn’t sure is singer really the career he want, wasn’t sure when will he debut, wasn’t will he success after he debut… a lot of uncertain troubled him, though he was success now, but the uncertainty didn’t leave him. He was still scared, the fear of lost, the fear of unknown, the fear of failure.

He shivered as he thought about his fear.


He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. Sungjong guessed the older must had gotten used to that, the sudden pause in a person’s natural expression when they looked his way followed by overcompensating with a nonchalant gaze and a weak or shy smile. Of course the blush that accompanied it was a dead give-away. It didn’t help that he was so modest with it, it made the girls fall for him all the more.

“But I hate you being this handsome, it means that you cannot be only mine.” Sungjong thought as he traced his trembling fingers across Myungsoo’s face.

Suddenly it came the patter of feet on his waist and this time the older was shaking. Arms stretching out for a hug, probably having a nightmare.

Sungjong embraced the older and looked at him in concern, “Hyung? Myungsoo hyung?” he repeated until the person’s snuffles settled to a steady rhythm.


“Hyung? Myungsoo hyung?”

Someone was calling him, who is the person?

Slowly, he turned around, what greeted him was no longer the fog that made him lost. Instead, it was a ray of sunlight. In reflex, he held his hand to block the dazzling light. Between the fingers, he could barely drew an outline of a person. The person held his hand up, and waved to him.

“Who are you?”

Silence was the person’s answer. The person opened his arms wide, motioning him to come closer.

“You are asking me to come closer? But who are you? Why should I trust you?”

A light muffled laughter went into his ear, it was like the song of heaven. He felt so calm all of a sudden, the fear he felt minutes ago seemed years away.

“Don’t move, I’m coming.” He said, the person smiled in response. He didn’t know why he knew the person smiled despite the fact that he couldn’t see the person’s face clearly.

He hugged the person tightly. This mysterious man, appeared with the sunlight that lighten up his world, gave him a new world. He felt like he had embraced everything. Warm, blissful, secured.

The rapid beating of his heart, it seemed too good for real. He wished he could stop the time, and indulged in the peacefulness.


Myungsoo awoke to soft sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the blinds. Shedding himself of the remaining glimpses of the dream of fog, his eyes were still hust as he soaked in the warmth of my covers before letting his eyes see the sun’s rays.

What greeted him was Sungjong’s close-up face. It looked so peaceful and serene. Myungsoo made a smile when he thought about the mysterious man in his dream last night.


Thank you, Sungjong. You guide me through the fog and lead me to the light.

Thank you, for being with me when I am in the mist of confusion. 


Author: Please subsribe and comment if you like it, it motivates me a lot. :D

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royishida #1
Chapter 6: i love your chapter 6 :) the story was well-organised and the observation was great. i love the way you portray L here , because portraying someone who has specialised mental disorder is a difficult task, but you handle it perfectly. the way sunggyu observe things is also awesome :) please make more of this!
Chapter 9: This was so sad huhu poor Sunggyu and Sungyeol T-T
fifisukidesu #3
Chapter 6: haha, my guess was right^^
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 6: I have a guess but im gonna keep it to myself so i wont embarrass myself:) waiting for part 2;)
fifisukidesu #5
Chapter 5: Woohyun=forever a girl...hahaha, i quite lioe this, waiting for updates!!
soo_aegi #6
Chapter 1: This is cuteeeee
I can't wait for chapter 6 & 7!