50 Infinite FanFiction Challenge!

Why do people date?

Some say that because they love each other.

Some say that because of loneliness.

Other say that it is because just they suddenly felt that it was the right time, and the right person.

If that’s the case, there is always something that we can’t figure out.


It was summer in the city. The avenue was lined with the deep green foliage that stood still in the August heat wave.

Heat at the pedestrian’s sunburned faces and coiled around their limbs like a great hot-blooded serpent. The ground smoldered and sent up a disorientating haze. Even the birds were silent and the grass stood still as if too hot to move.

As if a walk-in refrigerator, the air conditioning in the house could be described as a little over eager. It was more like a blustery winter chill than a cooling summer breeze.


People are all like this, you miss the warmth of the summer when you are in winter, and miss the coolness of the winter when you are in summer.

In the house, a pair of slender white hands picked up his phone, and entered a long text in the dialog box. Hesitated for a second, he then hit the phone screen violently, and deleted the text.

“Ah, distressing. Should I send it or not?” For the whole morning, Woohyun had been troubled by this problem. “If I send it, will I seem wired? Will my true feeling became uncovered? Will he feel awkward when beside me, and deliberately estrange from me?”

Woohyun slapped his head as he felt he was like a silly teenager girl who was experiencing her first love. He wasn’t a girl, he was a boy. But, but the fact was that he wanted so much to talk with that person, the one and only person in his heart.

He had replayed SoYou’s and Jung GiGo’s “Some” mv numerous time, feeling that he was the main character, and the song was specialized for him.


Peoople say that human becomes a fool when they fall in love. That’s true, totally true in Woohyun’s case. All his wit on talking disappeared all of a sudden, he still couldn’t think of a way of saying “Good morning” been it had already passed one.

He looked at the phone blankly, not knowing what should he type. He threw it on the bed with his body.

“Arrrrrrgh.” Woohyun screamed, releasing all the frustrating. He lay on his bed, clenching the blanket, crying in despair, throwing the pillow, pulling his hair off. He was surely became mad when it comes to love.

Though the temperature in the room was compatible with the weather in winter, a layer of sweat stunk on Woohyun’s skin after he had rolled on his bed for 15 minutes.

Maybe I should take a shower, Woohyun thought. Grabbed a towel casually, Woohyun entered the bathroom with a troubled feeling of what should he sent.


The water poured down, it dripped by his side as his mind faded into dullness and everything was a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water couldn’t calm his fretful heart. How much did he hope that it could take his mind of things and let his mind swirled.

After wiping away the water that blocked his eyes, Sunggyu glanced at the phone which he put just outside from the tub.

No response, Sunggyu pouted, as he went back showering.

He wasn’t the kind of people who couldn’t leave their phone one minute away from their body, nor he was the kind that bring it to the bathroom. But it was an exception that day, just because of that guy whose name was Nam Woohyun.

There was something ambiguous flowing in the air between them. It was only the fourth day they met, but they felt like they knew each other for years. They don’t share a lot of things, but they could always find something to talk about, laugh about. Woohyun was fun, he could always crack a joke and make you laugh like crazy, Sunggyu love it.

But there was something weird about the person. Usually, his phone was bombarded by Woohyun’s cheesy messages, but it was already noon he didn’t even send a “good morning” to Sunggyu that day.

Sunggyu turned uneasy, was something troubling Woohyun? (Sunggyu didn’t even dream that he is the core of Woohyun’s trouble) Had something gone wrong?

Sunggyu wanted to send something, but it was always Woohyun who start their topic, he didn’t know what should he type.

Frustrated, Sunggyu went straightly back to his unfinished bathing process.

“Much better.” Woohyun muttered as he went out from the bathroom and went straight to his bed and lay on it lazily. He held the phone, finally determined to send a message to Sunggyu.

You have one unread message.

Once Woohyun unlocked his phone, these five word popped up in his eyes.

Woohyun didn’t even dream that that arrogant Sunggyu would take the initiative to send him a message.

“What are doing?” Three simple words were even to make Woohyun’s heart beat like crazy.

“Is that what it calls ‘falling in love’?” Woohyun asked to himself as he put his hand on his chest which was so fast that he couldn’t count.

“I was taking a shower a while ago. Are you free? Let’s go to the karaoke bar.”Woohyun replied.

Seeing Woohyun’s reply, a smile tinged on Sunggyu’s lips, “Why karaoke?”

“Don’t know… The image of you singing came across my mind.”

Sunggyu couldn’t contain his happiness, and typed immediately.

“Sure. :D :D :D”


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royishida #1
Chapter 6: i love your chapter 6 :) the story was well-organised and the observation was great. i love the way you portray L here , because portraying someone who has specialised mental disorder is a difficult task, but you handle it perfectly. the way sunggyu observe things is also awesome :) please make more of this!
Chapter 9: This was so sad huhu poor Sunggyu and Sungyeol T-T
fifisukidesu #3
Chapter 6: haha, my guess was right^^
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 6: I have a guess but im gonna keep it to myself so i wont embarrass myself:) waiting for part 2;)
fifisukidesu #5
Chapter 5: Woohyun=forever a girl...hahaha, i quite lioe this, waiting for updates!!
soo_aegi #6
Chapter 1: This is cuteeeee
I can't wait for chapter 6 & 7!