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It took him so much courage to step into this room again. His brother had died in this room four years ago. Leukaemia. He had lived in the hospital for most of his life, in and out of the hospital ever since he was a baby. They were twins, but somehow he was the healthy one among them two. He watched him suffer for the whole of 16 years, until his life finally got out of him.


Despite one being extremely healthy, another being sickly, they were best friends. Everyone in level 4 knew about the Byun twins, how close they were. But no one knew how much it was killing him, seeing his younger twin die more every day.


Byun BaekHyun. Byun TaeHyung.


Despite being sickly, TaeHyung was always the crazier one out of the twins. The optimistic one. The kinder one. Since young, it had always been just them two. Their parents were always working, both ambitious, both running away from their dying son.


When two poker cards rely on each other to stand, naturally it would always stay that way and they become reliant on each other. Then when one is forcefully taken away, another would fall as well. Obviously BaekHyun couldn’t cope when TaeHyung left.


He was depressed for months. Until he finally couldn’t cope with it and ran off to their parents’ company to busy himself with work. A workaholic. He was fine for three years. Until this year, he dreamt of their past. He knew his brother want him to face the reality.


Therefore, here he was. In the room he occupied for 16 years, in the room he died in. Then came this girl, who called his brother’s name.


TaeHyung and BaekHyun are best friends. They tell each other everything. BaekHyun knows TaeHyung only has him and the nurses as his friends. And he died four years ago.


So how can this girl know TaeHyung?



TaeYeon feels her eyes well up in tears. Her best friend who always visited her dreams daily without fail is now standing in front of her.


Am I dreaming?


She has been alone for so long, now finally, TaeHyung’s somehow here. She’s not alone anymore. Crying in joy, TaeYeon runs and hugs her TaeHyung.


“Oh my god, TaeHyung. You’re here. Oh god, you’re real. You’re not just a dream. You’re real.” TaeYeon sobs, cradling the boy’s face. BaekHyun frowns.


“How do you know my brother?” Pulling himself away, BaekHyun stares warily at her. TaeYeon’s face fell in disappointment.


“Y-you’re not TaeHyung?” TaeYeon whispers, hands falling to her side.


“No. My name’s Byun BaekHyun. TaeHyung’s my twin brother. Again, how do you know TaeHyung?” BaekHyun grumbles, glowering at the shorter girl in front of him.


“I… He… He’s my best friend.” TaeYeon mumbles, looking away in embarrassment.


“He died four years ago. How can he even be your best friend?” BaekHyun retorts.


“I… I don’t know. It’s a long story.” TaeYeon replies, still disappointed that it’s not TaeHyung. Looking at the time, BaekHyun pursed his lips.


“I’ll be back tomorrow.”



“You didn’t tell me you have a brother.” TaeYeon grumbles as she stares at the boy in front of her. TaeHyung pouts.


“You didn’t even bother to comment on my new hair color?” TaeHyung protests. TaeYeon deadpans.


“He came to my room. Okay well, OUR room and interrogated me! Priorities, TaeHyung!”

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EliMeow #1
Chapter 2: Update ~ ♥
ohbaektae #2
Chapter 2: woaaaah, i love the story line ♡
ohbaektae #3
Chapter 1: it's interesting!! update soon~ ♡