Song-hee's the Shyest actually

Dominatrix (Apply close)

Song-hee's P.O.V

I was learning a new hip hop dance from Seungri when the door suddenly burst open. Losing balance from the shock I fell down dragging Seungri along with me. Looking up from my place on the floor I saw chansung walk inside the room. 'Is that idiot not polite enough to help us up or something' I thought to myself hoping Chansung doesn't have any mind reading abilities because I really didn't need to be hit in the head today. The last time my brain almost fell out.

"What are you to doing on the floor" the idio- I mean Chansung said having memory loss. He was actually the one who caused the accident. Going over to us he held out his hand to help someone up. Thinking that it was for me I held out my hand only to get regected by Changsung who actually was trying to help up Seungri. 'T-that idiot he is s-so not a gentleman at all' I thought my anger causing me to stutter in my head.

"Song-hee can you please get up your depression is really getting to us" Seungri then spoke up causing Chansung to nod at his statement. Getting farther into depression I finally got up slowly. How could they do this to me I don't care that i'm the youngest their just so mean.

"What do you want you big idiot. Seungri was trying to teach me a dance" I said flinching when a hand was raised. I really didn't want him to shake my head or give me a nuggy. I really do think the last time my brain almost crashed plus I just did my hair. Suddenly when the raised hand was just about to strike Seungri stopped it. He was my savior until I heard the next thing he said.

"Chansung did you come all the way over here because of JYP and YG hyung" Seungri asked Chansung. Chansung shook his head with a yes. YG and JYP sending Chansung to get us means that we were in ultimate trouble.

"Songgie I think YG found out the accident you had did and told JYP. They said you must come there A.S.A.P" Chansung said a really concerned look on his face. Chansung and concern never meant good most times it meant that someone was about to get a strike from the to agushi's. Not good.

"Song-hee you better hurry. Don't you remember what happen when YG found out what I did" Seungri said faking  concern to. Getting worried myself I rushed out the door not noticing the two boys high five each other. Reaching YG's office I burst into the door surprising the two older men hopefully not giving anyone a heart attack.

"Oppa I didn't mean to do it" I said to the two socked men. The shock slowly turned to confusion. I looked at them before realizing that the two didn't really know what I was talking about which made me look like a fool.

'Changsung that idiot he lied to me' I thought to myself before going to stand by my uncle and smiling at him cutely. With this smile he want be asking no questions.

"Song-hee we would like to tell you the news but we can't with you standing right here" JYP oppaa said. He always was jealous of how close I was to my uncle.

"Okay aniki but can I please stay here I can still here you" I said using aegyo to persuade JYP  oppa. He always thought it wa cute when I spoke Japanese.

"You can stay right there until the other arrive okay." JYP said sighing in defeat. I praise myself in my head but smiled kindly at Jyp  without being arrogant about it. Seugri's been rubbing of on as of late. 

Song-hee's dance

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xoxmarshaxox #1
oooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmgggggggggggggggg update soon~ wow Chansung was so mean >.<
piscesdog #2
congrats ~~~
Choiheeyoung31 #3
Gomawo, for choosing me! Jinjja, Jinjja, Gomawo!
Congrats ^.^
piscesdog #5
congrats to yongie ~~~~ ^^
bqueen #7
Thanks to everyone for wishing me a happy birthday and I did have a wonderful day. Congratz to Yongie again.