Pegasus unicorns don't exist

Be Natural

"Chen is my special friend today."

Chen hung his head as the others laughed, what was he going to do with this weird girl?

"I'll let you off the hook for the time being, Chenchen. Will everyone choose a seat? Maknae,will you help me with something, Sehun?" Tikki batted her eyelashes obviously at the surprised look on Sehun's face, Kai was able to steal the yellow stool due to the interruption while choosing seats.

"Yah, I want the white stool, Lay-hyung let me have it." Lay left his seat and found only the purple stool left, Sehun was happy when he replied, "Yes, noona you need something?"

In a baby voice, Tikki pointed out, "I'm younger than you Sehunnie-oppa." The aegyo made the guys groan. Changing back to normal, Tikki added, "I need you to help carry in the first game. Come one." She didn't wait to see if Sehun was following, she simply jogged to the studio door and disappeared. Chanyeol pointed at the confused maknae and waved him toward the door.

Vicious thuds pounded the metal door as a voice floated through, "Can someone let me back in?" Sehun opened the door to reveal Tikki shoving a large box across the floor, the lip of the box caught on the threshold nearly sending her flying over the top. Like a determined 5-year-old Tikki attacked the box, trying to pull the cardboard but loosing her grip. This time she landed hard on her .

Chanyeol, disgusted that Sehun wasn't helping, strode over and picked the box up with ease. "Where do you need this, Tikki-Tokki?" Chanyeol had already friend-zoned the girl and began trying out nicknames.

"In the middle would be good," She swatted Sehun's leg to get his attention, "Can you bring in the two baskets at least?"

"Okay, okay. The first player has already been chosen. It was based off which stool you sat on. So Lay will play the first game." Lay's eyes grew big as he realized that his turn had come. Small applause came with the announcement.

Tikki came to join him returning his bows. "Now, I have to admit that I am a little embarrassed but I will still show the marker that proves that the player was chosen by Fate, not by me. If you'll stand up, Yixing." Together they turned the stool over to show the base which was decorated with a large sparkly unicorn sticker.

"Aash, I'm embarrassed. I really didn't know you would sit here." Tikki held the bridge of her nose.

Lay tried to calm her anguish, "It was meant to be, I abandoned 2 other stools before getting this one. The unicorn lead me to this game." His dimples lit up his face and he beamed into the camera.

"Keep this correct thinking because it gets worse." With an effort, Tikki shoved the box on its side pouring half of a huge collection of toys and dodads out on the floor. She read from the inside lid. "The game is called 'Unicorn Herder'. It is your job to collect all of the unicorn stickers from these toys and reunite the extended family."

Lay looked stricken, there were stickers everywhere.

"Remember only collect unicorn stickers, collect all 47 of them and win a fabulous prize.Yeehaw, pardner, round 'em up!" Tikki waded into the toys still in the box to retreive knee pads and a purple t-shirt. "Seriously, I am sorry to do this to you Lay-ge. But the prize is awesome, so..." She handed him the t-shirt and knee pads. "Just collect the stickers on the shirt, it will make it easier to keep track. Only unicorns, no Pegasus unicorns."

"I will do my best, meimei. Pegasus unicorns don't count? No wings, got it."

"Where is my camera?" Tikki turned in a circle to find the camera man and camera exactly where she left them, "Pegasus unicorns don't exist. Kids don't believe people who tell you otherwise. They are genetically different creatures."

Luhan quirked an eyebrow, "You think unicorns and Pegasus exist but a Pegasus unicorn is out of the realm of possibility?" How had he gotten locked up with this girl?

"They are physiologically different. Neither is a horse but neither is each other either. I'm surprised that you don't know all about unicorns since there is one in this very room." Tikki gestured over her shoulder where Lay was strapping on his knee pads. "You really should take the time to ask him questions." Tikki either believed what she was saying or had the best poker face ever, she turned back to camera.

Luhan muttered, "Please kill me. Just ing kill me." He wasn't really in the mood to deal with crazy today.

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CardGames #1
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the update