The punk/Holding hands

Be Natural

Tikki picked up two wicker baskets and explained, "The student's I work with, classmates and those I tutor, wrote out questions for Exo." She held up a basket filled with rolled scrolls of peper tied with colored ribbon. "I requested that they be PG-13 at worst and they know I will edit the original writing if necessary. They also wrote out some physical challenges and some variety practice if you would rather choose that." The other basket had folded scraps of paper.

"As an added obstacle, some of my kids wanted to address questions directly to certain members. If you pull a question with a name on it, you are safe from having to reveal anything of yourself."

Chanyeol spoke up, "So basically we are all under stress every time a paper is pulled from the basket."

"You are correct. Ladies, he is both tall and a genius." Tikki winked at the camera before smiling at Chanyeol. Holding out the baskets she asked, "Would you like to go first?"

A Cheshire grin met her request, "I think it is only fair to have our leader pull first, I would not presume to be first."

"Sorry, Suho, Chanyeol threw you under the bus." Tikki shook the baskets, "Pick your poison."

Weakly Suho suggested, "Maybe the oldest should chose first..." gesturing to Xiumin. A resounding chorus of 'No' drowned out any further discussion. Knowing he lost, Suho picked a scroll tied with a red and white ribbon. His face twisted in confusion as he read "Bunker", flipping the paper to camera he exposed the solitary word. "What does that mean?" He looked to Tikki for clarification.

"Bunker is a fun game." Tikki began, "Where there has been some type of apocalyptic catastrophe, you are lucky enough to have a bunker big enough to bring 3 people with you for the duration. To play: Chose an apocalyptic event and the 3 people you would take with you. You are limited to the people in this room. Be thankful you are not a solo artist."

Suho looked like a deer in headlights. "I've never head of this game before, it's really weird."

"Doesn't matter, start choosing. Dead air is deadly in variety shows."

A full minute passed as Suho looked around the room at everyone weighing his options. Baekhyun was the first to snap, "What is taking so long, gees! Just pick 3 people!"

"I've never thought about this before!" Suho was becoming flustered as the pressure to chose hit him.

Now it was Tikki's turn to be confused, "Really? I reevaluate who's going to be in my bunker all the time. People have shouted at me across campus 'Tikki-ya your not in my bunker anymore! I can't believe you did---' whatever I did that day. And I don't even know these people. Take your time, but think quickly we're losing the herd." She looked into the camera, "To give our leader more time I'll share a story about the 'Overdose' video the features our Suho."

"I share my internet history with my baba so he can keep up with what I am doing; my likes and dislikes. When the 'Overdose' MV came out I watched it... 'a few times' so baba decided to take a look."

Tao interrupted, "You share your internet history with your dad?" Tao couldn't imagine sharing his Internet history with anyone.

"Yup, I also have a weekly date night with him, do you have a problem with that?" Tikki and Tao glared at each other, judging. "Anyway. Baba watched the MV and when I came home he was livid. He pointed at the computer and demanded, 'WHO IS THIS LITTLE PUNK!' Naturally, I thought he was talking about Sehun and was surprised to find him pointing at Suho. Baba couldn't recognize you from other MVs or variety and it completely pissed him off. When I told him who you were he just paced the room, angry as a caged lion. He doesn't like people wearing disguises."

"In summary, my baba thinks Suho is a horrible punk and no longer trusts him. I am almost certain that this is the only time that the word punk and Suho have been in the same sentence. I personally like the blonde hair, but I would cross the street to get away from the guy in the beanie. I think it has something to do with your forehead." Tikki finger combed Suho's hair to show his forehead. "Upstanding citizen." She messed it up to cover, "Hoodlum." After the shock of a girl playing with his hair wore off, Suho bust out laughing joining the others who were nearly on the floor.

Suavely, Suho moved his hair out of his face, "I'll remember that for the future." Suho addressed the camera, "Tikki's baba," he made a 90 degree bow, "Please do not think of me as a punk or a hoodlum, I am a responsible man, do not think poorly of me."

"Stop up to your future father-in-law, you little punk."

Suho's face burned good naturedly, "Father-in-law?" He saw Tikki laughing behind her hand. "I would be honored, of course, my mom always wanted me to marry someone smarter than me." Suho winked at her.

"I'm working on my Master's degree in Engineering and baba always told me to marry rich. Nailed it!" Tikki and Suho high-fived, "Now disappoint the people in this room and give your answer to Bunker."

"Uhh...apocolyptic event: tidal wave. Baekhyun, Sehun, and now....Tikki." Suho's face burned all the more bright.

Kai pushed Suho's shoulder and the others started yipping about not being in the bunker.

"No, no, no. Don't explain your motives. Suho can choose who ever he wants in his own bunker. Really, you should start up to him so you can get into the bunker. It's probably a very nice bunker. You did well Suho-oppa, please choose our next victim."

"Xiumin!" Suho grinned at his elder, who could only smile sheepishly.

"I'm not that scary Baozi. Come on and choose your punishment, I mean challenge." Tikki shook the baskets again.

With trepidation, Xiumin plucked out a scroll with a blue ribbon.

"Xiumin!" The young man's eyes widened as he read his name on the sheet. A confetti of paper fell from the scroll as he continued, "Xiumin, it hurts my heart when it takes you a long time to explain your position during interviews. You are my bias and as such I want you to make a good impression so here are some suggestions for introductions. Please choose 5 to read out loud and have Chen read the others. Don't be embarrassed these are to help you. Be healthy and don't worry so much, I love you."

Xiumin bent down to pick up the scraps, "Chen can't help me with this...."

"Chen your inability to speak is causing problems." Tikki chided the young man. "D.O.? Will you sub-in for Mr. I-can't-talk? You have a certain lack of shame that should work well for this game."

"Do I have a choice?"

A chorus of 'not really' was heard around the room.

Xiumin handed D.O. 3 slips of paper right away, "There is no way I'm saying those....and you get this one...and this." Xiumim shook his head in disbelief, "I apologize in advance."

The camera zoomed in to give Xiumin a 1-shot. He looked down at the slips, trying to find the least embarrassing to start with. " do I do this?" He bounced in place, too much focus was on him.

"Do you want to hold Luhan's hand? Luhan...come hold your buddy's hand, he's nervous."

Luhan scowled as the others laughed at him, seeing that he wasn't going to hold Xiumin's hand, Tikki offered hers. To lessen the tension, they swung their joined hands cutely.

Slightly less anxious, Xiumin read the first slip, "I fulfill the role of da-ge." It was a safe start.
"I'm the reason you bought the ticket."
"Yes, they're real and yes, they're fabulous." Xiumin shrugged, not understanding that one.
"Your little sister thinks I'm cute, give me a try." With added buing-buing.
"I hope to be lead singer soon, screw you Chen!" He threw the crumpled papers in the air in celebration.

"If those are the ones you chose to say out loud, I can only anticipate what D.O. will bring us." Everyone shifted focus to D.O.

Biting his lip and looking into camera, D.O. began, "I'm the one who makes your boyfriend jealous."
"All this," D.O. ran his hand down his body, "And I can sing too."
He conferred with Tikki to make sure he pronounced the next one right, "Bringing da noise, bringing da funk!"
"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard." Tikki looked over his shoulder, pointed and he rephrased, "My milkshake brings all the girls to the yard."
D.O.'s eye grew big as he read the last slip, "I can't say this one, my mom might watch this. I miss you, umma."

Tikki read the slip over his shoulder, "Good choice with the message to mom, I'll have to explain what PG-13 means to my maknae."

"Your maknae wrote that...ew." D.O. crumpled the paper and threw it away from him.

"One of my maknaes, not the genius." Tikki explained. "Well, I'm not sure those are all good introductory lines but that was fun. Thank you D.O. for playing along. Xiumin..." It was then that Tikki realized she was still holding the man's hand. "'re are like my own personal Xanax. No wonder people like holding your hand, it's so comforting.  Luhan I totally get it now."

She was just teasing but Luhan was having none of it. Viciously he blindsided Tikki with a body check hard enough to send her rolling across the floor. On the way she knocked over Xiumin and Tao, neither was ready to be hit by a human-cannonball.

The others didn't have time to figure out what had happened before Tikki retaliated with her own hit. Luhan hadn't expected such quick revenge and went flying, his gangly limbs flapping crazily for body control and failing.

He scrambled to his feet unsure if there was about to be a full blown fight, Tikki stood a bit removed and they glared at each other. With an effort, Tikki relaxed the tension in her body and waited for Luhan to do the same before turning back to camera.

Gesturing toward Luhan she simply said, "Soccer hooligan." Pointing at herself she added, "Hockey goon." She let out a great gush of air and shook out her limbs, "I don't look that tough do I?" She waved off Suho as the members erupted in protest, "I'm fine. He's fine. We're good." Tikki knew where the line was now and she could choose to cross it in the future but the two knew they were pretty evenly matched and that cooled their need for combat.

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CardGames #1
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the update