
A Sweet Dream or A Beautiful Nightmare

It was a pleasant day. The streets were filled with people going about with their everyday lives, the sun was shining brightly and everything was just comfortable.

Yet Seokjin felt out of place. Somehow, he knew that he shouldn't be here, sitting outside an unknown cafe. And no matter how hard he tried, Seokjin isn't able to rid of the deep voice that's been stuck in his head.

The past 30 minutes were torturous. During the first 15 minutes, Seokjin tried calming himself down in order to think rationally while the remaining 15 minutes was spent on trying to remember who that Namjoon was or why had he asked Seokjin to remember him.


He said "Remember me, love." Why did he call me love? Was I someone dear to him? If I was, then why can't I remember him or remember ANYTHING for that matter!


The brunette rubbed his face in frustration for the 9th time that day and rest his head on the 2-seater glass table, hitting his head against it every now and then causing the miniature vase of rose to clatter against the surface of the table.

He felt tired mentally, all this thinking was giving him a headache and Seokjin wanted nothing more than to sleep.


Sleep. Do I even own a home and a cosy bed? Or what about my parents. Are they worried that I'm missing? What do they even look like?


Before Seokjin could ponder more on his parents, screeching of tires and horns blaring was heard before a loud bang. A few screams and Seokjin looked up, confused as to what had happened. He saw people running and gathering around what seems to be, a metallic grey Honda Accord on the other side of the road.

Seokjin got up and jogged towards the scene. He pushed through the crowd until he stood at the very front.

The front part of the car was damaged heavily to the point where the chances of the driver and the front passenger to be alive are really slim. Seokjin heard someone talking over the phone saying "there's been an accident" and "please send an ambulance."

"There's a boy in the backseat!" A lady piped up.

Immediately, a few men rushed towards the back door and carefully pulled out the boy who seemed to be unconscious but very much alive with a few bruises and cuts and a large wound on his forehead.

Seokjin stared at the presumably 10 year old boy who looked oddly familiar even with the blood covering half of his face.

"It was a hit and run."
"The poor kid, he's definitely orphaned."
"It was a huge truck, I witnessed everything."
"The parents are obviously dead, I doubt they would be able to get the bodies off the car easily."

Seokjin listened as the people continued talking around him, stare not leaving the boy. 


All of a sudden, Seokjin felt a pair of eyes on him. He looked around and saw a familiar red head in a distance, leaning against the wall of a building. The brunette's eyes widened as a sad smile was directed at him.


Is that- wait, why the sympathising face?


They stared at each other for awhile, as Seokjin felt his heart speeding up. Namjoon was the first to break the eye contact and calmly peeled himself off the wall and started walking away, pulling his hoodie up and stuffing his hands in the front pockets. Seokjin gave the injured boy a last glance and a silent condolences before hurriedly removing himself from the crowd to follow the man of his troubles.


Unaware of the name found on the injured boy's school bag.


The red head walked a few meters and entered what looked like a bookstore as Seokjin ran as quickly as he could to catch up with the man. Once he burst through the door, Seokjin looked around, panting heavily but not a single sight of Namjoon was seen.

The brunette walked around the surprisingly huge place, head held high in hopes of catching a familiar tuft of red hair. After 10 minutes of looking around, Seokjin groaned in frustration.


Oh come on! He couldn't have just vanished into thin air!


Unwilling to give up, Seokjin walked deeper into the bookstore, where boring old books such as dictionaries and biography and business books were sold. Very few people were seen walking in this section and Seokjin hoped that Namjoon was behind one of the many bookshelves seen.

While passing by a shelf, Seokjin noticed a single cream coloured book amongst the many black books and walked away without a second glance, but he found himself turning and walking back towards the book. The brunette crooked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes as he felt mysteriously drawn towards it.


The Lost Symbol, Illustrated Edition. Nothing out of the ordinary.


Seokjin grabbed the book, which was surprisingly heavy, and flipped through the pages, but stopped when he saw the writing on the last page.



"To my beloved Jinnie,

Happy birthday, princess! I know how much you love Dan Brown's work and thought that I'd get you this. It's his latest book that you've been dying to get AND  it's the illustrated version! Are you jumping with joy yet? Hehe. :D

P.S I'll be waiting for my thank you kiss, and maybe, a little more. ;]

With LOTS of love,



The brunette stared at the message written in pink ink and for some unknown reason, he felt his heart swell.


Jinnie? Who's this Jinnie person? And Rapmon, what an odd name.


He ran his hand over the message, feeling the smooth texture of the paper under his fingers as a smile appeared on his lips.


They seem like a really lovely couple. 


The book dropped on the floor with a loud thud and Seokjin felt the hair at the back of his neck stand. He felt suffocated and had the sudden urge to run. The brunette's heart raced, not knowing why he felt scared.

Seokjin looked around cautiously before deciding to make a quick run towards the main door when he felt hands covering his mouth and pulling him deeper into the bookstore.


He froze and cursed his brain for not functioning at the most critical time. He recovered quickly and tried twisting and turning to free himself but the man was too strong. Somehow Seokjin was able to sense that this man was definitely not Namjoon and he felt tears collecting in his eyes as the man dragged him towards the back door.


Is he kidnapping me? ? Or is he ending my life?


Seokjin saw two men in black suits passing through the book shelf a few meters away from him and he tried screaming. But the hand tightened it's grip on his mouth before pushing through the back door and into an alley. Seokjin felt helpless as the fear suffocated him.


Help. Please anyone! Please...... help..........


Seokjin tried freeing himself and struggling against the man over and over again but to no avail. And he closed his eyes in defeat.








A tear fell as his eyes shot open, confused at his own thought.


Did I- did i just call out for Namjoon?


The man continued dragging him towards a black Audi parked at the back lane and Seokjin felt his body going numb. He let the tears fall when the man push him into a sitting position beside the back tire, readying himself for his possible death.


"No hyung. It's okay. Please don't cry. Hyung please."


Seokjin looked up and saw a man- no a young boy with jet black hair, on his knees in front of him, wiping the tears off his face.


"Hyung please. I'm sorry for scaring you and dragging you out but I had to. Please stop crying hyung."

The boy had a sorry look on his face and Seokjin was confused. He stopped sobbing when boy hugged him all of a sudden.

"I've missed you hyung." The boy let go and smiled widely, showing his bunny teeth. "I'm glad that you're okay."


"Wh-what. Who are you?"


To this, the boy's smile faltered a second before taking a deep breath and turning serious.

"I haven't got much time but you have to believe and listen to me hyung. There are people out there who are trying to capture you. And if they do-" The boy stopped before eyeing the elder. "-let's just say that the ending won't be pretty. These men are in black suits, you'll know them when you see one and when you do, I need hyung to run as far away from them as possible no matter what. I was following you from the cafe and I saw a few of those men enter the bookstore. So I had to drag you out without them knowing. And I'm sorry if I scared you hyung, I really am. I was scared myself as I didn't want them to notice you."


The younger had a genuinely worried look on his face that Seokjin found himself believing every word that come out of the boy's lips.

"But, how will I know that it's them and who are they? Why would they chase me?"


Before the boy could utter a word, a loud booming thunder was heard and panic rose into the boy's face.


"I have to go hyung or else I'll be captured too." Seokjin opened his mouth but the boy pulled out a key from his back pocket and pushed it into the elder's hands.

"Take this hyung. It's the key to the car behind you. Drive away as far as possible. And remember the sudden uneasiness you felt in the bookstore? It means that they're are close. Run when you get that feeling. And-"

The younger looked straight at Seokjin, the worried look never leaving his face.

"-all you've got to do is to remember me- remember us, and stay alive, hyung. These are your two main priorities now."


The boy pulled Seokjin into another hug, this time it lasted a little longer, as if he was unwilling to let go.


"Goodbye hyung. Please get in the car and be safe." The younger got up but Seokjin quickly grabbed his wrist having a sudden urge to ask something.


"Wait! What's your name?"

The younger turned and stared at the elder.


"Jeon Jungkook." 


The boy smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes and Seokjin felt the pain behind that smile. He felt his own heart break and he wanted nothing more than to pull the younger into a hug. The boy- Jungkook, gently removed his wrist from the older's hand and showed his bunny smile.



"It's your little Kookie hyung."



The elder watched as Jungkook turn into a corner and disappear before getting up and doing as the younger had told. The idea of people wanting him dead was crazy but with everything that had happened, Seokjin was ready to accept it.


Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. Kookie. I've heard that name before. But where?


Seokjin pondered as he drove off, without a specific destination, away from the bookstore and onto a straight road.



* * * * * * * * * *

Standing at the very top of a building, a certain red head watched as a black Audi A5 reversed out of the alley and onto the road. He released a breath of relief when the car disappeared from sight. Namjoon jumped off the edge of the building and walked away, hood still pulled up and hands in the pocket before vanishing into thin air.


This is just the beginning. Be safe, love.




Hei beloved readers! Chapter 2 is up. Sorry it took so long cause I had my animation assignment (and let me tell ya, I felt like pulling my hair off just to do a 5 minute animation and boy am I glad that I'm done with it)

So the car that Seokjin drove in the end, the Audi A5, I'm presumming that i'ts the same Audi that Jin drove in 'I Need You'. I'm sorry but I have a thing for cars and I just had to include that beauty. <3

And bad news peeps, I'm not gonna be able to update any of my fics for the next 2 weeks because finals are in a week (and here I am siting in front of my laptop instead of studying. *sighs* my priorities are seriousy messed up.)

But good news is, I'M GRADUATING IN 11 DAYS!! *throws confetti over myself*

So yeah, wish me luck in the coming finals and I hope you enjoy reading this! Have a great week ahead lovelies!

And here's a gif of our Golden Maknae

Till I'm done with everything in 2 or 3 weeks, ciao!~

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churroseventeen #1
churroseventeen #2
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 2: wow pretty intense, and good luck to you!!
KcuLL22 #4
Chapter 1: oh oh oh this sounds amazinggggg
Chapter 1: This is awesome! U are the best author-nim! Update soon!
lazyfaceu #6
Chapter 1: Please update! I'm dying
Chapter 1: Please oh please update. *makes alien noises* this is great, the way you wrote it is just great. ^^
TooFabulous #8
Chapter 1: Bdbdjdjfjndosnemem please update !!!
cupidholds #9