
Monster Plaza

There's something off about stepping into elevators. Maybe it was because of the potential ability to crash any second, the uncomfortable silence followed by the weird liftman that keeps staring at Jeongguk, or the unsettling repetition of the same elevator music. Or maybe it is because all Jeon Jeongguk wanted to do was to go up to the 5th floor, and he's been stuck in the elevator for 20 minutes now, the sign that tells him which floor he is supposed to be in flickering back in forth between 3 and 4. 

3 and 4.

3 and 4.

He glances at the liftman and swallows the silence between them. He reads the name tag on his dark blue suit. 

"So, Namjoon... Are the elevators not working today?" He manages to finally speak out. He rocks on his heels, waiting for the answer to come in any second. He knew he was going to be late for the meeting if the elevator continued to malfunction throughout the day. Starting the job as a police officer with a late stamp marked across his timecard was obviously not the best first impression. But for some odd reason, the liftman continued to stare, his spiked up hair standing so straight it almost made Jeongguk feel undermined; posture was always important in the police force. 

"I don't know. This doesn't usually happen." Namjoon finally opens his mouth. Jeongguk makes his lips form a tight line and turns his attention to the ground, awkwardly admiring the velvet lining of the floor. He can still hear the sign ring out as it went continually back from 3 and 4. 

"I have a meeting that I was supposed to go to 15 minutes ago. So I'm going to be late, or well, I am late." Jeongguk frowns. The bellhop stares, his facial expression lacking. They finally break eye contact when Namjoon turns and looks at the buttons that were all lit up.

"Well you're late already, might as well just not go." He shrugs, mindlessly pressing on the buttons.

"Excuse me?" Jeongguk says in disbelief. He scoffs when there was no reply, and he turns to face the tacky gold walls of the metal can he was stuck in, determined not to make any more conversation with him anymore.

That's when a sign of help came. The sign rings out a final bell, and the small ding of the elevator doors splitting in the middle and moving comes into focus. Jeongguk turns his head, foot about to exit the door before some instinct in him told him to fall back, and that's exactly what he did. He backpedals towards to the side of the elevator, letting two men enter the elevator. Before he could move any further, Namjoon presses the close button and the doors slide back and seals shut. He hears the machine turn its gears as it continued to go up.

"Hey what's your problem, I told you I had to get off at the 5th floor!" Jeongguk shouts. 

"Standard procedure." Namjoon recites. 

"What the do you mean standard procedure? I'm late for my meeting." He raises his voice a bit higher. Jeongguk feels as if Namjoon lost interest in their argument, because in a flash, Namjoon has his eyes focused on the two people behind him.

"Good morning." He nods courteously. Jeongguk turns around and finds the two men staring at them. The taller man had round wired glasses placed haphazardly on his nose bridge, eyes trained on Jeongguk as if he was some trash he didn't bother to throw away. The shorter one had on a military uniform that marked him as a general, his blonde hair shining too bright in the dim corners of the flickering lights.

"Good morning. Didn't know we'd had an extra here." The blonde one sniffed. 

"I wasn't expecting the meeting to happen today, just trying to do my job." 

"Yeah, well you're obviously not doing a good one at that, let me off on the 5th floor already." Jeongguk sighed, emphasizing the last phrase with a swift hand movement. Namjoon raised his eyebrow (his first sign of facial expression, Jeongguk notes) before letting it drop and turning back towards the other men.

"He's just a customer?" The blonde one asked.

"Yes, just a visitor. Supposedly staying at the hotel for 2 weeks. The whole Seoul Police Bureau is here for a convention." 

"Hey, how did you know-"

"Ah, well he seems to be caught along this web, isn't he." The blonde one cuts Jeongguk off. The taller one frowned.

"Perhaps in a sort of surprise?" Namjoon murmurs to himself.

"We all know here that Mr. Jung doesn't like surprises, Namjoon."

"Yes, Yoongi, we are all fully aware, but I'm not sure this man here knows in particular." 

Yoongi hums to himself before eyeing the sign of the elevator.

"This is great and all, honestly, seems like an amazing line to a crime show. I'll be sure to be the first one to watch it when it airs, but please, 5th floor. Please." Jeongguk spits out quickly. Namjoon finally sighs and looks at the buttons on the elevator.

"There is no 5th floor."

"What are you talking about?" Jeongguk frowns.

"There is no number 5 in this elevator." He hears a voice in the back. Jeongguk sees the taller one walk into his field of vision. 

"Why would there be no number 5 in this elevator, there's 12 floors."

"Pardon the interruption, but there is no number 5 because of superstitious beliefs." He says while pushing up his glasses.

"And why is that?"

"5 can mean angels in some terminologies, and Mr. Jung doesn't particularly enjoy the innocence."

Hoseok finds it meaningless, to say the least. Having people come in to discuss investigations in his hotel is almost ironic. The television glows across the room and has him squinting at the screen, watching the myriad of different scenes play on one single spot. He watches as the group of officers walk into the boardroom, and following behind them was Mr. Kim. 

He didn't particularly trust Kim Seokjin, but he was a handyman that usually was able to help him fix all the mistakes.

And this time, he definitely needed it.

He eyes the elevator and found that the sign flickered over and over again. Sighing, he turns off the monitor and digs through his bag to find the elevator key. Along the lines, he mutters to himself how annoying it was to have useless employees. The moment he opened the door, he was met with Seokjin standing at the enterance.

"Is there something you need?" Hoseok sighs. It's tiring, really.

"Taehyung says they brought an unexpected passenger." Seokjin replies. Hoseok feels something go off in his brain. His hand twitches as he grips onto the elevator key tighter. 

"What do you mean, unexpected?"

"As in, the elevator stopped quicker than usual, there's no going back now."

"And who is this passenger?"

"Someone from the police bureau. We believe it's human."

"What is this, some initiation thing? This isn't some fraternity , get me off this elevator!" Jeongguk yells again. He looks down at his watch, and he groans as it marks that it was an hour already in to the meeting. The man who earlier addressed himself as Taehyung on the phone steps forward and nervously looks at Yoongi and Namjoon.

"This is bad, Hoseok is not happy." Taehyung whispers a bit too loudly.

"I told you he doesn't enjoy surprises."

"And we, including Jeongguk now, know that." Namjoon frowns.

"It's a life or death situation for the boy now."

"I'll have you know, I'm 22 years old, and who is Hoseok? And why are you betting my soul on this?"

"Be careful, 'soul' is not the most accepted word here."

"Okay this is getting more stupid by the second." Jeongguk finally gives up, searching high and low at the elevator buttons.

"How do you press the emergency button on this thing?" Jeongguk asks, looking at Namjoon.

"I'm just a liftman."

"A liftman that doesn't know how to do his job, apparently."

"He's going to die, Namjoon." Yoongi calls out.

"This isn't funny anymore!" Jeongguk yells back.

That's when he hears the door slide open again. He's not sure how he did it, or which button he pressed, but he feels a sense of relief. Instinct be damned, because Jeongguk heads out with his chin up before he's met with a face slam against another man's head. He draws back and looks up, eyes squinted because of the pain. From there, he sees a man in a pin striped suit with his arms folded neatly across his chest with another man eyeing him quizzically.  Before Jeongguk could muster up an apology, the suited man opens his mouth.

"I told you not to open the elevator for anyone today, Mr. Kim." 

Jeongguk sees Namjoon wince and shrink back. 

"My apologies, I thought I could at least finish one job before you would arrive."

"It seems like this man made the meeting come alot quicker than you expected, didn't it."

"Yes, Mr. Jung." 

The suited man calmly stepped into the elevator, the other trailing behind him. He kept his eyes on Jeongguk the whole time, making him itch with uncomfortability. 

"From the police bureau, isn't it, a human?" He speaks to himself. He walks closer up to Jeongguk, scanning him from head to toe.

"I am a little doubtful, as he made the elevator speed up travel quicker." Yoongi opens his mouth. He spots the corners of the suited man's mouth quirk up for a second before falling back into a frown.

"So, not a human then."

Jeongguk gulps and stares back with wide eyes, sweat beginning to move down his forehead. A million thoughts are racing throughout his head as he feels everyone's eyes begin to fix on him.

"Jeon Jeongguk. September 1st. Age 22. That's what it says on the database, but you haven't shown up on Earth's radars until 10 years ago. I wonder how that happened." He smiles. 


"You, are not from earth. You, are Lunar." 

"Look, it's not what it seems, I didn't plan on coming here."

"No one plans on being born, but it still happens, doesn't it?" He cuts off, looking at the others quickly. 

"Mr. Jeongguk, I can kill you right at this spot, Seokjin here is a very talented medic." He gestures to the man who eyed him with confusion in the beginning. He feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up as the gaze became almost deadly.

"But, you might make an amazing ally for now."


"Mr. Jeongguk if you continue to make these useless inquiries I just might change my mind." Jeongguk closes his mouth and nods, fearing for his life. He sees Namjoon press the close button on the elevator door and the machine begins to move up.

"Now, before we go any further, my name is Jung Hoseok. From here on, you listen to me. You step out of line, and I will not hesitate to remove you. After all, 10 years is not enough for you to live on Earth, isn't it."

A/N: this thing is a mess i don't know why i made this lol

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guardian_angel274 #1
Chapter 1: omg, this is so interesting , pls update soon author-nim TTToTTT
Chapter 1: This story line is really interesting so far! Please continue I'm really curious!