
It'd Feel Better if I Were with You

It was the last day of school and Taehyung was so ready to be out of that god-forsaken building. It wasn’t like he hated school or anything, it’s just that his boyfriend of five months, Jungkook, went to another school and he was tired of going eight hours a day without talking to the younger boy. Jungkook was already out of school and was too busy enjoying the summer that he had hardly spoken to Taehyung in the last week, though Taehyung was too swamped with finals to be able to spend time with him. Taehyung walked out of the bulding, and was standing on the train platform when his phone started buzzing.

“Hello?” Taehyung asked, having not bothered with checking the caller ID.

“So how does it feel to finally be done with school, Taetae?” the familiar voice asked. Taehyung smiled, he had not heard Jungkook’s voice in over a week and he just realized how much he was missing the younger.

“It’d feel better if I was with you.” Taehyung smiled, knowing how Jungkook hated when he was greasy.

“Oh my god, Hyung. You’re so greasy. Remind me why I started dating you again?” Jungkook said in a playful tone, no hint of malice in his voice.

“Let’s see, because I’m beautiful and popular and everybody loves me?” Taehyung smiled into the phone, knowing that Jungkook would be able to hear it in his voice.

“Sure. Whatever you say, alien,” Jungkook replied. “Oh, sorry. I’m about to go somewhere. I’ll talk to you later, alright?” he hastily added.

“Uh, sure, Kookie. I’ll talk to you later.” Taehyung practically pouted through the phone, hoping the younger would sense his sadness and stay on the phone a little longer. However, the dial tone in his ear signaled that his boyfriend had hung up and Taehyung was not looking forward to spending the hour-long train ride by himself.

Putting in his headphones, Taehyung stepped onto the train. It was fairly empty, so he found a seat in the corner and sat down, turning his music up and staring out the window. He thought about Jungkook and how he wished the younger were here. His sweet smile whenever Taehyung would get invested in a story and use way too many hand gestures, or the cute laugh whenever Taehyung would pull out the greasiest jokes he could manage. Before he knew it, he had to get off this train to transfer to another. He pushed past the crowd that was beginning to form around the doors, but as soon as he stepped out, he stopped.

There, standing outside of his train was none other than his boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, the one person he had wanted to see so badly. He was right there in front of Taehyung. They did not need to say anything to each other as Jungkook embraced the shorter, rubbing soothing circles on his back in apology for the earlier phone call.

After what felt like hours, Taehyung finally pulled away.

“Were you waiting long?” he asked, looking up into the younger’s eyes.

“No” Jungkook smiled, intertwining his fingers with the older’s. “I may have texted Hoseok to see which train you were taking.”

“You’re too much, Jeon Jungkook, you know that?” He said, box smile on his face as he bumped his shoulder against Jungkook.

“Of course I do. Come on. Tell me about your day as we wait for the train,” Jungkook replied, pulling the older forward towards the platform.

They got on the train together, Taehyung animatedly describing each detail of his last day at school to his boyfriend. Jungkook simply sat there, looking sweetly at Taehyung as if he were actually interested in the cleaning that the older did in his physics classrooms and the ‘gajillion boxes I had to go through Kookie, seriously, a gajillion!’ until he felt is eyelids begin to feel heavy. Jungkook leaned on Taehyung’s shoulder, giving up in his fight against consciousness.

Taehyung felt Jungkook’s head rest against his shoulder, and knew that the younger was about to fall asleep. He did not mind, he had sort of run out of stories and figured that Jungkook wasn’t listening anymore after he said the words ‘fried chicken’ and got no response from the younger. Taehyung simply wanted to enjoy the presence of his boyfriend, a rarity these past few weeks. Squeezing the hand that rested in his, Taehyung went back to looking out the window to watch the city pass by as they headed to his small house in the outskirts of Seoul.

Minutes later, Taehyung shook Jungkook lightly to signify that they were about to get off the train. Jungkook awoke with a mumble of “five more minutes, Mom” until he looked at his boyfriend and sheepishly smiled at him.

“Sorry I fell asleep during your story, Tae,” the younger said, looking down and squeezing Taehyung’s hand.

“Sorry my stories were boring,” Taehyung responded, small smile on his face as they stepped out of the train. “Do you want to come over today?” he asked, facing Jungkook at the corner of the street.

Jungkook smiled and nodded as the two made their way to Taehyung’s house. They exchanged small talk on the way home, talking about their summer plans and how excited they were for their new classes next year. Before they knew it, they had arrived at the brick walkway in front of Teahyung’s house.

“Eomma!” Taehyung yelled as he walked in, Jungkook trailing behind him and heading straight for the couch as the older went to talk to his mother. “Jungkook is here and we’re gonna be downstairs!” He smiled at the younger and followed Jungkook down the stairs.

They settled on the couch, Taehyung decided to watch a romantic comedy because he’s a er for those kinds of films. Jungkook laid down on the couch with his back pressed to Taehyung’s chest, the older’s arm snaking around his waist to pull him closer. Jungkook realized how much he missed the older’s presence these past weeks. Jungkook closed his eyes, choosing to listen to Taehyung’s breathing rather than the movie in front of him. Jungkook smiled whenever Taehyung would laugh, the rumbling in the older’s chest vibrating Jungkook’s back.

Soon Teahyung’s breath evened out, and Jungkook peeked back to see that Taehyung had fallen asleep. He didn’t mind, after all he had fallen asleep on Taehyung earlier, and chose to enjoy the feeling of the older pressed close to him, breathing on his neck. Jungkook closed his eyes and the two slept there until Taehyung’s mother called them up for dinner. Jungkook gave the older a sweet kiss, pulling him up to drag him up the stairs and to the dinner table. The younger smiled and realized just how happy he was to be able to spend time with his boyfriend again.


Hi, all. Please let me know what you guys thought about this. It's my first fic and I've been trying to write more recently. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! 

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Chapter 1: awwn so cute!!
intankodew #2
Chapter 1: WOW.. that was so cute, i like it, good job author-nim :)
Chapter 1: Laurel! That was so cute! Oh my goodness!