
The Road to Craziness

Junghan's POV

"Why are you here?" I asked Jisoo when I finally reached him. Yes, I wanted to see him, but why the heck is he here? Is this a sign from the heavens? Could this mean something? Probably not. It just me over thinking things again. Nothing new.

"Why, I can't?" He asked as he stood straight up and removed his back from the wall.

"Well, you can. But why?" I asked again since he didn't answered the first one.

"I wanted to see you." He told me with a smile. I didn't know what to say and was at a loss of words so I just smiled back. So we both wanted to see each other, huh. What is this sorcery?

"Let's go home?" He asked, extending his hand. I thought about not grabbing it, but I remembered what my mom said before, "Never say no to blessings.". I took it and held it like how parents hold their child when they're walking in the mall because I think he'll find it weird if I suddenly interlaced both our hand.

His hand was warm. Just perfect for my hand that was feeling cold just seconds ago.

"Why are we holding hands anyway?" I asked out of the blue because one, we are not going out and two, he is not my son.

"Why did you hold my hand?" He asked back. I opened my mouth and was actually about to tell him what my mom told me. Good thing I stopped myself from doing so because that would be embarrassing as hell.

I immediately closed my mouth in which he expressed his amusement by giving of a soft laugh. I simply rolled my eyes and I guess he took that as sign to start dragging me towards I don't know, home I guess.

The trip was quiet and all I could hear was the noise made by our footsteps as it crash against the pavement's surface. I was comfortable with it actually and if I was asked to choose, I'd rather walk in silence than dig myself into a hole by accidentally blurting out my unplanned confession.

I was enjoying the night's breeze when he suddenly stopped walking. He was infront of me and was practically dragging me so I was caught in surprise and almost bumped my head into him. Good thing my body responded immediately.

"Let's stop." He said, turning to face me.

"Huh?" I said dumbly. Aren't we supposed to go home already?

"Lets just go." He said as he began dragging me again. The hell, am I just his pet!?

I didn't get what he meant but before I knew it, we were already nearing the entrance of the fenced magnolia trees.

'The heck are we gonna do here?' I thought, but simply let myself be pulled along.

The gate was open and so were the lights on the light posts which probably serves as the guide for those visiting the blooming trees at night. It was already dark out but I could still see the pink colored leaves attached on their respective branches due to the moon's light. It's so pretty that I think I'm gonna miss the view ones the tree's blooming season is over.

I was pulled inside like the pet I am and noticed how empty the place is but considering how late it was, it's nothing out of the ordinary. I just hope that no thief of ghost suddenly decides to pop out. Another thing that I noticed is how tight Jisoo's grip on my hand is as if he doesn't want to let go. Could it be that he's also worried that a ghost might suddenly appear out of no where?

I gave his hand a squeeze to somehow remind him that I'm here if ever a headless white lady covered in blood decides to pass by and say hi.

I think the light squeeze brought him back because at that exact moment, he turned towards me. His brows were slightly knitted that I couldn't help but ask him whether he's okay.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked. He seems to be thinking of something very deeply.

"I'm sorry." He said, letting go of my hand after. I was lost for a moment because I don't recall anything for him to be sorry about, but I remembered that he did do something.

"For what?" I asked even though already know.

"For lying." He answered.

"When?" I wanted to hear him telling the truth.

"When I told you I'm going with Hansol to the dentist." He answered, his guilt evident on his face. If you're gonna lie and feel sad about it, why would you lie in the first place.

"It's okay. At least you told me the truth." I reassured him, but even after I said that, he still had the expression of guilt across his face.

"I was with Shannon the whole time." He stated, his gaze glued on the ground. I on the other hand, didn't remove mine from him. I ignored the ugly feeling I'm feeling on my chest and instead, tried to smile with all I can. Aigoo, it kinda hurts.

"Well, that's fine isn't it? You must have been happy." I said, trying to sound chipper as possible. Trying to act the complete opposite of how I really feel.

I was expecting him to say something in return but he just kept quiet with his eyes looking down. Only the rustling of the leaves from the trees could be heard. It is usually a relaxing sound but right now, it is too quiet that the silence is deafening.

I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to break the silence. A very stupid mistake on my part since I didn't even think of what I should say at the moment. I should have known better.

"What's with that face? Shouldn't we be celebrating? You've been crushing on her the whole time, right?" I blurted, which I immediately regretted. He looked me in the eye and saw an unfamiliar expression infront of me. One that I didn't know Jisoo could make.

"Thank goodness, right? Finally, after a very long time, she's finally noticing you." That wasn't what I want to say. I wanted to take back what I initially said but I just made things worst. What the heck am I even saying!?

"If it's you, I know you'll be able to court her without a problem!" The words I wanted to say aren't coming out and I ended up saying things that I don't mean one bit. I wanted to say sorry. I wanted him to stop looking at me with that pained expression. I wanted to assure him and tell him that what I told him this morning are all true. That when I told him that I want to see him smiling all the time, I meant it with every word. Yet, what the heck am I saying!?

"If you decide to court her, I'll always be here to support you." The lies kept coming out one after another that I just wanted to runaway at this very moment, but I guess I'm also not allowed to even do that since my feet wouldn't move.

"If it's you, I'm su-" I wasn't able to finish because he suddenly grabbed and pulled me into an embrace. It was enough to shut me the hell up. He should have done this the moment he said sorry. Maybe if he did it earlier, I wouldn't be here pretending that everything is just fine.

"Are you really happy?" His voice was hushed but I heard it loud and clear. I did my best and simply remained silent because I'm scared of what I might say.

"Do you really want me to court her?" He asked again, and again, I kept my mouth shut. I'm too afraid of myself right now that all I managed to do was weakly return the hug.

"Will you really be happy?" He whispered into my ear. I bit my lower lip, debating in my mind if I should answer, but decided that even if it's just this question, I want to answer it with all truthfulness.

"If you're happy, then I'm also happy. You're my precious friend." I breathed out. I heard him sigh wearily.

"I guess I misunderstood everything." I heard him say. He chuckled bitterly short after. I was about to ask him about it but he began again.

"This is just to cruel." He said, squeezing me tighter. My mind was too muddled up that I couldn't keep up anymore. I just want to go home and cry at all my stupidity.

After a few seconds of silence that felt like an eternity for me, he finally released me from his hug.

"I'll think about courting her, Let's go home?" He said, looking me in the eye and even though it hurts, I smiled. "Yeah."

The trip was quiet until he asked me about my day. I tried my best and acted normal as I tell him about how Doyoon visited with his dog, Seungcheol. I skipped all the unimportant parts because the last thing I want to do is cry at how resolved I was in confessing only for things to end up a mess.

Today, the road towards home seems to be longer and even though I'm walking beside the person I want to be with the most, I couldn't feel anything.

"We're here." I muttered as I look at my house standing next to his.

"Goodnight." I said, not even bothering to look at him since I felt my chest well up and my eyes water. I tried my best to hold back the tears that are dangerously close to falling down. I brisk walked towards the door when I heard him speak.

"Junghan-ah, you're gonna stay by my side no matter what, right?" He asked and I actually wanted to just leave like that and pretend that I didn't hear anything, but I didn't.

"Yes, what about i-" I wasn't able to finish because he cut me again.

"I love you, Junghan." I heard him say, but even though I know that I should be happy hearing those words from him, it only made me hurt more. He probably mean it as a friend anyway.

"I love you too, Jisoo. I hope we stay friends forever." And with that, the tears I've been holding back fell. I continued towards the door and immediately opened it. I then made my way in and closed it shut after. I wiped the tears away and made sure that I looked okay before going further into the house.

"Son, it's pretty late already! But oh well, you're not a kid anymore. How was your day?" My mom asked as she watch me climb the stairs with a smile.

"It was the best." I said, forcing a smile. I knew she didn't buy it but I'm thankful that she didn't pry any further. I went to my room and tried to not cry my heart out. I failed miserably though.

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No Updates for awhile. I need to sort out my lyfe. sorry


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Jeonghan0126 #1
Chapter 30: Please update
Chapter 30: New reader here...^^
Your story is very interesting...
Hope you will update soon...
Hwaiting author-nin...v(^_^)v
please update! </3
Chapter 30: Update soon please :3
Chapter 30: Please update~
ijb1996 #6
Chapter 5: Am I the only one that finds the fact that wonwoo took mingyu's shirt and kept it in his bag to sniff really freaking weird
ygbbusan #7
Chapter 30: update soon authornim~
Chapter 30: Can't wait for next chapter !
lifesucksballs #9
Chapter 4: i wish i were the pizza guy
Jihaneylove29 #10
Chapter 23: I read this chapter and I imagine that they are (Jihan) a couple who hold a wedding ceremonyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Its made my day