Ms.Bae...*I mean* Unnie is awesome!

You're Driving me Crazy

Hara's POV:

The day had come for us to perform...I'm so nervous! We fit in a few practices and SHINee helped us double check the dance at lunch too at school but I still think that it would not be enough to impress our new manager. Even though he/she saw the video, he/she still have to see the actual completion of the dance. The video that was taken that day was us practicing. Right now it was around 5:55 and we were sitting in the practice room, waiting for our new manager to arrive. We heard the door open and we became a little nervous but we tried our best not to show it. Here it goes...

WAIT. Why is there two people? Why is it a man and a woman? Do we have two managers? Or is one of them the boss? WHICH ONE IS IT? Please tell me it's the man. I DON'T WANT A MANAGER LIKE SHINee's!! I saw the badge on the man and it said Lee Soo Man and under it says BOSS. Oh few...we have a beautiful manager! Hehehe I hope we impress them. But then why is the boss here?? I felt Teresa poke my arm and I gave her a look. She gave me a look back which meant I was overreacting too much. Oh yeah. My face shows it all...AISH.

"Ok...let's get started. Please start dancing to Lucifer" the Boss said. The music started playing and we danced to the song. I was nervous the whole time but I put a face like Lucifer...LOL no I'll look retarded :3 anyways we were done and their reactions were blank. Great.

"Your performance was very good. All of you are very talented. I'm sure this group would be a huge success since you did a public audition. I've also decided to use your group name that you used for the competition since the public is familiar with it. As for the leader of the group, I think all of you are fit to be the leader, so there will be no fits well with your group since the name stands for United Sisters..." the Boss said. OMG WE DID AWESOME AHAHAHAHAHA ERS!!! Gosh such a long, meaningful explanation...guess that's his job :/

"...Also I am going to arrange your debut in 2 months will be debuting in April since I still need to see your singing and rapping skills. Also I hope you can practice hard and study hard at the same time since we don't want anyone failing. It's nice to meet you all and leave you to it to get to know your new manager, Ms.Bae" he said and then left us with Ms.Bae.

"Hello girls! I've seen your videos and I'm really happy to have you guys! I should introduce myself first though. My full name is Bae Seohee and I am 21 years old. *all of us gaped* I really look that old?" Ms.Bae asked.

"No you look really young but WOW you're 21...that's cool" Teresa said.

"Oh ok then! Since I'm only 3 or 4 years older then you guys, you can call me Unnie ok? I don't like being all pro with people I'll have to get close with" Ms. Bae said or should I say Unnie!

"Ne Unnie!~" we all said. I can't believe we got a really cool manager...THAT'S AWESOME.

"Ok since we have to know each other better, why don't I take you guys out for dinner? It's around 7:30 anyway...oh plus, which type of dining will you guys like? Casual or Classy?" Unnie asked.

"Umm....I think we will go with casual?" Shinhye asked everyone.

"Yea that sounds good, whatever, I WANT FOOOOOD~" Melissa sang.

"Haha ok then, let's meet up at reception in 20 mins ok?" Unnie said and then left.

"Wow she is so cool!!!" Shinhye said happily.

"Pssh no need to state the obvious *shaking head at Shinhye*...SHE IS SO COOL!" Teresa said happily.

"Aish...let's get ready, we have to wash up to you know?" Melissa said and then made a run for it.

"OH NO SHE DIDN'T" Shinhye said and then ran after Melissa to get to the shower first.

"Hey! Wait up peeeep!" Teresa screamed after them.

Even though I hate running for these stupid things, I don't want to be the last to shower.


Teresa's POV:

We were at reception first wearing our casual clothes. It was winter so we were wearing warm clothes. Our hairstyles went in this order. Shinhye chose to put her hair out, Hara chose to wear a simple ponytail since she doesn't want to take her glasses off (Oh yeah I have to do something about that), I stuck to a french plait and Melissa put her hair in a high bun. For our clothes, Shinhye, Hara and me were wearing trench coats, a warm sleeved top, skinny jeans and boots since it was so freezing. Melissa weared skinny jeans, converses and a black hoodie that had two panda's on it with the first panda smiling mischievously and the other panda gasping at the red paw print on it's face. It said "I didn't slap you, I just high-fived your face". LOL.

(A/N: I saw this awesome pic but then I wasn't bothered putting it in my fanfic so I just described it for the outfit part...yea I know it's a ty description)

Unnie came down the stairs and greeted us. She looked sooo pretty! She wore a nice wooly jumper, a knit hat, jeans and high heels. Woah nice fashion sense. She greeted us and complimented that everyone looked good and we did the same.

"So we're we going Unnie?" Hara asked.

"Well, I decided to take you guys to KFC!" Unnie chirped.

"YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~" Melissa squealed.

"Woah..Unnie, no one has made Melissa squeal like that!" Shinhye said surprised.

"Really?? Then I'll also add that you have unlimited orders hehe~ I won a comp for a ticket worth unlimited KFC for 2 right?" Unnie said.

"OMG YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Melissa said happily.

"Yeah Yeah let's goooo!" Shinhye said excitedly. We went outside and man it was F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G! We followed Unnie to a cool looking Van in the parking lot.

"Is that your van Unnie?" Hara asked.

"Yeap. This is your offcial van. I just help drving and taking care of you' got the best van out for you guys. Trust don't want SHINee's van" Unnie said. Oh yeah....we have a better van then them...mwahaha we are WAY better than them xD

"Well in that case, YOU'RE AWESOME UNNIE!" I said.

"Hohoho I know now let's go to KFC!" Unnie said and we all got on the van and drove off.

Back at apartment around 10...

Shinhye's POV:

That was some KFC. Melissa wouldn't stop ordering and we were just staring at her happily munching away. How I wish that I could enjoy seeing her eat without making people stare at her thinking she's retarded. Unnie is just soo AWESOME! I think I'm going to like being a popstar. We were all doing our homework in the lounge room with Teresa taking the floor, Melissa on the sofa and Hara and me at the dining table. Teresa seriously needs to listen to music when she is studying. Gosh does she care about us?? No. We all finished at the same time (psychic much) and Teresa started complaning. Oh man.

"Urgh why does this school give so much homework?! I WANT TO SLEEP!" Teresa whined.

"Then GO TO SLEEP" Hara said annoyed.

"Nooo~~ What you gonna do about it huh huh huh huh huh huh huh?" Teresa said playfully.

"Aish why don't you shut up! And don't care....OMG just get your to sleep will you?!" Hara said blazing with fury. LOL. It's actually pretty funny to watch. They continued their back-chat match which was more like a baseball match with me and melissa looking at Hara, then Teresa, then Hara...get the point? After 10 mins they shut up and started talking casually about other stuff. These two are unexplainable.


I had to end the chapter here so it can go with my title...lololol. I feel like I didn't write enough but then if I did it would have been lame so yeaa hope you like this chap...also I figured that I'm dragging the story into nowhere (you guys are probably thinking...FINALLY SHE REALISED O.O) so there will be some drama coming soon...hehehehe :). Thank you for the wonderful comments....i enjoy reading and replying..I DO REPLY lol :) Maybe I should reply here so you guys would see it?..idk...but thank you again for also not unsuscribing <3 <3

For now, I just want to post some'm starting to want put gifs in every chap....*weirdo* but yeaa....ok look down


                       yeah bro -.-                                                                LOL xD                                                           ooooo :3

ok so I didn't expect to put jonghyun up but then they were really funny so I put time I will put KEY :3 <3  and taemin looks cute in the middle one LOL ;)     

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!