Say hello to SME

You're Driving me Crazy

Jonghyun's POV:

I woke up feeling that something was missing. Oh yeah. Just had the flashback. It was her fault so it should be interesting from now on. MORE SMIRKING FOR ME! It was early morning and I heard girl chit-chats coming in from the kitchen. Guess they already woke up. I better get ready too since I was last to wake up. I got the clothes out of the duffle bag that Key packed for me and went to have a shower. I finished after a while, letting the hot water calm me down from all my stress (A/N: guys remember that i am innocent and this story is not rated H...=.= *awkward*). The clothes that Key brought me were so his style. He packed the shirt he got for me from the states for my birthday when he was in the States. The shirt was a simple white with big bold letters on it that said "Please, I know you love me" and he also got me black jeans. Well atleast he got the fashion sense.

I walked out to find the rest of them chatting on the floor with all the sleeping bags packed up. Hara and Melissa were chatting with the others on the floor when Hara noticed me.

"Oh Jonghyun, there are little snacks in the kitchen if you want some before we leave" Hara said. When they saw my shirt, Key looked the other way and everyone was just giving me the pedo smile. OK....awkward...I gave them a weird look and entered the kitchen. Teresa and Shinhye had their backs to me and they were chatting something queitly while Teresa would try to stifle a laugh...girls these days. I saw croissants on the table and started eating one. This one isn't that good...

"OMG You're wearing the same shirt as Shinhye....BAHAHAHAHA" Teresa luaghed out at me. WHAT? SAME SHIRT? Shinhye looked at me and then groaned.

"How can things get worse?!" she asked herself.

"You're asking that?" I said and smirked. She pretended that she didn't see that and dragged Teresa off with her. Hehe this is gonna be fun. I went into the living room and everyone saw that I didn't even care about the same shirt thing. Key noticed too and gave me a smile but I gave him a death glare...I'll just pretend to be angry with him...


We arrived at SM Entertainment around 8:30 in our van while Teresa got the others in her car and drived following us on tail. WE entered and all of us felt relieved and everyone rushed up the stairs to go to our dorm. I was about to go to but Manager stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Manager asked me. Oh crap.

"To my dorm" I said in a monotone voice.

"Well you can't since I have meetings so show the girls their dorm which is the opposite one facing to yours. All you have to do is show them thir dorm alright?" he said knowing that after he left, I will ditch them. Aishh...manager knows me better then myself...BUT HE SAID THEY WILL BE LIVING TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF US?!?! Oh god that's just GREAT. I have to see their faces every morning. Manager then gave the passcode to Hara and left me alone with the four of them.

"Follow me" I said. They all followed me to the dorm room and we arrived at the front.

"Your stuff should be in there...there should also be two bunk beds in one room..cya's!" I said quickly and went inside my own dorm. Gosh it's still awkward for me without all my group with them. I only know them for like nearly two months!


Hara's POV:

We finished arranging and unpacking and we were sitting on the sofa tired. It look us two hours to get everything done. It took half an hour for the living room because of Teresa's stupid connections for the PS3 and Wii and arrangement of games blah blah. Does she have a life?! Everything looked perfect and I think we're done for now. Teresa was complaning that we don't have any photos of the four of us together and it was true. WE DON'T. And we have been friends for like 2 months already. Besides Teresa. I was really bored even though it had only been 5 minutes...

"Sooooo" Teresa said breaking the silence.

"Dude, that sounds so pedo-ish" Melissa said creeped out.

"I was only trying to break the silence" Teresa said and then pouted.

"Guys, I am seriously bored...someone just knock or something already!" Shinhye said frustrated.

The doorbell rang...right on timing. 

Shinhye's POV:

I went to open the door and there were nine girls standing in front of me with beaming smiles plastered on their face. Ok...I smiled back and they didn't say anything so I decided to say something first...

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I said cheerfully.

"Awww so cute!" one small girl with a boy cut said. (A/N: I'm not crticising the person...i just don't know how to describe I said I at description so yeahh..and if you know who I'm talking about then well I think she is AWESOME so yuup just saying)

"Hehe...sorry to intrude...we're SNSD! We heard that you were new so you might not know ANYONE in the k-pop industry and we decided to help you!" a another tall girl said. God most of them were tall anyway.

"Ok, well come in" I said and they came and sat on the big corner sofa that Teresa complained to take to the dorm.


"So which sofa should we take to the dorm?" I asked.

"I don't know" Melissa said.

"Maybe yours?" Hara asked me.

"NO MY SOFA!!!" Teresa whined.

"OMG DID WE EVER ARGUE?" Hara said in frustration.

"We're taking Teresa's sofa, HAPPY EVERYONE?" I said looking at Teresa.

"Yuup!" Teresa said bobbing her head up and down.

*End of Flashback*

They lounge was practically taken up by them and we just sat on the spare beanbags we had. They were all very beautiful. Wow...we're so lucky to have bands like them with us! Unlike SHINee...tsk!

"Ok I think we better introduce ourselves now" one girl *with her hair just reaching her shoulders* said. "My name is Taeyeon, I'm the leader of SNSD or also known as Girls Generation" she said. Ok so this is Taeyeon. Then quickly, the rest of them introduced themselves too. Seohyun, Yuri, Yoona, Jessica, Sooyoung, Hyeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny. They were all very nice hehe~

"So we actually came here to welcome you to SM Entertainment and congratulate you for your awesome audition! Your actually the first group to win this audition actually" Yoona said. Wow...first group...

"I'm guessing you guys all come from foreign countries?" Tiffany asked.

"Yuup!" we all said.

"Hehe~ Ok well, if you're gonna enter the K-pop industry, you must know all the bands yeah?" Yuri said.

"Ne~" we said unision.

We spent 2 hours learning about all the K-pop bands and we all learnt everything pretty fast. They were so many bands!!! I don't know how you can remember all of their names but we managed to get it. It was nearly 12 and SNSD had to go to film a show so we said our goodbye's. I guess we became close with all those Unnie's. We were really hungry and Teresa went to check the fridge. 

"Who wants ice-cubes? Besides that, we have to go get grocery or starve to death" Teresa groaned.

"Or, we can eat lunch with SHINee?" Melissa said with a hopeful tone.

"No" Teresa and me said at the same time.

"Yea!" Hara said. 

"Why? You wanna see Onew?" Teresa said wiggling her eyebrows *it came out like a pitbull's face with loads of wrinkles* and Hara started blushing so much.

"Pssh so you do like him..ahahah we were right!" Melissa said joyfully. YUP we were xD

"Ok fine...but don't tell him okay? It's just I like his warm, cheerful personality...even though the chicken thing is really annoying" Hara said.


"Dude, this is's NOT exciting until Onew accpets her alright lunatic?" Melissa said annoyed.

"Yeah yeah....ok we all hungry right now...and we can't get out of SM because we don't know our way anywhere and Teresa has never been in this area so I guess our only option is asking SHINee for..." Teresa said.

"LUNCH" We all said and then our stomachs started screaming *GIMME FOOD!!!*

Melissa's POV:

I was the youngest so I was chosen or more like forced to ask if we can come over for lunch. HOW AWKWARD. Do i just go up and knock, 'Hi, gimme some food NOW' or can I say 'Sorry to disturb you, can we please have lunch with you because we have no groceries at the moment' and that is TOTALLY not me...I don't do cute. But back to the situation...I'm going to knock on their door. WOW.

Knock, Knock

No answer...

Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock

No answer again...

"Just ring the stupid doorbell!" Teresa said in frustration.

"Ohh..oops!" I said.

Ring, Ring...

"Coming!" Onew shouted. He then opened the door and looked at us with a blank face.

"So....come in?" Onew said unsure. He can't even greet us properly.

We came in and their dorm was so clean! You would expect a boy's dorm to be messy but theirs is very organised. Everyone was eating ramen for lunch and I was gaping at them. I THOUGHT YOU HAD FOOD MAN!

Teresa's POV:

They all stared at us waiting for us to speak. Key wasn't here either...hmm...well I guess I should talk.

"We came here because we had no food in our fridge besides ice-cubes so we were wondering if we could borrow some of your groceries because we also don't know this area much to go and buy some food" I said and took a deep breath.

"Umm that's why Key went out to buy some but we were really hungry so we decided to eat ramen...we got more in th cabinet of you want some" Minho said.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE A LIFESAVER" Melissa said and went to find the cabinet.

"THANK YOU!!!!" We all said cheerfully. Pssh we just faking you know? We all made ourselves ramen and sat with them to watch this T.V. show called Star King...Oh! SNSD is there!

"Heeey SNSD is there!" I said happily.

"I thought you didn't know any bands" Jonghyun said.

"SNSD already met with us earlier and familiarised us with all the k-pop bands...I never knew Kikwang was a part of B2ST though" I said. Jonghyun scoffed.

"So I guess you guys know everyone yeah?" Minho said.

"Yuup" We all said. Star King was such a funny show that Hara laughed like a normal person would and Melissa, Shinhye and me were gasping for breath because it was HILARIOUS! It was around 1:30 and we said our goodbye's...Hara and Onew are getting closeeeeee ;)


Had to end my update here because I HAD TO UPDATE ON 1st December there's my last update and i will update next week because of school *groans* anyways THANKS FOR ALL MY LOVELY SUSCRIBERS FOR SUPPORTING ME AND I LOVE READING COMMENTS :)) <3

omg you know i had to rewrite this chap because of stupid family friends closing the tab..I WAS SO FRUSTRATED so yeahh hope this chap was interesting :/

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party-party #1
this is so cool!!
clalody95_ #2
onew hara cuteee
Gaah. It caused some brain storming for me to remember who's who, who's with who.. you know..
Neverland1900 #4
what a cute story!! I really like it :)
bubbletea_ #5
read foreword...u used my name...LOL mayb i'll spam ur comment section xD
few more chaps to read and then i am gone.......yay
The girls in the Photos are from HSHMM right? :D

Xiao Lun as Hara, Gui Gui as Shin Hye and Melissa and Mei Mei as Teresa? :D
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIs was probably the cutest story I've ever read!!!