
Girls, Girls, Girls

       Key had recently been spending more time on the internet, looking up things that caught his attention - like that black clawed earring or that innovative cleanser that guaranteed minimized pores. He would spend hours past midnight looking up reviews after a long day of practice and contemplate over whether or not he should buy said item. Now that the group's debut was approaching, he wanted to ideally look and feel his best. And as he figured, retail therapy was the way to go. 

        The rest of the members didn't mind. In fact, they awknowledged that they should be doing the same. The only thing that concerned them was how he had been cooped up in his room more than usual as of recent.

"Hyung?" A small voice called from the front door. 

Recognizing the voice as the maknae's, Key closed the monitor and shouted back. "I'm here! Come in."

       Taemin sighed as he entered the room and took a seat next to his hyung. "I need to ask you something."  

       Key couldn't help but raise a brow. Taemin normally kept to himself, never really reaching out to the members. In fact, Key was rather impressed by his dedication and passion towards training - he never gave up, and always pushed past his limits to get better. 

"Sure," Key's eyes shifted towards the maknae, couldn't help but take note of the dazed expression on his face. "What's up with you?"

"Well uh," Taemin cleared his throat, a little hesitant. "So there's this girl in my writing class. Jung Eunji, that's her name. She's really kind towards everyone, a great writer, and also really really pretty." he added, a slight flush on his cheeks. 

"Ah, I see. And you want me to help you get her?" Key smirked, a knowing look on his face. 

Taemin bobbed his head, not even looking at the elder now. "I don't really trust Jonghyun with girls, too creepy. Minho's busy with practice and soccer all the time, and Onew has never even been with a girl.  I think you're the most knowledgable since you have so many girls' contacts on your phone." He explained.

Key couldn't contain his smile. He had to admit, he did know how to befriend girls quickly. He wasn't a complete expert, but he did know a thing or two that allowed him to get their numbers by the end of the day. Taemin made the right decision coming to him, that was for sure. 

"Jung Eunji, you say?" Key echoed. He rose from his seat and reached into his drawer, pulling out a pearl blue notepad. He had bought it a few days ago but hadn't put it to much use until now. 

"What's this for?" Taemin mused quietly. He flipped through the blank pages, stopping at the ones with cool designs, until he reached the very end. 

"We got to keep track of your progress right?" Key asked. He picked up a blue pen and began writing intently on a new page. 

"Step One: T-talk...?" Taemin furrowed his brows as he tried to make out his handwriting. "Yah, you can't expect me to talk to her that fast!"

    Key paused, shooting Taemin a quick glare. "Then how do you expect her to acknowledge you?"

"Fine." Taemin muttered. "But you're coming with me, I'm not doing this by myself." 

"Yeah, yeah." Key waved him off. "We're going to start tomorrow alright? There's no backing out." He added, sticking his hand out.

"Got it." Taemin shook his hand, and suddenly leaned in with a sheepish look on his face. "The others can't know about this! It's only between the two of us." 

"Arraseo," Key rolled his eyes before turning back on his monitor. "Now go, before I kick you out." He teased.

"Leaving!" Taemin rose to his feet and made his way to the door, not before turning back with a small smile. "Thanks, by the way." 

A.N: hello guys! here's the first chapter :) it's a bit short, i know, but i hope you guys have a feel of what will be going on ^^ thank you to those who have subscribed so far, please feel free to comment. they're really encouraging to read hehe ;o; 

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Great start, excited for more!!!
Chapter 1: AHH they're replay days makes me reminisce :')
Hoho hoho I can see where this is going ;) This outcome should be interesting !!!
CardGames #3
Chapter 1: Wow, I like reading the story. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next chapter!