Chapter 5

The Lollipop Guild

“Where are we going?” I ask as I follow Jungkook down the street.

    The cold morning air makes me shiver despite the hoodie I’m wearing.

    “To my friend’s house. He’s a great cook.” He explains.

    We’d started walking after I stopped home so I could change into clean clothes and check in with my mother. To my surprise she hadn’t even noticed that I hadn’t come home, nor did she question where I had been. I also couldn’t help but notice the bruise that was starting to form over her left eyebrow, which would only make me worry from now on.

    Jungkook turns a corner and stops in his tracks, turning around to face me.

    “Are you cold, Noona?” He asks, “You’re shivering. I can hear your teeth chattering.”

    “It is a little chilly.” I admit, hugging myself.

    Jungkook begins taking off his jacket.

    “No, no. You don’t need to give me your jacket. I’ll be fine.” I insist, holding up my hands to stop him.

    “I insist that you take it.” He says, taking my arm and slipping it into the sleeve of his leather jacket.

    “O-Okay.” I stutter, slipping my hand into the other sleeve.

    Jungkook zips up the jacket before turning around again. I stand there for a few moments before jogging to catch up with him.

    “How far away is this person’s house?” I ask him.

    “Not that much further.” He says, smiling.

    I continue following him until we reach an apartment building, one that was much nicer than the one I live in. He opens the door for me and we take the elevator to the 5th floor.

    “We’re almost there.” Jungkook tells me, walking down the hallway to the last door on the right.

    He knocks loudly. We wait a few moments but no answer comes. Jungkook turns to me and smiles nervously before moving a house plant and bending down to retrieve a key. He unlocks the door and opens it. He walks in, but I don’t follow. He comes back out a few seconds later with a confused look on his face.

    “Are you coming?” He asks.

    “Isn’t this technically breaking and entering?” I retort, shaking my head.

    “I didn’t break anything. I have a key.” He smiles happily before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the apartment. He shuts the door behind me.

    “This place is so nice!” I exclaim.

    Everything in the apartment was modern and either white or pink. I was scared to touch anything because of how clean it all was. Suddenly, I hear a door slam and a small girl with short bleach blonde hair comes stomping down the hallway with a pair of heels dangling from her left hand. She barely has all of her clothes pulled on. She looks slightly shocked to see the two of us standing in the living room but says nothing as she storms past us and out the door.

    “Do you know her?” I ask Jungkook, still thoroughly confused as to what just happened.

    “Nope, but I see a lot of women that I don’t know walk out of Jin’s house.” He explains innocently to me.

    “That’s nice.” I tell him.

    A few moments later a man wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt comes walking down the hallway.

    “Hello, Jungkook and-”

    “This is Nix. She’s V neighbor.” He introduces excitedly.

    I smile and wave awkwardly at him.

    “Hello. So you’re the new kid V’s taken in.” He says.

    “Hi.” I say timidly, not acknowledging his comment.

    “You’re pretty cute. How old are you?” He comments, smirking at me.

    Too young for you.

    “Hey, you’re not busy are you? I thought we could have breakfast.” Jungkook suggests, saving me from having to answer the uncomfortable question.

    “Sorry, buddy. I have to get to work but some other time, I promise.” Jin tells him as he walks back down the hallway, disappearing into his room.

    “Okay. Have you been busy at work?” He asks, smiling down at me comfortingly.

“Yeah.” He says, coming back out with a white t-shirt on.

“Well, I don’t want you to be late so I guess we better go.” Jungkook says.

“I guess I’ll see you two around.” He says, opening the door for us, “Bye Nix!”

He winks at me as we start walking down the hallway. Once we’re outside of the building Jungkook lets out a sigh.

“I’m sorry about that. He’s usually not like that I promise.” He tells me, looking embarrassed.

“It’s fine.” I assure him.

“He’s probably just stressed from work.” He tells me as we begin walking back to the apartments.



A/N I'm really sorry this is late! I kinda got a little bit stuck on this chapter. What do you guys think about Jin's character, I know it's a lot different from how he really is but I wanted to make him really different form how everyone has been so far. ALSO what do you guys think of the "Sick" teasr photos! V's killed me!

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I'll post a chapter tomorrow I promise


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DaisYeolPark88 #1
I want to throw her dad across room , and stab him , no throw him off a cliff, and then grab and then do it again , and then stop , feed him to the sharks and then take him out and make him step on Lava and leave him there , dieing
DaisYeolPark88 #2
Chapter 23: Noooooooo why did she die TT.TT ughhhh her dad is crazy !!!
DaisYeolPark88 #3
Chapter 22: For a second I thought Jimin was gonna scream at her
DaisYeolPark88 #4
Chapter 22: Haha yay ! You're alive XD
Tia123 #5
Chapter 19: I feel like I Need You is the perfect background music for this chapter lol really nice writing again!! I love this story its needs to be featured asap!
Tia123 #6
Chapter 18: NOOOOOO JIMJAM lol and he even brought flowers.
Vtae84 #7
Chapter 18: Lol..jimin..did he doesnt know about V n nix?aigoo..
Chapter 18: oh my goodness my baby chim no
send him over to me pls so i can cuddle him and make him happy