Chapter 18

The Lollipop Guild

The next few days aren’t as exciting as most of my days have been lately, and I’m thankful for that. Namjoon isn’t talking to Jin and hasn’t for the last three days. I know this because he’s come over every day to hang out with me while Hoseok is at work and rants to me everyday about how much of a ty friend Jin is. We usually watch T.V or study together since we’re both taking college classes. Sometimes he brings V or Jungkook with him, but never Jimin. I have this feeling that Jimin is avoiding me now after what happened in the hallway. It makes me feel even worse for not stopping him when I had the chance. One day I mention it to Namjoon while we’re watching T.V., hoping for some advice on the matter.

“Just give him some time. He’s probably embarrassed because he thinks you rejected him. He’ll come around eventually.” He says, dismissing the topic quickly and going back to the show.

I give his advice some thought and decide that he’s right. I just need to give Jimin some time to get his confidence back; I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss him though.


    I’m lounging on the couch flipping through channels like usual, except this time Namjoon isn’t here. I start to wonder where he could be, he’s usually over here in the morning when I get up but he’s not. It’s nearing late afternoon and I consider going to his apartment to see what’s up but back track at the realization that Jimin would probably be there. I sigh and shut the T.V off. I need to get out of the house but where would I even go. I could go to V’s place, but risk running into my parents, and to be honest I’m not ready to face my mother after what happened last week. I can’t go see Jungkook because he’s probably in school. That only leaves Jin or Suga. I don’t want to go to Jin’s because Namjoon still isn’t talking to him. That leaves me no choice but Suga’s house.

    I get off the couch, pulling my hair into a high ponytail before grabbing my phone and leaving. I make sure to lock the door before walking down the stairs to the ground floor. Luckily his apartment isn’t that far of the walk so I take it leisurely. I am in no rush. I get to Suga’s apartment building and take the elevator up since his floor is way too high to take the stairs. I start to feel nervous once I’m standing in front of his door. I start to realize what a bad idea this was. I could have just called Namjoon.  

    “Well, it’s too late to turn back now.”

    I knock on the door, listening to the sound echo from inside. I wait, shifting the weight from my heels to my toes. I hear grumbling and shuffling before the door opens to reveal a disgruntled Suga. His pink hair is sticking in every direction.

    “Did I wake you up? I’m so sorry.” I start to say but Suga puts up his hand.

    He waves me inside as he yawns widely. I walk in quickly and he shuts the door behind me.

    “It’s fine. I needed to get up anyways.” He says, “Why are you here?”

    “I just wanted to get out of the house.” I tell him,

    “I don’t know why you came here.” He scoffs, “I’m pretty boring.”

    I laugh lightly.

    “You should have gone to see V, God knows he would have loved that.” Suga says, laughing as he shuffles to the kitchen.

    I’m about to ask what he’s talking about when my phone rings. I look at the caller I.D to see that  it’s V.

    Speak of the devil.

    I press answer and put it to my ear.

    “Hey, V.” I say into the phone.

    “Where are you? You aren’t at Hoseok’s place.”

    “I’m at Suga’s apartment. I got bored sitting around the house all day.”

"Okay, I’m heading over there now. I have a surprise for you."

  “A surprise?” I ask, my voice going up slightly in shock.

  Suga raises his eyebrow at me from the kitchen.

  “Yeah, you’re gonna love this. I gotta go, bye” He says excitedly, I could hear him opening the door to the apartment building.


  The line goes dead and I put it back in my pocket. Suga comes out with a cup of coffee.

  “He’s coming by isn’t he?” He says as more of a statement then a question.


  “What were you talking about earlier, about V?” I ask, sitting on his couch, the same one I’d slept on with V. Although that only happened a few weeks ago it feels like a lifetime since I’d been here.

  “You haven’t noticed yet?” Suga asks, sitting down himself.

  “Noticed what?” I say in confusion.

  He doesn’t get a chance to answer because at the moment V comes bursting through the door, completely out of breath.

  “That was fast.” Suga says calmly.

  “Did you run here?” I ask, looking at him incredulously.

  “Maybe.” He says, breathing heavily.

He puts up a finger, telling us to give him a second.

“Take your time.” Suga says, turning on the T.V and flipping through channels.

A few moments later he recovers and comes up smiling widely at me.

“So, Nix, when is the last time you went to the carnival?” V asks, leaning towards me.

“When I was like 10, why?” I ask.

He whips out two pieces of paper from his back pocket, holding them in between two fingers. I lean forward off of the back of the couch to study them.

“Because I got two tickets to the carnival.” He says proudly.

“Only two?” I ask, glancing at Suga. He shrugs.

“Yes, for us. You’ve been cooped up in the house to much. You need a break, to have some fun.” V says sincerely.

I smile at how much thought he’d put into this. but isn’t this technically a date? The thought makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

“So what are you two waiting for, go!” Suga says happily, getting up to push me off the couch.

“What will you do?” I ask as he pushes us both out of his apartment.

“I think I’ll go check up on Jin to make sure you hasn’t killed himself yet.” He says before shutting the door in our faces.

V turns to me.

“Are you ready for the time of your life?” He asks excitedly

I nod, smiling from ear to ear.


    We drive 30 minutes outside of town, jamming out to the radio the entire time. We then spend another annoying 40 minutes in traffic before we even park but it’s all worth it once we get out. I take in all the sights and sounds of the carnival once we get past the gates. The smell of fried foods and the sounds of screaming children remind me so much of my childhood. V instantly drags me off to one of the game stands. He gives the man at the counter the correct amount of money and sits at a water shoot. The goal of the game is to hit the target in order to fill the balloon, the winter got a prize. A few other people are sitting around him. The game starts and I can tell V is determined by how tense he comes, focusing on the target completely. The balloon fills up quickly and for a moment I think he might win but someone at the end’s balloon pops first. V stands and starts to pull out more money but I stop him, dragging him off to go do something else. We walk for a few moments before stopping in front ride, the Mega Drop. I watch the seats ascend painfully slowly into the skype before it gets to the top, then letting go and letting the people fall to the bottom at full speed. Just watching it makes my stomach drop.

    “We’re doing this one.” V states, already starting to drag me in the line.

    “I don’t know, it looks scary.” I tell him, hesitating.

    “It’ll be fun. I’ll hold your hand.” He says, grabbing my hand tightly.

    I swallow hard. We wait in line for a few minutes before getting let in. V sits next to and takes my hand after we both pull the restraint down to protect us. The ride starts to climb up slowly, just as I’d watched it do earlier. I grip V’s hand tighter as the anxiety builds in the pit of my stomach. After a few moments the ride stops for a split second as the thing that pulled us up disconnects, then we’re flying downward. I can’t help the scream that escapes my lips as the hair pushes upwards on me. The pressure pushing up on me makes my stomach do somersaults. A second later we are on the group and the restraints are lifting again. My legs feel like jelly as I stand. V turns to me laughing and I laugh back, the adrenaline from the ride starting to fade as we walk off. V throws his arm around my shoulders as we walk to the next ride and I start to feel better.


    The sun is starting to set as V and I get on the ferris wheel. It starts to move around slowly and I can’t help but stare in awe at the sunset on the horizon. The mixture of oranges and pinks are absolutely breathtaking. I hear V take in a sharp breath, making me turn to look at him. He averts his eyes for a moment before looking back into my eyes and smiling.

    “So, the reason I actually brought you here was because there’s something I need to tell you.” V says nervously, I could see him picking at the hem of his shirt. My heart start beating faster at these words.

“Before I met you, I would hear the things happen in your apartment and through all the fighting I heard your voice the loudest out of all of them, protecting your mother. I would see you hide outside, just to get away from it all. That day I gave you my jacket I realized that I cared for you despite not knowing you. I realized that I wanted to save you from those things. In the last few months my feelings for you have only grown stronger. I brought you here today to find out if you felt the same out me. But if you don’t it’s okay. I see the way you are with Ji-” I cut him off by pulling him down and kissing him.

He instantly snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him to deepen the kiss, molding our lips together effortlessly. I intertwine my fingers in his orange hair. For the first time in forever, I finally feel at home, with him.


V stops with me in front of Hoseok’s door as he’s done before. I press my back against the wall as he places both of his hands on either side of my head. He leans down until our faces are inches apart.

“I had fun today.” He whispers his voice so low that it sends shivers down my spine.

“So did I.” I answer.

He smiles, leaning down to mold our lips together once again. I wrap my hand around his neck to pull him down me towards me. He wraps me in his arms and lifts me up slightly. I feel like we’re the only two people in the world and I think that nothing can ruin this moment. Until I hear a gasp, making both of us whip our heads to the side. There Jimin stands, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He starts to walk backwards. The look on his face darkens from a look of hopefulness to a look of sadness in a matter of seconds. My heart begins to ache from the hurt in his eyes.

Jimin-” I start to say but I’m at a loss for words.

He shakes his head before dropping the flowers and sprinting down the stairs without saying anything.

Jimin, wait!” I yell, but it’s too late, he’s already gone.

A/N Well it's kinda late but it's really long. I hope you enjoy it! Please don't forget to leave feedback in the comments section.! I appreciate all of it and all the support from all of you! Thank you so much!


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I'll post a chapter tomorrow I promise


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DaisYeolPark88 #1
I want to throw her dad across room , and stab him , no throw him off a cliff, and then grab and then do it again , and then stop , feed him to the sharks and then take him out and make him step on Lava and leave him there , dieing
DaisYeolPark88 #2
Chapter 23: Noooooooo why did she die TT.TT ughhhh her dad is crazy !!!
DaisYeolPark88 #3
Chapter 22: For a second I thought Jimin was gonna scream at her
DaisYeolPark88 #4
Chapter 22: Haha yay ! You're alive XD
Tia123 #5
Chapter 19: I feel like I Need You is the perfect background music for this chapter lol really nice writing again!! I love this story its needs to be featured asap!
Tia123 #6
Chapter 18: NOOOOOO JIMJAM lol and he even brought flowers.
Vtae84 #7
Chapter 18: Lol..jimin..did he doesnt know about V n nix?aigoo..
Chapter 18: oh my goodness my baby chim no
send him over to me pls so i can cuddle him and make him happy