Into the Woods

Snow Soo

Heechul knew that it was time to do something about that pesky boy. He was quickly becoming more of a problem than he was worth. He was still muttering to himself as he entered a hidden room, where he worked on his "projects", with a stylish swirl of his cape and he waltzed over to his mirror.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest one of all?"

The reflective surface of the mirror seemed to ripple and glow before Heechul's image was replaced by another's.

"Yo, Steve! What's up?" Heechul asked the image in the mirror.

Steve seemed to wrinkle his nose and sigh at the casual manner Heechul addressed him with, before his expression resumed its usual blank look.

"Tis true he be the fairest in the land but soon one fairer yet will be at hand," Steve hated being bothered and enjoys making Heechul decipher what he says.

"Whaaaa? Oh my gosh! Can't you just spit it out?! All this thinking is making my head hurt!" Heechul whined.

Steve sighed again, "KYUNGSOO! Kyungsoo is going to be the hottest dude in the land! Geez!"

An angry flush colored Heechul's face at hearing Steve's reply.

"What! What could that.....that.....boy have that I don't have?" Heechul huffed disdainfully.

"A kind heart, true love, kissable lips, a voice like an angel..... Shall I go on?" Steve asked with a barely contained sneer.

"What do you mean?! The voice of an angel? Song birds wish they had voices like mine!" Heechul screeched making Steve wince at the sound.

"Whatever! If you don't want Kyungsoo taking your throne, you may want to do something. I gotta go. It's poker night with the guys. Later," Steve said before the mirror once more rippled and Heechul's image reappeared on the glass.

"Voice of an angel.....we'll just see about that! Little bratty kid! Besides I have better lips, too!" Heechul grumbled as he passed a portrait of Kyungsoo in the main hall. He couldn't help but compare himself to the painting. It was one that was commissioned before the King had died in that little riding "accident". Kyungsoo was smiling without a clue of how his life would soon take a radical change in direction.

"I'm hotter and I have a better voice and nicer lips! BOOM! Take that, my annoying step-pest!"


Kai was cold and super itchy from his mud bath but still smiling happily, eager to share his news with his parents. When he finally arrived back at the castle, he discovered his parents weren't home, but so sure was he that they would love and welcome Kyungsoo into the family, he summoned the royal advisers to announce his party plans and to begin the preparations for his upcoming wedding. Almost as an after thought, he sent a message to his parents regarding his plans.

Kai was whistling a happy tune as he sank into his bathtub filled to the rim with bubbles. He was getting married to someone he'd just met today, what could possibly go wrong? He could barely contain his excitement at the thought of seeing his beloved tomorrow and sharing his plans. His joyful humming could be heard from outside his chamber's door as he mentally planned the wedding and absentmindedly made bubble sculptures.

Kai dozed off in the bath with dreams of his beautiful Kyungsoo dancing in his head.


Heechul couldn't forget what the mirror had said about Kyungsoo taking his place as being fairest in the land. To make sure that didn't happen, Heechul summoned his centaur, Siwon, to his secret room.

"What took you so long? I'd think with all of those legs you'd move quicker!" Heechul grumbled.

Siwon remained silent, choosing instead to bow before the Queen.

Siwon's lack of response only served to make the Queen even more angry.

"I have a job for you that requires the utmost secrecy," Heechul began.

Siwon only nodded. All of the tasks for the Queen were top secret. He didn't dare to disobey for fear of the price the Queen would reap would be paid by his innocent family.

"Of course, my Queen," Siwon said, bowing again.

"I need the annoying child that is my stepson to 'disappear' permanently!"

"Of course, my Queen," was Siwon's outward response, while internally he was panicking. He couldn't go against the Queen's wishes but neither could he do any harm to the young Prince. Kyungsoo had been nothing but kind to Siwon and his family, especially when his precious love had fallen ill. Kyungsoo had visited every day until he'd returned to full health. He needs so be very careful how he handled this situation. One wrong move and it wouldn't only be Kyungsoo 'disappearing'.

"As you wish, my Queen. It shall be done." Siwon bowed and quickly left the room, deciding his next move should be to find Kyungsoo and the sooner the better. He soon found the young prince in the kitchen, busily preparing dinner.

"Hello, Kyungsoo. How are you today?" Siwon asked as he picked up a carrot and started munching on it.

Kyungsoo stopped what he was doing and smiled brightly at the centaur.

"Hello, Siwon. I’m doing well. How are you? How's the family?" Kyungsoo gave his friend a quick hug before he returned to his cooking.

Siwon had to fight back the nausea that hit him when the thought of what he needed to do. He managed a strained smile before he replied, "We're all doing well, thanks to you and your kindness."

Kyungsoo blushed at Siwon's kind words. He often visited the villagers without the Queen's permission or knowledge, taking medicine and much food as he could smuggle out of the castle. When his parents had been alive, it had been a common thing for the royal family to personally lend aid when and where needed.

"I just help where I can," Kyungsoo replied with a shrug, "What brings you here today?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go with me into the forest tomorrow so you can gather some herbs and such," Siwon lied.

"That would be great!" Kyungsoo beamed, "But it will have to be very early. I have....errrr.... plans for later in the day and I still have to do chores."

"No problem, the earlier the better," Siwon said as he picked up another carrot.

"Is dawn too early? There are some medicinal flowers that are best to pick in the morning. I would love to add them to my supplies," Kyungsoo asked softly, afraid to hope for a positive response.

"Whatever works best for you." Siwon couldn't help but smile at the shorter boy's enthusiasm. Kyungsoo was always looking out for others before himself.

"Okay, meet me here tomorrow morning, first thing so we can be back early enough so I can finish my chores before...." Kyungsoo smiled to himself. "Before any visitors may come by."

"Till tomorrow than." Siwon couldn't hide the look of sadness as he turned to leave.

"Is something wrong, Siwon?" Kyungsoo asked, concerned at his friend's sudden change of expression.

Siwon tried to hide his distress behind a fake smile. "I'll tell you tomorrow," was his reply as he ruffled Kyungsoo's hair and helped himself to one of the cherry tartlets set out to cool.

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easeguidelight #1
Chapter 3: I thot the three are dwarves but... I'm not quite sure who they are actually. Oh Minseok how long has he been thinking about that?
I hope Siwon is succesful in deceiving the Queen (omg Heechul) and how devastated Kai will be, knowing his bride-to-be fled into the forest??? I really like how this story is going on. Kai is really really hilarious. Bet he'll cry river when he can't find Soo.
Thanks for the update!!!