War of Hormones

Blanket... Kiss?!

Jimin could barely concentrate on  anything for the rest on the evening.

Everything was a haze: the dinner plates, the table, the concern on his best friend's face as he asked, "The hell is wrong with you?" 
Jimin stopped swirling the noodles around his chopsticks, the dazed smile the only sign he had come back planet earth.
"Hm?" He asked, eyes half-lidded. Hoseok looked over at him and shot him a knowing grin, at which he had to hold back a dreamy sigh. 
"You heard me," Taehyung repeated, prodding him in the arm. "You've been acting strange since I got back..."
"Agreed," Jungkook chipped in, his mouth partially stuffed with food. "You came in my room earlier screeching and . Thought you'd seen a ghost or something." 
Jimin's eyes widened, gaze flicking to Hoseok. Hoseok set down his own chopsticks.
"Yeah, Jimin," he smirked over at him, resting his chin on his hand. He ignored the look of pleading in Jimin's eyes. "You are acting pretty strange... Like you're falling in love or something." 
The remaining members paused, all eyes now on him. 
'I ing hate you', Jimin thought as he stared at Hoseok, watching that smirk grow in disbelief.
"You're in love?!" Taehyung turned to face him, shaking his arm roughly. "Oh my god!" 
"Hyung, that's great news!" Jungkook piped up, a wide grin on his face. 
"Ah, it's not like that..." Jimin dropped his gaze to his food, appetite now completely gone.
"Who's the lucky lady, then?" Yoongi was usually silent during meals, but even his interest was piqued. Jimin shook his head, the gazes of the six others closing in on him.
"I'm..." Jimin couldn't seem to get the words out, relying on his flight or fight instincts in a situation that made him uncomfortable.
"I'm gonna go practice," he mumbled, clambering to his feet.
"But it's so late-" Seokjin began, Jimin cutting him off.
"I said I'm going to practice!" Jimin felt his anger surge through him, and before he could get a response he was walking away, as fast as his legs would carry him.
Flight had won this time.
Switching on the lights of the practice room, he let out a sigh of relief. 
Dancing had always been an escape, a passion of his. It had always been something he was good at, and to be able to make a career out of it was like living in a dream world.
Deciding he wouldn't do anything too strenuous, he shuffled his playlist until he came to the song of his choice, War of Hormones. 
This dance had always been enjoyable for him; he could focus mostly on the dance as he had very few lines, and the dance was fun to do. The music began to play, and he felt himself relax into the familiar movements, even smiling at himself in the mirror.
That was, of course, until he heard footsteps.
The music shut off a moment later, and a familiar face popped into view. 
"What're you doing here?" Jimin huffed, scowling at him.
Hoseok just smiled. 
"Coming to see where my boyfriend was hiding," he said with a cheeky grin, stepping closer.
Jimin turned towards the mirror, refusing to look at him.
"I'm not your boyfriend," he mumbled, scuffing his shoe along the floor.
"Aww, but you want to be," Hoseok rested his chin on Jimin's shoulder (though he had to bend down a little), wrapping his arms arms him. Jimin didn't respond.
"Jimin? Look at me."  Hoseok moved to push Jimin's chin up, looking him in the eyes through the mirror. 
"What?" Jimin wasn't afraid to allow the anger to seep into his voice, scowling at the taller boy.
"What's wrong?" He nuzzled his face into his neck.
"You know damn well what!" Jimin slapped him on the arm, but felt himself relax into his arms regardless.
"Don't give me that crap, Jung Hoseok. They all stared at me back there! This could get us in trouble..." He huffed defiantly, crossing his arms. He felt Hoseok laugh, his breath tickling across his skin.
"Don't worry too much," he whispered, running his fingers up and over his arms to comfort him. "They won't notice for a while. They all thought it was a girl, right? Then you don't need to worry about it." Hoseok's lips gently pecked up his neck, causing a sheepish smile to form on his face. 
Everything was silent for a few moments, just the humming of the lights above them and the gentle sounds of their breathing, before Hoseok piped up.
"So War of Hormones, huh?" 
Jimin nodded.
"I remember that song..." A mischievous smile formed on Hoseok's lips, his fingers beginning to roam. 
"Your front is the best..."
 A hand s its way up Jimin's shirt, and Jimin gasped in both anticipation and surprise. 
"Your back is the best..." 
Jimin felt his other hand slide down onto his , making him squirm.
"Every part of you is the best~" he gave him a soft kiss on the neck, pulling him back against him.
Jimin looked down bashfully, his face heated. 
"What is it with you trying to seduce me with songs?!" He asked, in a voice that sounded, even to his own ears, much too squeaky to pass off as his own.
"You know you love it," Hoseok whispered, causing him to shiver.
"Stop... We'll get caught," Jimin breathed, wriggling beneath the hands that seemed to touch him everywhere. He couldn't even look forwards, as Hoseok would see his flustered face in the mirror. Instead, he twisted his head to the side to hide his red complexion, only to flush deeper when he felt Hoseok's lips trail from his collar bone to his ear.
"No... Not now." 
Hoseok's fingers seemed to creep down painfully slow. Jimin held his breath, unsure what to expect.
"Not when I've got you like this."
Hoseok's hand slipped under the waistband of his pants, and Jimin tipped his face towards the ceiling.
Climbing into the passenger seat was tough when your knees were still weak.
Jimin remained a weak mess from the touches Hoseok had given him all the way home, still flustered from the feeling of his lips on his neck as he'd whined Hoseok's name.
Hoseok's hand rested on Jimin's thigh the whole way home. 
Once the car pulled up, Hoseok turned to him.
"You feeling alright there? You seem a little..." He leant closer, his fingers beginning to massage Jimin's inner thigh as he spoke. "...Tense."
Jimin shook his head, swallowing thickly. 
"I'm, uh... I'm fine," he mumbled, feeling almost unable to look the person who'd had his hand down his pants not even an hour ago in the eye.
Hoseok was aware that since Jimin had given him permission to kiss him he'd almost been unable to stop, but he couldn't help it; not when those big eyes were looking at him like that, and certainly not from the way he'd moaned his name earlier. 
"Don't worry, Jiminnie," he said with a smile, pressing a quick peck to his lips. "No one needs to know." 
Jimin's lips parted ever so slightly as he pulled away. He quickly recovered, his lips before grabbing Hoseok's collar.
Hoseok's eyes widened, another kiss unexpected but by no means unwelcome. 
Jimin kissed him roughly and with an inexperienced mouth, all tongue and teeth that bit and nibbled, but in all honesty it felt so much better than the sweet one he was going to use as closure just a moment ago.
Jimin pulled back far too soon for his liking, though.
"I know, Hyung," Jimin whispered in a low voice, and it was now Hoseok's turn to shiver. 
Jimin grinned.
"I was just sealing the deal with a kiss."
Hoseok was shocked speechless, not expecting such a bold move off the usually shy Park Jimin. Thankfully, Jimin brought him back to the real world.
Patting him on the shoulder, Jimin's grin quickly became a smirk, not unlike the one Hoseok had shown him across the dinner table earlier.
"C'mon, hyung, you can't stay in here all night!" He opened the door and climbed out, quicker than the hand Hoseok trailed after him in an attempt to pull him back into his arms. 
Hoseok was a little dumbfounded, but quickly followed suit. 
Jimin winked at him, that cheeky trademark grin shot his way before heading inside.
With a chuckle and a shake of the head, Hoseok climbed the steps up to their apartment, musing to himself.
was about to get interesting around here.
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Eminaw #1
Chapter 2: Is this going to get an continuing?? I love this fan fiction :O
ParkNana13 #2
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! Hoseok how dare you?!
Argh! I love it!

Update soon~~
Jihope is life! Please continue this amazing and cute story :D <3
OMGitsfelicia #4
Chapter 2: Seriously cute!
Chapter 2: Yaaay another update
Chapter 1: I want more!
lldulil #7
Chapter 1: This is awesome I loved it please complete