Where We Stand: Special Chapters


This is a fanfiction based off the Thai novel Lovesick: The Chaotic Lives of Blue Short Guys and the Series that is based from that novel. The perspective of my story will mostly be based in Pete's point of view.

These are the Special Chapters I've created to give insight into the lives of the characters of my fanfiction, "Where We Stand."

They can range from when Pete first met Earn, to a certain time in their lives outside of school, or even the point of view of other characters.

A special chapter will be posted every 1,000-1,5000 views on "Where We Stand" so it's all dependent on the views on my main work, not the special chapters section itself.



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lilith9999 #1
Chapter 3: That's how began their relationship! Cold date for this famous fake cold guy...
Chapter 2: I like this side story. I dont know anythingvabout Dota bug boys always be boys and i enjoyed how they look at things that most people take forvgranted. Thag friendship is very inspiring. Heehee
Chapter 1: How I wish there's an additional 1.5k views for your stories so there'll be a new special chapter~~

At the first paragraph i was thinking the day when pete has been beaten up but it was different and it took me long enough tobrealize theyre kids in this chap. Hihihi I imagine how Earn looks like when he was a chubby kid.