Chapter Two

This Empty Heart

SuJin’s POV

I got a sudden e-mail from an unknown sender. I felt reluctant to open it, as it could be a virus. I observed it for a few minutes though. The subject was “Primary School Best Friend” could it be JinWoo? I met him just a few hours ago but he didn’t remember me. Maybe he saw a picture of us when we were kids and remembered. I do seem a bit different than before. I decided to open it.

From: [email protected]

Annyonghasaeyo SuJin-ssi.

I apologize if I am bothering you. I was the guy with JinWoo at the café earlier. My name is Nam TaeHyun. I was wondering if you would like to see JinWoo again, but this time you both can catch up.

Truthfully, I’m not really supposed to use this e-mail for anything else but business purposes. So if you can, please let us continue this message by Kakaotalk (TrulyTaeHyun11).



Well, that was unexpected. I really hoped it would personally be from JinWoo. But his friend is offering to help me, so I am grateful.

I grabbed my phone and added him. All of a sudden, he sends me a message.

“Annyonghasaeyo SuJin-ah!”

I think he just checked my wiki info page for my age. He used –ssi in the e-mail.

“Annyonghasaeyo^^” I replied.

“You’re like JinWoo! He loves to use that emoticon!” I blushed at the thought.

“Ah, araso. It’s my favorite.”

“KKK anyway, do you want to see him tomorrow?”

“Sure, but only if he remembers me.”

“Yes! No problem, I will take care of that!”

“KKK^^ araso.”

“What are you doing Sujin-unnie?”

“I am resting, TaeHyun. What about you?”

“I’m at the recording studio right now. JinWoo went back inside the booth to record a song.”

“Ah, did he write it?”

“I don’t really know, maybe he has but hasn’t been credited.”

“I see. Well, I’ll chat with you later. I need to get back to work.”


I really hope he remembers me. It’s been so long since that day. I had to reshoot a few scenes because the script had been modified. The storyline is the same but a few expressions and words have been changed. We finished at around 11:30 or so. I got too tired to even check the time.

“SuJin-ah! Are you awake enough to drive?”

“Ah, yes HyunRin. I’m fine. I just had the rest of my cold coffee and I’m feeling more awake.”

“Alright, be careful unnie.”

“I will, you too. Gomawo!”

We’ve been friends since the last drama I’ve shot. Wasn’t a major role, but it gave me some opportunity to make friends and gain more experience. I headed back to my apartment. It was lonely not having a roommate. Maybe I should look for one sometime.


TaeHyun’s POV

“SeungYoon, the melody is off. It became too low too fast.” Mino commented.

“Ani, it’s fine.” He blew off the comment in seconds.

 “It shouldn’t be just ‘fine’, it has to be great!” He insisted on his suggestion.

“JinWoo, stop playing on your phone. Get back inside the recording room.” Mino suddenly pressured everyone the same way.

“I’m going to get a drink, my mouth’s dry.” SeungHoon stood up and left the studio.

“Come on guys! We don’t need this to be difficult!” SeungYoon quickly started to get more focused.

I followed JinWoo inside the recording room. Should I show him the picture or ask about his experience in primary school?

“TaeHyun, when are you going to record your solo song?” He brought me back to reality.

“Oh, I need to edit a few lyrics then probably record it right after.” My feelings aren’t focused on that song at the moment. For some reason, I just want to get JinWoo off the stress. Mino and SeungYoon are having opposite feelings about situations lately and it’s making us very unstable as a group. JinWoo’s the eldest but he’s considered as a lost child.

“Hey, were you popular in primary school?” I directly asked him.

“I was a student. Popular kid or not, we’re all the same and I had fun.” I admired his answer.

“That’s really nice. How about your close friends? Are you still in touch with them?” I don’t know why I’m asking, because clearly he hasn’t. Even our trip to his hometown somewhat proved that. He talked to his first love very shyly.

“Why the sudden question, TaeHyun?” I think he’s suspicious. But of what? I’m not hiding anything.

“I don’t know. You mentioned before that SuJin might have been a classmate of yours in primary school, so I thought I could help you with remembering it.” I honesty am though.

“TaeHyun, I-” He was cut off by the boys on the other side of the wall.

“Guys! We need to focus.” Mino stated.

“Fighting!” SeungHoon quickly tried to show his eagerness for the coordination to run smoothly.

We recorded and recorded and recorded for hours. We were tired, sluggish and especially Mino was starving. We called it a night and promised to do better the next day. I went with SeungHoon to get some take out for us to eat at our apartment.

“What’s up with JinWoo? He won’t stop looking at his phone.” He asked.

“Ah, we met a girl earlier at the café and I think both of them embarrassed themselves.” I looked at the pavement as though answers were written there.

We hurried to get some food then headed back. 

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