
Good Dongsaeng

It happens like this: Yoongi and Jimin have just arrived at Yoongi's apartment after re-dyeing their hair at the hair salon down the street. It's hot, and the room feels stuffy so Yoongi has to turn on the aircon while Jimin whines about wanting some ice-cream. And Yoongi only rolls his eyes and grabs the fried chicken menu so that he can choose what to order since he let Jimin choose Chinese yesterday. When the delivery arrives and Jimin is shamelessly inhaling almost every single piece of chicken that he can get his hands on after Yoongi has paid, he says it.

"So," Yoongi starts after wiping his greasy fingers on the lemon scented wipes that were provided with their delivery. "There's this person that I have my eyes on." He watches as Jimin stops chewing, a piece of fried chicken in front of his plump lips.

Jimin sets the fried chicken onto his paper plate and meets Yoongi's eyes with bright, excited orbs. "What? Who? Oh my gosh, hyung! Since when? You know, this is weird because you don't even like people and, yeah, wow, how come I'm only hearing of this now?" 

Yoongi blinks at Jimin a couple of times, his mind wondering how it is possible that he can speak that fast, with a hint of his Busan accent through.

"Well," he doesn't know what to say. He runs his hands through his newly dyed blond hair that feels just like straw. "I've had my eyes on this person for a while now." He hints, eyeing Jimin as he desparately hopes that the younger male will get the message so that they can move on and go on a date and then maybe cuddle so that he can go to sleep with Jimin in his arms.

"A while?" Jimin's eyes are wide. "Do I know this person?" He inches closer to Yoongi, inspecting his face at a somewhat close distance.

This person is you, idiot. He wants to say, but he doesn't because some other words come out of his mouth. "I saw him at the club you work at." And it isn't a lie, not really. Because Jimin does work at a club, and Yoongi does see him when he visits after work, watching him dj at the top of the room.

Jimin's jaw drops and his eyes grow even wider. "You are going to introduce him to me." Yoongi won't be able to worm out of this one, he can tell because of the way Jimin is looking at him with determination.

"But Jimin," Yoongi thinks of a quick lie. "I haven't even spoken to him yet. All I know is that he goes to the club almost every night."

The younger male frowns, his eyebrows furrowing and oh no, Yoongi thinks, he knows this look. Jimin is thinking of an idea and Yoongi just sort of wishes that they didn't even have this conversation in the first place. 

"It's okay, though, you don't have to meet him. I'm sure I'll have my eyes on someone else soon." Another lie. But Jimin ignores him, with a look of concentration on his face.

"I know!" Jimin exclaims, jumping up off of the couch excitedly. He turns to Yoongi with his blinding smile, eyes completely turning into pretty little crescent moons. "I can be your wingman!"

Yoongi gives him a deadpan look, "No."

It's almost scary how Jimin's bright smile turns into a pout accompanied by puppy dog eyes in a split second. "Why not?"

"Do you even know what a wingman does?"

The kid looks offended, crossing his arms across his chest. "Yes!" He says firmly. "Well, kinda?" He says after a second when Yoongi gives him a look with his left eyebrow arched. "Look, the point is, I got your back! So, you and me are going to the club this Saturday, and you are going to get your man!" Jimin says with so much enthusiasm that Yoongi cannot bring himself to crush the idea as if it were a bug.

"Alright. Fine." He gives in when Jimin doesn't stop looking at him like a cute little puppy that didn't get his treats.

Jimin cheers and starts blabbing on about what time they will meet at the club and what he should wear, and all Yoongi can do is smile because the kid looks all too happy to help him out with this 'dilemma'. But Yoongi now has another problem on his hands: Who will be willing to play as this imaginary character?

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"Jimin is such an idiot!" He complains to Namjoon as he sorts out the stack of documents that their boss has left by his computer.

Namjoon snorts, "That kid's got no jams." He replies from his little cubicle that is beside Yoongi's equally small cubicle.

Yoongi stops what he is doing to move the wheels of his office chair so that he can pop his head on the small gray wall that separates their cubicle. "What does that even mean?" He asks confusedly.

"It means," Namjoon starts as he stops typing and spins his office chair so that he can meet Yoongi's eyes. "That Jimin-"

"Min. Kim. Get back to work." Their boss says from one end of the room.

They both nod and get back to what they are doing.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"How can I like someone so dense?" Yoongi says as he and Namjoon are in line at the Starbucks down the road from where they work. It's hot and the line is full of college students that all look extremely exhausted. Yoongi momentarily wonders if Jimin is in the same state as these students since his lecture has probably just ended.

Namjoon shrugs, "Maybe you didn't make it clear enough for him." Yoongi gives him a look. "What? Oh come on, let's not lie to ourselves. You aren't exactly obvious about your little crush."

"I am!" This time Namjoon gives him a look. "Yeah. I call him my favorite and back in high school I used to let him listen to my mixtapes before you, Hoseok and Seokjin. If that is not obvious enough, then I don't know what is." He says, crossing his arms in front of his chest and huffing out a breath.

Namjoon literally facepalms before patting him on the shoulder. "That isn't being obvious, Yoongi. That's like you telling him that he is your best friend."

"But you are my best friend! And Jimin knows that!" Yoongi replies in exasperation. "Besides, you can't have two best friends! That's weird. There is a reason why it is called best friend."

They shuffle up the line when a college student behind them coughs purposefully. "Well," Namjoon starts, and for some reason, Yoongi can imagine him a beard if he had one. "Some people do have two best friends. Maybe he thinks that him and I are your best friends."

Yoongi just groans and unintentionally glares at the barista for a split second before he inhales and exhales. He tells the barista his order with a small smile, pays for his beverage and takes a seat by the window to wait for his name to be called and for Namjoon to take the seat across from him.

When Yoongi has taken his order from the counter, he returns to his place in front of Namjoon. He takes a couple of sips of his iced Americano before talking.

"What am I going to do?" He groans, watching Namjoon take a big bite out of his brownie.

"I dunno," Namjoon talks with his mouth full of brownie mush and it has Yoongi scrunching his face in disgust. "Maybe you should tell him how you feel." He says after he has swallowed the food in his mouth and has gulped down some of his cool lime refresha.

Yoongi looks at him as if what he said was just the worst thing that he has ever come up with in his whole existance. "And what would I say?" He asks challengingly, sitting up straighter as he crosses his arms across his chest and arches a brow.

Namjoon takes more gulps of his beverage. "How about this; 'Jimin, I love you. I think that you are the most beautiful flower in the garden, the freshest fish in the sea and you remind me of that corgi I wanted back in high school.' Or something like that."

"The most beautiful flower in the garden? The freshest fish in the sea? Namjoon what the does that even mean? Oh and that is complete garbage, Jimin would not fall for anything like that."

The taller male almost looks offended. "That is some grade A, top class poetry man. It'll work, I mean he is a big grease ball so it should go all according to plan."

Yoongi gives him a look full of judgement, "You mentioned that one corgi that I really wanted. I don't think that he would like to be compared to a corgi."

Namjoon rolls his eyes dramatically, "Alright. Fine. How about; 'Jimin, I love you. You are my sun, moon and stars. You are the most cutest and precious person I have ever known, and you always make me smile. And if I had ovaries, I'm pretty sure that they exploded that one time you were dared to flash your abs in front of my basketball team.' How does that sound?"

"No. Namjoon, what the was that about me having ovaries? And how do you even remember when he showed me and my team his abs?" Yoongi sighs, clicking his tongue immediately afterwards. "It was definitely an absolute miracle when Seokjin agreed to date you."

His best friend places his hands on his heart with a look of mock hurt, "Ouch. Yoongi, you hurt my heart."

Yoongi rolls his eyes at him and waves his right hand lazily. Namjoon is about to say something but then his phone rings. Yoongi can tell that it's Seokjin calling because Namjoon's whole face has brightened up.

"Don't act like my confession ideas aren't true." He tells Yoongi before answering the call. Yoongi flips him off which has Namjoon snickering into his call. 

Okay, so maybe he does think that Jimin is the most cutest and precious person he has ever known and all of the other things that Namjoon mentioned. But that does not mean that he can just go up to Jimin and tell him how he feels. It's difficult. He doesn't know how to put his feelings into words.

Yoongi ruffles his hair. "Ah, I don't know." He breathes out aggitatedly, grabbing his drink and taking big gulps. Namjoon gives him a somewhat sympathetic look.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

It's Thursday evening, and Yoongi still doesn't have any ideas on what to do about his little dilemma. Jimin has called him and has visited his apartment all excited and chatty about the coming Saturday. And Yoongi never has the heart to tell him to shut up about it and how he does not want to go and that he [Jimin] is the person that he has his eyes on, because Jimin's eyes are so bright when he talks and his smile is so wide. And Yoongi is just weak when it comes to the kid.

His phone buzzes, and he groans before stretching his arms out and patting the area around him as his attempt to look for his phone. When he finds it, it reads that he has received a text message from Namjoon.

 From : Namjoon

I told Jin abt ur problem and he told Hobi so like if u get a call from him, that's the reason >3<

Just as Yoongi is about to reply using his colorful vocabulary, his phone buzzes again.

From : Namjoon

I'm sorry Jin talked it out of me 😭😭 pls don't be mad at me 😭😭

Yoongi rolls his eyes at the text message.

To : Namjoon


Yoongi decides to patiently wait for Hoseok's call, but his phone buzzes again.

From : Namjoon

Nononono what is with that k dot thing?😱 that means that ur mad at me 😭😭😭😭

Yoongi types back a quick reply.

To : Namjoon

I'm not mad ok so u and ur jasmine can chill 😏😏

Yoongi can picture the face that Namjoon is probably making as he read his text message, and laughs quietly to himself. He decides to change Namjoon's contact name on his phone to amuse him. His phone buzzes again.

From : Jasmine 💩💩

That was one time!!!!! 😠😠😠😡😡😡

Yoongi doesn't reply, instead he just laughs. After he has managed to compose himself, he decides that he should call Hoseok instead of just waiting around.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

He and Hoseok meet at a nice noodle place the following day.

When Yoongi walks through the door, he immediately spots Hoseok. He makes his way to the table that the latter has chosen after speaking to one of the waiters.

Hoseok is all smiles as he reaches their table. "Yoongi! How are you? I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages!" Yoongi smiles back at him as he sits in the seat across from his long time friend. 

"I'm fine, sorry about forcing you to come and meet up with me."

"Don't worry about it," Hoseok says as he waves his hand lazily in the air. "I ordered your usual, is that okay?"

Yoongi nods, "Yeah that's fine, thanks."

As they wait for their food to arrive, the catch up on what they have missed on each other's lives. They haven't seen each other in a couple of weeks because of their work schedules and the fact that Hoseok lives in the suburban part of Seoul. Both complain about work and Yoongi tells Hoseok how Namjoon is doing, and how his relationship with Seokjin is. In turn, Hoseok tells him about how he and Taehyung, the kid who spent time fantasizing about aliens but was secretly smart and is one of Jimin's friends, have moved in together. Yoongi congratulates him and tries not to feel bitter about the fact that his friends from high school have all gotten together and are moving forward with their lives. He bets anything that Jungkook, another kid that has been in their circle of friends since high school, has a girlfriend or something. Yoongi sighs inwardly.

When their food arrives, they dig in. It's about five minutes later when Hoseok asks him about his music. He can only shrug in reply, "Work is eating up my time, but I still write lyrics. I just don't upload any of my mixtapes anywhere."

Hoseok nods understandingly, "That's a shame though because you were pretty popular in high school, Suga." He snickers afterwards, and all Yoongi can do is smile because those were the days. "Man," Hoseok sighs with a cute smile, "you were so popular that you had your own little fan club, remember?"

Yoongi tilts his head, trying to recall the memory. And when he remembers, he suddenly bursts out laughing in a hysterical way. But Hoseok doesn't judge because he is laughing along with him, and yeah, Yoongi has sure missed Hoseok.

"Wasn't Jimin the leader of that fan club?" Hoseok asks once he has composed himself.

Yoongi has to think about it for a moment before the memories hit him all at once. "Yeah, he was. Remember how nervous he was when he started talking to me?" 

Hoseok's laugh is barely audible at this point, clapping his hands in amusement. "Oh my God, yeah," he wipes a tear from his left eye, "that was hilarious!"

"Well you'll have to give my thanks to Taehyung, because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have become friends with Jimin."

Hoseok nods, "Speaking of Jimin.." He trails and suddenly the air feels serious. "I think that you should just tell him how you feel about him."

"Can't." Yoongi replies, "He thinks that I like someone else, remember?"

Hoseok sighs, "He's so dumb sometimes."

"Tell me about it." Yoongi says as he rolls his eyes. 

"Why do you love him again?"

"Because- Wait no, we're suppose to be here because I need your help." Hoseok nods for him as a signal to continue. "Well I'm sure that Jin told you about my situation"- Hoseok nods again -"and well I need someone to pretend to be the person that I like, and I was hoping that you could do it?"

Hoseok makes a hissing noise when he inhales through clenched teeth while he shakes his head to the side, "I don't think that will work."


"Well, don't Tae and Jiminnie meet up at least once every week? I'm sure that Tae would have told him about our relationship."

Yoongi frowns. "You're right."

They sigh in unison and silence takes over. Yoongi feels like cancelling the plan on Saturday. He'd rather sleep all day and work on a new mixtape all night, and he doesn't really like clubs anyway. It's always to crowded, the music is always too loud, he can't dance and seeing people grinding on each other makes him feel uncomfortable. But then an excited looking Jimin flashes in his mind, and he mentally groans at how weak it is when it comes to the kid.

Out of nowhere, Hoseok starts to click his fingers. "Now I remember!" He says, his eyes are wide and he looks like he has just won the lottery. 

"Remember what?" Yoongi asks, left eyebrow raised.

"Right, well, you know the way I was suppose to call you?" Yoongi nods. "Well I have this friend and he owes me a favor because I helped him out this one time and he is willing to play as your fake crush."

Yoongi's eyes grow wide, "Really?"

Hoseok nods enthusiastically, "Yeah. And he agreed to meet us so that way you can be introduced and stuff."

"Wow, thanks a lot. I owe you."

"Nah, you don't owe me anything. I met Taehyung because he hung around with Jimin who was practically your biggest fanboy back in high school."

"He still is!" Yoongi states defensively. Like, he's pretty sure thay Jimin is still his number one fanboy.

But when Hoseok bursts out laughing, Yoongi's face feels a bit warmer and he tries to melt into his chair.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Once they have paid for their meal, they leave the noodle bar. They make their way to a thrift store around the corner. 

When they enter, Yoongi is hit with the smell of freshly washed clothes. He glances at Hoseok, "Are we meeting him here?"

The latter nods, "Yeah, he should be around here somewhere."

Yoongi trails quietly behind Hoseok as he looks for his friend. Yoongi is kind of tempted to look at the clothes, but Hoseok is leading them through all sorts of directions and he doesn't want to get lost so he just pretends that he did not see a very cool looking leather jacket on one of the racks.

"Hobi!" Someone exclaims from somewhere and Yoongi pulls his thoughts away from the leather jacket to look ahead, where a short male is hugging Hoseok tightly. "How are you?" The male asks, voice cheery.

"I'm good, thanks. How are you? And how is San doing?"

"I'm great! San is actually doing really well, he is designing a lot of homes and stuff."

Yoongi is not able to see the male because Hoseok is blocking him, and he does not seem to be that tall either because all Yoongi can see is a bit of deep red dyed hair.

"This is Yoongi," Hoseok suddenly says, moving to the side. "He's the one that you need to help."

Yoongi blinks multiple times. Looking from the short male, to Hoseok who is smiling really wide. Hoseok's friend is like a replica of Jimin. Although his hair is not a vibrant, firetruck red and his cheeks are not that chubby, his height is similar (maybe a one or two centimetres shorter) as well as the shape of his eyes and his lips (although his lips are less plump than Jimin's). Yoongi is still not able to speak. Not even when the person introduces himself.

"I'm Sungwoon! Nice to meet you~" He greets, smiling brightly and it scares Yoongi because his eyes turn into crescents like the way Jimin's eye do when he is smiling.

"Yoongi." he manages to say as he continues to stare at Sungwoon.

Hoseok laughs, "He and Jimin look alike, right?" Yoongi can only nod. "That's exactly why I chose him." Hoseok tells him with another laugh.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

When Yoongi returns to his apartment, he cannot stop thinking about how Jimin and Sungwoon are so much alike. And he does not mean just looks-wise, they are quite the same personality-wise too. Before today, Yoongi has never believed that whole thing about how everyone has at least seven look alikes in the world. But now that he does, he is really interested in meeting his look alike.

He decides not to think about it any further and just changes into his pyjamas before heading to his bed to sleep.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Saturday rolls around quicker than Yoongi thought it would. He swears that it was just Monday yesterday. He has about nine hours until he and Jimin are going to leave his apartment. Jimin will probably arrive at around eight, so until then Yoongi will probably just watch some YouTube videos to pass the time or something.

But as he is watching some videos on his phone, duvet wrapped securedly around his body, his eyelids become heavier and heavier until he finds himself drifting off to sleep.

When he wakes up, there is still plenty of time until Jimin arrives at his appartment so he decides to pick out his outfit. Yoongi walks to his closet, opens it and inspects all of the clothes that he owns.

He figures that he does not need to look too over the top and can probably wear his casual clothes because it isn't like he is trying to impress anybody (except for maybe Jimin). Yoongi finds a plain white t-shirt that is slightly long and oversized, he then digs through his closet and finds his fitted black jeans and he decides that he will wear his favorite leather jacket on top with his black and red Jordans that Jimin had bought him for his birthday.

By the time that he has chosen his clothes, there is about over an hour left until Jimin arrives. But Yoongi decides to take a shower anyway, just so that he will not be rushing to get ready later on and it will give his hair plenty of time to dry.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"Hey hyung!" Jimin greets brightly as he steps into Yoongi's apartment.

Yoongi can only muster a smile as he tries not to drool over Jimin's appearance. The kid has his hair pushed up to reveal his forehead that he normally hides behind a curtain of hair, and Yoongi is pretty sure that he is wearing a bit of eyeliner to define his eyes. He is wearing a sleeveless leather jacket, a black tank top and skin-tight black jeans with the black and white Jordans that Yoongi bought him for the Secret Santa that Namjoon and Seokjin decided to do last year.

Oh , Yoongi thinks as he follows Jimim to his living room, eyes on the latter's the whole time.

"Wanna eat anything before we leave?" Yoongi offers while Jimin leisurely plops onto the couch.

"Nah," the latter replies, "I'm so excited to see this guy!" Jimin adds not missing a beat as Yoongi sits beside him.

Yoongi manages a chuckle, "Yeah…"

Suddenly Jimin is leaning too close to him, which has him gulping nervously and his palms start feeling sweaty. He can feel Jimin sniffing him, his nose too close to the crook of Yoongi's neck. And Yoongi can only curse in his mind because he is not able to say anything, afraid his voice will give everything away. Jimin is so close to him that Yoongi can smell the strawberry scented shampoo that he uses, and even though Yoongi teases Jimin for using female shampoo ("it keeps my hair glossy and healthy, hyung, and it smells nice!") he cannot deny the fact that it smells delicious on him.

"Are you wearing cologne?" Jimin asks as he pulls away, leaving Yoongi slightly disappointed at the loss of their closeness.

Yoongi clears his throat, "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You have that 'daddy' smell," Jimin replies, scrunching his nose in a (really) cute way. "But you smell good." He says after a second, as if he was debating on whether or not he should say it.

Yoongi just rolls his eyes fondly before flicking Jimin's forehead, laughing at the expression that the kid makes.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

They arrive in front of Jamz within the next hour, choosing to walk instead of drive because they know that they both of them will be drinking tonight. The exterior of Jamz has been painted black entirely with dashes of what seems to be glitter scattered all over the place. The sign is a bright, neon pink color that almost blinds Yoongi. How Jimin got employed here, he does not know. 

"Come on Suga daddy." Jimin says, fishing his I.D from a pocket inside his jacket and flashing it to the gaurd at the entrance. (Yoongi chooses to ignore how his heart started beating quicker than normal.)

The guard is an average height male with a scary face. "Hey Chim!" He greets, giving Jimin a gummy smile. "Here for a night out?"

"Yeah. I came here with my friend." Jimin replies with a smile of his own as he gestures towards Yoongi, who smiles kind of awkwardly with a slight nod and shows him his I.D that he retrieved from his pocket. "Later Yongguk hyung!" Jimin says as he grabs Yoongi's hand and leads him inside.

When they walk inside, it's dark with dim, albeit flashy, lights around the room. The music is blasting through the speakers around the room, and it feels like Yoongi's ear drums will explode. Most people are grinding each other on the dance floor, while others are seated around the bar with drinks in their hands. Yoongi immediately begins to feel to warm and confined, and he wants to get out of here but Jimin continues to lead him through a sea of people.

"Do you see your person yet?" Jimin yells over the music while he takes a seat on a stool.

"No." He replies, and it's the truth. Yoongi checks the time on his Rolex (which he bought with hard earned money) and it reads that is it nearing ten o'clock. That means that there is about fifteen minutes until Sungwoon and his friend arrives. Until then, Yoongi will probably just try not to drool over Jimin.

A shot glass is suddenly in front of his face, and he shifts his gaze from the wall behind his long time crush to see the kid looking at him with an expectant look. Yoongi takes the shot glass and raises it to his lips, gulping the alcohol quickly. It burns his throat, and he tries not to wince at the feeling.

They drink two more shots until Jimin decides to make up some code words, to which Yoongi gives him a look for suggesting. "What?" Jimin asks, "every wingman needs some code words for the operation to work." He adds.

"That's ridiculous." Yoongi replies, "all you need to do is back me up, Jimin, it's not like it will be mission impossible or anything."

Jimin clicks his tongue while rolling his eyes, "We just need a couple of code words. Like if you end up not liking the person and you need a way out, or if you think that you wanna get out of here." 

Yoongi gives him another look but sighs, "Alright. Fine."

"Cool," Jimin visibly brightens, "okay, how about if you don't like the person, you ask for some gum or something?" Yoongi just nods lazily. "And if you want to get out of here, just wave a hand at me or something."

Yoongi nods once again, keeping an eye at the entrance to see if Sungwoon and his friend have arrived. And Yoongi thinks that the Gods are with him because he spots Sungwoon walk through the entrance through the mass crowd of people with a tall male at his side.

Yoongi nudges Jimin, "There he is." He whispers into the younger's ear, savouring the closeness between them.

"Alright! Well, walk over there! Or did you want me to first?"

"I think I'll go." He replies. 

Jimin claps him on the back, "Good luck!"

Yoongi shuffles his way to Sungwoon and his friend. When he nears them, he greets Sungwoon with a smile and lets himself be introduced to his friend.

"This is Junhyuk!" Sungwoon shouts over the music. Yoongi nods his head at him with a polite smile. "So, where is your wingman?" Sungwoon questoons curiously.

"The other side of the room with the bright red hair and sleeveless leather jacket."

Sungwoon's eyes sweep across the room. "Oh, you mean the one talking to the short dude with the blond hair?"

Yoongi's eyes widen, "What?!" 

The latter laughs. "I'm kidding," he says, "you should have seen your face!" Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"He's good looking." Junhyuk comments.

Yoongi gives him a sharp look, "Yeah, I know."

Junhyuk gives him an easy-going smile as he raises his arm in mock surrender. "So," he starts, "what am I suppose to do?"

"Well I'll signal Jimin over, and he'll try to get Sungwoon and I to leave together at the end of the night but I want to end up leaving with him." Yoongi answers with a shrug.

Junhyuk nods, "Got it."

"Great." Yoongi then gestures Jimin over to them with ease. "And one more thing," Yoongi says as Jimin eagerly dances his way (in an almost embarrassing way) over to them. "He will be persistant and stubborn."

Sungwoon and Junhyuk nod in unison. Yoongi watches Junhyuk run his long, slender fingers through his dark brown locks and inwardly prays that Jimin wll not fall for whatever kind of charms he has.

"Hi hyung," Jimin greets with a wide smile.

"Hey Jimin, this is Sungwoon and Junhyuk." Yoongi replies.

Jimin makes his way to Junhyuk and immediately begins a lively conversation with the latter. And Yoongi feels like he shouldn't feel the way his stomach churns uncomfortably as he watches Jimin and Junhyuk speak. Because Junhyuk is really obviously good looking; complete with a tall figure, nice teeth and great humour (judging from the way Jimin is laughing easily with him).

"It's okay," Sungwoon suddenly tells him. "Junhyuk will try to get back to us."

Yoongi can only nod his head and muster a smile, hoping for the best.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

It's about half past eleven when Jimin decides to drag the four of them to the dance floor because Junhyuk continuously intervened with his and Sungwoon's conversation. And now all Yoongi can do is bop his head awkwardly to the music because he is not known to be the best dancer around. But it's okay because Jimin is such an excellent dancer that Sungwoon and Junhyuk don't seem to notice his stiff movements and move along with Jimin.

Jimin is drunk. Yoongi can tell because his cheeks are a pretty pink color, and his dance moves are sloppier than his usual sharp moves. But he seems to be having fun and that is all that matters.

When they have wasted their energy, the go to one of the secluded areas of the club to get away from the crowded dance floor.

"Are you two having fun?" Jimin slurs with a smile, "because you should be because then you'll both get laid later!"

They stifle their laughter, although Yoongi is trying really hard not to facepalm, and nod at Jimin.

"Good." He says with a nod. "I am dance masheen!" He adds in English, "you wanna see?" Jimin then starts shuffling on the spot but ends up slipping and landing on his on the ground. Instead of standing up however, he stays in his position. "I am Jeemean~" He sings, "I am dance masheen!" He continues with a nod, as if agreeing with himself.

They laugh quietly, and Yoongi is pretty sure that if Hoseok were here, he would be recording the whole thing on hos phone. And Yoongi would record this whole thing on his phone too, but he wants it to be something that he can tease Jimin with without the latter knowing what he is teasing him about.

Junhyuk offers Jimin his hand, but the kid refuses with a puff of his breath as he crosses his arms against his chest like a child. "Want Yoongi hyungie!"

Sungwoon and Junhyuk snicker as Yoongi grabs Jimin's hand and pulls him up. "You okay?" Yoongi asks when he notices that the kid keeps blinking rapidly.

"Is that a clone?" Jimin asks as he places both of his hands on either side of Sungwoon's face and squishes his cheeks. "You look like me!" Jimin exclaims in a voice that sounds like he is totally amazed while he pinches Sungwoon's cheeks and pulls on them.

Yoongi and Junhyuk laugh quietly as Jimin stares at Sungwoon with a look that is a mix of suspicion and wonder. He even does things, like lift his hands, to see if Sungwoon would follow his actions.

"I'm not your clone." Sungwoon laughs as Jimin inspects his hair color.

Jimin pouts and spins around to face Yoongi and Junhyuk. "Not fair! Why did you choose someone who looks like me when you can have the original Jeemean?

Yoongi looks at him with confusion, "What do you mean?"

The younger male does not answer him. "Why did I have to say that I can be your wingman? I don't even know that that is! And-and then you make it worse by having a daddy smell and all the girls are looking at you likes they wants to eat you up!" Jimin crosses his arms, "I hate it!" He finishes with a stomp of his left foot.

"Well…" Junhyuk trails off as Sungwoon tries to steady a swaying Jimin.

"I think you should take him home." Sungwoon while he hands Jimin over to Yoongi. "Clearly he has things that he wants to tell you."

Jimin hisses, that's right hisses, at Sungwoon. "I'll fight you!" He yells before Yoongi covers his mouth and says goodby to the two before making his way through the ocean of people and exiting the club with Jimin's arm around his shoulders so that he can support the kid.

He hails a taxi so that they can get to his apartment much quicker.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

After paying the fare of their taxi, Yoongi has to drag a blabbing Jimin up to his apartment. Since it is nearly one thirty in the morning, it is safe to say that nobody can stare at Yoongi and Jimin with judging eyes or downright nasty glares, which he nearly one hundred percent of the time returns.

Jimin keeps chatting to Yoongi about how it's not fair how Taehyung and Hoseok are together, and how he is still single and asking why the world is unfair like that. "And you!" Jimin slurs, poking Yoongi on the chest with his index finger as he unlocks the door to his apartment. "You aren't being fair to the Chim-chims either!"

Yoongi pretends that he is actually listening what Jimin is saying by humming as he pushes the door open. He leads them inside, shutting the door with his foot. "Alright Chim-chim," Yoongi says as he practically hauls Jimin into his room and sits him on his bed.

"I means, why you cannot see that I like you?" Jimin continues drunkly, eyes wide. Yoongi also pretends that his heart does not start to hammer against his chest, or that his hands suddenly begin to feel sweaty. "Like, I evens start a fan club for you man! I means, like, why you not notice me senpai?" As Jimin finishes his sentence, he weakly slaps Yoongi's chest.

"Jimin," Yoongi says firmly even though his hands are now most definitely sweating and the room suddenly feels stuffier. And something inside him is nagging that maybe the kid is telling the truth, because some people tell the truth when they are drunk, right? "You're drunk." He says flatly as he bends down to remove Jimin's shoes.

Jimin giggles, "I am drunk, isn't I?" But then he stops giggling and the atmosphere in the room is suddenly all too serious. "But I still like you even if I am not drunk." Jimin adds, not missing a beat as he gently carresses Yoongi's face. 

Their eyes lock, and Yoongi just loses himself in Jimin's dark chocolate kissed eyes. The shoe that Yoongi was removing just falls off Jimin's feet, and he gulps nervously because it might be his imagination but the younger is inching closer and closer to him. And Yoongi thinks because Jimin's breath is fanning is face, and even though it smells like all the alcohol that he has drank, Yoongi does not care. 

"I'm going to kiss you now, hyung." Jimin states, as he nears Yoongi's face while his eyes flutter close.

Yoongi just awkwardly stares because the more responsible and reasonable side of him is nagging him that Jimin is intoxicated. But the other more easy-going side of him that does not care about responsibilty and is all about having fun, is telling him that it is okay because Jimin basically confessed his feelings for him and that this is the moment that he has always been waiting for. And just as Jimin tilts his head, Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut and hopes that he will not regret this in the morning.

But the kiss does not come because Jimin's cheek is suddenly colliding with his own, making Yoongi wince slightly at the unexpected contact. Yoongi peeks down at Jimin, who is now asleep on his right shoulder. He watches how when the latter exhales, his cheeks puff out and he is quite tempted to count Jimin's eyelashes, but he doesn't. Yoongi observes him for another minute or so, as Jimin's breath tickles the crook of his neck.

He then sighs with a smile on his face, "This kid." He mutters as he gently pushes Jimin off of him and onto the bed.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

When Yoongi wakes up the next day, he sluggishly stands up from where he slept on the couch and heads off tiredly to the kitchen to cook himself and Jimin a big breakfast.

Just as he finishes plating up the pancakes, a zombie-like Jimin walks in. Yoongi smiles brightly at him, gesturing at a seat as he pours him some water into a glass.

"Eat up." Yoongi tells him as he hands him the glass if water with a pat on the back. He then shuffles over to settle into his own seat.

Jimin mumbles a small 'thanks' before he begins eating. Yoongi does the same, cutting up his sausage and placing a piece into his mouth when he is done. The atmosphere is slightly awkward, something very new in their relationship since they have not been this awkward aince the day they met. And as Yoongi munches on his pancake, he wonders if it is awkward because Jimin has remembered what took place yesterday.

Yoongi clears his throat, "I'll make you some hangover soup if you'd like." He offers as he finishes up the last of his bacon. Jimin just nods slightly, which leaves Yoongi sighing inwardly as he stands up to place his dishes in the sink. He then gets started on fhe hangover soup.

Jimin still has not spoken at least a sentence to him, and Yoongi does not know what to do with himself because normally Jimin is the one who does all the talking.

"You know," he starts as he watches Jimin drink his soup. Yoongi bites his lip, trying to think of what to say because Jimin is suddenly staring into his soul, and it feels like he is slowly drowning in the dark abyss that are Jimin's eyes. Oh, and Jimin looks pretty irresistable in his clothes, which does not exactly help him in any way at all. He gulps nervously, here it goes, he thinks.

"I think that you are the most beautiful flower in the garden, the freshest salmon- wait no ." Yoongi cringes at his mistake internally. "What I meant was, you are the freshest fish in the sea, and uhm you remind me of that corgi that I wanted back in high school."

The corners of Jimin's lips have curled upwards, and before Yoongi knows it, Jimin is smiling his favorite smile. "I remind you of a dog that you wanted back in high school?" He teases.

But Yoongi's mind is going haywire to even notice that Jimin is teasing him because I will ing kill Namjoon, that little . "N-no, what I meant to say is that you are a precious little cinnamon bun that always makes me smile. And I really like you so will you go out on a date with me already?" Yoongi wants to just wallow in his embarrassment because his lisp just totally showed and he even stuttered, and he does not think that he will be able to face Jimin again for the rest of his existance to be honest.


"Like you don't even say yes just- wait, what?"

"I said 'okay' as in, I will go on a date with you." Jimin smiles, practically blinding Yoongi. "You are so cute Yoongi hyung." Jimin adds afterwards with giggles.

Yoongi doesn't even try and flick Jimin in the forehead about what he just said because the kid just agreed to go on a date with him! And somewhere in the back of his mind thinks that he should thank Namjoon later.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Yoongi and Jimin spend the rest of the day cuddling in his bed. And when Jimin falls asleep, Yoongi grabs his phone from where he left it on his bedside locker last night and snaps a quick photo of them.

To : Jasmine 💩💩

I got the guy thanks to ur ty words of wisdom 🎉🎉

[large.jpg inserted]

Once Yoongi has sent his text message, he places his phone by his side and runs his fimger through Jimin's soft locks. His phone vibrates against his thigh and he retrieves it.

From : Jasmine 💩💩

Congrats! Told u my idea would work 😏😏 We should go on a double date ( ^∇^)

To : Jasmine 💩💩

Yh invite Hobi and Tae too 

From : Jasmine 💩💩

What abt Kookie???? 😓😓

To : Jasmine 💩💩

If he has someone then yh sure

From : Jasmine 💩💩

Cool ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

After reading Namjoon's text message, Yoongi places his phone back onto his bedside locker and wraps his arm securely around Jimin before shutting his eyes and falling asleep.


Yo, so this is that one yoonmin prompt that was given to me like ages ago OTL And wow yh i am so embarrassed abt what happened, like i didn't even untick the hide chapter box so i'm just ?¿????¿??????¿¿¿?? But anyways, i hope u enjoyed this piece of trash and become yoonmin trash like meeee~ (⌒▽⌒) if u want, u can send me prompts here; Oh and Sungwoon and Junhyuk r both idols from the group HOTSHOT and if u haven't listened to any of their songs, i highly recommend that u do!~ (rain on me is a really great beat track from them & i'm a hotshot is a very, very good title track) ♥♡♥ ≧﹏≦


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Chapter 1: oMg SO CUTE AhhHHH
helloovenus #2
looks good!
And drunk ChimChim is so cute!
Thank you♡♡♡♡
ArchieJowist #4
This story was the cutest thing I read this month~ I'm such a Yoonmin trash because of fics like these tho... And I really can see Yoongi being like this in the real life - he is such a cutie that wouldn't know how to confess properly, haha! I completely adore how you wrote his character! And besides all these "aww"s I gave out, I laughed a lot too... because how can Jimin work in a club called "Jamz" when he got none of them? XDD Oh, the irony *wipes a tear*
Thank you for sharing, it was super cute and funny~ Had to save it under the "Favourite" label <3
Chapter 1: Oh my God soooo many fluffy chills I really loved reading this ^^
This is so cuteeeeee
XD Yoongi was so clueless ugh
Haha glad they dated!
^^ good fic!
beulucido #7
Chapter 1: This is so cute!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 1: oh yeah i just watched "I'm a Hotshot" and that's a great song!
thank you for updating!
kpopbrazil #9
Chapter 1: so cute! exactly the kind of yoonmin that i love: jimin cute and energy ball and suga struggling with his feelings. i loved this so much!
meNmylifestyle #10
Chapter 1: awwhhh awwwwhhhh awwwwwhhhhhhh
You continue it!!
I was about to close the tab when I see it's just one chapter like before, but then I thought something's wrong, so I click on the first chapter again and God I was smiling like a creep when I see the continuation of it!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful fluff, author-nim ><