Chapter 3

Weed Chairs

AN: I'm not sure if you guys noticed, but the typing style of this fanfic has slowly been getting better as the story progresses. That's exactly how I planned it! Honestly, It started as a joke, but now I'm slowly improving the writing style on this fanfic because I genuinely enjoy the story I have created. Silly isn't it? So, if you stick around, it should get better with time. At least, I hope it does. But then again, this is my first fanfic EVER so we shall see. And to be quite frank with you guys, I have not a single plan on how I'm going to end this fanfic. Anways, thank you for sticking around this long! 

Also, as a side note, this is suppose to take place during the GD&TOP era. Which means Jiyong has black hair and Seunghyun has his loverly blond hair!


Head pounding and body aching, Seunghyun rose into a sitting position with one hand massaging his forehead. While seated, he took the opportunity to search his surroundings only to realise he had been passed out on his bedroom floor just moments ago. How did he end up there? Before he could think farther on the topic, he noticed the air around him seemed thick and there was a faint smell of something burning in the distance. Seunghyun jumped in alarm, nearly falling over in the process from the sudden movement. After regaining his balance, he slammed open the bedroom door and ran in the direction the smell was coming from. Out of breath and heart pounding, Seunghyun finally reached the kitchen… with Jiyong?


After noticing another presence, Jiyong gave a startled yelp as he turned around to face the other man, a plate full of burnt food in hand. After realizing who was behind him, Jiyong presented the burnt food proudly to the other man with a smug grin plastered on his face.

“Hey sleepy head~ I made you some breakfast,” the dark haired man chirped

“I felt bad for causing you to pass out earlier so I thought I would make it up to you by making you some food,” he rambled out before Seunghyun could question his motives, then continued, “So eat up!”


Seunghyun stood before Jiyong, mouth agape and mind wandering all over the place trying to form even a single sentence. Did he really pass out? That would explain why he was on the floor, but why was Jiyong in his kitchen? Seunghyun began rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. Why couldn’t he remember anything that happened last night? Letting out a deep breath in defeat, he finally asked “What happened last night?”
A tension grew, and with that, Jiyong placed the plate full of burnt food down on the counter and pursed his lips while tapping his chin. Jiyong's gaze shifted from the blond to looking slightly off to the side, as if this was a difficult question. “Do you want to hear what happened before the first time you passed out or the second,” he asked slowly. After hearing the response, Seunghyun let out a loud groan. This was going to be a pain.

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Chapter 3: Rofl okay first poor oppa

Second hahahahahhahahahah
kamisan #2
Chapter 3: Hahahahha jiyong is sooo mischievous
Looking forward next update
this is funny-
kamisan #4
Chapter 2: ok that's funny hahahaha i like it
please update more